Who is reborn? Who is in love?

214. 214 The wishes of Little Rich Mo will come true

Chapter 214

“Sir, choose this one, this variety of dogs are smarter.”

“And this, this is just a small dog, not long, it is very suitable for raising in the office.”

“This is more lively, but it is easy to dismantle home. If you don’t have too much time to walk, I don’t recommend you to raise it.”

“This is also possible, it’s a bit stupid.”


At more than two o’clock in the afternoon, the sun was warm in the early spring, and the blue clear sky did not see the clouds.

Jiang Qin pushed a shopping cart out of the pet shop. There were all kinds of messy things such as dog nest, dog food, and dog cages, and a Labrador, which was less than three months.

The little white dog stretched his ears, his eyes were stupid, lying in the shopping cart curiously, looking at the four weeks, slightly counseling.

Jiang Qin opened the trunk, stuffed all those keys on the nest, and then picked up the little white dog and got into the car.

“From today, you have called Dan Tianfu, the name of the four words, isn’t it handsome?”


Tou Tianfu glanced at Jiang Qin, and the forefoot stepped on the cushion with some helpless way, and finally lay down under the eyes of the other party.

Jiang Qin thinks it must be satisfied at this moment.

Because with such a name, even if you go out to make friends, it will be very face.

Other dogs are called Doudou, Pudding, Prince, Mao Ball, and ask what you call, I, wealthy, the main thing is a arrogance.

Jiang Qin touched the wealthy head twice, then put on sunglasses, stepped back to Linchuan University when he stepped on the throttle, and went directly to the front square.

After Hu Xin went to the Normal University for training, Gao Wenhui has become the main force of the sweet -hearted shop, so Feng Nanshu often accompanies her here.

Jiang Qin drove the car to the roadside opposite the square, and saw a clear and cold little rich woman sitting at the door of Xiutian across the distance. The exquisite features were flawless. Take off a Leng Yan Yu.

The flow of people in the front square is very large, and there are a lot of milk tea.

Whether it’s a man or a woman, he can’t help showing a stunning expression when he sees Feng Nanshu, and then glanced at it, his eyes were full of heart, but because of the coldness and dare not approach.

In addition to sticking to Jiang Qin everywhere, the rich woman rarely appears in public, but once it appears, it will cause this effect immediately.

It’s like the former Chengnan High School, from the moment she stepped into the school gate, to the classroom, the long winds of the campus were all about her whispering.

However, she was a little panicked.

A little panic, the expression became more and more cold, making those who looked at her a little panicked, and hurriedly looked away.

“So beautiful, who? Why haven’t you seen it?”

“I don’t know, isn’t it from our school?”

“how do you know?”

“I haven’t seen it in the school flower competition, no one can get the first?”

“It’s so cool, the expression is so cold, it is the goddess that is difficult to approach at first glance.”

Xiao Fu’s wife pretended that she didn’t hear anything. She silently sipped a sip of milk tea, and then glanced at the puppet.

The handsome bear who can climb the tree is not there, and the delicious milk tea seems to be halved.

She was holding the milk tea cup for a while, and the slim curled eyelashes trembled slightly in the bright sunlight, and then saw the black Audi stopped on the side of the road.

“It seems to be Jiang Qin’s car …”

Gao Wenhui had already worked all morning. At this time, he was changing the class. As a result, he saw Feng Nanshu rushed to the opposite side as soon as he went out: “Hey? Where is Nan Shu?”

“Jiang Qin is here.” Xiao Fu’s wife ran to the car while waved.

Seeing this, the onlookers couldn’t help but look at the roadside, showing a little surprise in their eyes.

This cold and cold Bai Fumei, after the car came, the eyes were bright, as if it changed his temperament for a moment, soft and cute.

“Jiang Qin, walk.”

Jiang Qin descended to the window: “Little rich, do you still remember you have a wish?”

“Remember, I want to follow you every day.” Feng Nanshu said without hesitation.

“It’s not this, it’s another, you said a few days ago, think again.”

Feng Nanshu said after thinking about it: “Although I don’t understand anything, I want you to feed me for dinner.”

Jiang Qin was breathing and supported: “It’s not this, it’s a wish that doesn’t have much to do with me.”

Feng Nanshu shook his head after a while: “Jiang Qin, I don’t seem to have that kind of wish.”

“Are you? me?”

“No, I have always been stupid.” Feng Nanshu said with a bluffing face.

“Then I will give you another reminder. You want it for a long time. I still found me in school for a long time when I started school. I don’t remember?”

Jiang Qin was afraid that the cement in his heart was not enough, and he didn’t dare to let her guess it anymore, and directly gave her a correct answer.

Feng Nanshu looked at him with a high -cold expression: “Jiang Qin, I want to raise a puppy.”

“Yes, this is this wish.”

Jiang Qin opened the door and hugged the wealthy wealth: “Look, this dog will return to you in the future.”

