Who is reborn? Who is in love?

288. 288 100 million points

Chapter 288

In this way, the time that started to pass by bit bit by bit, it was confusing that in the waiting time for up to half an hour, the front desk waiter who said he wanted to find luggage never appeared again.

Soon after, a lobby manager named Bian Qiang came hearing the news and said he wanted to help them deal with it.

As a result, after the car was speaking, everyone understood what the manager of the manager wanted to express. His meaning was very simple, that is, he did not recognize the number of luggage he stored. Thirteen pieces.

Because the number of luggage was not clearly written on the withdrawal, only the storage amount was written.

“I’m really sorry, affecting the mood of everyone’s stay. Can we return the storage fee back?” Can we? ”

May I? You can mother.

Everyone in 208 will laugh. The value of the two luggage is nearly 30,000 yuan. You can return the 300 yuan to the one without happening?

“Manager Bian, if there are really 13 pieces of luggage we store, why do you pay us money? Is your words a bit contradictory?”

Wei Lanlan found Hua Dian directly, and gave him back in a word.

The manager’s face changed, and he said that they were obviously young as a stupid and clear college student. I didn’t expect that they would not step on a pit, which really made him unexpected.

How could he know that working under the boss of Jiang Qin was too low -end for them.

“No matter if you don’t agree with the refund, anyway, we do only receive 13 luggage.”

Su Nai’s eyebrows couldn’t help but wrinkled: “The waiter just now, he has confirmed that it is fifteen, and he also said to help us find it.”

“Sorry, Miss, we have more than 50 waiters here, do you know what he is called? I immediately called him over and ask.”


After listening to Wei Lanlan, he understood immediately. The waiter’s second employee passage was actually hiding, so as to pretend not to pretend, so that the manager Yokou denied that they had fifteen bags of luggage.

“That waiter is Zhao Jiale.”

Jiang Qin, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke; “The festival is good, happy.”

The manager was instantly stunned, and he did not expect that they could really say Zhao Jiale’s name. After a while, the word was said: “Uh … in fact, I am also new recently. The intercom helper to help people call people. ”

Jiang Qin laughed: “Who would remember the work number of a hotel front desk? Besides, remember to find our luggage?”

“Mr. you should be, but if you don’t remember the work number, it will be troublesome, because there are many temporary part -time jobs in the short -term part -time job on our side.”

“Since you say that, then I can only think of it. His job number is AC050031, let’s call it.”

Lobby manager:”……”

After a long while, Manager Bian said a meal with a walkie -talkie, and the disappeared waiter reappeared, but he said that he didn’t do anything when his luggage was stored. He didn’t know anything.

In fact, what he said is also a fact, because the hotel is made in the afternoon in the afternoon, and the waiter who helps the luggage in the morning is really not him.

“Since you don’t know how many luggage, what do you go to find?”

The waiter named Zhao Jiale bowed his head: “I just went to the security room to turn around, and did not confirm that it was fifteen luggage.”

Jiang Qin is about to be annoying: “Don’t beep, check the supervision and control, it’s annoying.”

“Our monitoring …”

“Your surveillance is broken?” Jiang Qin stood up and dragged away the intercom from him.

Manager pursed the corner of his mouth: “The guests please go here, I will take you.”

As a result, the people of 208 followed Manager Bian to move the monitoring room to check the monitoring screen today, and finally confirmed that there were indeed 15 luggage.

Manager Bian’s face was a bit ugly. I didn’t expect that it could really be so clear, and Jiang Qin was unwilling to snore anymore, and directly asked Wei Lanlan to report to the police.

After the police arrived, the manager surnamed Bian was obviously better. He also acknowledged that the hotel was improper and said that he would help them find their luggage, but when they could find it, they said they could not guarantee.

“We have a lot of things to be busy next. There is no time to wait for you to find it. Since the luggage is lost by your hotel, let’s compensate it at the original price first. After the luggage is found, we will return the money to you.”

Jiang Qin looked at his fingers upright, comparing with three, indicating that the amount of the hotel needs to pay.

What he wants is definitely not these 30,000 yuan, but he knows that if you don’t put the money in his hands, it will be difficult for them to help find luggage seriously. At that time, they really don’t know that they will wait until the year of the monkey.

“Compensation first? This is definitely not possible. We have not checked whether there are these things in your bag. You ca n’t always take your mouth to say that we really have to pay 30,000?”

Manager 坐 looked at the police officer sitting next to him: “We will cooperate with the police to actively look for it later, but which hotel has no rules to lose money first.”

Jiang Qin thought about it, “Manager Bian, where do you listen to my accent? If you guessed right, I will go back and wait.”

“Should it be more north?”

