Who is reborn? Who is in love?

197. 197 a righteous mother, the road is wide

Chapter 197 A Mother’s Mother, the road is wide

Twenty -three lunar month, Wu’an Mountain Temple Fair.

When the stalls, come to play, the crowds of the black crowd occupied half of the mountain, and the open space at the foot of the mountain was full of various private cars.

At this time, the taste of the year is getting stronger, and there are festive red everywhere.

With the white snowing white a few days ago, the mountains and the mountains were red and white, which was really beautiful.

Yang Jianguo specially applied for a stall at this temple fair and made Yang Ji’s signboard in order to cater to Jiang Qin’s concept, so that the brand influence can be quickly launched in Jeju.

You know, the passenger flow of the temple fair is equivalent to what exhibitions, food festivals, not only Jeju, but even people in nearby cities will come together.

If you want to attract new customers, and then go to the public’s vision, it is a critical step to brush the sense of presence in a large place.

However, Yang Jianguo is now a little boss. He is currently preparing for the fifth branch. There is no time to manage the temple fair. Naturally, this incident falls on the body of Master Yang Tang.

“Dad, I don’t want to go, I will meet many old classmates when I catch a temple fair.”

Yang Shuan’s reluctance.

“What’s wrong? Do you sell the sheep soup? Is your dad and I rely on this bowl of a bowl of sheep soup to provide you with it, don’t be confused!”

Yang Jianguo looked back at him.

“I’m not having shameless, or I don’t want to say hello, but I can’t pretend to be invisible when I encounter people who know it.”

Yang Jianguo slaps him in his head: “Stink boy, this is our own business, who cares about it? Tell you, don’t play a temper, listen to your uncle, what do you want to do?”

Yang Shu’an opened his eyes instantly: “Ah? My uncle go too?”

“Of course, the idea of going to the temple fair was he mentioned, just follow your uncle to learn.”

Yang Shu’an didn’t know why. After hearing this, the spine suddenly became straight. He always felt that when he got on Jiang Qin, he immediately became tall.

It’s like going to sell sheep soup to work, and it is called business to follow Jiang Qin to sell sheep soup.

Don’t say anything else, just like the summer vacation after the college entrance examination. Jiang Qin took Guo Zihang to sell the box lunch and was laughed at in the class for half a month, but now look at it again? However, it has been passed into a good story, and it is often mentioned.

Yes, I, Yang Shu’an, followed my uncle to do business!

After thinking about this, Yang Shuan no longer hesitated, and he got into his father’s car when he packed up.

At the same time, Jiang Qin got up early in the morning. After washing, he changed his clothes and planned to go out.

He is accustomed to the rhythm of doing business, even if he is a holiday, he can’t help it at all.

Last night, he just heard the work report of Wei Lanlan’s side, and participated in the topic selection of Dong Wenhao’s year. He also discussed the direction of the later period with Su Nai. Essence

“Mom, I won’t go to the library. Today I go to Wu’an Mountain to catch the temple fair.”

“Go and go, so fun, go home when you go crazy!” Yuan Youqin told him.

Jiang Qin felt a strong motherly love. He nodded and went out, then drove to the rich woman, and went to Guo Zihang at the front intersection.

In recent days, Lao Guo was idle at home, and because of one dragon, he was late to be late at home. As soon as he received Jiang Qin’s call, he immediately hummed.

“Father, Feng, good morning.”

“Lao Guo, tie a seat belt, go to Wu’an Mountain today to help Yang Shu’an’s Yang soup stalls.”

Jiang Qin ordered a sound, stepped on the accelerator, took the two to bump all the way, and finally came to the foot of Wu’an Mountain.

At this time, in the morning, the large soup bucket rolled in the white mist. Several people had sat in front of the poplar’s stall, and they were drinking hot sheep soup to resist the cold of this winter.

Next to it, a large PVC board is standing, with the location of the branches of the Yang Tang House on it, which looks very eye -catching.

Jiang Qin stopped the car at the foot of the mountain, took the little rich woman’s hand, and greeted Guo Zihang. The three people stepped into the mountain and finally came to Yang Shu’an’s booth.

“Uncle, are you here?”

“Well, I’m here too? Welcome!”

Yang Shu’an immediately moved to Ma Zha and handed over the past, warmly like a dog leg.

Jiang Qin frowned, and said what this guy was addicted to the red envelope. Damn, always forcibly pairing this kind of uncle, you have missed your uncle’s big red envelope, do you understand?

“You stand here for a while, let me go next door.”

Jiang Qin looked at the side and turned to the next door. As soon as the smoke passed, he began to talk to the stall owner.

The temple fair in Wu’an Mountain started the day before yesterday. It was five days. They were already late. The stall owners who had already come to the stall would have a lot of experience. A cigarette was worthless. First, learn about the information. It’s also good.

