Chapter 245

After the sports meeting, the temperature of Linchuan began to rise gradually, and the taste of summer was quiet. Some female college students in the school had also begun to show their legs.

Jiang Qin stopped at the door of the cafeteria for a while every time Jiang Qin had to start a day of activity in the end of the cafeteria.

Work, meeting, listening to reports, writing plans, planning, and browsing news.

Of course, he also had to learn a study.

During this time, the group has completed two rounds of hunger marketing.

The so -called hunger marketing is actually strictly controlling the number of coupons and package coupons, creating a sense of atmosphere of bleeding one second night to mobilize everyone’s enthusiasm for grabbing coupons every day.

Moreover, Luffy also kept posting in the forum, engaged in a large -scale user lottery, not even 40 % off. Please ask you to eat big meals for free. The sense of atmosphere.

“Fighting the group invites you to eat a big meal.

“Mobile number: 135 ******** 25”

“Fighting the group invite you to eat a big meal.

“Mobile number: 178 ******** 63”

“Fighting the group, please eat a big meal.

“Mobile number: 152 ******* 48”

After the winning list was announced, the topic of the entire forum was all wow.

“Look, someone really won the prize! I want to participate too!”

“I fucking the best luck, I must be me in the next issue.”

“Brothers, I have studied the law of winning the prize, and I will win one tomorrow for you!”

As a result, after the overwhelming combination of fists, the grabbing and the group Bai Yan once became the hottest topic of the four major universities.

To this end, Jiang Qin also specially allowed the person in charge of various universities to build a QQ welfare group to cooperate with the website to grab the countdown.

Within long time, the entire university city market has become the shape of Jiang Qin. It is said wherever you go, and say wherever you spend the money.

Of course, grabbing the coupon is only the first step in the entire realization process. The real complete monetization still has to go to the store to sell it.

This also makes a large number of cooperative merchants usher in a wave of business peaks. Whenever Jiang Qinjian refers to a merchant, this merchant will definitely climax and moan.

The orgasm is because there are too many guests, and they are scared when they look at it.

The lumbar pain caused by high -intensity business is really painful and happy.

Among these businesses, the most benefited is actually He Yijun, because the reform of the mall is close to the end, returning with a new look, and is waiting to be fed. At present, the most need is traffic.

The college students who have group coupons come every day and meet every day. Even if the profit after 40 % off is not much, the prosperity that can be caused is undoubtedly the best marketing advertisement.

There are ants on the side of the road that can make people watch it for a long time. There are college students drilling into the mall every day. Who can not follow the fun.

So in just five days, all the people quickly caught fire in the nearby business district, because there were too many urban white collar in this place, and the comprehensive shopping square itself was a paradise for young people.

The situation is good.

In the early morning of Wednesday, the sun dyed the clouds in the sky with orange red, but this cloud could not hold the morning Xi, so it scattered the golden glow, the flowing was overflowing, and it was moving.

Jiang Qin got up early. He made the side roll again and again, and then made the legs and raised his legs again and again.

“I grass, what are you doing?

“It’s okay, you’re up, everything is an illusion, then sleep, take a deep breath and breathe deep, dizziness is normal.”

Jiang Qin walked over, reached out and closed Lao Cao’s eyes, and then changed his clothes to follow the dormitory. He took Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing along the Xinghong Avenue and came to the Mall of Wan.

Although it is not a rest day or a peak of shopping, there are still people shopping in the mall, which has explained the problem.

After half a year, Wanzhong Mall finally completed the rebirth of the cocoon and returned gorgeously.

“Mr. Jiang is good, hello in charge of Wei, hello in charge of Tan.”

The service desk on the first floor, the beautiful sister wearing a professional skirt waved her hands kindly, and smiled and showed two dimples.

This front desk sister is Yue Zhu’s cousin. She has a cheerful personality. Every time I see Jiang Qin, she likes to say hello.

“Jing Jing, it’s beautiful recently?”

“Mr. Jiang will really praise people.”

Jiang Qin grinned and felt that occasionally a little girl could really get a wonderful mood.

However, this is also divided into people. It is okay to bring Wei Lanlan, Tan Qing, and Dong Wenhao when they come, but it is not possible to bring Su Nai when they come, because every time Su Nai will ask, you believe that the boss is interrupted your dog’s legs.

Damn, female programmers are direct and violent.

But Su Nai was a treasure programmer again. It was really impossible to leave her, so Boss Jiang swallowed every time.

