Who is reborn? Who is in love?

230. 230 Mid -mountain and Mountains and Mountains plus two beauties

Chapter 230 Mid -seat Jiangshan plus two beauties

On the third floor of the Mall, the five managers stood side by side and did not dare to speak, while the air was filled with a hint of dog smell.

They noticed that President He’s things seemed to find a new master.

“In this way, President Jiang, you continue to be a reform consultant for me. Until the reform is over, I will not give the consultant fee, but I can lend you the office area endlessly.”

Jiang Qin was silent: “Well, this method can indeed be mutually beneficial. Why didn’t I think of it at first?”

He Yijun’s mouth twitched, and he said that Jiang Zhenzhen Nima was a good actor. Isn’t your fuck digging all the way?

Point out problems, create needs, expose ambitions, and achieve purpose.

The interlocking routine is not grabbing.

Lao He felt that Jiang Qin was absolutely cheap, but he could make his heart comfortable.

Because he is obviously for yourself, but always makes you think he is for you.

Sure enough, some people are destined to go to Forbes, just like Jiang Qin, it is really difficult to get up.

“The problem in the office is solved, can Jiang President Jiang get out of time to help me solve the reform?”

Jiang Qin erected three fingers: “Within three days, I will help He always make a detailed reference manual.”

He Yijun knew that Jiang Qin was going to give a real thing, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: “Yue Zhu, I have a meeting below, and you will take Jiang to take a look at the top floor.”


Yue Zhu nodded, and then took Jiang Qin to the top floor.

The area of Wanzhong Mall is very large, and there are many employees, but 80 % of the employees do not require sales and service personnel of office venues, not administrative or operation, so the utilization rate of top -level office areas is very low.

As a result, Jiang Qin easily got a large flat floor located in Linchuan CBD.

He strolled around most of the floors, and the office picture after rectification has begun to emerge in his head.

Let’s simply decorate it, put the area on the right on the glass partition, classify it into five independent offices, full of desks in the middle, and then complete all kinds of equipment, everything will be on track.

Jiang Qin stood down in front of the floor -to -ceiling window and looked out, looking at the prosperous street.

It’s suddenly, the office is inexplicable.

If Xiao Fu is here, she will definitely say that He Yijun is really a good person.

“Do Jiang always feel satisfied?”

Jiang Qin nodded slowly: “Manager Yue, everyone is a neighbor in the future, please take care of it.”

Yue Zhu quickly waved his hand: “How can I care about you, you care about me.”

“I am sincere, because we will frequently carry out business here in the later period. There may be many things that need to trouble you. You must not mind.”

“You’re so polite, don’t say anything trouble, don’t be troublesome, just tell me if you have something.”

Yue Zhuxing looked at Jiang Qin’s back on the background window. Although he smiled, he was actually extremely complicated.

At the beginning of contact, she felt that the other party was just a college student who had a very thoughtful and motivated. Later, she involved reform, and she felt that Jiang Qin had the ability to be very mysterious.

Until the reform began, the mall could not be eased, and the group of fighting against each other had emerged and caught the pure sales chain of the entire public. Her heart was full of worship and conviction.

He is not like a college student at all.

She looked up and looked at Jiang Qin again, and found that the deep eyes of the other party suddenly lit up.

“Speak directly? Okay, since Manager Yue doesn’t like me politely, then I just say something.”


“That’s it. The business in the later stage of the group needs to go out of the campus and faced the society, so I want to recruit a group of formal social employees, but you also know that I am both young and handsome, always giving people an unreliable feeling. So I want to ask you to temporarily replace HR positions and help me recruit some employees. ”

Jiang Qin’s three or two sentences arranged for her clearly.

Yue Zhu was stunned, and said that I was just polite, but I didn’t expect you to say something!

“President Jiang, in fact, all I do are some administrative work. I have no experience in HR.

“Okay, then the two of you came to help me together, just that I am also lacking a administrative secretary.”

Jiang Qin’s dictionary did not replace two words at all, only all.

Yue Zhu opened his mouth stupid for a long while, and said that this is also in your plan?

However, in the same time, you can earn two payments, but it is quite fragrant to think about it.

Jiang Qin looked at her expression and knew the corner of her mouth. This time it was another win -win situation.

“Okay, then let’s say that, there are still things in my school, leave first, Manager Yue stay.”

“President Jiang, what about the manual?”

“Don’t worry, I will give President He a satisfactory result.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand and sat downstairs in the elevator. When he saw this scene, Yue Zhu wanted to speak but didn’t say it.

