Who is reborn? Who is in love?

204. 204 cousin, I see sister -in -law

Chapter 204 Cousin, I saw the sister -in -law

“Jiang Qin, this child is really interesting.”

“Who said no, listening to his meaning, the star learning star is better than the three good students, the only one in the school.”

“University is not a high school in our small place. It is absolutely incredible to win a prize in the university.”

“I did not see the hallucination that day …”

“What did you see?”

“When I went to the grave on the 29th month, I saw the piece of Zhenghong’s ancestral grave.”

“OK, that’s really incredible.”

Friends and relatives sighed one by one, and said that this New Year can be considered long, and even the learning stars have seen it.

Jiang Qin saw that the gradually empty living room suddenly fell into contemplation, and I couldn’t eat this star for a lifetime?

After half a year, this award is going to be rotten.

After returning, let Jiang Zhihua play a few more games and add the ammunition library.

In fact, a trophy like this, the next order of the Shengshi advertising factory, can make a truck in minutes, it can not be heavy every year, but that is not true after all.

Jiang Qin played a honest and trustworthy, not the award he won by himself, he refused to take it out to show off.

“Master Jiang, the young lady has arrived in Shanghai, please rest assured.”

“Jiang Qin, I’m in Shanghai, and my stomach is a little hungry.”

Jiang Qin was packing the paper cups on the coffee table, and suddenly received two information, one was Uncle Gong’s text message, and the other was Feng Nanshu’s QQ.

Uncle Gong’s text message is very decent and very short, but the words “please rest assured” have a taste of treating himself as aunt.

The news of Feng Nanshu is still stupid. Although people are not in front of them, they are very cute to make up for the tone.

“Okay, Uncle Gong, hard all the way.”

“Take care of yourself, my best friend.”

After Jiang Qin pushed back the news, he saw that his mother had sent guests and returned. When she entered the door, she asked, “Jiang Qin, this is more than three o’clock, is Nan Shu arrived in Shanghai?”

“Well, just arrived, I have received a text message.”

“The New Year is still running so far, so it is good to stay in our family for the New Year.” Yuan Youqin said a little bit.

Stay in our house?

Jiang Qin glanced at my mother inexplicably, saying that my mother, you seemed to be over me, and made a very important life decision for me?

“How do you look at me with this look?”

“It’s all the afternoon, what about my red envelope?” Jiang Qin remembered a particularly critical question.

Yuan Youqin looked at him strangely: “In Nanshu, did not give it in front of the cricket last night, the smelly boy, why is it so bad?”

“I didn’t ask Feng Nanshu, I was talking about me.”

“Who are you different?”


Jiang Qin suddenly knew who he was inherited.

Good guy, it turned out that my mother was the master of the thief who played with three arrows and three sculptures. He saved his son’s red envelope. He also coaxed Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law to be happy. The key was forcibly satisfied his fantasy of being a mother -in -law.

The whole family was only reached by my injured world, which is good.

“Don’t be stunned, hurry up and help me divide this goat, and the rice grain and oil sent by the unit, all of them.”

Yuan Youqin rolled into the kitchen while rolling his sleeves, greeted Jiang Qin’s past helper, and then divided the lamb chops into two.

One of them, she asked Jiang Zhenghong, who had just returned from the New Year, to Jiang Qin’s grandma’s house.

Together with the gift bought by Jiang Qin, he brought back his mother’s house while waiting for the second grade.

When Jiang Qin was a child, he lived with his grandfather. He couldn’t live in the city. Instead, he lived in Nanya Village in the countryside. It was a beautiful village.

It was just because of the winter, the river dried in the end, and the mountains were bare, and it was not as good as the midsummer season.

“, I’m back!”

“Grandpa, you have been handsome to Wu Yanzu’s grandson back!”

Jiang Qin entered the courtyard with things, and saw that he was discussing the international situation with people in the village. The second aunt and aunt also asked the women in the village to ask the East Parents Xijia Short.

He didn’t mix it, and went directly to the door to find Grandpa, and accompanied the two elderly people to watch TV for a while.

By the time of eating, the cousin of Dasao’s house came back from the outside. He held a bucket of cola and a bucket of Sprite in his hand. He squeezed a chicken head from the table to eat.

“Brother, I went to the library on the 28th month of the month, and I saw the sister -in -law, so beautiful.”


“Oh, I still see you feed her to eat happiness.”

Jiang Qin’s cousin was Yuan Zaihao, who was about to return to the village for a long time. He spoke a dialect and spoke while talking, and he was silent to Jiang Qin.

“Don’t be nonsense. My cousin and learning don’t wear the sky together, and never go to the library. You must have read it wrong. That person should be Wu Yanzu.”

Yuan Zaihao pouted: “Brother, if you don’t study hard, how can you learn the star, I really saw it.”

“Ah Hao, why do you do n’t learn to learn well? Go to the library in the winter vacation. Do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the first year of high school?” Jiang Qin’s eyes were cold.

“I didn’t go to the book, and I suddenly snowed that day. I went in to hide from the snow.”

Yuan Zaihao did not have any logical loopholes, because he said that he was the truth.

“Don’t listen to Yuan Zaihao said, I never go to the library. My study star is actually fake, and I brought the tickets by myself!”

