Who is reborn? Who is in love?

260. 260 The identity of the boss can't hide it anymore

Chapter 260 The identity of the boss can’t hide it anymore

The photo was copied, and the reading strip was 85 %, and the simple memory card was full again.

In 2009, the mobile phone memory card was originally small, and the camera’s pixels were high, and the photos taken were very large. In addition, Zhuang Chen was too warm, and the photos were taken. It was normal to not install it.

“Chunchun, you have too many photos with Jiang Qin, you can’t copy anymore, let’s send an email.”

Jian Jian bit his lower lip: “Then delete the previous photos.”

Zhuang Chenwen opened her eyes wide, and looked at her a little incredible: “You don’t say that the previous photos are precious memories, can you find it after deleting it?”

“There are also some less precious.”


Zhuang Chen operated silently, deleted the original photos in the memory card, and copied her photo with Jiang Qin.

The brief and joy who got the photos couldn’t work. I started to check it carefully with the mobile phone. Each one must be amplified and after reading each detail.

She didn’t know that Zhuang Chen deliberately turned Jiang Qin’s skin. She thought silently that the man with bronze skin was really the most handsome.

Seeing Jian Chun’s rising mouth, Zhuang Chen’s mood became very stunned, and then he pursed his mouth, put his gloomy eyes out of the window, and scanned it casually.

He remembers that this book said that when your mood is extremely bad, looking at the distance may be cured.


What is that, so dazzling?

Zhuang Chen returned to God and found that the bus did not know when it had drove to the city of Linchuan. At this time, the streets and alleys were full of yellow posters, like a yellow wave.

At the same time, other students in the car also noticed this scene. All of them opened the curtains, looked at the window and looked out, and his eyes were full of surprise.

If the group is just an intra -school industry, many people will still feel that this is just a small trouble, unsatisfactory, unprofessional.

It’s like the eight -year -old little cousin won the championship in the Go game held by the school. You will only feel that his level may be stronger in the amateur group.

But when he played the game across the country step by step, you won, and you will be surprised. This fuck is eight years old?

Just like now, when they saw the fighting at the school that they had spread to the city silently, the shock began to increase.

Damn, who can make business in the city in one year. Do you call this college student? My dad can’t do it!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help looking at Jiang Qin, who was sitting in the penultimate row.

He was playing with Feng Nanshu. The rope was black and thick, obviously the laces of Feng Nanshu’s small leather shoes.

“Damn, it’s too pretending, fuck!”

Zhang Guangxu was angry, and a pair of iron fist smashed at the chair in front.

The three golden flowers in the class can help him pretend to be. He can tolerate the call invisible, but now the whole street is helping him pretend. Is this fucking?

“Are you wrong?” Zhou Chao, who was sitting in front of him, suddenly turned his head and scolded.

Zhang Guangxu was furious instantly: “Do you dare to scold me?”

“What happened to you? What are you fucking? I almost made a brain shock by you. I told me Jiang Brother, saying that you bully me?”

Zhang Guangxu also wanted to scold him, but when he thought of Zhou Chao as Jiang Qin’s roommate, he closed his mouth at the end.

If you do n’t accept it, you are angry and angry, but everyone in the class knows that Jiang Qin is usually ghost, but the four people ’s relationships in 302 have always been good.

Zhou Chao was nothing in his eyes, but he knew that he had no ability to provoke Jiang Qin.

“Dog Day’s fox fake tiger prestige, this time I will spare you once, and dare to beep next time, my fuck will change the seat directly, scare you!”


Zhang Guangxu gritted his teeth and looked out the window, and suddenly suffocated again.

Because the bus car happened at this time, it passed the Linchuan Railway Station, and there was a huge outdoor billboard on the opposite side of the station, which was also replaced by the advertisement from the group to the store.

In the picture, Zhang Zixuan, the first school of the University of Science and Technology, was in his chest, which was broad and turbulent. Next to him was the LOGO and slogan of the group.

As long as the passengers are out of the station, they are not seen at first glance, but their minds and groups.

“Laozhuang is too miserable. When he encounters such an opponent, his best ending may be to help push his ass when Jiang Qin and Jianchun play games.”

“Damn, it’s too pretending, it’s too pretending …”

After a long while, the bus arrived at the station, and everyone’s eyes looked cautious and envious.

Jiang Qin bent over to help Feng Nanshu’s shoelaces, so that girls couldn’t stop, and they were substituted into themselves, and they couldn’t hold their legs.

A man who can turn the clouds and rain, but can be tender like water, which woman is not confused?

“Jiang Qin, walk.” Feng Nan, who was wearing the shoes, looked at him with comfortably.

“I just came back from the farmhouse, and I haven’t been enjoying it yet? I have to go to 208 to deal with work.

Jiang Qin sent Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law back to the dormitory, then turned back to 208, and listened to Wei Lanlan reported on the situation and the work progress of the Ministry of Commerce.

Since the part -time team of the four major universities joined the marketing team, the efficiency of the ground push has increased significantly. They have been promoted in the fan -shaped area from the four directions, just like a large network formed by spiders, and directly online in the city.

