Who is reborn? Who is in love?

193. 193 will be bullied and crying in the past

Chapter 193 to Marry and Cry by Bullying

Jiang Qin also decided to leave early in the morning, but He Yijun called specially, saying that their reform plan encountered too many problems, and wanted to ask in person.

Of course, it is not Jiang Qin’s nature to help others.

Except for Jiang Zhihua, no one has taken advantage of him.

But there was no way. He gave him too much this time. He was directly smashing money to hire him to be a reform consultant to the mall. He considered it. It was not his own style if you felt that it was not his own style.

“Lao Guo, you will wait for me to go to the school gate. I will pick you up and go to me at noon. Let’s go back to Jeju in the afternoon.”

Jiang Qin called Guo Zihang while driving.

Lao Guo yelled for the righteous father, and then pulled the box to hum and hum.

Five minutes later, Black Audi opened the gate of technology. Guo Zihang called his father to get on the car. The main thing was a politeness, and then he sat in the rear seat, rubbing his hands warmly for a while.

“Why is there a trophy here?”

“Stars of learning, take it back and coax my mother.”

Guo Zihang held the trophy in his hand and looked around, and looked at the co -pilot: “Well? Don’t you go back?”

“Her full -time driver rented a house in the community opposite, and he was calling. This morning, he brought his little rich woman home.”

Guo Zihang heard the scalp on the back seat: “Brother Jiang, the power of the Feng family is too great, I am afraid of it, you will be bullied to cry in the past!”


“Really, let me tell me the story of my cousin who came to the door.”

Jiang Qin opened the window behind him calmly, and frozen him like a silly dog: “Seeing that you are not very sober, give you some cool one, blow your dog brain.”

Guo Zihang trembled instantly: “I am too cold, I am wrong.”

“Say, what’s wrong?”

Guo Ziwang wrapped his down jacket: “Even if you marry, you will be strong, and you will never cry.”

Jiang Qin was speechless by his logic and opened his mouth for a long time: “Lao Guo, I find that you are really awesome.”

“Give me it, you are frozen.”

Jiang Qin turned off the window behind: “I heard that you are doing well in the group. Auntie of all -tech, the aunt of the full technology, is turned by your fascination. You also get the aunt’s treasure. Stars of learning? ”

“They have a misunderstanding of me. What I like is the kind of mature sister, not a dormitory aunt.”

Guo Zihang justified his innocence.

“Then how do I listen to Qiao Na and say, do you often talk to the aunt in the dormitory building, starting at least an hour?”

“That’s for your business, otherwise I won’t die.”

“Damn, what grade, even with the same hardness with me.”

Jiang Qin took a sip of him, stepped on the accelerator with disdain, drove out of technology, and went to all people.

After the parking lot, he first called He Yijun. As a result, the other party did not answer, and then returned after a minute.

The mass of the malls is large, involving a wide range of surfaces, and a profound impact.

Once you decide to transform, you will definitely move the whole body, not just the mall itself will be affected, including the supplier and the partner, but also to explain it. Therefore, He Yijun is meeting several important partners. Time can’t get rid of it.

“President Jiang, go directly to the meeting room on the fifth floor. Several managers in the mall are there. You can host the meeting.”

“I have the money of the consultant, but it does not include the cost of the meeting.”

“My grass, surname Jiang, are you too dog?!”

“No, no, just make a joke, you will give it to me when the meeting is.”

Jiang Qin hung up the phone and took Guo Zihang on the fifth floor and came to the conference room at the end of the corridor.

This is the first time that I know how to cooperate with the people, so he can be regarded as a light car.

As soon as I entered the door, the round conference table was first converted to the eye. There were two men and three women sitting around, including Yue Zhu, a total of five managers.

Some of them smoked, some raised Erlang’s legs, and they were playing with mobile phones. It seemed that they were waiting for He Yijun, and the time was not short. The face was full of boring.

Jiang Qin walked in, and was about to pretend to be forced. He shouted for a meeting. As a result, before he had time to speak, he was stopped by Zhao Zuchang, who was smoking.

“You go to pour a glass of water for me.”


Jiang Qin took the cup and froze, then walked towards the water dispenser in the corner, and picked up a glass of water.

“I also want a cup, warm water, don’t be too hot, don’t be too cold.”

Immediately afterwards, Bao Wenping, the manager of the administrative department, also handed over a cup, demanding that it is more stringent than Zhao Zutong.

Jiang Qin could only put down the cup and poured the cup again.

As a result, the water hadn’t finished, and someone called him and asked him to buy two cups of coffee.

Yue Zhu did not find that Jiang Qin came in until this moment, and was used as a waiter. He immediately opened his mouth to speak. As a result, Jiang Qin was prevented by his eyes and shaking his head.

He put the water in the past, placed in front of Bao Wenping, and he walked towards the chair in front of the table, which is the position where He Yijun usually sat.

“It’s all aligned, right?”

“He is meeting with the supplier. You can’t get rid of your body. You drink water first and listen to me a few words.”

Jiang Qin sat on the chair, and slowly spoke when he looked at everyone.

Zhao Zuchang’s expression was stunned, and the cigarette butt in his hand fell off his fingertips in an instant, and fell directly to the crotch and scratched a small hole, scaring him to get up and slap.

