Who is reborn? Who is in love?

293. 293 Talents make choices, all dogs must

Chapter 293 Talent Make choice, all dogs must

Under the strong night, the car at the door stopped slowly, and a middle -aged man with a beer belly walked down on the car, and a man with the same beer belly was greeted in the hotel.

The two hadn’t met before, and began to greet them loudly at a distance of ten meters, and opened their hands to hug it warmly. As a result, the two people’s belly was too large.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qin sat back on the sofa expressionlessly.

The midsummer night suddenly became windy, and the rustling of the two landscape trees at the door of the Kaibin Hotel rang, and the red flag and the hotel’s shop flag followed the wind.

Jiang Qin was sitting in a bright lobby hall, leaning on the sofa in a very lazy posture, and boringly played the greedy snake. The small snacks really achieved the guest.

“Sir, please drink tea.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you waiting for someone? The air conditioner in the hall may be a bit cold, do you need to get a blanket for you?”

Jiang Qin waved his hand and declined the other party’s kindness: “Don’t have trouble, I just sit here for a while, and then go back to the room.”

The waiter nodded, and said that I had listened to it three times, but I didn’t see the meaning of you left at all. Instead, I kept looking outside and was a little bit eye -catching.

But he knew that the guest was a VIP who lived in a suite and dared not say anything, so he turned back to the front desk.

After half an hour, Boss Jiang knocked on the wall with a greedy snake, ending its short life, and his eyes looked out of the window, and found that several shops on the opposite side of the hotel were closed.

It’s ten o’clock?

He looked at the time and felt that Xiao Fu’s wife should not return tonight.

I didn’t know if I didn’t come back. Jiang Qin turned the phone twice in his hand, and there was a feeling of emptiness in his heart.

Do you want to call and ask? After confirming that you will not go back to sleep after you will not come back, after all, you will have to catch the plane tomorrow night.

Jiang Qin squeezed his mobile phone for a long time, but in the end he did not call the phone.

If you ask, as if he was waiting for Xiao Fu’s sleeping together, there was a kind of taste that could not sleep without waiting for her to come back. It seemed too ambiguous.

And ambiguous is usually the first step in the collapse of friendship.

At this moment, the elevator door behind the leisure area opened. Luffy did not sleep in the middle of the night. Sarah’s slippers at the hotel appeared around.

“Boss, why haven’t you been back yet? So expensive rooms, I lost more than staying for a while.”

“I should ask you in this sentence, why did his mother come down again?

Luffy’s fingers fingers the direction of the front desk: “I will ask how the massage bathtub in the bathroom is used. We will leave tomorrow. The boss lady has no relatives in Shencheng and Cantonese City. There is no chance without experience.”

“It’s really a way out.” Jiang Qin gave a thumbs up.

“thank you boss.”

Speaking, a black car stopped at the door of the Kaibin Hotel.

After the door opened, the well -behaved little rich woman walked down from the car and turned around and waved farewell to her.

In the night, Feng Nan’s eyebrows were touching, and his beautiful little face was beautiful. It was more soft and charming at the door of the semi -dark hotel, just like a delicate porcelain doll.

Qin Jingqiu hugged her a little reluctantly, and told her to take good care of herself. What must be called with herself, and then watched her walk towards the Kaibin Hotel in the night.

But soon, there was a hint of doubts on her face, because she found that the little niece suddenly started to trot all the way, and the whole person disappeared, but became smart and lively. She can be heard clearly.

In the next second, a young man appeared at the entrance of the hotel. He was very tall. As soon as he went out, he was yawned and it seemed to be trapped.

The two met at the door of the hotel, said a few words, and then walked side by side into the hall.

Seeing a scene in front of the hotel, the second wife of the Feng family couldn’t help showing a slightly embarrassing expression.

From childhood to large, Xiao Nanshu’s most afraid of being left is the best thing in the world for being left. How could she not stick to him.

Qin Jingqiu suddenly had a sense of vision watching his daughter’s marriage, looking at the wedding car, and his mentality was really complicated.

“Why come back so late?” Jiang Qin bluffed her face.

“I went to dinner with my uncle, and I talked a lot.” Feng Nanshu answered obediently.

“What did you talk about?”

“Talk about you.”

“Do you know it was brought to you? Did she say that she would arrange someone to come to chop me?”

