Who is reborn? Who is in love?

232. 232 Punish Little Demon (4000 Monthly Vote !!!)

Chapter 232 Punish Little Demon (4000 Monthly Vote !!!)

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Qin got up from the bed, shouted in class, and looked at the three goods in the dormitory.

“You will go to class, bragging, right?”

“It’s been a long time away from the people, it’s time to return to the classroom.” Jiang Qin rolled his trousers.

Cao Guangyu glanced at him carefully: “Why are your dark circles so heavy? Last night’s insomnia?”

“No, I’m sleeping.”

Zhou Chao said while getting out of bed: “Brother Jiang, did you not fall asleep yesterday? I listened to it and turned around, just like it was on my body, I was awakened by you several times.”

Jiang Qin sounded and intermittent deafness.

Do you talk about your brother Jiang, and when he cares about Jiang Qin, does he mean that I can’t sleep?

Jiang Qin grabbed a happy plug pocket from the table, and then dragged the F3 in the dormitory to eat breakfast and shook it to the teaching building.

Class 3 or four was in the same class. Many people gathered in the classrooms of the ladder. They were surprised when they saw Jiang Qin, and some even showed their expression of ghosts.

“I’m going, can I see Jiang Qin in my lifetime?”

“I thought he had dropped out of school.”

“Did he drop out of school?”

“People don’t hang out, why drop out of school?”

“His class in the last semester was half half of the escape. Even if the attendance rate did not fall below the red line, can he pass the exam?”

“Four people in their dormitory, the self -reliance of Ren Qiang, who did not often skip the class.”

“My day, is Jiang Qin a genius?”

“The one of the genius is Feng Nanshu, the professional first, people close the door every day to a private teachings, it is difficult to hang the subject.”

“Understand, it turned out that it had nothing to do with the science department, and it had something to do with whether there was a girlfriend.”


Facing the sneaky whispering in all directions, Jiang Qin stepped into the classroom and instantly watched the cute and cold Feng Nanshu.

He touched his nose and remembered that he didn’t bring a jacket today, so he planned to sit in another place to avoid disobedience, but he did not expect Gao Wenhui to directly raise his buttocks and empty the seats around Xiao Fu’s wife.

Damn, what’s so scared?

Jiang Qin also had a ruthlessness on his body, courageous to challenge himself, and dared to break through the limit, so he sat in the past.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fu’s eyes were bright, and she took the initiative and well -behaved her softened little hand to Jiang Qin’s hand.

What do female college students have? It is not to go to class with the big bear, and then secretly Lara’s hand or something.

“You can come to class?” Gao Wenhui felt strange.

Jiang Qin looked at her coldly: “Nonsense, if you do n’t go to class, do n’t I wash it in vain?”


Jiang Qin rubbed Xiao Fu’s sperm’s soft hand. When he took a bath yesterday, Feng Nanshu’s little butt was sitting in his arms in his arms.

Because of this, he didn’t sleep well last night, and closed his eyes was the abominable little rich woman.

“Feng Nanshu, you are a little devil.”

“I’m not.” Feng Nanshu snorted.

Jiang Qin wanted to punish her fiercely, so she peeled open a happy fruit to feed her little mouth: “If you are a little devil, you will feel happy after eating.”

Feng Nanshu looked at him coldly: “Jiang Qin, I’m not happy at all, but I still want to eat another one.”


I spoil you, Jiang Qin sighed in his heart, and dives two and fed her.

Seeing this scene, Gao Wenhui was more excited than the cat who sucks the cat’s mint. He looked at his eyes and took a picture by the way. He planned to get the guide after class.

She also learned that this semester was that the guide Xue Hongying was also a scientist, and she also liked Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

Gao Wenhui felt very honored to be able to do it with the guidance.

But Xue Hongying is busy. Usually, Gao Wenhui often takes photos of her.

The scholar’s team has grown step by step.

“Eat still?”

Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth: “I still want to eat.”

Jiang Qin pulled out his pocket and found that it was empty in it: “Without it, he caught it.

“Don’t panic, there are five minutes from class, I go down to buy!”


Jiang Qin watched Gao Wenhui rushing out of the classroom like a hunting dog, his face was full of incredible.

