Chapter 185

On the day of the end of the Linchuan commercial banquet, a heavy snow covered the entire Linchuan.

The streets, buildings, heaven and earth, look at the vast.

The temperature that had just risen a few days ago has dropped quickly, and it disappears silently like the living expenses in their pockets, making people feel confused and caught off guard.

“Damn, I had no money, I bought another MP4, this hand is not like my own!”

“I don’t see the good things that I know about it again in the future. I want to buy everything. I really see the ghost!”

“They call my family, but it is really ruthless than the enemy!”

“It is also good. For the first time, I tried to buy a mobile phone online. I was worried about it for a whole day. It really was new and unpacked, and it was more than a hundred dollars cheaper!”

“I have bought three down jackets online. The same price is much better than in the shop!”


In the Freight Department of the Mall, Pony Brother kept loading the car with his hands and feet, and his expression was slightly nervous.

Because the big boss He Yijun and the sales manager Yue Zhuzheng stood behind him and stared at him.

He thought he was incident in the east window of cheating oil money. He was thinking about whether he wanted to confess and strive for a large treatment, but he could not open his mouth by fluke.

This feeling is like getting a cold to get an injection. The beautiful nurse has been aiming, but it is not tie, it is really too torture.

But Xiaoma did not understand. His coffee was not so big to be held accountable by the big boss himself.

In other words, if he was really scrambled out of the oil money, it must be a notice of removal of paper, not that He Yijun brought Yue Zhu to his himself to dismiss him.

And He Yijun is here, in fact, just to see the process of shipping online.

“It seems that we do underestimate the spending power of college students.”

“Yeah, especially during the end of the offline event, online sales have been straightforward.” Yue Zhu also sighed.

He Yijun embraced his arms: “Jiang Qin, a man, is really the evil door.”

“Mr. He, is this exaggerated or curse?”

“Pu people, but … it also means fear.”


He Yijun took a deep breath: “Have you ever thought about it, if Linchuan, no, if the online sales model has been popularized across the country, how can we survive in the mall?”

Yue Zhu’s eyes were a little surprised: “If that’s the case, our sales volume is not higher?”

“So what if he chose to directly cooperate with the manufacturer? Once online sales have reduced the difference in the middlemen’s earnings, the price advantage is too great, do we sell these things?”

“Mr. He, this is impossible. Can Jiang Qin still do this?”

He Yijun shook his head with a smile: “He went to the Linchuan business banquet with me last night. I told him not to ask for business cards with others. Guess what he did?”

Yue Zhu shook his head, his eyes flashed at a dazzling look: “He wants?”

“No, he had a business card display sign at the door of the banquet hall with the top elite display area of Linchuan business community. Even I couldn’t help but insert one. Boss’s business card, do you say such a person, is he not evil? ”


He Yijun converged with a smile: “Notify the managers of all departments, work overtime on weekends, and study the reform of the mall. We cannot simply survive by selling goods.”

Yuezhu’s expression became serious instantly: “Boss, what do we want to do?”

“Jiang Qin has to engage in a new service to the store recently. I asked him to send me a document. We study the direction of reform according to his thinking. abandon.”

“We need to reform our own development direction based on the development strategy of a college student?”

Yue Zhu felt that this was too exaggerated.

Even if he is a star of learning?

A student, even the school gate has not been released yet, how can he have the ability to scare the boss to reform immediately.

But she didn’t know that He Yijun had smelled keenly and knew that even if it was not Jiang Qin, there would be another person who would appear.

Just like the owner of the online auction network, I heard that he had begun to reform from C2C to B2C, and the effect was very amazing.

And once this sales model is popular, it will be a thunderous anger.

In this case, the retail industry in the midstream market will definitely be affected by unprecedentedly.

People are out of the factory price, and they are also sent to the door.

He Yijun didn’t think about it at first, and always felt that this thing was too far away from himself.

But when Jiang Qin appeared in front of his eyes, and when he continued to operate, he understood that this was not the smell of the star of learning, but the taste of the mutation of the times.

Reform your huge mall with a college student development project.

Yes, it sounds unreliable.

But if one day it sounds reliable, and it is really too late to reform.

Please bring me a fortune …

He Yijun couldn’t help laughing.

This is just a joke last night, but now it seems that it is getting more and more real.

Evil door, really fucking evil door!

“Hey, President He, I have sent it to you the project you want.”

Ten minutes later, Jiang Qin’s phone called He Yijun’s mobile phone.

