Who is reborn? Who is in love?

361. 361 The Charm COS of Little Rich Mother

Chapter 361

Knowing that users are about to break the 10 million, this is enough for Jiang Qin. Now the marketing team has withdrawn all the people in the brand marketing plan of Lingchuan Shang Gang, which is also to speed up the whole situation.

After all, in addition to knowing the springboards, these pillars must also be thick enough to stabbish fast and good, so as to form a commercial closed loop.

In this way, the group can be invincible, and it is difficult to get him in a short time even if capital burn money.

The other is Ali’s Double Eleven Shopping Festival. This is a new peak in the history of online shopping. A big plan. Ali will definitely spare no effort to create the festival at a cost.

Jiang Qin holds the resources of colleges and universities across the country. Of course, he will not give up this opportunity. He must have a fierce promotion fee.

The higher the cost, the more stable the brand value of Zhihu, and it can also attract more attention.

As for whether Ali will wear small shoes in the later period, this does not need to consider it, because Ali’s investment style is swallowed after raising. Even if there is no lion’s opening, he will definitely put on these small shoes.

Finally, it is the most important project in the business plan in 2010. It is also Jiang Qin who has paid countless crystals, and it is not too much to make Dong Wenhao prepare for half a year.

Jiang Qin smiled, and the luminous teeth in his mouth exposed the light of the people.

At the beginning, I just wanted to be freedom of wealth. I never thought that I would do so big, but now it is getting bigger and bigger. Who is this mother looking for?

“Everyone knows their tasks?”

Jiang Qin had just instructed the staged tasks below. He didn’t look up. After finishing speaking, he found that a group of monsters and monsters in front of him were fierce.

Take the sickness of the sickle, the terrorist nun, the Qing Dynasty zombies, the nurses of silence, and the dive champion Chu Renmei, all of them grinned, the scene was really hell.

Grandma’s resentment is bigger than ghosts?

Especially the indoor is dull and dark, but there are some electrical indicators with red or green light, which looks very weird.

“Keke …”

“Suddenly thinking of one thing, should we have not issued a bonus for a long time?”

Jiang Qin took out a thick envelope from the desk, took out a stack of money to take a picture in his hand. When he saw this scene, the evil spirits of the grinning teeth instantly converged their expressions, one by one became stupid and cute. Many.

When Grandpa Mao’s Grandpa Mao was attached to his head like a spell, they would also shout for the boss.

“Listening to the drama club in the front square, a Halloween -themed dressing party, after finishing the work at hand, let’s go shopping together.”

“Long live the boss!”

“Good guy, Long live the god of death? Do you want to make money?”

Jiang Qin turned his hands back, grabbing the night -like cloak, handsomely like Wu Yanzu.

The major environment around the millennium is gradually open. Some Western aesthetic trends have been spread in China with the introduction of the film, which has also led to the spread of related cultures.

For example, Halloween is very popular in universities that are most popular.

In the night, Boss Jiang’s college supermarket was hung with pumpkin lamps, which looked quite tasteful. There were also many part -time students who were dressed as small skeletons in the front square.

At the same time, Xi Tian was also engaged in activities, and launched milk tea packaging with blood bags, and even the straws of milk tea made into the shape of the infusion pipe.

The dressing ball hosted by the Drama Club is south of the front square, near the position of the maple wood, and a punch card is also set up next to it, telling me to miss you in hell, inspired by the sweet and sweet punch wall.

With the difficulty of the night, a pair of small wings of the fan and fan fan appeared from the academic road to the front square.

Jiang Qin turned his head and found that he was a cute little rich woman.

Feng Nanshu was wearing a black skirt with a layer of leather vest with a sharp corner on his head. There were two black bat wings behind him. A heart shape.

Then black stockings with black boots, painted black eye shadows and black lipsticks, and paired with her expressionless face, alive a high -cold and small charm.

Her facial features were very delicate. Such a match is almost obsessed with individuals.

Jiang Qin watched her coming from the night, and her eyes could not be opened. I always felt that it was a little loss to see it.

“The abominable little charm.”

“It’s because of a little silly and good friends who are too serious and accidentally fall into hell.” Feng Nanshu explained a seriously.

Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched: “You even gave yourself so many buffs?”

Feng Nanshu narrowed his eyes: “Brother, praise.”

“It’s beautiful to die, it’s just a little angel, but it is a bit difficult to get fascinated by Wu Yanzu in Jeju.”

Wei Lanlan was dressed as a witch tonight, and wearing a sharp witch hat stood by the side: “This is what I chose for the boss’s mother, but I didn’t expect it to be so suitable, it was almost beautiful.”

Feng Nanshu rolled up his cheeks: “Lanlan is a good person.”

“So … what kind of ghost played by Xiao Gao?”

Jiang Qin turned to look at Gao Wenhui, and the other party wrapped his head with a circle of toilet paper, and only a pair of eyes were wearing a white sportswear under the eyes.

“It is mummy, but Fan Shuling is too sloppy. I think I waste toilet paper, and also said that wearing a white dress is almost the same.” Gao Wenhui couldn’t work.

“Fortunately, you explained, otherwise I thought it was a faceless female college student.”

Gao Wenhui narrowed his eyes: “Then you must be the vampire that can speak dog words.”

“Thank you, your salary is gone.”


The kung fu was talking, and the little rich woman suddenly came in the hand. A bright iron chain dangled to the ground, and the end of the iron chain was still with a black collar with a few rivets on it.

