Chapter 266 B 第!!

“Director, when will Jiang Qin come here?”

Gu Chunlei raised his wrist and looked at the time: “It takes about half an hour.”

Chu Siqi yelled, looking at the busy journalists and cameramen in front of him, his breathing became much heavier.

After the college entrance examination, Jiang Qin stepped on the road of the male god step by step, gained countless praise and applause, which made her unwilling to miss the good people.

But after all, those aura was still within the school, and she was not too out of circulation. She always thought it was almost the same, and she would not be dazzling anymore, but she did not expect that it was the limit of her cognition, not the limit of Jiang Qin.

Stimulated the consumption of the entire Linchuan city, so that the largest mall in the urban area was reborn.

Chusqi knew that after this interview, Jiang Qin was no longer a simple college student. He had dumped all the people who could throw away.

She couldn’t imagine what concept was, but just felt that he was like a star. She couldn’t calculate the distance at all, but she couldn’t ignore it.

But the opponent is Feng Nanshu, who has won?

Chu Siqi has been forcing herself to accept reality. Don’t expect to expect, but can’t stop the light that has been shining in front of him.

If there is really no chance to get it, the most terrible thing is that Chusqi had the opportunity to get it, which is the most tortured person.

Then she understood that everyone was the same. Everyone was a small flying worm. She knew that the light was very hot, but she couldn’t help but want to make it.

But Chusqi’s joy has a large part of fear, because she has no superiority in front of Jiang Qin, but she is an annoying existence.

She didn’t know how to be herself, so she was always repeated.

“Siqi, for half an hour, do you want to go out with me?” Yao Junjie suddenly said.

Chu Siqi shook his head gently after returning to God: “Forget it, it’s not long for half an hour, I’ll wait here.”

“If you want to go out, just go around. I also came from when I was young. You don’t have to be too restrained in front of me. After all, love is also part of college life, and there are many people at the scene today.

Gu Chunlei is relatively young, and she is 30 years old. Therefore, her ideas are more open and people are more gossip. They know that Yao Junjie is interesting to Chu Siqi, so he does not mind helping to promote it.

Chu Siqi quickly waved his hand to clarify: “I don’t have a love director, don’t make a joke with me.”

“Started single? It seems that Yao needs to work hard, and the flowers on our station are not so easy to chase.” Director Gu couldn’t help laughing.

Yao Junjie nodded with a smile: “Then I will try hard.”

Gu Chunlei looked at Chu Siqi again, and couldn’t help but curious: “Siqi, what kind of boy do you like, or the director can help you find one. The handsome guy is still fine. ”

“Director, you can’t do this either. I am chasing. If you introduce Chu Xuemei, what should I do?” Yao Junjie immediately didn’t agree.

“Who makes Siqi who can’t call him, I will find one of them for Siqi.”

“That’s not okay. I recognize who is who is, and I can’t change it easily.”

Chu Siqi couldn’t help but interrupted their conversation: “Director, don’t open me, I am not ready to fall in love with me.”

Gu Chunlei pursed the corner of his mouth: “It is a pity that university does not enjoy a love once, especially when going to the society, it is difficult for you to find pure love like a student.”

“Maybe there will be thought in the future.”

Gu Chunlei looked at her carefully: “You seem to be irritable today, and even frowned out of the Sichuan character.”

Chu Siqi showed a smile calmly: “I have a cold recently, and I always feel a little dizzy.”

Yao Junjie suddenly picked up the milk tea he bought: “Is it hypoglycemia? Drinking milk tea, it may be better.”

“Sorry, Xueyao, I … never drink sweetness.”

“This is the newly launched taste. It is very difficult to buy. It sells light in less than afternoon every day.”

Chu Siqi glanced at the pattern on the milk tea cup: “I am not picking up, I don’t like this brand, you don’t want to buy it next time.”

“Then I will help you buy something else next time.”

Yao Junjie didn’t care at all. He looked around, and suddenly found that the Boys at the broadcast station looked at himself with hatred, so he smiled slightly, his hands were pocked, and the wind and cloud were so light that he didn’t know what his opponent.

Chu Xuemei doesn’t want to fall in love?

It doesn’t matter, because as long as he is not worthy of his opponent, the school girl promised to be his girlfriend but sooner or later.

Otherwise, who can she choose? Are these boys who dare to look at the radio station secretly?

At this time, two girls ran over at the door, one was Wang Huiru and the other was Si Huiying.

The two of them are not members of the broadcasting station. It is also the first time to come here. Of course, Wang Huiru is to see the old classmates, while Si Huiying was completely pulled by her.