“Damn, know that I am a foreigner, do you want to drag time, right? Then every time you call and ask, he said he was looking for?” Jiang Qin slammed the table directly.

Manager ……: “…”

The police officer sitting on the sofa also spoke at this time: “Don’t worry about sir, we will also actively investigate and help you find your luggage at the fastest speed.”

“There are very important information in our computer. We must find it today. This is the losses of the hotel. The consequences should not be let us bear it.”

“But it takes time to find something. At present, it is not sure if it was stolen or where was left.”

In short, after a negotiation in the afternoon, the hotel did not agree to pay first. Jiang Qin said that he would not agree, because he knew that as long as they left Shanghai, the hotel would have various ways to push the responsibility.

If the internal employee takes it away, even if the police may not be able to find it anymore, he has seen too much about this kind of thing. The main thing is that a big thing is small, small things, and only yourself.

But this time it is definitely not possible, because it was Su Nai’s computer.

You know, Zhihu’s upgrades are all counting on Su Nai and his project team. If this computer cannot be found for two or three months, or it is completely lost, many work in the early stage can be done in vain.

Seeing that the negotiation could not be negotiated, Manager Bian had no way, and could only call the general manager.

The general manager of this hotel has a strong attitude. He first expressed his willingness to cooperate to find it, but also said that it was impossible to pay first.

“We will definitely find luggage, but it is impossible to pay for it first, and we did not check out the inside at the time, let alone confirm the value of the items. Do n’t you make trouble unreasonably, wait for the results.”

His sentence unreasonable to make trouble can blow up the popularity of 208: “What does it mean unreasonable to make trouble? We paid the storage fee!”

Manager Qiu did not change his color: “Sorry, but the truth is the truth. If you find your luggage in the later period, we will notify you as soon as possible. Let’s go first today.”

His tone was soft and hard, as if he had nothing to do at all, and his posture was quite high.

Jiang Qin laughed, and said that he pretended to be Nima pretending to be a stupid college student.

But there is no way for outsiders. One without one connection, and there is no time to wait, they ca n’t afford it at all. Even if they are angry, they still have to compromise.

So the two were together like this, and no one was willing to make concessions. It was not until a soft and soft tone suddenly came in the solidified air, and the conversation between the scene was suddenly interrupted.

“Hey, aunt.”

“I, I came to Shanghai to play, but I didn’t deliberately tell you, and my luggage was lost.”


Feng Nanshu said the name of the hotel, and found that everyone turned to look at himself, so he hugged Jiang Qin’s arm, and his expression became colder, but his voice became smaller and smaller.

Seeing this, the police officers, managers, general managers, and the staff of the lobby could not help but look at the little girl, but no one cared about it, only as a small episode, and then continued to silence.

Now that you ca n’t negotiate, continue to consume it. Some people are tourists, some are locals, and who can afford who can’t afford it at a glance.

It is impossible to pay first. Even if the luggage really can’t find it, they will only pay at ten times the storage fee.

Fifteen pieces of luggage and three hundred premiums. The premiums of the two luggage are 40. Even if the ten -fold payment is only 400, and the custody fee is 300, it is only 700 together.

As for 30,000? Don’t think about it.

Manager Qiu managed the hotel for many years, dealt with various tricky things, and knew that many guests would be particularly angry after being dissatisfied with the heart of dissatisfaction, but in the end, the anger was still unable to compromise.

He is very confident.

But next, the direction of this matter is much beyond their expectations.

After about half an hour, the three police cars suddenly drove to the hotel. The leader was a middle -aged man wearing a casual dress. He followed several police officers behind him. Several people walked over with a steady step.

Seeing this scene, the two police officers responsible for mediation disputes immediately stood up and saluted.

“Chen team, why are you here?”

“Didn’t you say that the luggage was lost? Let me talk to me first, what’s going on?”


The police officer said that they hadn’t reported the situation yet. Why did the captain know so quickly?

Manager Qiu, who was cold, couldn’t help but sit straight, his eyes were a little surprised, and he seemed to be a little bit unable to figure it out.

However, before the two police officers opened, there was another engine roar from the entrance of the hotel. Subsequently, the three black cars stopped steadily. Also gathering here.

Manager Qiu immediately stood up immediately after seeing these three people.

But since he entered the hotel to work, he seemed to have never seen the boss’s nervous expression.

“Boss, President Zhang, Mr. Sun, how did you come?”

“What about luggage?” The hotel owner looked at him with gloomy eyes.

Manager Qiu froze: “What … what luggage?”

“What about the luggage lost in our hotel? What happened to our hotel? You are sitting very steadily here. Do you fucking do n’t know how to find your luggage?!”


(This chapter is finished)

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