Seeing a cute Labrador’s limbs hanging, she was as helpless as if she was strangled by her fate, and the eyes of the rich woman instantly became pleasant and shiny.

She stretched out her little white hand and tentatively touched two, and found that the other party quickly let Jiang Qin put it down.

The wealthy wealth is also a dog. He panicked in a strange environment, but he still stood upright and straight, and let Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law stretch from head to back.

One big and one small, all are small counseling.

One of them is cautious, the other is afraid to move, and the scene is quite cute.

After a while, the wealthy wealth seemed to get used to it. It was no longer as counseling as before, and even rolled on the spot to expose his belly.

Xiao Fu’s eyes were bright, as if light was gathered.

“Go, go to the milk tea shop and sit.”


Jiang Qin picked up the wealth of the sky and returned to the milk tea shop with the rich woman, and immediately attracted Gao Wenhui.

“Why is there a dog? Who’s?”

“Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law has been noisy, I went to buy one outside and raised her to play.”

After listening, Feng Nanshu raised his head, and looked at him stupidly for a long time, and his eyes seemed to have a rippling water.

Gao Wenhui squatted down a few times: “Did you just buy it? There is no name? I suggest that each person is one word.

“I think Wen Hui is more nice, Xiao Ming can be called Huihui.”

“You’re too much.” Gao Wenhui narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Qin took her sip: “I have given him a name on the way I came, called Dan Tianfu.”

“What kind of ghost? How can a dog call this name, shouldn’t you get more cute?”

“What’s the name, the key is Geely, right or rich?”

The wealth of the sky was twice, so I didn’t dare to move, but my eyes turned smoothly. At first glance, it was not the kind of stupid dog, but because the environment was relatively unfamiliar, it seemed very honest. In fact, I didn’t know how smart.

Gao Wenhui was a bit energetic, and made a whispered voice again, and a rolling belly was rolled on the spot.

“How about the recent business of milk tea shop?”

“Okay, but I’m not as proficient as Hu Xin, the speed of making milk tea is a bit slower.”

“That’s okay, mainly to ensure the taste. As long as the taste is not much different, customers generally don’t care about one minute.”

After washing his hands, Jiang Qin reached out and grabbed Badanmu. After peeling, he was fed to Xiao Fu’s mouth.

“Jiang Qin, have to eat another one.” Feng Nanshu said as he stunned the dog.


After leaving the Xiang Tian milk tea shop, Jiang Qin took Xiao Fu’s wife to the entrepreneurial base to give the sky and wealth.

After all, the dormitory does not allow pets, so you can only stay in the entrepreneurial base.

And this little thing is quite cute. If you are tired, you can get a few dogs. It can relieve the pressure and adjust your mood. It is also a good arrangement.

“Wow, boss, whose dog is this?”

“Your boss’s mother, the name is Dan Tianfu, and officially joined the 208 family from today.”

Su Nai came over and looked at it: “I remember Professor Yan said before, isn’t it allowed to keep pets at the entrepreneurial base?”

Jiang Qin pursed his mouth: “It’s okay, I will say something to Professor Yan later, and strive to get his consent.”

“Professor Yan is not so good.”

“It’s okay, I will know how to make it reasonable and move. Professor Yan will definitely understand a silly rich woman who wants to raise a pet.”

Feng Nanshu watched his head and started: “Jiang Qin, I’m sometimes not particularly stupid.”

After listening, Su Nai couldn’t help but frowned: “The boss is not stupid at all, she is the smartest!”

Xiao Fu’s woman was a little panicked: “Su Nai, I am really stupid.”

“Oh, a good boss, that, can I touch the wealth?”

“You can touch it.”

Feng Nanshu heard the three words of the boss, and immediately borrowed the dog from generously. He was not used to the rich and rich, who was not used to so many people, and was passed on a circle in the shaking.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Qin left from 208 and planned to report to the main office on the first floor. As a result, he met Professor Yan before he arrived at the door.

The professor seemed to be going to go out. He also held a black shoulder bag in his hand. When he saw Jiang Qian, he immediately stood up.

“Jiang Qin, what is the promotion?”

“The preparations in the early stage have been arranged, and two days later, it will be officially promoted.”

After listening to listening, Professor Yan nodded: “Do it well, but don’t be impatient. The important thing is to stabilize. By the way, what’s the matter with me?”

Jiang Qin coughed: “Professor, I just hired a security guard for 208, showed us the door, and wanted to find you to report it.”


“No, it’s from outside.”

Professor Yan thought about it: “If you believe it, you can just intervene in this incident, but the procedures must be done.”

Jiang Qin nodded and sent the professor to the gate. When I said, I said it, and Professor Yan talked well.

“Jiang Qin, Professor Yan agreed to raise rich and wealthy children here?”

“Well, he agreed.”

“Professor Yan is a good person.”

(This chapter is finished)

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