However, he soon thought of another thing. He looked around for a week, found the position of the golden flower in the three financial class, and then took out a contract from the bag and walked over.

Song Qingqing had agreed to use the dumplings formula some time ago, but Jiang Qin has been busy outside. This incident is relatively important, so the contract has been dragging to the present.

It happened that today is the good day of Jiang Qin’s class, and he brought the contract.

Seeing Jiang Qin coming on the face, the three -class golden flower that had leaned against the chair and obliquely turned dignified.

Jiang Tian dragged his clothes and flattened his folds. Song Qingqing screamed his hair, put the scattered hair behind his ears, and even sorted out the collar, and dragged the bow of the neckline by the way.

This is not much related to admiration, that is, the best image of the male god who wants to worship in the subconscious.

Zhuang Chen was sore in his heart, and he unconsciously clenched the rear fangs.

“I was too busy a few days ago, I almost forgot to sign the contract. This is a shareholding agreement. You can see it. If you think it is appropriate, you will sign a name.”

Jiang Qin sat on the opposite space and put the contract in front of Song Qingqing.

“Oh, a good male god.”

Song Qingqing picked up the shareholding agreement, her eyes were not good, and the girls next to her were all around, with longing and envy in her eyes.

After signing, you can get two or three hundred dividends a month, and may double it in the future. Whoever watches this will not be confused.

Especially the contract homepage [shares agreement] Four large characters, it simply filled the ceremony.

“What contract is this? Still shares?”

After all, the fourth class and the third class are not a class, and there is a lot of lag and gap in information transmission.

Therefore, the students in the fourth class were full of doubts after seeing this.

“Jiang Qin invested in a restaurant. With the recipe of Qingqing’s family, Jiang Qin asked her to directly invest in the sharing of more than 300 every month.

Jiang Tian took a semester of the squad leader, and often went to the students to help deal with work, saying that the scene was very strong.

“Is it every month?

Jian Chun bit his lower lip and couldn’t help spoken: “This is just the second solution. If the first one is selected by Qingqing, you can get 50,000 yuan directly.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Jiang Tian and Jian Chun, and said how the two girls like Lao Cao liked to pretend to be second -hand.

At the same time, the students in the fourth class showed their envy, and the eyes of Jiang Qin’s eyes became much more complicated.

Many people in the Financial College knew that he started his business when he started, and he knew that he and the group were his group, but these things were far away from them and sounded unreal.

But when someone made a profit because of Jiang Qin’s existence and continued profit, this feeling is jealous.

The people in the fourth class have not been very good for Jiang Qin, and even some boys still have hatred.

Nothing, just because he snatched the best Feng Nanshu.

But think about it now, who can be worthy of Feng Nanshu as the ability of Feng Nanshu?

Study? What are the birds for?

Handsome? Can you eat it as a meal?

Or is it a mixed student?

Don’t forget that there have been rumors in the Finance Academy, saying that Zhu Feng wanted to let Jiang Qin’s current president, and they refused.

“Have you finished watching?”

“It’s over.” Song Qingqing nodded.

Jiang Qin suddenly took the contract: “Even after reading it, I don’t plan to cooperate with you.”


“To be honest, my shop is not very profitable. I will give you three hundred and fifty hundred a month. It is a bit too lost.

Jiang Qin picked up the contract, got up and returned to his seat, rubbed the soft -looking little hand of the rich woman, and called her the little demon, and gave Feng Nanshu’s grievance.

Those who were around Song Qingqing looked at each other and looked at each other for a long time before reacting.

He is lying, did he regret it?

This person is so shameless, right? If you do n’t cooperate and turn your face? How can there be such a person.

Don’t say it, but since you can regret it, the conscience of college students directly makes them feel unacceptable.

“Oh, I know, what cooperation is fake, Jiang Qin just wants to use Song Qingqing to create a pretending opportunity for himself, that is, you, so simple, I believe in his ghost words.”

Zhuang Chen’s disdain appeared in an instant, as if he had already insight a long time, and the three words were full of disdain.

“Well, Lao Zhuang was right, and it was too shameless if he turned his face and did not recognize others. I haven’t seen such shameless ones.

Zhang Guangxu couldn’t help but appended with the sound, his eyes were full of contempt.

