Who is reborn? Who is in love?

355. 355 There is a golden phoenix in the poor relatives

Chapter 355 There is a golden phoenix in poor relatives

It didn’t take long for the Kung Fu, the guests invited by the maiden family soon arrived at the scene.

There is a general, all of which are a pair of suites and business elites. They stretched out their hands generously and found a thick red envelope and handed it to the groom and bride, and said something extremely scenes.

“Uncle Zhang, please, just at the table on the right side of the stage.”

“Uncle Zhao, please also ask, I will gree you later …”

“Uncle Gao, I didn’t expect you to come even? You are a guest, you must eat and drink this time.”

As the sound of greeting sounded, all the bosses stepped on the light -rayed leather shoes into the banquet hall.

And the bride Wang Cuimei took a thick wallet and glanced at Lin Peng beside him proudly. It meant to say, how about, I said that you are poor relatives? The gift is not this thick.

Lin Peng pursed the corner of his mouth and didn’t speak, but he was not angry in his heart. He talked nonsense. Whoever received so many parts would be angry.

At the same time, in the inside of the banquet hall, Lao Lin is not easy to soothe the relatives of Jeju, and let them sit together. Seeing that they did not make any mess, they couldn’t help but relax. Tone.

Yuan Youqin crowded between her husband and son, and couldn’t help humming: “Look at your dead relatives!”

Jiang Zhenghong: “…”

Jiang Qin looked at it beside him, but did not dare to laugh, for fear that his mother would burn the fire on himself.

However, the next second, when a group of people in a suit and leather leather came to the banquet hall, the 20 -year -old boss Jiang suddenly found that someone was staring at himself.

“President Jiang, are you here to participate in a wedding banquet?”

“Do we know?”

“I’m Gao Lingxi, I have seen it at the reception, you forgot? I am the second batch of joining our first stop marketing.”

Jiang Qin thought for a while, and had a little impression: “Oh, it’s Gao, it’s a coincidence, I can meet you here. Let me introduce it to you, this is my dad, this is my mother, we are … … It is a distant relative who can’t beat the groom’s family in the eight poles. ”

“Mr. Jiang is really humorous, and his uncle and aunt are also very young.” Gao Lingxi couldn’t help but compliment.

Jiang Zhenghong and Yuan Youqin looked at each other, and took a look at Gao Lingxin’s light and bright head. Is it right? Why is this big nephew more old than us? Are you 40 or 50 years old?

At the same time, a few ones next to the suit also began to greeted them. He was good at President Jiang, and his uncle and aunt were okay.

I want to promise, I want to call a brother a bit, don’t you agree, they have not been so old that they can be shouted by these people and uncle and aunt. In short, the atmosphere is strange.

“Uncle, are you smoking?”

“Uh … I don’t smoke my brother.”

After a long while, the groom and bride had greeted the guests with Niu Xianglan and Lin Lao, and they returned to the banquet hall when they packed up and prepared to greet everyone to the banquet. As a result, the four of them were stunned when they came to the stage.

Because the VIP table left alone was full, but they were not sitting in those bosses, but those “poor relatives” in Jeju in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Wang Cuimei’s face changed instantly: “What’s going on? What about my uncle?”

“I don’t know, I just arranged for them to sit on the last table just now.” Laoli Lin was also embarrassed.

“I said all, my uncle is a noble guest, did you arrange it?!”

“Cui Mei, don’t worry, I’ll ask.”

Lin Laowu comforted his daughter -in -law, and immediately got together to a Jeju relative: “Second brother, aren’t you at the beginning of the table? Is it uncomfortable to sit?

The second brother is the most fierce one just scolded, and he has nothing to do with him: “I don’t know!”


A dry and thin uncle sitting next to him suddenly spoke: “Laolin Lin, don’t blame your second brother to show you, you are indeed not authentic. What’s wrong, our relatives in Jeju are not relatives? You said early, you said that we will never come! ”

Lin Laowu laughed, saying that you do n’t come well, I can save a table, but the guests are still guests: “Mainly there are more people, but I don’t understand, but where is the guests at this table going? Is it? ”

“What are you talking about those wearing suits? In the table behind, I don’t know what the situation. I changed my face to us and gave me a box of Chinese.”


Lin Laowu was full of confusion, but he told his daughter -in -law truthfully.

Wang Cuimei didn’t believe it after hearing it. What was it? The best front row is not sitting, and the big bosses who have a net worth of their net worth squeezed the location of the hall.

At this moment, Wang Cuilan’s parents, also known as Lin Peng’s father -in -law, came over and pulled them aside very seriously.

“What is the situation there?”

“What’s wrong?”

Wang Jianxiang lowered his voice: “President Gao, President Zhao, President Liu … with more than 20 mouths of his family members, sitting on the table behind him, squeezing like chickens that can’t open his wings, what do you think?”

Lin Laowu couldn’t help but speak at this time: “Dear father -in -law, you listen to me, we were originally the front row of the arrangement, but it was said that those bosses took the initiative to change from our relatives.”

