Who is reborn? Who is in love?

209. 209 No, I didn't wash it

Chapter 209 No, I didn’t wash it

In the Financial College, 503 girls’ dormitory, Feng Nanshu, who returned from Shanghai, lay on the bed softly, and his soft eyes stared at his mobile phone.

Whenever there is news in the list, the black silk feet will be lifted in the air, gently shaking at the end of the bed, one up and left, right and right, and the aroma is overflowing.

“Nan Shu, Jiang Qin really took you home?”

“Well, he was taken home by him.”

“Do you have dinner with their family on New Year’s Eve? Really or false!”

“Wen Hui, I have repeated three times.” Feng Nanshu was a little aggrieved.

Gao Wenhui sat below and rubbed his hands excitedly: “So, I won’t scale it twice again, okay?”

“He is a bad guy.”

“Then we pick some points, okay, you see her parents seeing you, as well as the scene where his mother gives you red envelopes, and those who boast you, give me again. balanced.”

Feng Nanshu’s little eyes became happy: “Auntie is a good person.”

“Then.” Gao Wenhui’s eyes were full of expectations.

“She said I was very good, gave me a red envelope, and gave me the vegetables. When Jiang Qin bullied me, she returned to me.”

“What reaction of Jiang Qin, is he seeing you so much, happy?”

Feng Nanshu shook his head a little blankly: “Jiang Qin did not respond. He would feed me no matter what was delicious before, but that day I said that the dumplings were delicious several times that day, and he didn’t feed me.”

Gao Wenhui took a deep breath: “That dog is definitely guilty. I dare not spoil you in front of my parents. I am afraid that they can directly recognize you as a daughter -in -law, so I can’t hear it, too dogs, and not much cut!”

“Wen Hui, not allowed to cut him.” Feng Nanshu bluffed his face and didn’t agree.

“I just said, but when you protect your husband, you are really good, I will dare next time.”

Gao Wenhui was not good, and he had made up the picture of the family of four.

She now regrets that she has not reported to the art department, otherwise she can draw this scene, but she really reports the art department, and she can’t know Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

In the world, there is no double method.

“You two, it’s really two extremes.”

Fan Shuling put down the book in her hand and looked helplessly at the little confusion and scholar in the dormitory.

“What do you mean?” Gao Wenhui turned to look at Fan Shuling.

“Wen Hui, you haven’t even talked about the object, but you are extremely good at the details of brain supplement. Even stones can let you make a sweet taste. Is this not extreme?”

After Gao Wenhui listened, he nodded: “Don’t say, when Sun Wukong jumped out of the stone, I was thinking. That stone must have sweet love, otherwise why would you get pregnant? I don’t even let go of the stones. ”

Fan Shuling suffocated a little after hearing: “Are you always thinking about these things?”

Feng Nanshu suddenly raised her beautiful little face and looked at her seriously: “Shuling, what about me?”

“You are also an extreme. They are more favored than girls with husbands, but they have always been a good friend with him. As long as you can stick to him, you can’t satisfy him.”

Feng Nanshu nodded: “I like to walk with Jiang Qin.”

Fan Shuling put the book on her legs and officially joined the topic: “Did you go to Shanghai after the year? Will you be sad if you can’t see your big dog and bear?”

“Well, but I will chat with him, ask him where to go, and then close your eyes and think about it.”

“How do you think about it?”

Feng Nanshu was stupid: “I was lying on the bed and thought about it.”

“I mean, what did you think about?” Fan Shuling was a little curious.

“I want to take me with me, walk in those places he said.”

Gao Wenhui couldn’t help narrowing his eyes: “Shuling, you are professional enough, it seems that he is sweeter than I asked, what’s the matter?”

Fan Shuling froze for a moment, and it seemed to feel the sweetness: “Did I be transmitted by you? It really feels a bit unavoidable!”

“I said that the two of them are very interesting? This good friend is very good, it is completely different from ordinary couples.”

Fan Shuling couldn’t stop it, and then looked at Feng Nanshu: “Why haven’t your husband come to pick you up yet? It didn’t say it would be five minutes just now, wouldn’t you forget it?”


Feng Nanshu panicked, wielded his shoe and waved to them, and then worshiped them, and then daeded downstairs and went to the big bear who was thinking about her heart.

Jiang Qin has stood downstairs for a while, and found that today’s couples are really more indexed. Take three steps and take three steps after three steps. The entire campus seems to exude the sour smell of love.

However, this is also well understood. After all, a holiday has not been seen, and the thoughts are flooded. The maple forest at night is estimated to be full of people.

These love brains are really a bit unreasonable.

The bright and good time like this, just was wasted in one puppet.

At this moment, Xiaojiao, who was wearing a woolen jacket, ran down the stairs all the way. The red square scarf swayed with the footsteps. It looked smart and beautiful. The short boots under the feet stepped on the cement ladder. Essence

The moment she saw Jiang Qin, her eyes suddenly shone, and then handed her hands to him.

