Who is reborn? Who is in love?

376. 376 Parents meet? Intersection

Chapter 376 Parents Meet? Intersection

Qin Jingqiu didn’t plan to stay in Jeju for too long, because Jeju was a strange city for her. She came here just because of Feng Nanshu.

After eating with Feng Nanshu, she officially met Jiang Qin. She was also a mind.

However, in addition to these two things that must be done, Qin Jingqiu also had something to do, but after thinking about it for a long time, he was a little hesitant, that is, whether he should see Jiang Qin’s parents.

According to normal logic, it should not be, because Qin Jingqiu is just Feng Nanshu’s uncle, not parents, and suddenly proposed that parents who want to see others will be abrupt.

The second is because they are only twenty years old, and they have not been to see their parents. If they are so anxious, they will always give people a feeling that they can’t wait to send their niece.

Qin Jingqiu hurts Feng Nanshu the most. She didn’t want to send her niece away at all, so she couldn’t find a reason.

Jiang Qin was also distressed during this time, because his parents knew that Feng Nanshu’s uncle came and wanted to see it.

For them, although they are not direct relatives, they can be regarded as Feng Nanshu’s family.

You have left his little girl for so long, and it is not appropriate to say hello to her real elders. Second, they also want to see the attitude of each other. After all, the Feng family is a big family.

But the reason for Qin Jingqiu’s hesitation was the reason for their hesitation. After all, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu were only twenty years old. At this time, they saw that parents were too early.

And the dog son is still strong every day, and his mouth closed is a good friend. What name should you meet?

If they put forward the idea of meeting, they are willing to be okay, and they do n’t want to seem to have a little bit of the old Jiang family.

The world of adults is a bit complicated, especially in contact like this. It is too much, too light, and it is difficult to grasp.

“Feng Nanshu’s birthday passed a year ago.”

“My parents’ birthday is not on this time period.

“I’m not to mention …”

“But I still have to see, after all, I am a good friend of my life.”

Jeju Shuiyang is light. Jiang Qin sat on one of the small tables, meditating a bunch of date in front of him, and did not know how many brain cells he died.

At this moment, Guo Zihang and Yang Shuan opened the thick curtains and walked in. Wearing a new cotton jacket, it looked red and full of red. At first glance, he received a lot of red envelopes, and his walking posture was a bit prestigious.

Jiang Qin watched them coming in, and suddenly it turned on in front of him, and immediately had a feeling of seeking the clouds.

“Lao Guo, Shu An, come, come, please sit.”

Yang Shu’an and Guo Zidang looked at: “Is there an ominous premonition? Back to school again?”

Jiang Qin waved his hand and said with a cordial smile: “You choose someone to come out and have a birthday tomorrow.”


“Ah, what is your birthday, Lao Guo, your kid has not loved his birthday? Before he returned to the wall in high school, he went out to celebrate. As a result, he was caught by the class teacher and sang two hours of happy birthday songs at the door of the dormitory. forget?”

Guo Zihang opened his mouth aggressively: “But my birthday is August 26th.”

Jiang Qin patted the table: “I know, can’t we pass it in advance? I put a large push for a large row.”

“Is there still ahead of birthday?”

“You can’t live, but give me back the red envelope that Feng Nanshu gives you!”

After listening to it, Guo Zihang shouted immediately after hearing, so that Jiang Qinxin showed a smile with satisfaction.

Xiao Guo was wondering at this time, so he turned to look at Yang Shu’an: “Lao Yang, why is it you who have passed your birthday in advance?”

Yang Shu’an’s mouth was crooked: “Because we didn’t talk.”


The birthday of helping Xiaofa was earlier, and Jiang Qin started to prepare. He first set the banquet hall, bought an invitation letter, wrote Guo Zi Fairy Day Banquet, and asked for XXX. A big cake.

What is a friend?

This fucking is called a friend!

First of all, Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong who knew the news. I heard that Guo Zi took the birthday to invite them. When the couple were a little confused, when Jiang Qin said that Feng Nanshu was going to go, the two sons were two, and they started to take care of their hearts. No announcement.

Qin Jingqiu was almost the same. At first, I heard that Jiang Qin’s classmates invited themselves, and they were also wondering. They said that they couldn’t beat these eight poles.

But when she heard that Jiang Qin’s parents had gone, she understood calmly.

Reasonable, very reasonable!

As a result, Guo Zihang, born in August, held his birthday banquet on February 19.

In addition to Feng Nanshu’s uncle and Jiang Qin’s parents invited to participate in the birthday banquet, there are also Kong Sisi, Duan Yan, and Shao Xianghao. They are not to lively, but to make the scene more reasonable.

One day before Qin Jingqiu, he made a full set of care in the city’s beauty salon, and sent someone to send a dress from Shanghai quickly.

Yuan Youqin also quickly scalded her hair, bought clothes, and took Jiang Zhenghong to scrape her face.