“Take the initiative?”


Wang Jianxiang scratched his head and said that he was so fucking evil. The bosses usually had to do the first row in the first row. Last time, they almost played for a main seat. Can they be willing to sit on the last side?

But there is no way at this time, because the hotel waiters have already begun to serve. At this time, you must not adjust the seats again.

Wang Jianxiang calmed down and fell into silence with a very unpleasant face.

Seeing this scene, Lin Laowu and Niu Xianglan were a little embarrassed. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to say.

Don’t look at the dowry of the maid’s family, there are cars and houses, it seems very prestigious, but in fact, Niu Xianglan and Lin Laowu have been watching their faces during this time, and their hearts are almost dead.

But this is a relative, or a rich family, what can you do? Can only endure.

After a long while, the previous process was finished step by step. Wang Cuimei replaced the wedding dress, changed into a cheongsam, and started preparing toast.

Who to respect to?

That is of course to respect those business bosses.

Originally, according to the established route, they just bewasted from the first table. Now it is good, and you have to pay forward from the last table.

As a result, the groom was holding the plate, the bride held the jug, and followed Wang Jianxiang and Lin Laowu, and went to the last table mighty.

As soon as he walked behind the pillar, Wang Jianxiang didn’t watch it.

Good guy, people are always fat, and the seats of the twenty people cannot be squeezed in directly.

“High … High?”

Gao Lingxi didn’t have to turn around, and he saw Wang Jianxiang. “Pharaoh, you have enough money to marry a daughter. Twenty people have a table. Mom! ”

Wang Jianxiang knew that he had been shaken, but he could only laugh: “I’m sorry, Mr. Gao, the previous table was arranged to sit on, and I didn’t know what was going on.”

“Casually, it’s not me anyway anyway.”


Seeing that his father was shaken, Wang Cuimei glared at Lin Peng fiercely, and even had an urge to scold people in front of everyone.

Look at your family, do you know how valuable these dads are? And you poor relatives are so crowded. They still grab the vegetables with these bosses. I wonder how many pounds?

Wang Cuimei wanted to cry for the first time, and said that I had a blood mold for eight lives to marry your house.

As a result, Jiang Qin suddenly came over with the glass: “Why don’t you drink it? Come on, let’s touch one.”

Gao Lingxi immediately dropped the chopsticks immediately, and welcomed the wine glass, but he said, and then held Jiang Qin’s cup before he encountered it. Cup mouth.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jianxiang and Lin Laowu stunned instantly, looking at Jiang Qin, showing a look of stunning.

Wang Cuimei also seemed to feel the subtle changes of the atmosphere. She looked at this scene stupidly, and did not understand why the poor relatives of the Lin Peng family were the highest on the cup.

Jiang Qin was also bad enough. He said that he would make you fucking, and he was angry at my mother, so he picked up the wine glass and changed the direction.

“Come, President Li, let’s go one by one.”

“Yo Yo, Mr. Jiang, so polite …”

“Come, President Zhao …”

“Yo Yo …”

“Lai Fang …”

“Yo Yo …”

Jiang Qin held a wine glass around, and the people at the table were all over, but no one was willing to let Jiang Qin’s cup lower his own mouth, and he didn’t dare to breathe.

And the next thing is almost the same. When Wang Cuimei fell to the wine, everyone was waiting for the Jiang Qin apex, and Jiang Qin was waiting for the apex of Jiang Zhenghong.

Dad Jiang is also in the clouds, but I just feel that this wine is exceptionally delicious today!

After the sake, they didn’t rush to the next table, but found a place to slow down, and suddenly realized that there seemed to be a golden phoenix among the poor relatives of Jeju.

“I remember, Linchuan Shang Gang …”

Wang Cuimei glanced at her father: “Dad, what is Linchuan business gang?”

Wang Jianxiang found out a cigarette point: “Some time ago, the Linchuan City government issued a document, saying that it was necessary to make economic transformation, step by step, and set up a Linchuan merchant gang that all Linchuan bosses actively joined.”

“Then what?”

“That business gang seems to be promoted by him in one hand. Now the Linchuan business community has hugged a group, as if he was represented by him. Do you remember your uncle Qian who did the sea? He sees it above. ”


Lin Laowu and his son looked at each other. Although he was unclear about Linchuan’s business gang, he could also know that Jiang Qin, a family, seemed to have a gold content than his own family.

I knew it was like this, just open two more tables, what to save this money to do? Now it ’s okay. All the most expensive people are squeezed to the most people to eat.

Brother Lin Peng sighed dullly, and glanced at the cousin’s brother sitting in front of the boss. You came and went, talking and laughing, his expression gradually felt a little sad.

After the banquet, everyone was almost eaten. Some of them were eating well. They had a stomach, and they were full, but the time was almost the same.

