Who is reborn? Who is in love?

225. 225 Can we not make this money?

Chapter 225 Can we not make this money?

“Didn’t we say okay? After the Ping An Night passed, we wouldn’t anyone remember that.”

“Jiang Qin, dreaming cannot be controlled.” Feng Nanshu said pitifully.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Qin was slightly frustrated, and he couldn’t find any reason to refute this view for a long time.

Not deliberately mentioned, but dreaming. Can people take the initiative to choose the content of dreams?


What you should not eat is really not good.

However, Feng Nanshu could block herself as soon as she spoke. Is this stupid? Isn’t this stupid?

Jiang Qin was vigilant, and turned to observe Xiao Fu’s woman, but when she saw her blowing into the straw and snoring, her eyes were stupid.


“If you mention it again, I will bite you next time.”

Feng Nanshu panicked, and his feet couldn’t help shrinking back.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Jiang Qin’s pocket rang, and it took it to look at the mother’s hit.

His thumb hugged on the answer button, and his expression hesitated.

I seem to be busy with the promotion activities of the Normal University and the University of Science and Technology since the beginning of school. I completely forgot to call home. My mother’s anger should be full.

Jiang Qin took the phone a little further and pressed the answer button.

“You stinky boy, is it really out of contact at the beginning of school? For more than a month, don’t you even call at home?”

“Also, why do I have another 20,000 yuan more?

“Jiang Qin, don’t blame your mother, I just hope you study hard. After you make money, there will be more. You must not do bad things outside.”


Jiang Qin covered the microphone position and looked at Feng Nanshu: “Is my mother’s phone, do you want to answer it?”


Feng Nanshu’s eyes were bright, and when she remembered Yuan Youqin’s pet, she felt happy.

Jiang Qin pursed the corner of his mouth: “Then I will give you my favorite parent -child interaction time. In return, you can’t mention the things about Christmas Eve.”

“What should I do if I can’t help?” Feng Nan Shuqiong wrinkled slightly.

“Strive to hold back.”

Jiang Qin passed the phone over. At this time, Yuan Youqin couldn’t hear his son’s response. He was angry, and as a result, he heard a soft aunt.

“Nan Shu? Why did you call your aunt now? Auntie miss you.”

“I don’t have your phone number, Jiang Qin will not give me.”

“Wait for the summer vacation, you come home, your aunt scolds him as your face.”

Jiang Qin listened to the tone of Yuan Youqin’s eighty times, and he lived without saying nothing. How much do he likes his mother, how much her aunt disappears?

However, my mother is indeed a bit of something. Two words have invited Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law to play at home in the summer vacation. It is indeed my mother!

At the same time, Gao Wenhui behind the counter heard the taste, his eyes suddenly shined, and he went to Feng Nanshu to overheat.

“What do you eavesdrop?”

“I love to listen!”

Jiang Qin looked at Gao Wenhui, and said that this kind of people who were all stunned were really scary, and then he walked to the door of the store, watching the fire at dusk and stretching a lazy waist.

From Tuesday to Thursday, Jiang Qin had a three -day vacation for himself, and it was nearing the end at this time.

Of course, a lot of things are close to the end.

For example, the school flower contest of the Normal University and the University of Science and Technology, and the promotion activities of the group.

Everything walks on the road it should take in an orderly manner.


In early April, the sun was charming and full of spring.

The team of the University of Science and Technology withdrew from the University of Science and Technology and handed the operating business to the part -time student team of the University of Science and Technology.

At the same time, the Ling University team also withdrawn from the Normal University and handed the operating business to a part -time student at the Normal University.

All the fun and hustle and bustle began to calm down.

how to say.

It’s as if you went to a very lively feast, sing ah, hey, but you still have to be alone after you go home. After a hangover, you can only get up early in the morning.

Many students who are stuffy are not the task of voting every day. They are almost empty, and then they start thinking about life.

Who is the first school flower has something to do with me?

If the goddess gets more votes, I won’t look at me more. Why did I get it that time?

Do you change my life?

No, the goddess is still the goddess, the silk is still the silk, there is no hope that there is no hope, there is no target, everything seems to have no change.

However, for Jiang Qin, many things in the four schools have become the shape he wants.

For example, the consumption method of college students has changed from offline to online.

From September 2008 to April 2009, from Zhihu to the competition, to settle in the group, Jiang Qin ate four universities step by step, and finally tied the consumption power of Linchuan University students to Together, the group was cast.

How terrible this power is?

Students from the four major universities do not know that the merchants on Pedestrian Street do not know, and even the employees of 208 are not clear.

But one person knows very clearly, that is the manager of the freight department of the Mall.

You know, whether it is Linchuan University, University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology, or Teachers University, there are their own pedestrian streets. There are almost the same fruit shops, barber shops, supermarkets …

But there is only one mall channel, that is, the people.

In other words, students in the four major universities want to buy high -end and expensive ones. As long as they choose online channels, they are all orders.

The consumption power of the four schools really allowed the manager of the Ministry of Freight to open his eyes directly.

In the morning of the Qingming Festival, the rain was falling. He Yijun sat in the office to listen to Yuezhu reporting the reform of the mall.

