Who is reborn? Who is in love?

264. 264 Feng Nanshu is a love brain

Chapter 264 Feng Nanshu is a love brain

What is the main theme of the selection of learning stars?

It is to stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm, and at the same time drive a good learning atmosphere in the school, it is also an encouragement and support for the quality of the academic and superior.

How did the first study star evaluate, why do most students know?

第一届评选我们并没有向学生公开,而是联合了无数位专家暗中进行,经过了三天三夜的严格筛选之后,我们列出了全校范围内的十大候选人,但你也知道, There are too many good students at Linchuan University. I ca n’t choose it. I ca n’t choose it at all, so in the final evaluation, it is difficult for each of us to choose.

So how did this champion happen in the end?

Because of the unable to choose, we finally adopted the most traditional expert voting method, and decided to produce the first study star, Jiang Qin through voting!

Is there any special background story in this award?

Really, this award was initiated by a female entrepreneur in the retail industry. She did not go to college, but was deeply shocked by the rich academic atmosphere of Linchuan University, so she cooperated with the school to set up this award. Because she didn’t go to college and she was raining, she wanted to support an umbrella for others!

At dusk, the light rain in the sky was gloomy, and there was a gloom outside, dispeling the hot and hot summer heat.

At that time, the latest campus newspaper published an interview with Li Hua Biao on campus reporters.

Through this interview content, everyone finally learned the origin and background of the Star of learning.

Many students can’t help but sigh. No wonder no one has heard of it in the first session. It turned out to be secretly carried out. As we all know, the secret things are generally quite awesome.

In addition, can only ensure the fairness and fairness of the results?

There is also a female entrepreneur who wants to support umbrellas for others who want to support others by raining.

Of course, Jiang Qin, who was the first star of the first study star, was the best in entrepreneurship. I did not expect that learning was among the best. The excellent people really did not do anything.

“Damn, I didn’t expect Li Huabiao to be a personal talent. Those who died can be said to be alive.”

Jiang Qin put down the newspaper, thinking that the interview was indeed not blind at all.

The first first one was selected by this first session, there was no problem, and the initiator of this award was indeed a retail female entrepreneur -the college’s supermarket, Jiang, and no problem.

It seems that successful people may not be brilliant from the beginning, and they can be supplemented in the later period. This is really the most prestigious operation ever.

The fake became true. He didn’t know what he would like to mention the star of learning in the future.

“This is the trophy of learning star? It’s pretty. Each subject is barely passing. You can get a learning award. It’s really evil.”

In the sweet sweet milk tea shop, Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but touch the golden star on the trophy.

“Classmate, please don’t touch it. Can you afford it when you touch it?” Jiang Qin was crooked.

Gao Wenhui was so strange by his yin and yang: “I don’t like to touch my feet, and I don’t know how much cleaner than 伱. You may still have athletes in your hands, but you are willing to abandon me?”

Feng Nanshu sitting in front of the counter suddenly bluffed his face: “Wen Hui, my feet are clean, not dirty at all, and no athletes.”

“I know, you go to see Jiang Qin every day to wash your feet, but who knows if he has touched others, after all, there are so many female employees in 208 …”

Jiang Qin’s eyebrows frowned: “Do you think you can get a full salary this month a bit uncomfortable?”

Gao Wenhui suddenly glanced at him fiercely: “The salary is deducted, but you swear, except Feng Nanshu, you haven’t touched the feet of others?”

“Of course, I am not the kind of pervert that likes feet.”

“So you see Feng Nanshu so holy, so you can try his best to slap her and ruin her? After all, people from the School of Finance feel that Feng Nanshu is cold and white, and the iceberg is white and rich. The cuteness of playing your feet is very fulfilling, right? ”

Jiang Qin pinched all the milk tea cups: “Damn, this statement is even more scary. Otherwise, you still treat me as a pervert that likes your feet.”

Feng Nanshu flashed his two words in his head, and suddenly raised his face and opened his head: “Jiang Qin, I want to go to the maple forest.”

“It’s raining, I can’t go today, let’s talk about it when it rains.”


Gao Wenhui was a little shocked: “Have you been to the Maple Forest? That is where the little couple is in love, aren’t you a good friend?”

Jiang Qin leaned to the back of the chair: “We go to the maple forest to review, after all, we will take the exam soon. I can’t have a name for my study star.”

“Black paint there, even the words in the book can’t be seen clearly. What can you review?”

“Oh, do I have to tell you that my textbook is at night?”

Jiang Qin turned to look outside the door. The rain had slowly gathered in the trickle flowing in the front square covered with marble, and the red rain shed on the eaves began to flow, like a curtain of jade beads stringing.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and Cecilia Qing who called Cecilia in informed him to be interviewed at the Guangjiao Center tomorrow.