From the beginning of the first day to the present, the two have been separated by about fifteen days, but these actions Feng Nanshu can still do natural and elegance.

Especially the cold and cold expression, with Jiang Qin walk in the mouth, the main thing is a contrast.

“What do you reach out?” Jiang Qin pretended to be stupid.

Feng Nanshu looked at him clearly: “Brother, hold.”

“Little rich woman, let’s play a game today, let no one hold hands, who is the puppy holding hands first, how about?”

“Jiang Qin, I want to raise a puppy.” Feng Nanshu suddenly remembered the dog.

Jiang Qin reached out and squeezed her placket and began to buckle her: “I found it for you in school today, but I didn’t find it. After all, the holidays have been so long. Ban for a while, I guess I won’t come back. ”

Feng Nanshu raised his two arms well: “Let’s find it together.”

“No ham sausage, the last one has been eaten by the dog of Luffy.”

Feng Nanshu raised his fingers and pointed to the college supermarket that was very close to: “Go buy one.”

Jiang Qin shook his head desperately and said nothing: “Boss Jiang entered a bunch of new goods.


“Forget it, let me take you to the cafeteria for dinner first, and then bring some leftovers. Let’s take a circle at school to see which dog can be caught by both of us.”

Feng Nanshu nodded, put his hand into his pocket, and followed him to two meals.

As soon as the new semester started, there were a lot of people on the road of the college. They often greeted Jiang Qin, who called the boss, and some of them called Jiang.

Jiang Qin also responded politely. Finally, he slowly relaxed his vigilance. He subconsciously took his hand and touched Xiao Fap ’s long -cherished little paw.

In the end, I do n’t know who I lead first, anyway, I just hold it together.

At the second meal, Jiang Qin went to the window to order Feng Nanshu’s noodles and instructed Xiao Fu to go to the disinfection cabinet to get chopsticks and spoons.

The last two bowls of burdock noodles were brought over, and the rich woman had been sitting. There was a napkin paper on the table with only a pair of chopsticks and a small white spoon of a ceramic.

“Don’t you eat?” Jiang Qin froze.

Feng Nanshu shook his head: “I eat.”

“Is that I don’t eat it?”

“You eat too.”

Feng Nanshu’s eyes were bright: “Jiang Qin, feed me to eat.”

Jiang Qin reached out and pinched a burdock to her little mouth: “Do you know, you can’t feed between good friends, so that he is not in harmony.”

“I don’t understand anything, I just like you to feed me.” Feng Nanshu was satisfied.

Jiang Qin heard that she didn’t know that she had relaxed a lot, and felt that she was doing again: “Of course, friends who don’t understand anything need to be taken care of. In this case, it is not a foul. You are really smart.”

Xiao Fap pursed the rosy little mouth: “Jiang Qin, I am not smart at all.”


After eating lunch, Jiang Qin bought some bones and put it in the bag. He led Feng Nanshu in the school and turned around in the school. He threw several pieces in the places where the dogs were out offered.

From two meals to one meal, from one meal to the back playground, from the playground to the maple forest, and finally to Wangyue Lake, Jiang Qin couldn’t move.

But Rao was such a large lap, but there were no dogs who could seize the opportunity to get rich this night.

“There are really no dogs, can we raise a cat?”

Feng Nanshu shook her head coldly, and the cats would rush to the cat, and she would not raise a cat herself.

“Then there is no way, I can only find it when the weather is warm.”

Jiang Qin pulled Xiao Fu’s wife to sit on the stone carriers, watching the waterfall that gradually began to turn into frozen waterfalls, lamenting the approaching of Spring.

Some scenery of the scenery is very strong, which made him remember the literacy song he had learned in elementary school before.

“Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, willow green flowers red, Yingge swallow dance …”

He silently recited, accidentally unbuttoned Xiao Fu’s shoelaces, and then accidentally took off her right -footed boots, revealing the delicate and cute black silk feet.

Feng Nanshu immediately recovered and looked at him a little panic.

“What’s the matter, I’m not doing it well?”

“Okay, but I didn’t wash it, I will eat it after washing.”


Jiang Qin directly held his breath, and after a long silence, he said: “Feng Nanshu, we have all vowed each other. It was an accident that day on Christmas Eve.

Xiaoyu looked at him with ignorance, and then gently stretched his feet into his arms: “I forgot that I don’t remember.”

“Actually, I think you have slipped with me such a large circle, and your feet must not sore.

“Jiang Qin, you are a good person.”

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Qin suddenly looked at her with a high -cold expression, and the movement in her hand was gentle and delicate.

Fengyue is good -looking, and the world is also romantic. I wish you all a happy Qixi Festival.

(This chapter is finished)

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