Who is reborn? Who is in love?

343. 343 Jiang Qin hit the wall

Chapter 343 Jiang Qin bumped into the wall

“Jiang Qin went to Hangzhou early this morning.”

In Shanghai, in a villa in Laoshan Manor, Qin Zhizhen came to his cousin’s house as a guest and reported Jiang Qin’s movement to Hangzhou.

Because Jiang Qin had long been paving the way for Jiang Qin, Qin Jingqiu was not surprised to him when he suddenly went to Hangzhou.

If you want to spread the group business nationwide, then the problem of solving online payment is that you can’t go around the mountains.

Because if online payment cannot be achieved, the larger the layout of the group, the more difficult it is to manage, the more difficult it is to achieve, and in the end, it can only fall in Linchuan.

Judging from the information currently collected by Qin Jingqiu, there are many websites for community group purchase, but as long as they are involved in online purchase websites involving online transactions, they are currently trapped in their starting cities.

What Jiang Qin has to do now is to find a chance to break the group.

“Zhiheng, I have worked hard these days, eat more.”

“Thank you cousin, thank you cousin.”

Qin Zhizhen nodded, and ate two more dishes in the arrangement. After eating and drinking, he got up and said goodbye, turned away and left the villa.

As soon as he left, the restaurant left Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua. The two looked at each other and stopped the chopsticks in their hands.

“I think Jiang Qin’s footsteps are a little fast.” Feng Shihua couldn’t help opening.

Qin Jingqiu was silent: “Alipay can’t get a financial license, and is shabby. This situation is beneficial to the group. Only when they talk about cooperation at this time can they get more promises and will not be grasped in the future. ”

Feng Shihua has been thinking for a long time: “Not to mention whether the country can recognize and support the existence of third -party tools, just Ali Bar is not a good cooperation. They are better at watching people’s dishes.”

“Well, Jiang Qin will hit the wall this time to contact Alipay.”

Feng Shihua and Qin Jingqiu are actually quite clear. The group is now trapped in Linchuan. The volume is too small, and it may not be seen by the company in Hangzhou.

From the perspective of their perspective, if there is no Feng Nanshu’s relationship, they will not be interested in fighting in a short period of time. This is a problem with the horizon and pattern.

The past of Jiang Qinfeng’s servant will return to success.

After all, there are many partners that Alipay can choose, and some of them are the right to pick and pick.

In fact, as Qin Jingqiu expected, when Sun Zhi and the person in charge who had been in contact met, the other party’s willingness to cooperate was really not much.

In the group, a college student entrepreneurial project, starting in a second -rate city, such group buying websites, they have contacted none and nine.

Ugly, at the current stage of this third -party financial tools being stuck in the neck, whether a group purchase website created in a second- and third -tier cities may be a problem to live until next year.

Because many Internet companies are like this, they are founded, and they bet on a chance, but they have not been able to wait until the difficulty of capital turnover.

Although Sun Zhi was a health product lecturer before, he had a batch of words 6, but it was not very useful in this formal business talks, which made him feel more and lacking.

“Mr. Sun, thank you for running a thousand miles, we have not reached a cooperation, we are deeply regrettable.”


Sun Zhi went out of the conference room with the prepared strategic cooperation plan of the group, and he took a depressed taxi to the hotel with a depressed expression.

Yes, this is the end of the first talks between the group and Ali Bar, and Jiang Qin did not show up.

Because according to the normal process, Sun Zhi needed to achieve a cooperation intention with the other party first, and then he showed up by his boss to discuss in -depth discussions with the person in charge of the other company’s right to speak, and the last hammer fixed.

But now that the threshold is not across, Boss Jiang has no need to show up.

On the morning of October 5th, three minutes after the first contact with the rejection, Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua received the news.

Although all this was in their expectations, the uncle’s face was still very unsightly.

They love Feng Nanshu very much, and this love is naturally blessed on Jiang Qin’s body. Seeing that the niece was rejected, they would certainly feel that their face could not be passed.

Feng Shihua sighed: “Jiang Qin is now estimated to be in a dilemma.”

Qin Jingqiu is not able to do it: “Generally speaking, the result of the first contact is not good, and there is no need to meet again for the second time.”

“Do we want to help?”

“Jiang Qin’s brain is very smart. If we help and let the other party’s attitude change rapidly, he will definitely know the existence of my mother -in -law.”

Qin Jingqiu hadn’t figured out how to appear in front of Jiang Qin, and was unwilling to expose it so early.

In her imagination, her appearance will be a very stunning existence. It belongs to the kind that can make Jiang Qin’s two eyes stare, but what she does not know is that people like Jiang Qin have already known She existed.

Feng Shihua embraced his arms: “That’s it?”

