Chapter 227

At night, the lantern was at the beginning.

The boy in 208 caught himself with a meal, combing hair with hair, eruption glue, and eruption, and he was eager to try the celebration feast at night.

Linchuan University 208 is the project headquarters, and members are also team veterans. They must have a little pride on their bodies.

Especially at the moment when various universities gathered together, this sense of pride became more and more obvious.

just like……

When Beijing officials went to see the local officials, they must not lose their momentum.

“Brother Dong, how are you looking at me?”

Luffy made a black trench coat, and after wearing it, he also raised a collar, a batch of Sao.

“Well, very good, the temperament comes up for a moment.”

Dong Wenhao nodded with his face, anyway, no money.

“Will I be more energetic when I put my hair up? But I was a little hesitant, so I would look much more handsome than the boss, so he was too ordinary.”

“Feiyu, I think you will be more divided into dumb after you arrive.”

Lu Feiyu: “…”

Dong Wenhao sighed and was speechless about the soldiers brought out of his hand.

Grandma, did the emotional quotient be eaten by a dog?

Even if the boss is wearing a sack, you have to say that he is excellent, romantic, and walking at the forefront of fashion. This fuck is the workplace.

At the same time, at 207 next door, Su Nai also changed into an image that was completely different from usual. From the strap pants to a small skirt, it looked youthful.

Lu Xuemei’s personality is a bit preferred to the female man. She is not used to wearing skirts in her daily life, but in order to give 208 long face, she still changed a black shorts and fish net socks under the suggestion of Wei Lanlan.

In the process of changing clothes, several girls also secretly poked and smaller than anyone, and the room was full of silver bells.

“I didn’t expect Miao Miao to be so big?”

“I think Sister Tan Qing is bigger than me.” Shi Miaomiao was very humble.

Tan Qing looked down and looked at: “Miao Miao, I won’t be as good as you, or you should be the first.”

“No, Sister Tan Qing, you are too humble.”

Su Nai watched the past: “I think both you are almost the same, you can tie the first.”

“Then how can you do it, the school flowers have the first and second, how can you not be tied.” Lu Xuemei was not too big to see the excitement.

Wei Lanlan nodded very much: “Why don’t this, I shouted the boss over to comment?”

“Yes, as long as the boss is willing, I have no opinion.” Tan Qing raised his mouth very enthusiastically.

“Be careful of the boss, let’s get rich and bite you!”

Su Nai pushed his eyes, and the scene where the boss was kicked by the dog’s legs appeared in his head.

Fuck, so beautiful picture.

Jiang Qin was at the end of the first floor at this time, and he didn’t know what Yingying Yanyan had missed.

He came to the general office to confirm Chen Anhua’s affairs. I did not expect that Cao Xuexue knew nothing about his boyfriend’s part -time job.

You know, students in the senior are busy, either busy postgraduate or busy taking the interview.

“I remember.”


“I will have a birthday next week. He seems to ask what gift I want.” Cao Xinyue was light and felt very reliable.

Jiang Qin bounced two bald monks on the desktop: “Gift? When did you ask?”

Cao Xinyue took out his mobile phone and turned over and chatted: “It’s last Monday.”

“It happens that we pay for salary. In other words, the senior Chen went to me part -time to buy gifts for you? On the day of my world, is this world really love?”

“How is it, envy?” Cao Xue’s face was proud.

Jiang Qin said with disdain, and he didn’t envy: “Since this is the case, don’t ask him, just pretend not to know, accept this surprise.”

Cao Xinyue put down his mobile phone and looked up: “Student, but I was one of the people who supported you start a business. You want to be better to my boyfriend, and you should not be embarrassed.”

“Then you say it, I promise that I can’t find a reason to deduct his salary in the first three months.”


Tang Lin, who was speaking, came back to dinner, and came back when he saw Jiang Queen: “Male god, are you still single now?”

“Of course, but you must not be interested in me. Although I have been handsome to Wu Yanzu, I don’t fall in love.”

Jiang Qin’s high -cold batch.

Tang Lin pouted, and said that this person really couldn’t enter the oil and salt. Can Feng Nanshu still can’t take him down like that? No wonder Yan Yan will retreat, it is really a copper iron bone.

“By the way, what about Hong Yan? Why didn’t you see her these days?” Jiang Qin rang the kaku of the little monk on the table.

“Yan Yan just sorted out the application file last year, and was almost exhausted. Now I am resting in the dormitory.”

Jiang Qin nodded, and after a few more sentences, he was about to leave.

It is now at half past six, and it is half an hour before the fixed time. The 208 people are estimated to be dressed up and are waiting for him to go back.

However, it happened that as soon as he raised his buttocks, Professor Yan came out of the house silently.

He seemed to have just cut his hair, with red light, and people looked a lot of energy. Unlike the little old man who was almost seventy, at most sixty -nine.

“Jiang Qin, don’t leave first, I have something to ask you, you answer honestly.”

Jiang Qin sat upright: “What’s wrong, I want to eat hot pot again?”

“Well, give me hot pot, I ask you, I always hear that there are dogs upstairs in the past few days?”

Professor Yan’s expression was serious, as if he had locked the criminals.

If this is the ordinary person, I will definitely not be guilty when I hear this problem, and then I said that I am sorry for the professor. I raised a dog.

But Jiang Qin didn’t panic, and asked Cao Xinyue to call him in person.