Jiang Qin tried to use the truth to quibble himself.

But unfortunately, none of the family was concerned about his learning star, but was more interested in Yuan’s “sister -in -law” in the mouth of Yuan Hao’s mouth.

“This is why you go to the library every day?”

Yuan Youqin suddenly understood, and said that I was confused. He just ran to the library every two days when he was on the holiday. He thought he was studying. He had a date for a long time.

“Sister, is A Hao really or fake?”

Yuan Youmei looked at Yuan Youqin in surprise.

“Jiang Qin took a girl back, the one you saw on the mobile wallpaper that day, and he was beautiful and beautiful.”

Yuan Youqin had no scruples to talk to his mother’s family, and he directly led it to Pan, and when he mentioned Feng Nanshu, he couldn’t help laughing.

When the words fell, Da’s hand was shaking with cigarettes, and his heart was really suspended. Fortunately, he didn’t listen to Xiaomei when he was eating that day. What big red envelopes would you say? This kind of cheeky is not allowed to empty your private house.

“Why no one cares about my skebium?”

Jiang Qin turned to look at his cousin: “Ah Hao is gone, my cousin has something to find you to chat with you.”

Yuan Zaihao was dangerous, and he shook his head very simply: “If you can’t, I will sit in this place and don’t go anywhere. You, you can say something here.”


Jiang Qin gave a thumbs up, and afterwards, whether it was the second aunt or the aunt asked, he kept silent.

At two in the afternoon, the family finished eating and reached the session of sending red envelopes.

Yuan Zaihao took Jiang Qin’s thick red envelope and took a look at it. It was a newspaper with the same size as money.

If he read it right, this should be the one who was just brought to the corner of the desk.


“Don’t spend a lot of flowers, buy stationery from school.”


After returning from his house, Jiang Qin officially entered the rest stage. On the one hand, there is no need to walk Xiao Fu’s wife, and on the other hand, he does not need to see relatives.

In the third day, the weather was fine and sleeping.

In the fourth day, the weather was fine and sleeping.

On the fifth day, the weather was fine and went to the library to turn around.

On the sixth day, the classmates met, and Jiang Qin pushed a cold. He didn’t go.

However, he did not go to his classmates to meet. Guo Zihang and Yang Shu’an were gone. The little mouth was just like the machine gun, causing many people on the table to be silent.

In the past, Qin Ziang, the most arrogant and arrogant, did not even publish this time. He was stuffy and eating vegetables. In fact, he was still distressed by the fireworks of the night night.

When Yang Shu’an was a big man who wanted to bite people when Jiang Qin was fart.

In addition, like Hong Zhendong, Yu Yiyang, Zhao Lu, and Kong Qianqian, they have just been nourished. When they hear Jiang Qin’s name, they still have a sense of scalp.

They still couldn’t forget the fireworks on New Year’s Eve, Feng Nanshu followed Jiang Qin’s picture with a good look.

Tai science fiction …

Chu Siqi did not speak from beginning to end, but said with Wang Huiru and Yu Sasha briefly.

She is no longer as self -centered as before, but she becomes good at silence and convergence.

It’s funny to say.

Chu Siqi has always hoped that he was the princess who was held by the stars, and hoped that he could be worshiped, envious or praised by many people.

But when she looked back, she discovered that the most dazzling star was missed by herself from the beginning, and the remaining ones, all the stars who like her and have a good opinion of her, have not one in one thousandth. Dazzling.

“Sasa, do you want to go walk around the street later?”

“No, Jiang Qin and I made an appointment. I would like to meet in the afternoon.” Yu Sasha waved his hand and refused.

Chu Siqi froze slightly: “You have to meet Jiang Qin? Why?”

Yu Sasha took out a stack of Grandpa Mao from his pocket: “I and my male god have a big business to talk about!”


At more than three o’clock in the afternoon, Yu Sasha came to the community opposite Muzi Lake, took out the key to open the door, and invited Chu Siqi and Wang Huiru to enter.

Two people visited in it for a long time, and their expressions were still out of shock.

“You mean, this is Jiang Qin’s house?”

“Well, my sister last year was very inconvenient to go back and forth. My mother asked me to find a house nearby. As a result, the homeowner happened to be Jiang Qin.”

Chu Siqi sat on the sofa for a long time: “When he bought his own house when he was eleven?”

Yu Sasha poured a glass of water and handed it over: “I don’t know the specific situation, but he seems to have three sets of houses nearby, and he probably rented it out.”

“Also, there are three more sets?”

“Yeah, do you know how terrible the house prices here have risen? Especially after a middle school moved over, it was just like one day!”

After listening to Chu Siqi and Wang Huiru, they fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, the knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Yu Sasha ran to open the door quickly, and it was Jiang Qin who came to collect the rent.

Seeing Chu Siqi and Wang Huiru, Jiang Qin nodded simply, and then received the money handed over by Sasha.

In 2009, the group needed a lot of funds to promote it. Although there were not many more than 6,000 yuan, the flies were small. If the shortage of funds in the later period, he could sell the house.

“Male god, what about your family Feng Nanshu?”

“Back to my hometown.”

(This chapter is finished)

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