“The progress of the underground floor has completed 85 %, and the supermarket starts trial operation.”

“The progress of the change on the first floor has completed 54 %, and Zhou Dafu and Lao Fengxiang are negotiating.”

“32 % of the changes on the second floor.”

“The transformation on the third floor is 76 %, hot pot restaurants and milk tea shops start to open.”

“Fourth Floor …”

He Yijun frowned: “Waiting for a while, why is the progress of the second floor so slow? Who is responsible for this floor?”

“It is Luo Dawei, the manager of the Freight Department.” Yue Zhu said.

“Call him over to see me!”

Three minutes later, Luo Dawei of the Ministry of Freight came to the top floor office and was immediately criticized by He Yijun.

He borrowed a lot of loans from the bank for the mall reform, and accompanied a variety of partners to drink and entertain. Seeing everything on track, there was a manager who dragged his legs. Who can tolerate this.

But scolding and scolding, Luo Dawei suddenly took out a sales report of the group, showing He Yijun a stun.

“What’s this?”

“Fighting the sales report last month.”

“What is the sales?”

“2.48 million …”

He Yijun stunned: “Are you confused? I asked the individual sales of the group.”

Luo Dawei swallowed: “What I am talking about is the separate sales of the group.”

“Do you mean, the group has sold 2.5 million goods for us? You are crazy, so there are so many offline sales before reform!”

Luo Dawei directly opened the sales data stall on the table: “The consumption capacity of that group of college students is too strong. They are really flowers. I know that my reform progress is slow, but this money is not Did you earn it? ”


He Yijun carefully looked at the sales report, and was shocked for a long time.

Everyone is the largest pure sales mall in Lingchuan!

Why can a group channel be able to top the marketing amount of my mall? Is this joke too big?

“Boss, boss are you okay?”

He Yijun took a long while before returning to God: “This money really can’t make money, but even if the shipment increases, your progress should not be so slow?”

Luo Dawei sighed: “More than not to ship the boss. In order to change the business model, the pure sales business has been cut, and the purchase volume has also reduced by 80 %. The demand of the group is over. I have to coordinate the purchase in addition to the shipment. I really can’t get my energy. ”

“Then … Then, Lao Zhao’s side was almost completed, you asked him to be responsible for your layer, and then you are independently responsible for the commissioning of the group!”

“Good boss!”

He Yijun pursed the corner of his mouth, and suddenly there was a very curious question: “Do you say Jiang Qin, how much money can he make in a month?”

Luo Dawei shook his head: “I don’t know, but I can count it blindly.”

“How about it?”

“There are almost 200,000 college students in the four major universities. Even if only half of the people use groups, it is 100,000 people. Boss, you need to know that Jiang Qin’s group has signed all the merchants around the university city. Eating in the cafeteria, no matter what you buy, you can fight for a group. The living expenses for each college student are 500. There are more than 10,000. ”

In fact, He Yijun did not listen carefully, but couldn’t help but make up a picture.

There is a huge meatball on the sky of Linchuan University Town, which says two words on it.

It extends countless blood vessels, connects the merchants around, and connects to the crowd.

Whenever there are students spend online, no matter what they buy, some nutrients will flow into meatballs with blood vessels.

Students are getting lazy, more and more online consumption, and meatballs are getting fatter.

“First, make a forum that can be popular among students, then raise a huge traffic pool through the school flower competition, and then realize the flow through the group. In the end, it turned into a huge gold -suction machine to eat and pull. ”

Luo Dawei’s mouth twitched: “Boss, can eat and pull very vivid!”

He Yijun’s scalp is numb.

He first touched Jiang Qin, purely to advertise in the university town, and never thought that this taller college student could make such a thing.

The Star of the study of Linchuan University, the real Nima is famous!

“Okay manager Luo, go back first.”

“Good boss.”

Luo Dawei left the office and took the elevator to the underground warehouse on the ground floor. He saw that the workers were preparing to ship at night. The entire warehouse door was hot.

There is a bald man named Ma Liang, nicknamed Xiaoma.

He has been arranging workers for allocation since noon. He has been busy until now. He has sweaty, and then sit in the corner and pour two sips of water.

Xiao Ma is a grass -roots worker, and he doesn’t understand what reforms are.

His world only makes money to support his family, and he is not hungry.

But since returning to the New Year, the Ministry of Freight has ushered in a big layoff.

The person in charge of the home appliance furniture city was cut off first, and then the clothing factory was cut off …

At that time, he couldn’t do it. He spent a lot of money to buy two bottles of wine and found the supervisor Zhang to inquire about the news, for fear that he would be cut off.

Director Zhang told him that the mall must change the business model, and there is no need to raise so much freight driver in the future, but let him reassure, saying that he will not be cut off.


Director Zhang said that because he took over the freight work of the group, he was lucky to step into the safe area.

Because the group needs a truck driver, the mall will still use you.

The little brother immediately thought of the college student who pitted his two banners, so he hurried home and beat his son who was about to drop out of school.

For nothing else, because he felt that knowledge is Nima’s power!

(This chapter is finished)

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