After a few seconds, Jiang Qin’s pocket came out with a melody barking, which sounded very happy.

“Professor, this is my new ringtone, do you want one?”

“No, the voice upstairs seems to be different from this.”

Professor Yan said with doubt, but he couldn’t hear the difference between the dog. He just felt that Jiang Qin was a dog and expressed doubts about others.

“Listen across the floors, of course different.”


Professor Yan felt that there must be a dog in 208, but he couldn’t find evidence, so he waved his hand and let Jiang Qin go, and planned to engage in a surprise inspection in two days.

But what’s the use of assault inspection?

If there are really dogs, I was arrested on the spot, and he took out the secret sauce discs and asked me to eat hot pot. So how should I deal with it?

Professor Yan shook his head and found that he couldn’t respond at all.


Back to 208 from the entrepreneurial base, everyone has been cleaned up. Regardless of men and women, they are all flowers and women, and they seem to be full of energy.

Jiang Qin asked them to take a taxi directly, and they drove to the dormitory building of the School of Finance and picked up Feng Nanshu.

Xiaoyao wore a black dress today, a red belt tied to his waist, and the white collarbone was a drip -shaped pendant inlaid with diamonds. At the same time, the long hair shawl fell. question.

“His …”

“Why is it so beautiful today?”

After listening to this sentence, Feng Nanshu was happy like a stupid orange cat.

Jiang Qin was amused by her small expression. She reached out to help her fasten her seat belt, and then opened the University and went towards Jixian Tower in the city center.

Wei Lanlan was waiting at the door, and when he saw Jiang Qin’s car, he greeted him, and then took them to the second floor of Jixian Tower.

There are ten boxes on the second floor, and five of them have been set by them.

The manager has never seen this. He said that the per capita of Juxianlou was two or three hundred. Generally, it was the Commercial Bureau, either a high -end family banquet. Essence

So he personally stood at the door to receive Jiang Qin, and it was shaking hands and greeting. Jiang Qin asked the turnover of last month without any defense. The manager only knew he felt that he could not help but sweat. He said that the current college students are too scary.

“Jiang Qin, I want to go to the toilet.” Feng Nanshu said secretly.

Jiang Qin pine opened her little hand to Wei Lanlan: “Lanlan, take your boss to a toilet.”

“Okay, the boss, I’ll go with you.”


Jiang Qin looked at the back of their departure, and said that Xiao Fu’s wife was still a bit afraid. Every time he came out to eat, he felt nervous. He had to go to the toilet first.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Qin turned around one by one, briefly greeting a few words to part -time students, and then told everyone to eat and drink.

Gu Tiantian was sitting in the box of the University of Science and Technology at this time, looking at Jiang Qin, who was shining under the light.

She always misses the whole world, like a love affair, but she is more sour than falling in love.

“Why can’t he be my boyfriend?”

Gu Tiantian pursed his mouth, his eyes seemed to be sticky, and he couldn’t do without it.

However, Jiang Qin didn’t notice her, and didn’t stay too much. He turned to the next box, and then the next box …

In the end, he entered the Ruyi Hall, where he was sitting in the core employees of 208, as well as two supervisors of the University of Science and Technology and Normal University.

Chen Anhua and Min Yue had met in the morning, and they were called boss when standing up.

The director of the Normal University was chosen by Jiang Qin to ask Dong Wenhao. One named Qiao Shunmin and the other was called Cong Yi. When he said hello, he was a little nervous. After all, they saw Jiang Qin less.

“How about them?”

“Boss, they are still on the way.”

As soon as the words fell, the box door was pushed away. Come to Chanqing, Ding Qiaona and Guo Zihang entered the venue in turn, but they followed a person behind, that is, Zhang Zixuan, the propaganda ambassador to the group.

She wore a suspender skirt, which was originally a relatively loose version, but because her own conditions were too large, she just wore the temptation of the stepmother skirt.

As soon as Zhang Zixuan entered the door, he greeted everyone, and then looked around, and found that there were three empty seats. There were two next to Ding Qiaona, and the other empty seat was on Jiang Qin’s right hand side.

After hesitating, Zhang Zixuan walked to Jiang Qin.

Since there is a location next to the boss, who wants to sit next to the supervisor, and she feels that this position is likely to be left to himself in the box.

I am a school flower, and my chest is still so big. The boss estimates that he also wants to accompany him to eat or something, so he deliberately left a sitting. It was really a bad guy!

But the next second, there was a noise in the box, and everyone got up, and the legs of the chair made a harsh sound on the floor. Then, the boss lady shouted.

Zhang Zixuan froze for a moment, then turned to look at it, and saw a beautiful girl walking in. His eyes were smart and temperamental.

After three and one -third of a second, Zhang Zixuan reached out and lifted the warm cylinder next to him, and shouted sweetly, and then walked back without any matter. It looked like he came to get a thermos.

The boss is so beautiful. She sat next to Ding Qiaona and still had a feeling of fear. Fortunately, she didn’t sit down, and fortunately she was not the kind of woman with no brain.

“Okay, people are here, let’s go food.”

Jiang Qinyong said a word, and then felt a warm little hand drill into his palm.

“Today, there are many people. Being a boss will have to be the appearance of the boss, and you should not let me feed.” Jiang Qin looked at Feng Nanshu.

Xiao Fu’s nodded nodded: “I know.”

At the end of the month, the monthly ticket starts, don’t waste it! Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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