Who is reborn? Who is in love?

279. 279. She will memorize even Jiang family spectrum

Chapter 279. She will memorize even the Jiang family spectrum

Yuan Youqin put a fat meat and put it in Jiang Qin’s bowl. In his mind, he remembered Feng Nanshu holding the family portrait of his old Jiang family last night. a long time.

She cut an apple to Feng Nanshu, and asked her a few people in her family, and saw the little cute and gently raised her fingers, saying that there was only one person, but Ms. Yuan was distressed.

Therefore, after knowing that Jiang Qin came back today, she immediately set the time to shoot new family portraits in tomorrow.

What bad thoughts do the old mother have? I just want to add this beautiful little girl into the family portrait.

When the New Year, the aunt Li and the Sister Liu Sanjie came to the door, and she directly put the new family portrait on the coffee table in the living room. If she didn’t need to say anything, she won half.

“Nan Shu, go down and bend with aunt after eating.”

“Okay.” Feng Nanshu nodded well.

After half an hour, the dinner ended, and Yuan Youqin packed the dishes into the pool and greeted the whole family downstairs.

The weather in Jeju is better than Linchuan City, especially in the evening, even the small breeze of the face of midsummer will appear.

At this time, the sky was just dark, and the orange yellow was still left in the sky, and it looked magnificent and dreamy.

Because it is the relocation community, most of the elderly in Hongrong House also maintain the habit of living in the countryside. After dinner, they will take Maza and take a fan to go downstairs. There is also a chat with the East Parents West Family Short.

Jiang Zhenghong and Yuan Youqin walked in the front, while Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu to the back. The appearance of the family of four instantly attracted the collective attention of the “Hongrong Home Intelligence Center” in front.

“Four aunt, I’m Nan Shu.”

“Grandma Wu is good, I’m Nan Shu.”

“Good Grandpa, cousin, cousin, stupid, good evening, I’m Nan Shu.”

“Uncle Six, six aunt, I am Nan Shu.”

The rich woman was pure like a elven under the night, and she was screaming and quietly, showing Jiang Qin’s eyes stunned and staring at the dog.

The residents who live in the relocation community were once a village. Perhaps the surnames are different, but most people are related to their relationship.

The younger generation like Jiang Qin has to say a few laps when you go out. If you don’t speak, people will also say that Jiang Zhenghong’s kid is not educated.

But because of the complicated relationship, Jiang Qin couldn’t tell who to be called at all.

You see an old man, you think you should call a grandfather, but as a result, people are small, and you can call a brother.

To be honest, Jiang Qin couldn’t wait to cover his face every time he went downstairs. He said that he loved who loved. Anyway, I couldn’t remember it. You just take me as a thief.

But he didn’t expect Feng Nanshu to be so handy. Every time he walked well, his voice called this called and that, each name was accurate, and even the old and surnames knew everything. Chu, in exchange for countless smiles.

Jiang Qin was a little embarrassed, and I said that I was foreign? I am a stranger in this community?

“Little rich woman, have you secretly carried the genealogy of our family?”

Feng Nanshu shook her head coldly: “I haven’t recited it, but after dinner every day, my aunt will take me out to bend and teach me how to call it, but some of them will remember my name wrong.”

Jiang Qin took a stagnation, and said that my mother was not digging how many pits and layouts?

Li Feng Nanshu lived at home, and she had to bring her family portrait. Now she will call her seven aunts and eight aunts of Lao Jiang’s family. Who will believe that they are innocent.

The trick of poisonous poison, Jiang Qin has no countermeasures: “By the way, who is it?”

“It is a dog raised by the cousin. The cousin wants to name it Beibei, but every time he is called Babe, he does not respond.

“You are not stupid, you are very smart, I am definitely deceived by you.” Jiang Qin’s eyes became very serious.

Feng Nanshu was stupid for a while, and suddenly Liu Xun was stuffed with a cooking peanut, so he bluffed his face and looked at Jiang Qin: “Jiang Qin, I want to eat cooking peanuts, but I will not peel it several times.”

Jiang Qin squeezed a high -cold look and showed her: “You are so smart, can you not even learn such a simple movement?”

“I don’t understand.”

Jiang Qin squeezed her another: “Did you learn this time?”

Xiao Fu’s wife shook her head seriously: “I can’t learn it at all.”

Her cold and cold expression is too omnipotent, and she can perfectly adapt to all the context. Jiang Qin peeled two peanut beans and put it in her hands: “There are too many people, you can’t feed you to eat, I will peel it to you Eat yourself. ”

“oh oh.”