Let’s say that if you refer to the actual situation, please refer to the actual situation? But President Jiang just seemed to only visit the third floor, and the other floors did not visit. Can this book be done?

However, after a series of things after the year before, Yue Zhu did not dare to question Jiang Qin, so he could only go to the conference room with confusion.

At this time, the people in the meeting room were holding a regular meeting to conduct a periodic summary. After Yuezhu entered, Yue Zhu said that Jiang Qin had left.

He Yijun nodded and didn’t say much.

He knew that although Jiang Qin was a dog, it was extremely reliable to do things.

With such a large mall, all kinds of businesses are led by the whole body. We must take care of the whole and coordinate the details. He feels that Jiang Qin said that the three -day handbook is a bit bigger. It may be clear, even half a month.

However, at this time, Zhao Zufeng suddenly clasped his body and said a few words in front of He Yijun.

“Do you say you have received a reference manual from Jiang Qin from Jiang Qin?”

Zhao Zufeng nodded: “Yes, I just received …”

He Yijun pointed at the computer for a while: “Download it and take a look.”


Soon, the email attachment was downloaded. It contains a word. The first page reads “References of the Reform of the Mall of Mall”.

Zhao Zufeng opened the document and found that there were 35 pages of content, which were divided into six parts and twelve sums. Just click on one page. Its sharp and intuitive text jumps on the paper. The solution is written clearly.

He Yijun beckoned to the manager in front of the conference table. The crowd came around immediately. After a page of pages, he saw new inspiration and ideas.

What manual?

This fucking is a treasure book, it is simply aimed at all the reform books!

In the past, Jiang Qin gave the people a large framework that allowed them to set the direction, took less detours, and reduced trial and error costs. This time, the document was full of details.

“Didn’t he say that within three days?” He Yijun’s eyes were straight.

Zhao Zufeng stunned: “It seems to be within three days for half an hour.”

“I mean, this document cannot be written within half an hour, and what does it involve Feng Shui?”


Zhao Zufeng opened a document attribute and found that the final modification date of the document was at the end of January 2009. At that time, Linchuan University had just released the winter vacation, but it was not yet the New Year.

In other words, Jiang Qin is a manual that has been made in the winter vacation time, which has been holding in his hand for two months.

The manager looked at each other and looked at each other immediately.

“This guy, I really do n’t see the rabbits or eagle, he has written a long time waiting for me, right?”

He Yijun scolded Jiang Qin.

He belonged to holding a golden sand in his hand, and he only sprinkled a little every time, and he hung his appetite. It was not until now that he opened his hand completely.

In other words, he was going to hit the top office in the winter vacation, so he spent a lot of energy to engage in this manual.

Instead of exchanges, this stuff can be regarded as he was played by him.

“Half -floor, change a manual, it’s not a loss.”

He Yijun understands that the gold content of this manual is far beyond his imagination. It is the greatest sincerity given by Jiang Qin, and the value is far beyond the office he borrowed.

Hearing this sentence, Yue Zhu pursed the corner of his mouth, and said that He Zong was too naive, more than half a floor, me, and manager Bao.

At the same time, Jiang Qin has drove on the way back to Lingda.

The reform of the mall is not difficult, because he has visited too much more and more popular shopping malls. It only needs to combine the experience and feelings at the time. This is the advantage of the rebirth.

But for people like He Yijun who can only rely on emptiness, that manual really allows them to take a lot of detours.

Therefore, He Yijun really did not lose at all.

Jiang Qin drove back to the entrepreneurial base of Linchuan University. He took out the wine bought in Juxianlou last night from the cabinet. He planned to drink it and celebrate.

After all, the problem in the office has been solved, and there are HR and administrative assistant, which is a gratifying thing.

Just after I poured a cup, I touched the taste, and Jiang Qin’s expression suddenly stunned, and his eyebrows began to wrinkle unconsciously.

No, this fuck is a fake wine?

Without the sweetness at all, even the charming fragrance after the entrance disappeared.


Jiang Qin poured the wine and poured a cup again. The result was the same: “Luffy, have you drank this wine last night?”

Lu Feiyu looked up: “Drink ah boss, I and my brother Dong drank about half a catty.”

“What do you think of this wine?”

“The batch of hard -to -drink, brother Dong said so, I don’t understand why you buy two more bottles.”

Jiang Qin looked at the wine glass in his hand and said that it was the atmosphere impact, so he let him drink the delicious taste of the unbelievable wine? impossible.

Family, the monthly ticket is still twenty, it really hit me …

(This chapter is finished)

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