Chapter 359

After the physical fitness test, the people in the third class and four class went to the cafeteria.

Everyone between the two classes know each other, so there are not a few people eating side by side, and the situation looks particularly lively.

Feng Nanshu followed Jiang Qin all the way, and sticked it to him while eating.

She had participated in the group building in the third class before, so she was no stranger to the people in the third class. Although the environment of squeezing together was noisy, she did not make a cricket, but her expression was a little cold.

Jiang Qin quickly brought the rice, a bowl of dumplings, a bowl of sour powder.

But as soon as he sat down, he saw Song Qingqing’s mobile phone, and the string of angular letters made him shine in front of him -MEZIU.

“Change your phone?”

Song Qingqing raised his eyes: “The phone was not very good before …”

Jiang Qin stretched out his hand: “Show me?”

“Male gods watch casually.”

Jiang Qin was originally the focus of the entire dining table. When he heard his speech, everyone’s eyes could not help but concentrate on the phone.

The consumption level of the student group is not high, and it is still abound with the straight board machine, so when I saw this Meizu, I couldn’t help but sigh. The screen was so big.

But Feng Nanshu’s attention is different. She hummed, because Song Qingqing’s mobile wallpaper was her big bear …

Jiang Qin’s attention is even more different. He is behind the mobile phone.

The rise of the mobile Internet era, one of the most basic core hardware is smartphones. It is precisely because of the popularity of smartphones that many mobile payment scenarios can be realized, because there is no hardware as a carrier, and you have no matter how powerful creativity use.

In the domestic smartphone market, the brand of Meizu has always been very special, not because it is high -end, but because it has opened the era of domestic smartphones.

At that time, President Lei was still recruiting his Xiaomi team. Huawei was still engaged in 3G networks, and Meizu has become the pioneer of the domestic smartphone market.

It is just because its brand marketing is too bad and the publicity is not good. In addition, the supply channel is too narrow, and the lag is serious, and the shortage rate is too high. In the long river.

Jiang Qin also remembers that in the later stage of Meizu’s decline, he often saw such news on the Internet.

“Meizu new machine is listed, returning strongly!”

“Meizu rolls the soil, want to buy it as soon as possible!”

“The new Meizu new machine, it is here again!”

But unfortunately, the slogan announced by the new machine officially shouted than thunder, but Meizu’s market share is still lower and lower, and finally he was helplessly acquired.

However, when I saw this M8, Jiang Qin felt that the APP could start to prepare. After all, in the earliest early stage of the mobile Internet, the pre -installed software routine is very domineering. Don’t look at your money. The software does not want to delete it.

He just talked to Su Nai some time ago that he had to set up a technical team. The recruitment notice had been sent out. It should be reasonable that there should be a result.

Unexpectedly, Wei Lanlan called the next day and asked them to interview a programmer who applied for.

When they came to the top floor of the Zhongzhong, just when they came out of the elevator, they saw a group of candidates wearing sweaters or jeans or shirts and jeans.

“Mr. Jiang is good, Mr. Su is good, my name is Sheng Qiang, this year is 29 years old.”

“Are you twenty -nine years old?”

“Yes … yes.”

Jiang Qin took his breath: “Su Nai, I seem to see the future of the puppet.”

Su Nai slammed the table angrily: “People who don’t understand technology talk less, and Mr. Sheng continues.”

“Okay, I graduated from …”

After spending all the morning, five more programmers with project experience, and five more “intern” without technical experience. Essence

The most terrible thing is that these masters are really not old, and at least they are still old.

But they lack experience in the Android program projects, and they are basically in the state of understanding but not doing it.

However, it doesn’t matter. Futation, the website is responsible for the upgrade and optimization of the websites of the group in the first half of the day. In the second half of the day, I read a book and researched the Android operating environment. The work pressure is not only small, but also raised hair.

Moreover, Jiang Qin also specifically called Luo Dawei, the head of the freight department, and asked him to find a buyer in a restaurant to send wolfberry, chrysanthemum or something here.

For the programmers who change the bug to panic every day, and a call on the rest day, this treatment can be said to be aged.

However, Jiang Qin also ordered an order. Before the year, there must be something to get something.

“Boss, what about the office of the technical department?” Wei Lanlan couldn’t help asking.

Jiang Qin pointed to the direction of the opposite side: “Let’s use Lao He’s one to use it first. Anyway, he is still in Shanghai anyway, and he doesn’t need this place.”

“This is fine, but do we need to notify He always?”

“Let me notify it. Let’s call a few bloody guys to come over and clean up President He’s office.”

Jiang Qinmu sent Wei Lanlan out to call someone, so he reached out and pulled out his mobile phone and called He Yijun.

Lao He is now in the big project that is rushing to Shanghai. He meets, inspects, and do research every day. He is busy and unable to open friends.

“Old, have you eaten?”