Bao Wenping was even more interesting. He just took a sip of water and did not spray, but there was still a small water pillar from his mouth.

The entire conference room was silent by the disaster of the fire and fire, and everyone looked at Jiang Qin in doubt.

“Well, let me introduce to you, this is Jiang Qin, a reform consultant who hired him. The project you read before was written by him.”

Yue Zhu quickly explained Jiang Qin’s identity, so as not to be shameful later.

The words fell, and the audience was shocked.

Zhao Zuchang and Bao Wenping’s scalp are numb. He said why this consultant was so young, and he looked like he was in his twenties, almost like an intern.

“Counselor Jiang, I’m really embarrassed, you are too young, I think you are a new intern.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand to signal that you didn’t need to take it to your heart, and then said with a cough: “Where did I just say?”

Yuezhu said: “You said a few words.”

“Oh, just say a few words, I have seen your planning case last night. It is good to write, but it is difficult to land. One is because everyone’s conception is too much money. What kind of foot washing cinema? What do you want to do, but these projects not only have large investment but also take a long time, it is likely that the reform has been carried out half, and we consume ourselves. ”

“Another, we must focus on how to ensure the balance of revenue and expenditure in the reform process and ensure that the funds will not be disconnected.”

“My suggestion is step by step, a little change, first consider cutting off the bulky and low profit parts, and introduce a large number of projects with large passenger flow and small costs. What do you think?”

When the words fell, several managers began to discuss.

This is the benefits of thinking. When someone throws a question, you just need to answer the answer.

“Counselor Jiang, I think the clothing area is not profitable, but the current area is large, and there are many people who need it, and the cost of warehousing and logistics is not low. Would you like to cut this one first?”

“Cut off the furniture city, the furniture city is the highest cost of storage and logistics.”

“I think cosmetics and jewelry areas should be cut off first. If online shopping really develops, this one will inevitably become awkward.”

Jiang Qin listened to the discussion of everyone, and finally patted the table: “Give you five minutes, summarize the ideas, and then go to me with me.”


Ten minutes later, the three cars set off from the underground garage of the Mall of Mall and came to the most prosperous commercial street in the city center.

Here are KTV, Bar, Billiards Room, milk tea shops, clothing shops, small commodity cities, food alleys, nail shops, beauty shops, and various restaurants. Finally, movie theaters and foot washing cities. What.

Five managers got out of the car, stood at the street, and looked at Jiang Qin’s face.

“Mr. Jiang, what do we want to do?”

“It is difficult to think about it, so your task today is shopping, write down the business project you think is suitable, ask the cost, observe the passenger flow, think about it, can you move to the mall to do it, a street and one Mall, it is actually not much different. ”

Five managers suddenly realized and immediately started shopping.

Jiang Qin squatted on the road and opened his mobile phone to play for a long time.

The business model, business projects and regional layouts of this street have many similarities with the comprehensive malls of later generations. Let these managers go in a circle, and will definitely gain something.

If He Yijun’s pocket is enough, spend money directly to cloned the entire street’s business project into the mall, then the reform will be completed at once.

But he must not have this courage, and may not have this financial resources. After all, if the overall cloned, there is no way to operate at least a year.

Therefore, it is the most secure way to move the lowest -cost but most attractive project.

Jiang Qin had a bad stomach, and he knew the final answer, but was unwilling to say it.

On the one hand, doing so will make yourself look deep.

On the other hand, give the answer directly to the consultant fee.

“The clothing area cannot be cut. If I came to go shopping, I tried a good -looking clothes, and it was likely to wear it, but the middle -aged and elderly clothing area could be cut off and compiled it to the same area with the beautiful makeup jewelry!”

“The home appliance area and the furniture city are cut off. I will never take a refrigerator or sofa when shopping!”

“The traffic of the hot pot restaurant is really fucking, this must be done, it is too fragrant.”

“In fact, after thinking about thinking, I think we can even make a food alley in the mall.

“The cinema must be done, this is very current, but as President Jiang said, the cost of the early stage is too high, you can put it in the last step.”

The five managers strolled around, and I just thought about it. I felt that the imagination of Tianma was gradually beginning to land.

I couldn’t catch anything in the conference room before, but when I strolled around this bustling commercial street, many things jumped out of involuntarily.

“Brother Jiang, you are obviously a consultant. Just now they asked you to pour water, why do you pour, there is no face?”

Guo Zihang bought two grilled intestines at the stall at the street and handed it to Jiang Qin.

“I am a consultant, but after all, I am too young. It is difficult to convince the public. I lower the posture and serve them. It makes them feel ashamed of me, and I will listen to me well later. Still do something practical. ”

Jiang Qin took a bite of the grilled intestine: “You can’t find a job after you graduate, you can come to sell this, renamed the golden crispy intestine, and earn money.”

Guo Zihang’s mouth was crooked: “There is a righteous father, but still uses a half of his life?”


At the same time, Yuezhu had already returned, standing behind and listening to their conversations, his expression became very complicated.

She has been in society for five years, but what Jiang Qin just said, she couldn’t do it at all, and could not even think of it.

I went to take a wedding photo today, and I could go home at night. This chapter was first, but I dare to ask for a monthly ticket. In addition, the number of chapters is not the price increase, because there are many words in this chapter.

(This chapter is finished)

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