Who is reborn? Who is in love?

357. 357 Xiaoyu's addiction is addictive again

Chapter 357 Xiao Fu’s Po is addicted again

There will be a habit of engraving in the genes of the Chinese. When you come, you will have a waste of time when you go back without doing something.

And when the sweet rose taro has become a product that is highly sought after by college students, the passenger flow brings of course also benefits the other three stores.

After all, come here.

Since you have to wait in line for a long time, you have to eat a hot pot or order a grilled fish?

And because the four stores are all strategic cooperation, the waiters of hot pot restaurants will even help the sweet tea that Xiang Tian make it to the consumer’s table without running on both sides.

Is it troublesome and afraid of time? Do you think there is no need to eat a hot pot or grilled fish for a milk tea?

Then you can also take a member of the Hamburg Emperor to buy a special package with the member of the “Xihan River Qing”. Isn’t it beautiful to eat chicken wings and chicken nuggets and other milk tea.

Especially on the day of “Crazy Thursday”, the Hamburg Emperor made all semi -price promotion for members. Who dares to say it is not fragrant?

Don’t want to eat fast food, and want to eat some hot, cheap?

Don’t worry, our Yang Ji is in the renovation. Join the “Xi Hanhe Qing” membership plan, which can also enjoy the membership price discount.

You, can’t hold it?

College students waved their hands and couldn’t hold it straight.

At the same time as college students can’t hold the top, the riverside fish, where the operating status tends to be stable, also quickly launched free activities such as waiting for nails and cleaning glasses, and once again successfully ignited the marketing atmosphere of university cities in various places.

Under this strategy of joint marketing and group attacks, the Lintchuan local brand that could not be taken out is very quickly rooted in cities one after another.

You know, a brand wants to impact the strange market is a very difficult thing.

Because consumers’ primary choices are directly related to brand recognition.

It’s like a fast food restaurant. In 2009, in addition to the two brands of Ken Chicken and Medu, other fast -food brands are crickets in the hearts of consumers. When you first see the fast food restaurant you don’t know, you The idea is not to try it, but to worry about whether it will spray if you eat it.

Catering companies such as hot pot, grilled fish, and other catering companies will also feel like regional taste differences, and they feel like a counter -water boat in the promotion process.

But today, they walked out inexplicably, and the tigers and tigers were giving up, thousands of miles a day, and like every generation!


Because of joint marketing.

The bundles of the four brands will increase consumers’ recognition of brand value. This traditional concept is as if it is more secure to buy big brands.

Secondly, the milk tea brand is the easiest to accept among college students.

What Jiang Qin did was to use “Xihan River Qing” as a fast channel. By bundling, everyone could accept a new catering brand and fast food brand by accepting a new milk tea.

Looking at the sales data feedback from stores and channels in various places, the bosses who joined the first stop marketing plan with the mentality of trying to see the mentality have a dream -like feeling.

“Everyone, the first round of our first stop marketing has ended, and the effect is average, letting everyone laugh.

“But this is just the beginning. At the beginning of November, various brands began to market for marketing. Please be sure to fight and make every effort to fight.”

“Finally, look at this prosperous age as we wish.”

“—— Jiang Qin.”

In the late autumn night, all strategic partners received Jiang Qin’s email.

According to an entrepreneur who joined the first -stop marketing, he recalled that he was silent for a long time when he saw the email at the time, and later called several members of the Lingchuan Shang Gang, and found that everyone couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately couldn’t sleep, so he immediately immediately couldn’t sleep. Determine the bag to wash your feet.

It was only that night, President Jiang claimed that he was still a student and politely refused the invitation.

On October 26th, Chung Yeung Festival, Monday.

After three consecutive days of cooling, Linchuan ushered in a relatively bright day, and the temperature began to rise slightly.

But in fact, everyone understands that this is just a return to the winter.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Jiang Qin got out of the quilt and yawned, and suddenly found that Jiang Tian sent a notice in the QQ group.

[Today at 9:30 to the large playground for height measurement and physical fitness testing, the data must be recorded. I hope that our third class of finance can all be available. .

Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes, saying that I suspected that this notice was targeted at me.

At this time, Cao Guangyu, Zhou Chao, and Ren Ziqiang also drilled out of the bed.

They actually woke up long ago, but in late autumn, who would like to leave the bed in the morning?

However, because of physical fitness, everyone’s laziness plan to make soup, so they can only get up from the bed, wear clothes, wear clothes, wash and wash.

“Lao Cao, what are you doing?”

As soon as Jiang Qin climbed out of bed, he suddenly found that Master Cao was driving a meal at his shoes and couldn’t help asking.

“Ah? It’s okay, I’ll change the insole.”

Cao Guangyu laughed, put on the shoes with a thunderstorm, and then went to the balcony without any matter.

Zhou Chao was brushing his teeth, and he couldn’t help but glance at him with doubtful eyes: “Cao, what can I find you grow taller?”

