Who is reborn? Who is in love?

290. 290, mother -in -law to see son -in -law

Chapter 290, Mother -in -law watched the son -in -law

“President Qin, the luggage lost by the young lady has been found.”

In the evening, inside a skyscraper next to the Huangpu River, the top office, the young woman sitting behind the desk put the tea cup in her hand on the table, waved gently.

She wore a long black dress, her hair was high, her whole temperament was very noble, her makeup was exquisite and plain, and she was elegant just right.

Seeing this, the small secretary wearing a hip skirt withdrew from the president’s office, brought the door gently, and the footsteps gradually drifted away in the open corridor.

“Jiang Qin …”

The young woman held the mouse, opened the mailbox, ordered the address book, found a name called Hawkeye in the group, and checked the historical email issued by this account.

There are no themes and texts in these emails, but the attachments are large in the back. Each attachment is a compressed package. After decompression, it is a folder named Jiang Qin, and the date is added.

The latest folder is called [Jiang Qin -0601]

There are all information about Jiang Qin after June, including several major actions in the university, and all the record records about the group and Zhihu between June and July.

If Boss Jiang is here, he will definitely scare his mother, and who said it was so clearly investigating him behind him?

In fact, there is no one else, that is, the honorary chairman of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, Qin Jingqiu, president of the Blue Investment Company, and the second lady of the Feng family, Feng Nanshu’s uncle.

Since I heard Feng Nanshu’s dream of saying in the 11th Golden Week last year, she knew that her little niece had lived in her heart, so she hired an investigation company to check it.

The feedback information is very ordinary, that is, an ordinary family of an ordinary family, there is nothing worthy of attention at all. In addition, Uncle Gong responded there, so Qin Jingqiu did not check Jiang Qin’s survey information too much.

However, the investigation company’s investigation business is not disposable, so their company will update a dynamics about Jiang Qin every month to have her, and the mailbox is left, and it will slowly fail.

Until this afternoon, Feng Nanshu called her and said that when she came to Shanghai, she thought of Jiang Qin again.

In fact, the reason is very simple. How can the little girl in her family dare to run so far? But since she is here, someone must be with her.

The family is definitely impossible, then there are only friends, but that little girl seems to have only one friend.

So Qin Jingqiu sent someone to find his luggage, and sent someone to the hotel to see it, and found that the person who brought her came was Jiang Qin.

The first study star of Lingda?

Qin Jingqiu rolled the pulley and glanced slightly. It happened that he saw Jiang Qin’s transcript this semester. He really barely stabbed the pass line, and all disciplines could not make up.

This … can also be the star of learning?

Mrs. Feng’s second wife revealed an incomprehensible look, and continued to look at the attachment files, and her impression of Jiang Qin was constantly jumping back and forth between reliable and unreliable.

It wasn’t until three minutes later that she suddenly saw the backcare information about Zhihu and the group, and she couldn’t help showing a hint of unusual expressions. The fingertips slid a meal, and even frowned.

Jiang Qin did a forum at the university. She knew it, because I wrote about it in the survey information a year ago.

But for Qin Jingqiu, that may only be regarded as a student’s hobby, and it is impossible to remind people of the business field at all.

But this time, the content provided in the survey information is completely different, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is cloudy.

[The four major campuses are jointly promoted, and the team will change the consumption method of college students]

[Jiang Qin promotes the reform of the Mall of Mall in one hand]

[Linchuan Young Entrepreneurs stimulate the market economy and promote industrial upgrading. .

[The future of prediction of Internet business will be social networks]

Qin Jingqiu downloaded all the attachments that had not been invalidated, and looked silently for a long time. His slender eyebrows were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Her sensitivity to entrepreneurial projects has always been high, because without this ability, she will not be in power to have the largest investment company in the Feng family in China.

And Jiang Qin’s along the way, including the operation of the school flower competition, the marketing of sweet milk tea, the two bright swords of the group, and the binding publicity of the 10,000 malls made her feel amazing.

In other words, she sees the broad prospects and unlimited possibilities from these dense personal information.

The key is that this talent is 19 years old.

Qin Jingqiu entered his nineteen years old and thought about it. He found that he may not have the ability to use this platform to make this platform in such a short time, let alone changing the consumption habits of a city.

This is a very difficult thing. Even if it is a trick, the effect may be very different in the end.

what happened?

Isn’t it to find an ordinary person?

My family Nan Shu seemed to pull it and pull it, and pulled it to a baby?

At this time, there was a footsteps in the corridor outside. The door of the office was pushed away, and a middle -aged man in a suit came in.

His person is very tall, his shoulders are wide, and his generous hand has a three -ring ring ring, and the one in Qin Jingqiu’s hand is obviously a pair.