So on the day of February 19, the two people came to the booked banquet hall as appointment.

Guo Zihang, who was false, sat in the Lord, and he was shaking.

“Huan … Welcome everyone to participate in my birthday banquet.

Kong Sisi went to the side: “Zihang, is that your mother? The temperament is so noble.”

Guo Zihang glanced at Feng Nanshu’s uncle: “No, no, it’s Feng Nanshu’s uncle.”


Kong Sisi was also a little embarrassed: “You have a birthday, why did Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu’s elders come?

Guo Zihang pursed his lips: “It’s amazing to say, my parents don’t know that I have a birthday today.”


At the same time, Qin Jingqiu was sitting next to Feng Nanshu, and carefully observed Jiang Zhenghong and Yuan Youqin. Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong were also observing Qin Jingqiu. Parents of both sides would smile politely when they accidentally looked at each other.

However, because everyone came in the name of Guo Zihang’s birthday banquet, it was a bit unhappy, and they could only understand according to the visual impression.

Qin Jingqiu felt that Jiang Qin was more like Jiang Zhenghong, but his eyes were very similar to Yuan Youqin, and Yuan Youqin felt that the other party was indeed a big family. Although he was not very old, he was really young.

Subsequently, the birthday banquet opened, everyone started eating and drinking.

Guo Zihang knows that although the protagonist in the nominal nominal is herself, but there is actually other meanings in the back, so the entire banquet is firm in principle and eat more.

When the dishes were almost eaten, the hotel waiter pushed the cake prepared by Jiang Qin in advance.

With the cake entered the venue, everyone got a chance to get up and leave the seat, and I don’t know who took the initiative. Anyway, Yuan Youqin and Qin Jingqiu got together.


“Hello, is it Nan Shu’s uncle? It’s so young, someone said it is a sister.”

Qin Jingqiu laughed and did not show his teeth: “You are also very young, almost the same as what I think. In fact, I wanted to meet you for a long time. Jiang Qin was so excellent. At first glance, I inherited my parents, so I was very two of you. curious.”

Yuan Youqin is actually a bit stressful. After all, Qin Jingqiu does have the kind of cold and elegance of a wealthy lady. It is not comparable to ordinary housewives. Otherwise, Jiang Qin will not say that Feng Nanshu’s temperament is similar to her.

But it can be seen that Qin Jingqiu was full of goodwill.

Yuan Youqin’s pressure was a lot smaller, and Zhan Yan smiled: “We have always wanted to visit you. After all, we took Nan Shu to our house without saying hello.

Qin Jingqiu shook his head directly: “Nan Shu is very lonely here for the New Year, so I should thank you.”

“Nan Shu, this child is too flattering. If you are embarrassed, I want to steal her home.”

“Jiang Qin is also good. Nanyu’s uncle and I often joked that Nanshu, our family, had few friends, and I accidentally dug a gold mine.”

When the parents of the two sides meet, they boast that each other’s children are the most likely to enhance their feelings. Just like Yuan Youqin and Qin Jingqiu, they have closer each other’s relationship between the three words.

And they can see that Yuan Youqin really likes Feng Nanshu, and Qin Jingqiu really appreciates Jiang Qin. Based on this core, the conversation between the two sides is very happy.

Qin Jingqiu talked about some of Feng Nanshu’s childhood, and Yuan Youqin also shared the matter of Feng Nanshu at home to help dumplings at home. Jiang Zhenghong was a supplementary explanation of the topic as an off -site personnel.

“Two children go to college outside, it is good to be able to take care of each other.”

Qin Jingqiu nodded in agreed: “Yeah, Nan Shu’s ability to live is weaker, and Jiang Qin protects her. I can rest assured that Jiang Qin is a bit troublesome.”

“What’s more troublesome, take care of your daughter -in -law … Uh, good friends.”

Qin Jingqiu was stunned by her suddenly, and then the two looked at each other and laughed.

Yes, some things are too early now. Parents cannot be qualitative for children, as long as everyone understands.

Jiang Qin was standing beside the cake cart at this time, reaching out to pat the shoulder of Guo Zihang: “How is it, is you happy to have a birthday?”

Guo Zihang thought about it, “Happy, but why is the name on this cake Guo Zixing?”

“Then it means you can do it!”

“Oh, this is the case …”

Jiang Qin smiled with his teeth, turned to look at Feng Nanshu, and found that Xiao Fu’s wife was watching him, and then suddenly raised the arm of deceiving Cream Sai Xue, shaking the big emerald bracelet on his wrist.

Seeing this scene, Boss Jiang suddenly showed a gratifying smile. He felt that although the little rich woman was stupid, he should be able to realize what it means.

That’s right, their deep friendship has been witnessed by parents of both parties at this moment!

(It’s really good to write, come on a monthly ticket!)

Come to a monthly ticket

(This chapter is finished)

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