This is the accessories presented by the clothes, but Feng Nanshu was a little confused and didn’t want to understand what it was.

“Jiang Qin, I don’t know how to use this.”

Jiang Qin: “?”

He didn’t wait for him to answer a one, two or three, and there were two older acquaintances in the front square, one was Ding Xue wearing a black gown and a black eye shadow.

She also has the same iron chain in her hand. The other side of the iron chain is covered with Cao Guangyu. Lao Cao’s dress is also very individual. He is a blue and white striped disease. With neck, it looks very miserable.

“Are you …?”

Ding Xue shook the chain in his hand: “I am a perverted doctor who performed human experiments crazy because of cancer.”

Cao Guangyu raised his chest: “I am a rich second generation imprisoned by a perverted doctor.

Jiang Qin looked at Lao Cao carefully: “Both being imprisoned and Stockholm can see, where are the elements of the rich second generation?”


Cao Guangyu unbuttoned the button of the neckline and took out a large gold chain of a plastic. The paragraph above was blocked by the collar, so I didn’t see it carefully.

Feng Nanshu looked down at the chain in his hand, and glanced at Jiang Qin’s neck again: “Brother, I seem to know how this is used.”

“No, you read it wrong, it is definitely not used like this.”


Halloween has no special meaning for the Chinese. The reason why tonight is so lively is that college students are more likely to crazy.

To put it simply, what festival is not important, and the important thing is to find a from the head to let go of yourself.

They don’t spend money to buy COS clothes, just like Ding Xue. She was originally a medical student and wore her own white coat, and Lao Cao’s illness clothes were just pajamas with the same pattern.

In the matter of letting themselves out of themselves, everyone fights for not financial resources, but creativity.

Jiang Qin and his party found a table at the entrance of Xi Tian, while watching the performances arranged by the drama club in the front square, chatting while chatting.

Mid -way also saw Zhou Chao, who was facing the convenience of noodles, claiming that he was playing a rice barrel, and then they saw nothing, but Jiang Tian, Jian Chun and Song Qingqing, who were full of lively.

During this period, Xiao Fu’s woman had unbuttoned the collar of the iron chain, and her eyes revealed a trial, but she did not succeed several times.

Until ten o’clock in the evening, the crowd began to leave the game, took a group photo, and Jiang Qin led Feng Nanshu’s small hand and walked back, and was turned into the maple forest.

“Jiang Qin.”


“Life is very interesting now.”

Feng Nanshu sat across his legs, and Xiang Xiang drilled into his arms softly, his mouth was beside his ears, and his tone opened softly.

Jiang Qin reached out and held the tail behind her twice: “Isn’t it interesting before?”

“It used to be interesting, but I would be afraid, so I dare to only one person, dare not go to the interesting place.”


Xiao Fu’s wife stunned in his arms and said in a whisper: “I have heard a lot of fun things before, but I only dare to think about it in my mind. Guess what it will look like. It is the case, the small commodity city is all like this. ”

Jiang Qin reached out and tightened her: “So timid?”

“It’s timid now, but if you are daring to have it, otherwise I will dare to hide in the dormitory, waiting for Wen Hui to come back and tell me, I will think about it again.”

Jiang Qin was silent, as if he saw Feng Nanshu, who dared to get herself in a place where he was familiar with.

But at the same time that she was too deep, she was curious about everything outside.


Jiang Qin made a mistake.

She has never participated in Halloween, even has not even passed the winter solstice with her friends, did not take a bus, never visited the mall, and had not been sent by gifts.

She met you in the summer vacation that year and died my courage to make a friend with you, so you took her to some boring places, but in her heart, you took her to a bright new world.

You take her to shake the car, feed her to eat, and let everyone call her boss. It is the most interesting thing in her heart, so she sticks to you so much, so she wants to live with you for a lifetime.

It is you brought her a life different from the past, so that she can see things she was curious.

Feng Nanshu’s waist suddenly softened: “Jiang Qin, don’t pinch my ass, I want to be shy.”

“I didn’t pinch your butt, it’s my hand, it wants to know how your tail hangs.”

Jiang Qin rubbed it on her round buttocks, and then took out his hand out of the skirt: “Feng Nanshu, why do you get bigger with you?”

Feng Nanshu was holding his neck: “Because you will protect me.”

“Why are you so sure I will protect you?”

“Because you are a good friend of my life.”

“Oh, then I can only tell you very much, you believe in the wrong person, Feng Nanshu, are you too naive? Will you believe me?”


Feng Nanshu was frightened by his cold tone, and he tightened a little scared.

In the next second, Jiang Qin reached out and opened her neck’s hair, and said with a more cold tone: “I won’t protect you, do you know why? Because I am a vampire, and now I want to suck blood!”

Xiao Fu’s woman was stupid, and her feet were stretched instantly, and then she felt like her mobile phone, and couldn’t help it.

Jiang Qin didn’t panic because he knew that he had a cloak that could cover everything, and then he just gave her a red strawberry.

At the end of the Halloween Dance, it was already more than ten o’clock. The two people whispered for more than ten minutes in the maple forest. When they returned, the dormitory door was closed.

Feng Nanshu waved his hand with Jiang Qin, then returned to the dormitory, changed his clothes, and then went to the balcony. He opened the faucet.

I seem to have urine pants …

She looked at the little crystal tiger in the basin and couldn’t help but bluff her little face.

Seeking a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, and a monthly ticket! Tell me with a monthly ticket, do you want to be stronger? Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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