“No, I was so tall, just like I was the second generation of the rich, maybe it was not obvious.” Cao Guangyu squeezed toothpaste and brushed his teeth.


At 9.25, a meat pie for 302 F4 came to the playground, and the people in other class were almost all. Under Xue Hongying’s command, everyone was lined up to make the basic data of height and weight first. Measurement.

Jiang Qin looked around, pretending to sweep every face without any case, and then stopped suddenly.

In the bright sunlight in winter, Feng Nanshu was standing in more than 20 positions in the rear, wearing a white hooded sweater, a horsetail, and standing with a high -cold white expression.

Seeing Jiang Qin’s look, Xiao Fu’s wife stretched out her right hand and looked cool and cooler than that of a scissors with a scissors in her left cheek.

Her one meter seven is height, her face value is excellent, and she is conspicuous among the crowd, as if it is not a style of painting as others.

Jiang Qin gave her a scissors hand, and said in a mouth type, and said after a while.

“What is Jiang Qin talking about?” Gao Wenhui was a little curious.

Feng Nanshu narrowed his eyes: “He said I miss me.”


Over time, the team slowly advanced. When it was the turn of Lao Cao, Master Cao suddenly found that he had to take off his shoes to measure height, and he was shocked.

“I grass, why do you want to take off your shoes?”

Jiang Tian couldn’t help but look back at him: “Of course you have to take off your shoes.”

Cao Guangyu said no, you talked nonsense: “Why didn’t you take off your shoes when you tested last year?”

“Last year, the information table submitted when everyone entered the school. It was unsuccessful at all. Are you amnesia?”

Hearing this sentence, Cao Guangyu held his breath and was forced to move forward with the team with a face.

When it was his turn, the girl responsible for the measurement height adjusted the pole and said coldly, but Master Cao hesitated for a long time, seemed to be difficult than letting him take off his pants.

“Brother Cao’s feet are not smelly.” Zhou Chao wondered.

Jiang Qin surrounded his arms: “It is estimated that Lao Cao’s shoes have private goods.”


Sure enough, as Jiang Qin expected, when Cao Guangyu took off his shoes, his whole person was instantly short.

Jiang Qin almost laughed at his head, and said that although Master Cao was unpredictable, he was a little fun. It was not easy to make laughter in this kind of place.

“One meter six nine.”

“What? It is impossible, are you not sure?” Cao Guangyu’s mouth was crooked.

The girl of the Student Union frowned: “Everyone uses this pole, why can’t you say it alone?”

“It must be not allowed, don’t write it first, and give me again.”

“No, go quickly, don’t delay time, people later have to test!”

“I don’t admit this result, I want to appeal!” Cao Guangyu couldn’t.

Jiang Qin knew Cao Guangyu’s personality, so he opened a circle: “After walking, there is no need to test it, so let him write a 172.”

The girl of the Student Union looked up and found that Jiang Qin was talking, so he didn’t dare to say anything. He pouted and wrote him 172.

Cao Guangyu took a look at his watch, and said that Lao Jiang’s face was still very gold -content. I knew that it would be good to have a 180.

After the test height, everyone was taken to the other half of the playground to group the group, starting the test of sprinting, long -distance running, standing up, sitting up and sitting up and pulling up.

Jiang Qin looked around and found that Feng Nan Shu was standing beside the bunker stupidly, as if he lost his soul, so he walked over and took a light pat on her head.

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law “ah”, as if she was instantly injected into the soul, she opened her mouth and shouted her brother.

“Why become so stupid today?”

“You have too many recent interviews, I can’t finish it.” Feng Nanshu yawned.

Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes: “Are you addicted again? Last time it was not easy to quit, wouldn’t you stay up late?”

Feng Nanshu was stupid for a while, and said with a murmur: “Jiang Qin, who is okay, I will quit.”

“How do you believe this expression that has already been on?”

At this time, Gao Wenhui and Fan Shuling walked over: “Jiang Qin, you are now so rich, or buy a house with Feng Nanshu.”

“You are a good person, don’t talk nonsense.” Feng Nanshu bluffed his face.

Jiang Qin’s expression became cold and serious: “Who said I have money, who said we want to live together?”

“Feng Nanshu watched your video in the dormitory every day. We dream now is your face!”

“Little rich woman, although you like to watch, your dormitory is a public environment. You can’t make the sound so big, which will affect everyone’s rest.”

“Jiang Qin, I didn’t, I made a small voice every time, but they said that my expression was so good, so I lay on my table and looked at me.”

“Then they deserve it.”

At this moment, Cao Guangyu suddenly ran over: “I just heard someone want to live together, who wants to live together?”

Jiang Qin smiled: “No one said to live together, I was emphasizing that you were one meter seventy -two, but they didn’t believe it.”

Master Cao: “…”

(This chapter is finished)

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