Zhuang Chen was stubbornly spoke proudly: “Song Qingqing, I suggest you believe in anyone else in the future, what male god, don’t want to pretend to face your face.”

“Yes, I will listen to Zhuang Chen in the future. Although he did not make a lot of money from Jiang Qin, I would like to invite me to dinner.”

“Lao Zhang, you said too seriously, and you don’t have to listen to me, mainly to polish your eyes.” Zhuang Chen snorted.

When the words fell, Jiang Tian and Jian Chun stunned for a long time, pursing his mouth for a long time, and he was blank in his heart.

Does Jiang Qin really just want everyone to know that he is rich. He is investing in investment, so he deliberately took Song Qingqing as an excuse to show off his wealth? This is too speechless.

“Qingqing, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”


“I just feel like I have missed a million.”

Song Qingqing’s eyes were red, and she was lying on the table and motionless. She directly EMO had a full lesson. In the process, her eyes kept looking at Jiang Qin’s back, but the other party did not even look back at once.

However, just one minute before the get out of class left, Jiang Tian suddenly handed the phone over.

[Let Song Qingqing come to the fire passage -Jiang Qin]

Seeing this scene, Song Qingqing froze for a moment, and Jian Chun also froze, a touch of surprise in his eyes, and then the three people worked hard until the get out of class, and immediately hurried to the fire passage.

Zhuang Chen felt strange to see this scene. Is it going to the toilet? But the toilet is in the opposite direction.

He thought about Jian Chun, so he couldn’t help but follow him, and found that they entered the fire channel and were even more confused.

However, he didn’t wait for him to ask, Jiang Qin walked in with the contract. He handed a pen to Song Qingqing and asked her to continue signing.

Song Qingqing was stupid. I really couldn’t understand what the male god was operating, and his eyes became extremely blank.

“After discussing this in the cafeteria last time, I thought about it. I felt that it was not good to be known by too many people. After all, the fortune was not exposed.”

“Although there are not many three hundred and fifty hundred a month, they are passed out by others. What should I do if someone often borrows money? Can you refuse?”

“No, then your reputation in the future is definitely not good. The exclusion is very light. Give it, that is basically a meat bun to hit a dog, because the person who borrows money will feel that you have every month. It doesn’t matter if it’s not yet. ”

“So what you said just now, you are not capped, too arrogant, it is easy to cause trouble.”

“After signing the contract, holding the money, buying a gift for parents, buying good -looking clothes for yourself, taking friends out for a meal, and then when everything has not happened, just fine.”

Jiang Qin said a few words casually, so that the three girls present were slightly bigger, and finally understood his intention.

They did only care about showing off to the people around them before, and they did not consider the impact after being spread. You must know that borrowing money in college is very common. There are many examples of borrowing money. Without borrowing money, Song Qingqing is also likely to be jealous, because girls themselves are more jealous creatures.

Therefore, Jiang Qin’s regret in public is to tell others that the cooperation has not been achieved and the money has not been obtained.

The male god is really not only full of details, but also elegant and powerful in his heart.

The three people looked at each other, madly, and couldn’t help but began to be hot.

Of course, what Jiang Qin didn’t tell them that he was now afraid of being famous for his famous pigs. He could take his classmates and make money flat. He was too arrogant and easy to be caught. It was better to be cautious.

“Male god, I have signed it, I won’t tell anyone in the future.”

“Well, the boring sound is the best.”

Jiang Qin received a contract, turned back to the classroom, planned to go back to continue to punish Feng Nanshu, and fed her crying with happy fruit.

At the same time, Zhuang Chen, who leaned on the wall, silently didn’t speak, feeling that he was slapped, and the whole person shrank in the corner, and it was sore in his heart.

Why? Why can he get two praises with one thing?

Obviously, he suddenly regretted it. He had gone away like a clown, and he said that he could still say that he could still turn around? From a person who speaks not to be a word, it becomes a male god who is full of details?

Zhuang Chen was mad and jealous, but couldn’t help but substitute himself into Jiang Qin. He learned his tone in his heart and made up for a simple expression.

Damn, it’s really cool …

(Seeking a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, and a monthly ticket !!!)

(This chapter is finished)

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