At the same time, Guo Zihang pulled Yang Shu aside and lowered his voice: “Lao Yang, did you have no psychological burden just now?”

“What kind of psychological burden?” Yang Shu’an was in a circle.

“My name is Jiang Qin’s father, but the mother of Feng Feng is really a bit unreasonable. Why are you so natural?”

Yang Shu’an patted Guo Zihang’s shoulder, and said with a long heart: “Lao Guo, don’t have so many idol baggage, call once, there are red envelopes, giant fragrance.”


Guo Zihang took a breath and made a major decision after hesitant.

At this time, Jiang Qin had finished chatting with the elder brother who sold beef powder next door, and asked clearly when he returned, Feng Nanshu had taken out his wallet and handed it to Guo Zihang a brand new Grandpa Mao.


Jiang Qin glanced at them inexplicably and said what the hell is this?

After a long while, the sun slowly rose from the back of the mountain, the morning gathered, the temperature gradually began to rise, and the people who came to catch the temple fair began to have more waves of waves.

As Yang Shu’an said, there are a lot of old classmates who come to catch the temple fair. They have friendship and names. They are named, but they are not known but they know their faces. They have appeared in the crowd one after another.

After all, it is winter vacation. The college students have left home for half a year and met the world outside. After returning home, the waves are not good. The scenes that are prone to meet old classmates like this must be participated.

Comb the hair into an adult, put on a handsome dress, and meet the old classmate’s beauty for a long time. Isn’t that beautiful?

In fact, many people come with the mentality of nourishing people, and want to pretend to be round and comfortable.

But whenever someone walked to the booth of Yang’s Yang Tang Pavilion, when I saw the cold moonlight Feng Nan Shu standing, her eyes kept chasing Jiang Qin, and they couldn’t help but shouting my grass. I feel that I am nourished.

“I read it wrong? Feng Nanshu?”

“You read it right, it’s this world wrong.”

“Why does Feng Nanshu stand behind the stall of Yang Shu’an? Do they have relatives?”

“Didn’t you see Jiang Qin? Last summer, Yang Shu’an said in the group that Jiang Qin invested in his Yang Tang restaurant.”

“Do you mean, Feng Nanshu followed Jiang Qin?”


“Damn, it turned out that this world was wrong, it’s the world crazy …”

“Is the rumor circulating during the 11th holiday true?”

In the original senior high school class, there was a person who was very hung by CF called Lu Chao. He liked the second class Yu Sasha. When he was in the eleven, he said, and told people everywhere. Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin fell in love, but many people Don’t believe it.

What kind of joke, it is Feng Nanshu.

Gao Leng couldn’t be close. He didn’t even like to tell others. Many people wanted to chase her without the courage to chat, and some people wrote the love letter without courage to give it.

Who can chase her?

Who can make Qingqing cold about love?

Who can make her willing to become a cute girl?

No one, since no one, how could she fall in love?

But now, everyone sees her standing next to Jiang Qin and is well -behaved. The sense of difference between this reality and illusions should not be too strong.

Feng Nanshu couldn’t talk about falling in love. This is a reality for most talents. Feng Nanshu followed a boy with a good look. This fucking was illusory.

However, everything is upside down now. The unreal scene has forcibly integrated into reality, making many people grinning.

However, people who overwhelmed the rain did not want to hold an umbrella. After a long time, they pretended to be nothing. When they met the next old classmate, they also warmly invited them to go to the sheep soup stand to see, and they lied to have good things.

how to say.

There seems to be an automatic aimed water gun on the Yang Shu’an stall, which can quickly identify old classmates in the Wuyun crowd, and it is extremely accurate.

Let’s get nourishment, one to get nourishing, and the mentality will collapse.

You know, Feng Nanshu has been a goddess who has been in the south of the city for three years, and of course countless lovers.

“Did you see Feng Nanshu just now?”

“Seeing, at the Yangshu stalls of Yang Shu’an’s house, with Jiang Qin, it seems to be more beautiful than high school.”

“Damn, this scene is a bit magical. Why does Feng Nanshu like Jiang Qin?”

“Who knows?”

“You are going to university in the field, you may not know. Jiang Qin is now a entrepreneurial star in Linchuan. The kind of youth newspaper is said to have a million worth of net worth.”


“Really, the campus forum we use now is what he did. He also developed a group of groups, which is said to have 30,000 to 40,000 flowing water every day.”

Behind the small square table of the sheep soup stall, Yang Shu’an was full of hearts, and his heart was fierce. The chest muscles almost opened the zipper of the down jacket.

Following his uncle to do business, it is his fucking face.

Jiang Qin also pouting the corner of his mouth, and he kept a snoring sound in his mouth.

I do n’t know why, I have been sitting here, I did n’t say anything, and I did n’t even have an expression.

Everyone, come to a few monthly tickets for us to taste salty.

(This chapter is finished)

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