Chapter 262 The Anti -Better of Learning Star

In the following days, Jiang Qin has been improving his Tibetan sword plan.

This plan is simple and simple. It is complicated and complicated. The core operation is to meet some time ago. Limit the group in Linchuan, do not do excess moves before the third -party payment software gets real -time payment. Time difference, push Zhihu to the whole country.

Foreign out, he wants to show that the group is very garbage and useless, but the toys that I do with it at hand is a realized part, and knowing that it is the best product of my Jeju Wu Yanzu · Qin.

Garbage fighting, dogs are not dry, cow knows, the world’s first!

Of course, someone must not believe it, but when the third -party payment software cannot bypass the current stage of the banking system, there is no way to achieve national promotion.

After all, it is only in 2009, and even the largest opponent Meituan has not yet been established because it cannot be resolved in this link.

Even when Taobao has repeatedly bumped into the wall when transforming and investing, who is regarded as a nonsense, who can predict how much the group will be hanging in advance?

In particular, the nuclear sales model charged by such merchants now is equivalent to handing the lifeblood into the hands of others. Even the dogs shook their heads, let alone investors.

In this case, as long as you let Zhihuo stand up, the group can always live in his shadow and continue to develop insignificantly.

“Damn, I’m really a little genius!”

Jiang Qin was complacent, and when he was happy, Feng Nanshu was full of doting and was held for more than two hours. A whole Bai Fumei directly softened in his arms, and his eyes seemed to have stars.

Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin …

Xiao Fu was sitting in his arms, and his feet kept kicking in the air.

As a result, when Jiang Qin saw the morning news of Linchuan people’s livelihood, he couldn’t hold it a little bit.

“Jiang Qin, he is the star of studying at Linchuan University. He is a person with excellent quality and science and a large pattern.”

“When I first saw him, he was almost smart.”

“His eyes are really long -term, as if you can predict the future, you can always expect something that has not yet happened, and make full preparations in advance.”

“In fact, the reform of Wanzhong Mall is actually inspired by Jiang Qin. Without him, the reform of Wanzhong will not be so smooth.”

“Polisherlessly, Jiang Qin is a business wizard. Cooperation with him is the most correct decision I have done in my life.”

On the TV screen, He Yijun’s old face appeared seriously in front of the camera. During the interview, he made a bunch of rainbow farts for Jiang Qin.

He is actually a kind of kindness, because he knows that the group is currently being promoted in the city. Of course, he has to use the news to help him promote a wave. However, Jiang Qin has been numb after watching it. Is the pants be picked up?

Also, the star of learning is the Nima pheasant award. We usually blow in private.

In case, let’s say in case, if this matter is picked out, then our face is it?

The most terrible thing is that Lao He buckled the hat too much, saying that he could predict the future direction, who could hold it.

At this moment, the news screen turned, and a 40 -year -old woman appeared in front of the screen. This person is no stranger to Jiang Qin, that is, the boss Wang Peixiang of the Vienna Hotel.

“Jiang Qin, he is legendary, a brave and fearless pioneer. His most powerful point is to understand people’s hearts.”

“At the beginning of this year, I asked me to talk about cooperation, but because it was a university project, I refused, but he actually sent a supervisor to chat with me while I went to the beauty salon for skin care. I persuaded me for two hours. ”

“Such a person, his future is definitely unlimited.”


After reading the news, Jiang Qin turned his head very seriously: “Professor, how does these media seem to be staring at me?”

Professor Yan pondered for a long while: “It should not be reasonable. Although the group is now loud, it will not continue to report continuously. There must be something in it.”

“Is someone boosted?”

“Well, the probability is related to the continuous promotion of investment promotion this year.”

Lingchuan is located in the north of the whole country. It is a very typical industrial city. It has uncomfortable economic development, has a lot of industrial accumulation, and has more traditional concepts.

But because of rich resources, the GDP of this place has always been high.

To put it bluntly, this city is rich, but the market economy and consumption power have always belonged to the medium level.

To this end, the Linchuan government has been trying to stimulate consumption, so as to attract foreign companies to settle in, trying to promote industrial upgrading by external forces, turn the development direction to emerging industries, and create a good economic cycle.

But even if all regions spare no effort to make a combination of fists, the market economy here is still half -dead, and the consumption power of residents is also low.

As a result, at the time of a random exhibition, an inexplicable group in the urban area appeared, and several sets of combined fists went down, and the city’s consumption level was stimulated.

Especially in several areas other than CBD, many new stores are in preparations, and there is a big momentum of making money.

On the other hand, the situation of attracting investment has become a lot smooth. Even the big bosses from other places have made a special trip to Lingchuan to visit the new business model of the Mall.