“Thank you President Jiang.” He Yijun’s voice was full of anger.

Jiang Qian bluntly said no thanks, but he was very puzzled: “What do you want me to do the project book? Perseverance to the store does not match the business of your mall.”

“I want to learn.”

“Why are you so modest now? I am just a peaceful college student. If you want to say, I should learn from you.”

He Yijun was silent: “President Jiang, in fact, when we first met, I always felt that you were very public, presumably, and a little bit awesome to know the whole world.”

Jiang Qinzui was crooked: “I am the same now!”

“No, you are not, you are actually the most modest person in this world. You have good things in your stomach, but you are unwilling to fall out.”

“Why did you be stimulated? I’m a little scared.”

He Yijun laughed on the phone: “Just make a joke, but I have something, is there any time on Saturday? Take your girlfriend to my house for a meal.”

Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched: “How do I feel like a Hongmen Banquet?”

“It is Manki, she is noisy to see her sister Nan Shu. I just have something to talk to you with something, okay?”

“It is better to respect my life, I will definitely take my good friend.”


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qin couldn’t help feeling a cold backbone, forcing him to open the cabinet, to find the blankets used by Ping An Ye, and put on the cold on his body.

I don’t know if it is a psychological reason, he seems to be able to smell the soft and elegant body fragrance on Xiao Fu’s body.

No, no.

After wearing the bottom line, I am no longer a mortal. I can’t touch the lust in the world!

What kind of body fragrance is illusory!

Jiang Qin took a deep breath and decided to calm down. As a result, the more incense, it was a dead cycle, which made him unable to think of the gift of Christmas Eve.

“Boss, how can your face be so red, is it a cold?”

Wei Lanlan picked up a cup of boiling water, and couldn’t help asking when he passed.

“It’s okay, it may be grilled by heating. Our heating is really good. Next time President Zhang came to visit again, I must praise him fiercely.”

Jiang Qin calmly cue a sentence of Cecilia Cheung, his expression was like a gentleman, and he didn’t panic.

Then he opened the drawer at his hand and put a table collected last night. He picked out a small amount of volume and the difficulty of the strategy was handed over to Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing.

“I studied it carefully. These little bosses probably talk about it. You can do a back tone first, and take it one by one in the later period.”

“Are these members of the Linchuan Chamber of Commerce?” Wei Lanlan looked at it.

Jiang Qin nodded: “Yes, but they are also the level of midfielding. Go to the banquet to find partners. If you don’t have to be too cautious, you should practice your hands.”

“What should I do if the practice collapses?”

“That means that they are going to be abandoned by the times.”

Jiang Qin dismissed the thermal insulation cup, glanced at the husband who took a while to drink plenty of water, and silently moistened his throat.

The group coming to the store is a plan he has been thinking about for half a month. From the milk tea card of the winter solstice, the gear has been slowly turning.

In other words, even if there is no Linchuan business banquet, he will definitely do it later, but he will take a lot of detours, and the sudden appearance of this banquet will be one step ahead of his plan and give him a one time. Unique opportunities.

This is like this, and many opportunities and challenges will not leave you enough preparation time.

Do you eat or not?

Of course, you have to eat, and you have to eat.

However, the current volume of the group is not large. In the eyes of those real big bosses, it is a toy. Whether it is strength or credibility, it does not have enough persuasion.

Therefore, Jiang Qin decided to pick up some small food first.

Toad, let’s forget to eat a little swan first.

At that time, he would like to eat the Normal University and University of Science and Technology, quickly radiate to the surrounding business district, straight up his waist, evolved into a golden toad, and then rely on the flickering ability of running the train with his mouth to eat.

This should not be a big problem.

At that time, the Linchuan as the stronghold, he would demolish Zhihu, pack the group as a whole, and expand outward.

Jiang Qin picked up the pen and brushed a little, wrote a few keywords on the convenience sticker, and pasted on the border on the top of the computer.

“Wenhao, how is the situation on the big side of technology?”

Dong Wenhao raised his head: “The business has stabilized. It is tied to the initial investment, which is double the rhythm of Lintong. It should be able to recover the operating cost before the holiday.”

Jiang Qin’s pouting: “Let them not worry, fight steadily, and do the rhythm so fast? In the New Year, don’t scare the heart disease for Director Hu.”

“Can you scare him to make money?”

“He doesn’t care if we make money or not, he is afraid that we will run too quickly and lose your shoes.”

Seeking a monthly ticket! Intersection Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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