Chapter 371 Curiosity

In the early morning of the next day, Jeju outside the window started to snow again, and the street was pure white, and it looked cold enough.

Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong got up early to work, and the movement of Mi Kajie also woke up Jiang Qin. Anyway, he couldn’t sleep. Jiang Qin went out with them. He went to the breakfast shop opposite the community to buy Xiaolongbao and Hu Spicy Soup. Essence

When he came back with breakfast, Feng Nanshu had got up and was sitting in the living room with a stunned look. When he saw him back, he whispered and suddenly got up.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qin’s heart suddenly throbbed.

There is a beautiful girl at home waiting for herself, and I can see it when I come back, which makes him a little stunned.

“Go to wash your hands, and then come over for breakfast.”

Feng Nanshu went to the bathroom and suddenly turned back: “Jiang Qin, there is really that kind of inside, but can’t you see the glass inside?”

Jiang Qin stunned and said after careful consideration: “There should be, there may be, the different refractive index may cause the single -thorough effect, but I’m not sure. “,”

“oh oh.”

Feng Nanshu wore slippers, ran to the bathroom, then brushed his teeth and washed his face, and had breakfast with Jiang Qin. He soon resolved the bought Xiaolongbao and Hu hot soup.

Jiang Qin stretched out his hand to wipe her mouth: “Are you full?”

Xiao Fu Nod nodded: “Full.”

“I want to deal with work, you watch TV obediently next to me, and wait for me to finish playing with me.”


The winter vacation is very beautiful for Jiang Qin, because there are heating at home, snow outside the window, with feet in his hands, and little rich woman in his arms.

What kind of New Year, isn’t this the New Year?

Jiang Qin was sitting on the sofa, his feet for a while, and a mouse for a while, and the mouse for a while.

However, Feng Nanshu asked some strange questions every day, which sounds inexplicable.

“Jiang Qin, is there a machine that can suspend time in the world?”

“No, we are the creatures of the three -dimensional world, and we can’t reach this field. Unless humans can enter a higher dimension one day, I guess it is not possible. What they have never seen before. ”

Jiang Qin said that Feng Nanshu also knew that after all, she was the real god of scholars, but she just wanted to verify to ensure the accuracy of the answer.

This is called rigorous, just applaud!

Jiang Qin didn’t know where she came from, but when she saw any fantasy novels, she didn’t care too much, but always focused on work.

Through notebooks and chat tools, he is now remotely controlled by Zhihu, Fighting, Linchuan Business Gang and Golden Sannan Foundation. The online is still motionless.

At present, the branches of Xitian, Hamburg Emperor, River Liao and Green Pepper grilled fish have been full of twelve cities.

Convenience stores, fresh supermarkets, hotels, and various entertainment venues are also closely followed, and the momentum is strong.

But as Jiang Qin said, 2010 was a year when the Internet subverted the country, and many Internet companies were working hard to do things.

They don’t move online, but some people are crazy online.

On January 15, the base camp of the Hearts moved to Shanghai. According to the employees of the pushing station and the Shanghai branch station, the television stations and radio programs on Shanghai have appeared in the “Shipping New Year’s Day” advertisements.

As soon as it came up, it was TV advertising and broadcast news. This is really a big deal. Otherwise, it ’s a rich second generation? How can it be like yourself?

However, Zi Qing’s sister seems to be really broken, and she can’t help rushing when she just learned.

Of course, this is not a mistake, at least not yet.

Because in the Internet industry, everyone generally has a consensus, time is money, and burning money is the most accelerated means.

But as soon as the group group came up, it was so big, and it could be considered directly crooked the atmosphere of the Internet business war.

Jiang Qin can understand their thoughts. After all, the New Year is the New Year. The market consumption has reached the peak season. If this level is good, the casual group may really win more than half of the Shanghai market through the New Year’s goods festival.

“I hope Ye Ziqing should not meet competitors prematurely.”

Jiang Qin released the mouse and found that the TV had begun to play advertisements.

What 2 carat diamond pendants, the exclusive top -level eight -hearted and eight arrows are perfectly cut, and the explosive price is 998.

There are also pool energy burning energy saving stoves, condensed fire saving energy, oxygen -absorbing, anger, saving money, heat insulation and cooling, windproof fire prevention, Liu Cixin must have such imagination, and there is nothing wrong with wandering the earth at all.

Jiang Qin talked for a long time, and suddenly he stunned, saying that Xiaoyao liked to watch such a TV advertisement?