He said that he had helped Jiang Qin make up all the media he wanted to interview, and was ready to allow him to receive a joint interview directly at the school. This will not delay the review time. One consideration.

Jiang Qin sighed, and said that President Zhang was really impatient. The lies of the learning star have just been compiled.

“Good principal, I understand.”

“Is there a suit? The best wearing is a more formal, and the hairstyle is also sorted out.” Cecilia Qing instructed.

The previous interview was a newspaper interview, but this time it was different. This time I had to be on TV, so I still have to pay attention to my personal image.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qin patted his stomach: “Recently, I have to practice my abdominal muscles, and my body is good. I don’t know if the previous suit is still unhappy.”

Feng Nan Shu Song opened the straw in his mouth and looked at him with a high face: “Jiang Qin, I want to see.”

“The suit was put in the dormitory, and I haven’t been washed yet, and the rain is so heavy, I can’t go back,” next time. ”

“I don’t look at the suit, I want to see the abdominal muscles.”

Jiang Qin was stunned, and he said that he was about to practice, and he was about to practice the abdominal muscles, which means that it has not been practiced yet.

However, in terms of Jiang Qin’s temper, he must not admit that he did not, so Gao Leng said: “It’s okay to show you, we are the best friends, but if you don’t have to see it, but if Gao Wenhui is a good glance at the outsiders, how can he glance at the outsiders of Gao Wenhui at a glance? manage?”

“Then I secretly looked at the maple forest next time.” Feng Nan Shu was not good.

“The maple wood is dark, what can I see?”

Feng Nanshu glanced at his lower abdomen: “I can touch it if I can’t see it.”

Jiang Qin reached out and covered his stomach: “It doesn’t work, good friends can only see and can’t touch it.”

“Brother, just touch my sister.”

Gao Wenhui was washing the filter of the juice machine at this time. He heard the whispering of the two people’s whispering face. If Jiang Qin had practiced the abdominal muscles, my fuck would eat this filter directly without bringing this filter without bringing it with. Chewed.

How long does the sports party distance now? Less than two months, right?

Even if he is soaked in the gym every day, the abdominal muscles cannot be practiced.

Feng Nanshu is like this. As soon as he sees Jiang Qin, he will become stupid. He does not consider the reasonableness of the matter at all. As long as Jiang Qin said, even if she is Tianfang Ye Tan, she can’t believe it.

At this moment, Jiang Qin’s phone rang again. It was Gu Chunlei of the Propaganda Department. He wanted to talk to him with a joint interview with tomorrow. By the way, he listed him a tomorrow’s outline, and asked him to teach him.

Jiang Qin pumped the umbrella from the counter, picked up the car key and walked towards the Audi on the opposite road.

Seeing that the car was far away, Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but get in front of Feng Nanshu: “Do you really believe that Jiang Qin has abdominal muscles? I think he just wants to lie to you to show him the vest line.”

“Jiang Qin won’t lie to me.” Feng Nanshu took a sip of milk tea.

Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but snoring: “You are really a love brain.”

“Wen Hui, I am a good friend.”

Although Gao Wenhui’s expression was serious, but in fact, he couldn’t help it, and instantly made up the content of more than 100,000 novels.

I heard that Jiang Qin’s Zhihu is now engaged in the net red blogger training plan. Whether it is good, well -written, funny, and pretending to be underwritten. As long as you can produce good content, you will get real gold and silver support. There will also be drainage.

Can I also make a novel?

After all, Gao Wenhui couldn’t chase the two of them every day, and many details still depended on the brain.

For example, although she hadn’t seen her feet, she had never seen it, but the picture of her brain supplemented was very severe and wonderful. Even, she also made up the picture of Jiang Qin’s trotters, but she was too outrageous. She was embarrassed to say it. Essence

How is it possible, how can there be such a pervert, hee hee.

However, Gao Wenhui feels that writing the brain supplement as a novel is indeed a good idea.

Half an hour later, Jiang Qin took the interview outline and returned to Xi Tian, then took the rich woman to eat a meal, turned back to 207, and began to study the interview outline.

He had been interviewed by the Linchuan Youth Daily, but at that time, the theme of the interview was “Youth of the Times”, which was himself, but this interview was desperately targeted at the group. The world’s number one feelings.

Jiang Qin didn’t know what consequences of this exposure, so the heart was not as easy as the surface.

“Feng Nanshu.”


Jiang Qin put down the outline and opened his hand at Xiao Fu’s wife; “Come here to let me hug.”

Feng Nanshu blinked, and immediately drilled into Jiang Qin’s arms. The fragrant fragrance was soft and fragrant, and almost overwhelmed him on the sofa.

Jiang Qin reached out to hold her slender waist, supported her legs, and looked up at her clear eyes and a tall nose bridge. Her heart said that 207 was really a moral depression, otherwise why she wanted to hug her so much.

(This chapter is finished)

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