Jiang Qin was a little panicked. You turned out the little princess at home without saying a word, and still shaking the ground under the eyelids of others. Is this special? Is there any difference between my ghost fire?

Xiao Fu’s wife thought about it: “I said I want to give you 10 million, let you don’t want me, but don’t be afraid, I have rejected her for you.”

Jiang Qinping held his breath, but he did not expect to miss the wealth one by one in just one night: “Feng Nanshu, this is your wrong, how can you send it to the money from me? I can’t make this money for half a year. ”

“Then you want money and don’t want me?” Feng Nanshu raised his face and looked at him.

“Hehe, you are too naive, only people will make choices, all dogs want.”

Jiang Qin could not extricate himself on the road of black: “If I am present, I must first get the money in my hand. The rest is not the final say.

Feng Nanshu suddenly stunned his little face: “If you can only choose one.”

“Where did you learn this kind of death? I refused to answer.”

“Jiang Qin, have you been waiting for me to come back to sleep?”

“I feel that I will leave Shanghai right away. After that, I have no money to stay in such a hotel. I have to experience it aside, so come to the front desk to ask how to use the massage bathtub in the bathroom.

Feng Nanshu looked coldly, and put his hand into Jiang Qin’s pajamas pockets to punch two punch.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feiyu suddenly realized that what Nima wandered was that the boss was absent, and the boss couldn’t sleep alone.

“Well, such a big boss, you still have to coax the boss when you sleep!”

Three minutes later, Jiang Qin took the elevator to the top floor with Xiao Fu’s wife. When passing by his door, Xiao Fu’s woman glanced stupidly, and then ran over, sticking to Jiang Qin to his room. At the door, then followed him and walked in.

When Jiang Qin asked her what she followed, she pretended to be stupid and said she didn’t know, but she was taken off her socks. The white little feet were bullied for a long time.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky outside the window was gloomy, and the light rain of Lili had been raised after a while.

Feng Nanshu got up from the bed, sitting at the end of the bed a little silly, watching Jiang Qin’s final check -out check, and his eyes sticking to her and floating over.

Wait until Jiang Qin’s sound of calling her to get up, and the cute little rich woman returned to God, and then took off her pajamas and put on clothes, but the buttons and shoelaces were not tied, but they ran to the living room and opened. Come to Jiang Qin to help.

“Brother, is a button.”

“A lot of anger in the morning, not to be called brother.”

Feng Nanshu said ignorantly, and quietly watched Jiang Qin tied her buttons and shoelaces, and then pulled up the suitcase to go out. After the number of people was gathered in the lobby, fifteen people stepped on. Go to the plane to Guangdong.

In the following week, the people of 208 were away from the life of the drunk gold fans, and began to get busy.

The human environment on the Cantonese city is very different from the north, and there is no even in common. The most obvious example is that many people do not even speak Mandarin, and the popular things are different.

After staying at the hotel on the side of Yuecheng, Jiang Qin took everyone to go to the nearby business district and found that many things that were very popular in the Mainland could not be sold here.

Similarly, there are many things they have never seen before they have sold.

For the inspection mode 208, they undoubtedly encountered huge challenges and resistance, but for the 208 of the tourism model, that is really new to everything. The heart of strolling is satisfied.

At the end of July, everyone left Yuecheng to Shencheng and continued to inspect.

This city is slightly different from the other three cities. It does not have much history, because it is still a fishing village here before the reform and opening up.

After being painted from the circle by the South China Sea, the city has been developing rapidly. It is said that in more than ten years, the city has always grew up with the sound of construction.

The distance between Shencheng and Yuecheng is very close, and the culture and the environment are very similar, but the rhythm is significantly faster, and the ability to accept new things is also a lot stronger.

For the 208 business team, there is not much of the deep city of the university may not be the best promotion place, but it is definitely a place that allows the group to take root quickly.

Jiang Qin stood at the entrance of a city in the city, his eyes kept looking at four weeks, and his mood was slightly strange.

He has lived in this city for more than ten years. Some sections, buildings, and shops have a suffocating familiarity for him. It is like a pistol that can hit the soul. soul.

For example, this more than thirty floors in front of them, and the Chaoshan beef hot pot restaurant downstairs, all made Jiang Qin a kind of discouraged.

The previous life was conquered by this city and was pressed crazy on the ground. How can you conquer this kind of city this time?

Can the groom’s official cave night crazy code, can you ask for a monthly ticket?

(This chapter is finished)

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