While signing the merchants, the Ministry of Commerce also started advertising.

In addition to the posters and billboards I saw along the way, there are some internal advertisements that are sweeping Linchuan, such as elevator advertisements in the community.

After all, push is not an all -round marketing method. Some areas that are not promoted by manpower can only open the situation with overwhelming advertisements.

However, in addition to attracting large quantities of users, these advertisements have also attracted another group of people, causing Wei Lanlan to receive two to three strange calls every day.

These telephones are basically asking about the group, and they also want to determine whether the owner of the group is a freshman at Linchuan University.

When Wei Lanlan refused to answer in the name of confidentiality, the person who called the phone could only show his identity, saying that he was the representative of a certain official media. The purpose of the call this time was not for others. The boss gave an exclusive interview.

This shows that some things are beginning to be hidden.

“It seems that the world is like this. When you get something, you are destined to lose something.”

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but sigh after listening to Wei Lanlan’s report.

“Boss, what did you get? What did you lose?”

Wei Lanlan was blank.

Jiang Qin took a deep breath: “While getting wealth, I also lost ordinary.”

Wei Lanlan: “…”

In fact, Jiang Qin was not surprised to be stared at by the media, but he felt too early, because he felt that the summit in the second half of the year was the best time to officially debut.

However, the development of some things is often not around.

The momentum of fighting was so great that he didn’t put the leaflet on the face of passers -by, and the previous two marketing also tied Linchuan’s largest mall, and Nima had a mini -skirt sister danced in the mall square.

Everyone is not a blind man, how can you not see it?

So after the last round of marketing of the people, many media have already started collecting information to find the boss who fight for the group.

When an unknown person wants to hide it, there is almost no one who can find him except for usury.

But when a person who is more and more famous wants to hide, even the dog can find who he is.

Especially Jiang Qin went to Linchuan Youth Daily. Although the subject reported at the time was known, the name was always the same. In contrast to the information feedback from the industry and commerce, the identity of the owner of the group was clear.

Director Chen of Linchuan Television’s Minsheng Program was aggressive after watching the backcare information. This fucking is a freshman?

There is also the editor -in -chief of the Linchuan Finance News. He said that his mother was nineteen years old?

Young, entrepreneurs in university, and entrepreneurs, work hard to learn and stimulate the city’s consumption.

All kinds of various kinds of media practitioners in Linchuan were excited, because they knew that Jiang Qin’s life story is too legendary, so Wei Lanlan is harassed every day.

“Boss, so do you want to be interviewed, what are the media reporters waiting for me to reply?” Wei Lanlan asked.

Jiang Qin pursed his lower lip: “So, you sort out a form for me, let me study it first.”

On June 17, May 25th of the lunar calendar.

Jiang Qin came to 208 and received the invited interview form by Wei Lanlan’s organizational.

In the face of these interviews invitations, he cannot refuse, because for a businessman, media resources and business reputation are often linked, not to mention that these invitations invited him to participate in the official media of Linchuan.

You know, in this era, the people all understand the world through television news.

When the media said that you are good, even if you are not forgiven, some consumers believe that you are good, and when the media says you are bad, you are the Gao Feng Liang Festival. fire.

For this reason, many companies hope to maintain a good friendship with the media. In other words, if you don’t plan to expose yourself so early, you must also have a reasonable reason to directly refute his face.

“Hey? Is it Director Chen of the Minsheng program? I’m Jiang Qin.”

“Ah yes yes, the group is mine, I am very grateful for the opportunity to give me this interview. I am really honored, but …”

“But the test week is about to start. Director. I am the Star of the study of Linchuan University. The main thing is that the entrepreneurial studies are not wrong. Do you see it for about a time? ”

“Yeah Director, I was born in Shuxiang Menjie. My mother is also a small and famous talented woman in my hometown. My father often helps people write couplets when I was in the New Year. I will be beaten home when I go home. ”

“Oh, you can postpone it, right? That’s so thank you!”


“Hey? It is the editor -in -chief of Jiang from the Finance News. Thank you very much … I’m sorry … I, Star of Learning!”

After a long time, Jiang Qin put down the phone, which stabilized the media. At the same time, he also used the skills of running the train to leave a good first impression on both sides, but he knew that this was just a way to cure the standard.

Because even if they can’t get the interview, the newspapers of Linchuan TV and Linchuan will still report his deeds from a third perspective.

I can’t hide it, I can’t hide my money.

Sure enough, it was expected that Lingchuan TV introduced him directly on the local news sector the next day.

He, a unique college student, a scholarly entrepreneur, founded a group of fighting group only half a year, stimulating the Linchuan market, providing consumers with high -quality services, while providing high -quality services at the same time as high -quality services. , Also promoted the upgrade and reconstruction of the Linchuan business district …

“Boss, why are you suffering.” As soon as Su Nai went out for dinner, he saw Jiang Qin’s expression of stomach colic.

Jiang Qin sighed: “You don’t know, your boss me, I’m going to be famous.”

(This chapter is finished)

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