He Yijun was holding his mobile phone with his shoulders, and his two hands turned to find a document: “Just after eating, do you have anything to do with Jiang? I told you that the project is about to start. I am going to be busy now. There is a meeting, if there is no big deal, wait for me to go back to the New Year. ”

Jiang Qin froze and asked tentatively, “What is a big thing?”

“As long as the people have not closed, it is not a big deal!”

Jiang Qin understood in an instant, and said that it was called a big deal. Then I was definitely not big in grabbing your office, just wait for you to come back.

So he told Lao He to pay attention to his body. Do n’t be overworked, he heard a thank you from the opposite side, and then hurriedly hung up the phone.

At this moment, Wei Lanlan also came with several guys in the freight department and was waiting at the door.

“Boss, do you agree with President He?”

“I think he should agree.”

Wei Lanlan waved his hand immediately: “Up!”

Two hours later, He Yijun’s office was cleaned up and turned gorgeously, becoming the third department after the Ministry of Commerce and the Marketing Department, and the technical department of the group.

Yue Zhu had just ate lunch at this time. He heard that Jiang Qin was coming. He immediately trot all the way to the top floor. As a result, when he saw the current look of President He’s office, the whole person held his breath.

Jiang Qin turned to look at her at this time: “Manager Yue, how is Manqi recently?”

“Mr. He is now in Shanghai and has no time to take care of her. She is now completely living in school, but she has a strong ability to take care of her own, and she should be fine.”

“Which school?”

“Linchuan No. 1 Middle School.”

“Lao He, this guy, there is no busy sky and white night. It is estimated that she can’t care about her daughter. So, I will go to see her in the afternoon and give me her mobile phone number.”

“Oh, okay.”

At more than three o’clock in the afternoon, Jiang Qin left from the Mall of Wanzhong, drove to Linchuan No. 1 Middle School, and called He Manqi out.

The lives of pure school students are not good. If they ca n’t eat well, they ca n’t sleep well. The little girl is a bit thin now.

Jiang Qin took her out for a big meal and gave her some living expenses: “Your dad is almost dizzy now in Shanghai, and you can’t go back for a while. If you have any urgent matter in the future, call Give me.”

“I know my uncle, but you can rest assured, I’m definitely okay!” He Manqi was confident.

“Don’t be stubborn, learn to say something that can’t be done. In addition, how are you studying now?”

“Okay, and this time, I must be admitted to Linchuan University!”

Jiang Qin liked the upper girl, so he gave her warm praise. After sending her back to school, he also talked to He Manqi’s class teacher by the way, leaving his phone number, telling the other person’s class teacher to contact he.

In fact, this is why He Yijun likes to cooperate with Jiang Qin.

Don’t look at him like such a dog, always want to be white, but those who have been stunned and crying have never lost money.

Just like now, Jiang Qin borrowed his office, but he was also helping him to take care of his daughter.

At night, when the lantern was at the beginning, He Yijun had a day of meeting, and the Guangyan pumped two packs. Before going to bed, he felt a little stunned, so he took the hotel himself. By the way, he called Yue Zhu and asked. Let’s take the situation of the old nest.

“Mr. He, everything here is good.”

“That’s good, that’s fine.”

“Oh yes, where do the file cabinet in your office be moved? Is it in the warehouse?”


“Isn’t the file cabinet in my office? Just put it in the office.”

Yue Zhu was stunned, and he said that there is still an office in your heart, and He Yijun was also stunned. What happened when I was not there?

Hearing the boss’s inquiry, Yuezhu ticked out today’s affairs, and crooked Lao He’s mouth.

Good guy, this Jiang dog, no wonder he called to ask for warmth today. No wonder he was restless after answering the phone. It turned out that he was stolen.

He was just about to call the teacher to ask for a crime, but he hadn’t pressed the address book, but suddenly found that his daughter’s class teacher called. This made his heart tremble. He said that he would not have happened to Manqi?

However, the next words of the daughter’s class teacher surprised him.

“Mr. He, a Jiang Qin came to me today, saying that it was Manqi’s uncle, and said that you couldn’t come back for a while and a half in the field. Let me find him if you have something. “,”

He Yijun stunned for a while, and reacted for a while: “Ah yes, Jiang is always my friend. If there is any urgent matter for Manqi, you can call him.”

“Okay, since you know that I can rest assured, because that person is very young, it looks a bit …”

“A little dog, I understand.”

After hanging up the phone, He Yijun’s mood became very complicated. After saying that the calf birds were finished, I was completely taken by the surname Jiang, because he played an emotional card.

Lao He squatted on the side of the road for a while, then found the phone, and sent a text message to Jiang Qin: Mansqi would trouble you, thank you President Jiang.

Jiang Qin just climbed into bed to sleep at this time. After seeing this text message, he smiled. He said that he saw it. We borrowed his office and he had to thank us!

(This chapter is finished)

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