Then he turned his head and looked at it, and found that Feng Nanshu didn’t look at the advertisement at all, but stared at the direction of his crotch.


Jiang Qin looked hungry along her eyes: “Little rich woman, what are you looking at?”

Xiao Fu’s wife immediately returned to God, and Sakura Hong’s mouth pursed: “I didn’t watch any good things, I’m watching TV.”

“You can see the advertisement, do you want to buy an energy -saving cooker?”

“I, I want to buy one for my aunt.”

Jiang Qin smiled slightly: “You will coax my mother happy, and no wonder she likes you so much. Unfortunately, TV shopping is fake. You see the fire seedlings, it is all on P.”

Feng Nanshu exhaled gently, and glanced at it again, “Jiang Qin, I don’t want to watch TV, I want to play your spare phone.”

“Huh? Why did you mention this again? I said all of the mobile phones, which were all commercially affordable, and others couldn’t see it. Do you even want to play?”

“I’m not someone else, I am your rich woman.” Feng Nanshu looked dumb.

Jiang Qin reached out and squeezed her pink face: “My mobile phone has a strong temper, and she gets angry when she moves, especially in the beautiful girl, the more beautiful the temper, especially you.”


“Because you are particularly beautiful.”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he closed the notebook, then picked up the remote control, and planned to find a beautiful show for Xiao Fu’s wife.

He felt that Xiao Fu’s eyes have become more and more lonely recently. Perhaps he has not been with her in the past few days. The little girl is like this. Throughout the day, she thinks about playing with good friends and a cute batch.

Sure enough, Feng Nanshu’s attention was gradually shifted by the TV series: “What was that just now?”

“Friendly apartment, not very good -looking, is a group of music people looking for fun.”

“What about this?”

“The rural friendship story is not interesting. There is a person named Xiangxiu in it, and you can make friends with anyone.”

Jiang Qin changed the platform for a while, and it felt that there was nothing to look good. There were only a few re -broadcast of a few draft shows, and it looked noisy.

Feng Nanshu couldn’t help but yawn, as if a little sleepy, so he moved his little butt and picked up on Jiang Qin’s thigh, and he was well -behaved like an orange cat.

Flying snow in winter, warm and baked living room sofas, there is a meaningless TV series in the TV. This scene is really very warm. At least Jiang Qin feels like this. Not.

However, Xiao Fu’s woman obviously didn’t think so. She pillow Jiang Qin’s legs. At first, her face was out of the direction in the TV, but soon she turned around and wanted to turn it. Small faces are inward.

Pillow on your legs and small faces, this still has it?

Jiang Qin was shocked, quickly pinched her little face, and righteous her head back.

What is the situation? Did you really focus on my spare phone? She didn’t do this before. Although she was also curious before, she gave up as long as she said that she would not give her, and she was so attached today.

Damn, where is something wrong?

Is it that I have been handsome these days in recent days?

“Jiang Qin.”


“There is something to knock on my little head.”

Jiang Qin coughed and pretended not to hear. He reached out and took a pillow and continued to think about what links.

Feng Nanshu opened his watery eyes, his cheeks were slightly drum, pretending to watch TV, but his expression was like a cat who had not eaten cat food.

Those who have experienced experience know that sometimes the art of the soul is really water and grinding. There are also actions.

But for some paid websites, let’s show you the love in front of you. Those who move in the back can only be seen by members.

After changing the new website, Jiang Qin’s computer was simply not logging in. It was only a few minutes to see time, and the knowledge content was very small.

What’s more, Feng Nanshu still looked at her eyes.

This caused her to be confused between known and unknown.

To put it simply, the door of the new world has opened, but it is not open. There is a seam that can be seen, but there is no point, but no matter whether there is a key point, this door is also open.

If you drive, even if people can’t get in, it is difficult to close it again.

Jiang Qin didn’t know that Su Nai was not honest when he was fucking on vacation. He even gave him a surprise that was comparable to nuclear bombs, but he vaguely felt that the situation was a bit serious, so he was trying to divert Feng Nanshu’s attention.

“I will take you to Chengnan High School in two days? Lao Guo sent me QQ yesterday, saying that his cousin received a notice that he was going to the new campus in Dongcheng. If you don’t see it again, you will not be seen in the future. ”

“Okay, but Jiang Qin, why do we have no health room in high school?”


(This chapter is finished)

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