“Jiang Qin is still young, and it is not a good thing to have a twists and turns in life. If he really wants to go on this road, he should know that this is just the beginning. In the future, there are more similar problems waiting for him to wait for him to wait for him “,”


“I hope Jiang Qin should not be too sad now, otherwise my family Nan Shu will follow.”

Qin Jingqiu lamented, then picked up the documents on the table and started to deal with his company’s affairs. Regarding the meeting between Jiang Qin and Alipay, they thought that it was over.

However, in a hotel in Hangzhou, Jiang Qin heard Sun Zhi’s report and gradually fell into contemplation.

The group in Linchuan City was in the wind and rain, and was chased by major local brands. It seemed like a treasure, which made himself gain reputation and wealth. Essence

But he also understands that it is like this for cooperation. You can’t let the other party be tempted, and naturally you can’t get what he wants.

“Boss, when will we go, I’ll go back to clean up.”

“Go away when the cooperation is completed.”


Jiang Qin leaned on the window sill for a long time, then pulled the notebook out of the computer, opened Word, and knocked out a line of title.

The Linchuan Municipal Government and Linchuan Commercial Gang on the strategic cooperation plan of the Internet era.

Then knock out a line of deputy title.

Promote Alipay’s commercially popular brand cooperation in the Linchuan area.

Then, he copied the things in the strategic cooperation plan of the group group, and he modified some paragraphs and added some of the contents.

For example, knowing the recent user incremental statement, and part of the previous marketing plan of the first Linchuan brand’s first stop of the Linchuan brand.

The previous content about the cooperation of the group was moved by him.

The content of the text is not bad, but it is increased. After the order is replaced, it instantly becomes a new and very different cooperation plan.

Damn, this belongs to the world’s torn rotten, and the dogs are sewn.

In this document, Jiang Qin changed from a pile for cooperation with the group purchase website, and became a representative of a large number of user resources and a large number of commercial and enterprise resources.

He didn’t want to come out of these things, because the more things raised, the more things he gave out, but there is no way. If you don’t see a small group of fighting, you can only add it. Essence

The small amount of physical fitness is a fact, but the users and brand owners I hold in my hands are real.

Jiang Qin Papa code, and finally stopped and stunned: “How much money should I give?”


Sun Zhi froze, and said that the boss was ready to spend money to cooperate? This is too humble.

He always felt that the boss was the kind of mighty person, did not cooperate? Okay, thirty years of Hedong and 30 years, Hexi, not bullying young people!

As a result, it is really uncomfortable to spend money to cooperate.

But doing business is like this. At each stage, the leap may be the result of all kinds of lows and four lows. If you want to stand, you can earn money. How can it be so easy?

Three minutes later, the time came in the evening. Jiang Qin gave this new cooperation agreement to Sun Zhi and asked him to send him to the other party’s mailbox.

In the following time, the three in the room had been waiting, until the red sky gradually became dark, and the skyline slowly became blurred in the night.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Sun Zhi’s mailbox suddenly had a reply piece, and the content of them made him slightly stunned.

“Boss, they sent a place and said that they would ask you to have a meal and ask you to be inconvenient.”

“Convenient, I just happened to be hungry.”


Under the strong night, the main roads of Hangzhou are on the car, and the various neon colors will render the entire city extremely brilliant.

Some people say that the beginning of the night is actually the long river of time towards dawn, so the stars moved in a blink of an eye, and the sky in the east gradually revealed a touch of fish belly.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, Qin Jingqiu got up early to come to the company. Except for the work of the morning, he was planning to take a break and listened to the secretary call in and said that Qin Zhizhen was coming.

“What’s wrong?”

“Jiang Qin left Hangzhou at noon today. He seems to be in contact with Ali?” Qin Zhizhen was a bit confirmed.

Qin Jingqiu nodded: “He is going to cooperate, but the situation is not smooth. I thought he would persist again. I didn’t expect to leave the next day, but it was his advantage to do decisive things. I saw that there was no hope for hope The matter is really not worth continuing to be empty. ”

“But as far as I know, they have reached cooperation.”

“Impossible, is there any wrong news?”

Qin Zhizhen pursed his mouth: “Really, my friend is now in Ali. He said that Jiang Qin went to sign a contract this morning and received a deposit. Oh yes, he also took a group photo I.”

Qin Jingqiu froze for a long time, feeling that his brain could not turn.

Jiang Qin took the group to seek cooperation. It was a good thing to not give money to ask for money. Why did you collect a sum of money from Ali Bar?

“What about a group photo? I take a look.”

“it’s here.”

Qin Zhizhen took out his mobile phone and handed it to Qin Jingqiu.

I saw that in the picture, a woman in a blue skirt was shaking hands with Jiang Qin, and the faces of both sides overflowed with bright smiles.

(This chapter is finished)

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