Seeing Wei can know, the leaders of Linchuan seemed to see some very good signs, so they decided to make an article in this regard.

They want to treat the group as a tool, continue to promote consumption upgrades, create a good market ecology, and then attract more business enterprises to Linchuan.

“It seems that it is better to be blocked. Instead of letting others talk nonsense, I might as well show up and minimize the impact.” Jiang Qin couldn’t help saying a word.

Professor Yan was stunned, and then understood what he meant: “It is really better to block, because the blocking is too powerful, the river water often goes to the unexpected direction.”

“Okay, you can blow the air conditioner slowly, I’ll go out.”

“Are you going to be interviewed?”

Jiang Qin’s face was all dark: “I’m going to learn. Lao He said on TV that I am a study star. When I got on Forbes, someone will definitely pick out this matter and lose the dead!”

Professor Yan is also a bit of a circle: “What is the star of learning?”

“It was a title that came from my pit. When I cooperated with the Mall of Mall at the beginning, in order to let Lin Da make a credit endorsement, I used it several times. As a result, it started to fight against me. Learn, it’s so fucking pain! ”

Jiang Qin scolded and walked out of 208, returned to the dormitory to get a new textbook, and then went to the teaching building.

But learning this thing is to talk about fate. It is not you who can learn it when you sit down. Therefore, Jiang Qin is also boring, and keep playing with Feng Nanshu’s little hand under the table.

At the second lesson, the class bell did not sound, and Tan Shipeng, vice chairman of the school student union, came.

Brother Peng walked around the corridor at the door of the door with a chairman, and then rushed to Jiangqin to wave his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Qin came out of the classroom.

Tan Shipeng coughed: “That, President Zhang told you something.”

“But I’m in class.”

“I have helped the fake strip.”

Tan Shipeng took out a strip from his pocket: “You can give this note to your squad leader.”

Jiang Qin took a look at the strip, which wrote three words for leave. The money was not the principal Zhang, but the red official seal of the student union.

Usually he has escaped the class so much, and the teacher will also feel that this is fake.

“Give this note to the teacher, I won’t you skip class?”

Tan Shipeng nodded: “Yes.”

“Then you give me a blank one, the official seal of your school student union, I will fill it out by myself.” Jiang Qin’s lion opened.

Tan Shipeng heard the sound: “It’s over this semester, what else do you want to ask for leave?”

“Escape class next semester.”

“But this is not the rules.”

Jiang Qin looked at him with a cold gaze like a rich woman: “Brother Peng, the rules are restricted to those ordinary students in the classroom.

Hearing this sentence, Tan Shipeng couldn’t help holding his chest with his chest, and touched the refreshing feeling of making his scalp.

After a while, Jiang Qin came to Cecilia’s office and found that President Zhang’s face was not good -looking, but he was extremely serious.

“Principal, good morning.”

Cecilia Qing looked at him with a cold face: “I heard that Linchuan TV Station wants to make an exclusive interview with you, why do you drag again?”

“I’m going to take the final exam soon. I have to review the principal carefully.

“Just lie to others, don’t deceive yourself too. The missing rate of your semester this semester has already reached the red line, and you are carefully reviewed. Even if you open a book now, it is also a preview!”


Jiang Qin really couldn’t refute: “The principal wants me to interview?”

“The school vigorously cultivate you, give you resources and give you a venue, that is, I hope you can make a good debate as our entrepreneurial star at our Linchuan University. This will not only enhance the school image, but also have great benefits for the summer enrollment!”

Cecilia Qing’s meaning was to let him go to interview as soon as possible.

In fact, this matter is well understood. Linchuan University supports Jiang Qin all the way, in fact, it is waiting for him to rise up and give Linchuan University in all aspects of benefits.

However, Jiang Qin has always been sneaky and unwilling to show up. These benefits are undoubtedly a great discount.

Now the summer enrollment is about to begin. Let’s not say that the local and surrounding surroundings of Linchuan still have to be grabbed. If Jiang Qin has been on TV, it is undoubtedly the best publicity for the enrollment of Linta.

The school is student -based. It is like running a brand in the business. It cannot be revealed by good things. Who can stand this?

What’s more, the Ministry of Education has been issuing documents that encourage college students to start a business. With the living signboard of Jiang Qin, all foreign work in the coming year must be a lot better.

“Principal, if someone else comes to persuade me, I will definitely not go, but if you are you, then I will be interviewed soon.”


“I always remember my cultivation of my cultivation, and I have to listen to any request of you.” Jiang Qin reached out and covered his heart.

After listening to it, President Zhang was a little embarrassed: “Jiang Qin, I am not forcing you, but the college student starts a business, and the school really has to get some scores. Does your office miss? Despite mentioning it.”

(This chapter is finished)

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