Dai Dai, the second wife of the Feng family. Of course, this man is the second grandfather of the Feng family. Feng Nanshu’s uncle Feng Shihua, a 40 -year -old man, with a scroll of his book, looks like he is rich.

“Jingqiu, have you finished the work at hand? I will take you to dinner.”

“After handling it, but I found a very interesting thing, you take a look at this.”


Feng Shihua walked behind her, leaned down to look at the computer screen, and looked at Jiang Qin’s information: “Come to us to invest?”

Qin Jingqiu smiled slightly after hearing his voice: “Take a closer look at it again.”

“This group of fighting … it is a bit interesting. It took only one year to fully cover a whole industrial city, open, or a college student entrepreneurial project? And so on, this college student is only 18 or nine?”

Feng Shihua’s eyes have also become more and more surprised: “This project is good. College students should be lacking in money. Let’s go to a stroke and use our private account to invest.”

“Just look at the investor’s house, don’t be afraid of losing?” Qin Jingqiu was a little surprised by her husband.

“You should understand that the investment industry is peak. We must invest in the project. It is not just a project. More importantly, investing in a person, a person full of infinite possibilities.”

Qin Jingqiu took a tea cup and took a sip: “Then do you think this person is?”

Feng Shihua turned straight to a moment of silence: “The university starts a business, and the time is very short. He also attempts to subvert some inherent things, and he started in a quiet and silent. Become the tide of the times. ”

“So do you think he is good? Very satisfied?”

“At least I can’t do it at the age, so I suggest that we try it to try.”

After listening to Qin Jingqiu, he smiled: “Unfortunately, he didn’t come to invest. I secretly collected these materials.”

Feng Shihua looked slightly, and his expression seemed very puzzled: “This person is indeed excellent, and the project is very promising, but it is not dazzling enough to be able to find the information? When do you treat such small projects so so such a small project is so such such a small project. Interested? ”

“Well, you found it, I was looking for his information not because of his entrepreneurial project, but because … he was Nan Shu’s heart.”


“Xiao Nan Shu is more than a dozen years old, and it is really the age of love.” Qin Jingqiu’s eyes flashed with a touch of love.

Feng Shihua lowered his voice and opened his voice after a while: “Have you checked it? Is it really Nan Shu’s boyfriend?”

“The relationship between the two seems to have not reached that point, but it is almost the same. Nan Shu should stick to him.”

“Do you know this?”

Qin Jingqiu pursed the corner of his mouth: “He should know.”

Feng Shihua was relieved: “Should we show a face and ask them to have meals or something? After all, I am an uncle, I don’t know, but since I already know it, I don’t know. I also help Nan Shu examine his character. ”

“Didn’t you appreciate him just now?”

“I admire his talents, but you have to know that talent and character can never be generalized. Some talents are overflowing, but they do not delay their evil.”

Qin Jingqiu shook his head and rolled the mouse to the last position. Inside was an interview about Jiang Qin: regret creating a group, not making money, and really not making money.

Feng Shihua narrowed his eyes: “Isn’t this nonsense?”

“It’s not nonsense, but hiding clumsy. He wants to hide the group and wait for the financial license to pay for the instant payment. Since he has his own ideas and is very clear, we can’t interfere too much, otherwise we will disrupt his plan. ”

“How do I think you have a kind of mother -in -law to see the son -in -law?”

Qin Jingqiu’s gaze was softened a lot in an instant: “I raised Nanshu to her nine years old, then I was of course her mother, but others didn’t have this blessing.”

Feng Shihua was silent for a while: “Jingqiu, just talk about this sentence, let’s not say it when you go home.

“Dada died eighteen years ago.

“Forget it, don’t continue this topic, let’s talk about Jiang Qin, is he okay to Nan Shu?”

Qin Jingqiu returned to God: “Nan Shu is an extremely smart and extremely timid girl. If someone is not good for her, she will definitely not dare to give him all trust.”

Feng Shihua patted his wife’s shoulder: “Seriously, you are already the tone of your mother -in -law.”

I have a chapter today, sorry, I always think that I ca n’t relax even if I get married, but I really overestimate myself. It ’s really tiring to get a wedding. There are guests everywhere at home. Time, sometimes I have to go to the high -speed rail station to pick up people. There is no gap in drinking water. This chapter was rushed out of the hotel in the middle of the night. A groom officer ran to the hotel code on the occasion of the wedding, just to get a quiet environment. There is really a kind of sadness, but the owed chapters will definitely make up after the wedding. In addition, I have to start to sort out the plot and bring better stories to everyone.

(This chapter is finished)

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