After entering 101, the two originally wanted to call Chusqi, but they were shocked by the big battle in front of them.

It was this TV, the daily newspaper, the finance, the financial, the financial, and the professional photographers were mobilizing the equipment. There were several young and beautiful female journalists who were young and beautiful.

Si Huiying made a big mouth: “Is this the principal derailed or the school is haunted?”

“Jiang Qin is coming.” Wang Huiru explained softly.


At this moment, a footsteps sounded in the empty corridor, and then a tall figure broke into everyone’s sight.

This person is wearing a tall suit, his eyes are deep, and the hairstyle has been carefully created at first glance. It has a clean sense of cleanliness. It can be seen that the teenager’s publicity does not make people feel mad.

From the perspective of light, it is a bit like a young president who came out of an idol drama. It is not exaggerated, but it makes people feel that it is strong and powerful.

Jiang Qin is really suitable for this kind of scene. Whether it is expression or movement, there are almost all scores. For this short corridor, he is just a chic and lofty.

This is not because he has outstanding temperament. It is really imitating Wu Yanzu for a long time.

So the most important thing is self -confidence. When you think you are Wu Yanzu, even if you are not Wu Yanzu, you can improve a little handsome, not to mention Jiang Qin is convinced of Wu Yanzu who is handsome.

“Really you, Jiang Qin?” Si Huiying recognized the person and opened his mouth slightly.

Jiang Qin stopped and looked at Si Huiying for a long while: “What Jiang Qin, please call me Azu.”


Si Huiying pursed the corner of his mouth, his mind was stunned.

Jiang Qin has always had a very clear label in her heart, that is, the man who was robbed by Chu Siqi and Hong Yan. To be honest, she did not understand where Jiang Qin was God, and she was qualified to make the two Tianxian. Housemates turned their eyes.

You say he looks handsome, but it is only the middle and upper level. Without the point of the male god, you want to say that he has money. Chu Siqi said that he is an ordinary family.

It wasn’t until later that Zhihu and the group became famous step by step in school that she gradually realized that Jiang Qin’s excellent is not in his face or background, but because he is a treasure. Too much high.

The kind of male god who had a face alone did not need to mention in front of him, because they were not a level at all, and they couldn’t see at the beginning, just because their eyes were too short.

Especially at this moment, after facing the famous Jiang Qin, Si Huiying instantly felt like a passion. He felt that his aura was really prosperous and it was difficult to breathe.

The person who was scolded by the scumbag on the street was now existed like this.

At this point, Si Huiying couldn’t help looking at Chusqi, and found that her proud of her proud of the white swan, schoolmates, couldn’t help but lowered their heads.

“Classmate Jiang, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

In the room, Dong Min of the Linchuan Youth Daily waved his hand and greeted him.

“Miss Dong, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Jiang Qin walked to the center of the interview site. He responded while being guided by Director Gu while sitting on the sofa prepared for him.

Although the joint interviews are everyone together, in addition to several newspapers, both Linchuan TV and Linchuan Daily need to replace the host, that is, the duration of this interview may be long.

Several beautiful and enchanting female reporters came together, squatted in front of Jiang Qin, and talked with him the focus and details of the interviews.

“In fact, these reporters are usually proud. Like such people standing on their squatting, that is, city leaders can see that Jiang Qin’s face is indeed large enough. It is estimated that the superiors are notified by the superiors.”

Gu Chunlei held her shoulders and couldn’t help sighing.

Hearing this sentence, everyone standing on the right side of the classroom has its own ideas.

Wang Huiru is happy to be an old classmate, and at the same time, she is worried about Chu Siqi’s psychological state.

Chu Siqi pursed his mouth, there was no big response, and Yao Junjie was boring and tried to make a way to make Chu Siqi out.

After a long while, the equipment on the scene turned on, Jiang Qin raised his waist, facing the camera with a smile, and the idle people at the scene snoring at the same time, making the scene return to quiet.

“Classmate Jiang, are you ready? We have to start interviewing.”

Jiang Qin sat upright: “Start.”

The first reporter from Linchuan TV, who interviewed Jiang Qin, called Min Rou. She looked at Jiang Qin at the sofa opposite, and suddenly said: “Jiang, you can unlock one of the buttons of the shirt, slightly a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit. Open a little bit, so this will not be too serious. ”

“Well, Miss Min, I still buckle, comfortable.” Jiang Qin rejected her request calmly.

There were Feng Nanshu’s poke on the neck. If it was exposed, the school knew.

“Well, then we start like this. Classmate Jiang, please talk to us first.”

(This chapter is finished)

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