Seeing that he was going to spend the field, Jiang Zhenghong patted his stomach and suddenly realized a problem: “Nan Shu sent my belt as if he was still in the Lin Laowu’s house.”

“Are you here without a belt?” Jiang Qin was stunned.

“No, Lin Peng said that my belt was fake, and it made people see bad. I changed me one.”

Jiang Zhenghong shouted Lin Peng: “Peng, we will leave later, and no longer go to your house. Do you take me back?”

Lin Peng froze: “Uncle, you use me, I think this is quite suitable for you, you are too young.”

“That’s what my daughter -in -law sent me, and you can’t change it with you anymore.”

Jiang Qin: “?”

Lin Peng was a bit embarrassed: “But I can’t go, I have to send relatives later, or I will give you back for the New Year.”

Jiang Zhenghong scratched his head: “That’s OK …”

Jiang Qin almost took a sip: “Dad, you have too much heart, that belt can be worth 30,000 yuan.”


Yuan Youqin was also startled: “Didn’t you say three hundred yuan?”

Jiang Qin rubbed his nose: “I’m not afraid to say too much, do you dare not accept it? But do you think, can Feng Nanshu send your stuff, can it be fake?”

Jiang Zhenghong turned to look at Lin Peng: “Peng, otherwise, I still go back with you.”

“Uncle, don’t worry, let me arrange it, and then go back with you. You can wait here for a while.”

After Lin Peng finished speaking, he ran to the background, but he hit Wang Cuimei and his father -in -law: “What do you do in a hurry?”

“Uncle Jiang’s belt has put our house. He said that it was worth 30,000 yuan. Is there such a expensive belt?”

Wang Cuimei remembered the LV of the poor relatives, and his face changed instantly: “If it is really possible, you see the attitude of those bosses just now, it may be true.”

Lin Peng swallowed his mouth: “Forget it, let me go back and take it, others are not assured,”

Seeing Lin Peng’s departure, Wang Cuimei turned to look at Wang Jianxiang, grieving like a big fat man with more than 200 pounds: “Dad, their family seems to have an extraordinary relative, will I be bullied in the future?”

“It’s okay, it’s not so exaggerated. At most, we were scolded a few words.


After leaving from the hotel, Lin Peng drove back to the house very quickly, turning the box to find the belt. As a result, the terrible things happened, and the belt was gone.

Impossible, he clearly remembered that he was put on the bedside table.

Crazy, Lin Peng looked around, his expression seemed to lose his wife, making the relatives of Linchuan who had come back to feel blank.

“Peng Peng, what are you looking for?”

“Find a belt.”

“Hi, a belt, look for it later, come and talk to the uncle, we will leave in a while.”

“Alas, that belt is from Uncle Jiang, 30,000 yuan!”

Hearing this sentence, the relatives of Linchuan looked at each other and looked at each other. Only a while did they react and said crazy? 30,000 yuan in a belt? How can our relatives have such families?

Uncle Jiang? Is Jiang Zhenghong’s family?

Lin Peng was about to die, and he continued to find before he explained. As a result, he found it and found that the belt was holding it in a child’s hand, and he dumped it.


Five minutes later, Lin Peng took his belt and went downstairs, but it was not only him who came to send his belt, but also all relatives of Linchuan.

They had seriously seen the 30,000 belt before they came, and at the same time they wanted to take a serious look at what kind of waist. As soon as they went out, they saw a family of three sitting on Audi. It is very complicated.

Rich relatives will not expect relatives to get better and better, because in long -term contact, the targeted sense of superiority has been developed. To put it simply, these relatives in Linchuan have been accustomed to pretending to be pretending to relatives in Jeju. Essence

But it wasn’t until Lin Peng’s wedding banquet that they found that the superiority he had in his hands was actually not even a fart. This was really suffocated.

“Zhenghong, don’t you go back in a hurry? Go to my house and let’s go!”

“Yeah Youqin, my aunt hasn’t seen you for so many years. I haven’t had time to say something to you.”

“Cousin, don’t leave today, come to my house, I remember when I used to live in the village, you like to eat the chicks I made by stew mushrooms!”

“Youqin …”

“Zhenghong …”

“Jiang Qin, my aunt still hugs you when I was a kid. Why don’t you say hello to my aunt?”

Looking at the relatives of Linchuan who suddenly became extremely affectionate, Jiang Qinxin finished speaking. This year, the family must be like a big collection.

Just look at this posture. When they first entered the door, these people ignored them one by one. Even if their parents took the initiative to say hello, they just raised their eyelids.

It’s good now, I can’t wait to get drilling to the bottom of my car.

I found that everyone thinks that I was uncomfortable in the previous chapter. I scolded me and scared me to sleep all night. I hurriedly wrote one. The main thing was that it was wrong. , I’m so sleepy, I ca n’t hold it, go to make up for a consciousness. It is estimated that I can wake up in the afternoon. Everyone forgive me. The previous chapter is really not a deliberate card. Essence

(This chapter is finished)

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