Jiang Qin converged and smiled, and took Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing to the third floor, stopped at the entrance of Xitian milk tea shop next to the hot pot restaurant.

This store is decorated with the office on the top floor. It is now ready and can be opened at any time.

Fang Xiaoxuan was also transferred from the University of Science and Technology, responsible for the operation and training of this store. She is now a sweet brand manager and training lecturer. Essence

Although there are not many dumping ratios, they cannot hold more marketing volume, so the monthly salary is particularly fragrant.

Looking back at this time last year, she was still scattered zero workers. Every time she ended a short worker, she had to consider the remaining money for a few days. Compared with now, it was a lot different.

“Boss, are you here?”

“Well, how are you ready?”

“You can open soon.”

“Did you read the books that recommended you last time?”

Fang Xiaoxuan nodded: “I was watching, but I couldn’t understand it.”

Jiang Qin smiled slightly: “It’s okay, the knowledge is lagging. In the future, we will slowly understand when you encounter things. In the future, we must open the sweetness to the whole country.

“Good boss, I will work hard.”

“Okay, then you are busy first, let’s go upstairs.”

Wei Lanlan followed Jiang Qin and couldn’t help but curious: “Boss, what book did you recommend to Xiaoxuan?”

Jiang Qin pressed the elevator layer button: “Some books on management, speeches and management are either famous or the most basic one.”

“Can Xiaoxuan understand?”

“You have to see if you don’t understand. If you want to be eliminated by this world, learning is necessary. What the capitalist is best at giving up someone. I also want to be a capitalist, but I don’t want to give up any one. Xiaoxuan is very hard. Your boss lady I like her very much, I don’t want her to leave behind. ”

Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing looked at each other and nodded.

Two minutes later, the three took the elevator to the top floor, pushed the door of the office, and glanced inside. The new table and chairs were ready, pure white, and there were several unpacked large boxes around.

There are printers, vertical air conditioners, water dispensers, computers, and even a home treadmill.

Most of the items in it are inventory found from the warehouses of the Mall. Although the model is older, it is good to be brand new, and it can be regarded as a little cheap.

“This office … it feels more than 208.” Wei Lanlan was a little envious.

Jiang Qin turned to look at her: “After finishing the job, you can come directly and help me be an administrative manager. At that time, we may have a larger office.”

Wei Lanlan’s eyes suddenly brightened: “Really? Then I won’t take a graduate student. Boss, you must talk to you. When you graduate, I will still be a secretary.”

Her family conditions are not good at first, otherwise it is impossible to become the backbone of a part -time community in Lingda University. In fact, the family is not very supportive for the graduate students. She also hopes that she can work to work and reduce the burden on the family.

Jiang Qin nodded: “You can take the graduate students while working, and even take the time to give birth to a child.

“Boss, if you say that, I can sell myself to you.” Wei Lanlan couldn’t do it seriously.

“Then sell it, it is better to sell it to me outside. There is one of the people in 208. As long as you are willing to sell, I buy it all.”

After hearing it, Tan Qing raised his hand immediately: “Can I?”

Jiang Qin nodded without hesitation: “I have participated in the project’s grass, or the supervisors of each campus can be. The most important thing in the 21st century is talents. I like to solicit talents.”

“Boss, are you boasting that we are talents?”


The effort to speak, Yue Zhu, who received the notification of the front desk, has come to the door of the office: “Mr. Jiang, why don’t you notify it?”

Jiang Qin grinned: “Everyone is almost my house, and I can find a way with my eyes, so I don’t need to receive it anymore.”

“That’s it …”

“But don’t tell Lao He in this sentence, he probably scolded my dog after hearing it.”

Yue Zhu smiled, and then said in a righteousness: “The person who came to the interview has arrived. Manager Bao asked me to come over to ask you.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Lan Lan and Tan Qing, come here, feel the real interview.”

“Good boss.”

The interview officially started, but the leading interviews were Bao Wenping and Yue Zhu. Jiang Qin just sat next to him and looked at it without saying a word.

However, many interviews can be seen. After each interview, the main interviewer must push the resume beside the young man. After that person nods, there will be no results.

Interviewing old fritters: This person has no expression, it must not be simple.

Jiang Qin: My fucking face is expressionless, and it must be handsome.

In this way, there were 18 interviews from the morning to the afternoon, of which twelve of the marketing planning department and six of the Ministry of Commerce.

To be honest, there are not many people, but it is enough for Jiang Qin. It is only necessary to add people to the hand in the later period. At present, the most important thing is the first step of the promotion.

(This chapter is finished)

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