Feng Nan Shu’s ruddy little mouth ate a boiled peanut bean, and followed Jiang Qin to walk forward in panic and dumbfounded. He was secretly thinking that I was stupid, and I was cold and stupid.

After walking back from the community, it was already more than nine o’clock in the evening. When Xiao Fu accompanied Yuan Youqin to watch TV, Jiang Qin called Uncle Gong and asked him to come over to pick up people.

When he was not there, Feng Nanshu lived in his room. There was nothing wrong with it. Anyway, the bed was a new two -person bed, and the four -piece suit was also a new two -piece four -piece suit, but since he returned, the two bedrooms in the house would not be the two bedrooms. It’s too convenient.

Not to mention that everyone is a friend, even if it is a couple, they will not live together in the case of their parents.

Don’t look at her mother always turning Xiao Fu’s wife on her daughter -in -law, but she is still very traditional, so if Xiao Fu’s mother stays in his house tonight, he has no surprise sleeping sofa.

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law is stupid, he is not stupid.

After a long while, Uncle Gong drove to Hongrong House and parked the car downstairs.

Yuan Youqin helped Feng Nanshu to clean up things, and Jiang Qin first went to the door of the community, and chatted with Uncle Gong, who was waiting for the young lady.

“Does the Feng family really care about Xiao Fu’s wife? She is fine for three days when she comes to my house?”

“Uncle is still very concerned about the young lady, but … the young lady does not listen to him, and President Qin also cares about her, but the young lady does not listen to her.”

“I don’t listen to the emotion Feng Nanshu’s words?” Jiang Qinle couldn’t.

Uncle Gong didn’t laugh, but turned to look at him: “You can say that.”

Jiang Qin smiled and shook her head at all. “Impossible, Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law was so good, what could he listen to, how could it be so rebellious?”

“In fact, when the young lady is not good, no one can control her temper, but that is not the fault of the young lady, it is the fault of the family.”

Jiang Qin was stunned by smoke, and he really couldn’t get used to this stuff, so he stepped on the cigarette butt: “I think there must be a story in it, but if I ask you, you will definitely not say it.”

Uncle Gong nodded: “Actually, I can’t even say that this is already a deliberately discussing the owner’s family affairs.”

“Then do you still say?”

Uncle Gong shrugged, and opened the “Availability in the Urban · Final Volume” in his hand.

Jiang Qin stretched out a lazy waist: “Can I take her to travel around in two days?”

“Miss young is willing.”

“It is not possible to take care of Xiao Fu in this way. She is so deceived. If you really want to meet the bad guys, you will be abducted.”

Uncle Gong waved his hand: “You don’t know, aunt … Gurgur.”

Jiang Qin froze: “What?”

“Nothing, Master Jiang, I just saw a cloth bird just now, teased him, where are we talking about?”

“I said you will be deceived by taking care of the rich woman like a Buddha.”

“Impossible, Master Jiang, you don’t know. The young lady is the smartest person in the ground all day. Whoever is good for her is not good, and she can see it at a glance.”

Jiang Qin: “?”

Uncle Gong raised the corner of his mouth and continued to give an example to prove how smart Miss Feng was, but suddenly felt the back of his head before he spoke, and then turned his head and found that his young lady was standing in front of the car, bluffing her small face with her small face. Look at him.

“Master Jiang, let’s not talk anymore, I have to send the young lady home.” Uncle Gong quickly got up and helped Feng Nanshu open the door.

Jiang Qinmu sent them away and was about to think about the words of Uncle Gong just now, but before he had time to think about it, the black Bentley opened again quickly.

The window dropped, and the serious face of Uncle Gong was exposed.

To be honest, Jiang Qin had known Uncle Gong for a while. He knew that he had always been smiling, but he had never seen him such a serious face. Thinking of this, Jiang Qin’s face could not help but become dignified.

“Uncle Gong, what’s the matter with?”

“Master Jiang, in fact, the young lady in our family is not smart at all, and it is very stupid!”


After Uncle Gong finished speaking, he raised the window, and then drove the car in a hurry to leave the long street in front of Hongrong Homeland.

Jiang Qin was messy in the evening wind of summer night, and it took a long time to respond.

Good guy, isn’t this fucking version of the standard version, there are no silver three hundred or two? I also went back to say that a young lady was not smart and didn’t have to ask. It must be that Uncle Gong was afraid that he would be deducted!

But is Xiao Fu’s clever?

You want to say that she is not smart, she knows to pretend to be stupid. Do you want to say that she is smart. Isn’t this a trick that looks more stupid?

(This chapter is finished)

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