Who is reborn? Who is in love?

177. 177, I ca n’t afford to get up early

Chapter 177, I can’t afford to get up early

“Can I finally use a group of science and technology?”

“Go online quickly, I swear except for class, I will not go out of the dormitory in the future, the ghost weather is too cold!”

“I always feel that someone is jealous of my wallet, is it my illusion?”

“Just after receiving the living expenses, how do I think they don’t belong to me soon?”


Christmas and New Year’s Day are very close, only six days in the difference, and in these six days, the team of science and technology is full of effort to prepare for the launch of the team.

Lai Cunqing is responsible for online preheating. What is the 10 % discount on the end of the end of the end of the scene, the dormitory group purchase is discounted, and the New Year’s Day promotion of the Mall is all followed by Lingda’s combination boxing.

Ding Qiaona was responsible for offline recruitment. In just one week, she found a part -time distribution officer, and also trained the dormitory aunt.

Even if you cross the river on Lingda stones, it can be made in a short time, which is enough to explain their efforts.

“Do it well, I have worked hard in recent days.”

After listening to the report, Jiang Qin nodded, giving the two fully affirmed.

“The boss who is not hard, our current income is about to catch up with the people who work in the Wing Street. If we can’t do things well, we will feel guilty.”

This sentence that comes to Celebrate is not a compliment, but it is very serious.

He is a real poor student. Hometown is located in the famous poor mountainous areas. There are four siblings. It is difficult to get tuition alone, let alone living expenses.

Diligence is just a tool for Jiang Qin, but it is of great significance for people like them.

“This is just a start, look forward to the future.”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he looked at the big -eyed girl next to him: “Qiao Na, have we met before? How do I think you are a bit familiar?”

Ding Qiaona opened his mouth in surprise: “The boss, you remember it, we really have met.”


“The school flower contest with a large technology, I am fourth, you have met with your boss once on the day of the awards, and then I joined our team.”

Ding Qiaona’s sophomore this year is the fourth place of the science and technology college flower competition. She belongs to the employees who joined the team halfway, and the person who recruits her in is Wei Lanlan.

At that time, Jiang Qin was staring at Linta’s group business, so the two did not meet.

However, when I heard that a school flower worked part -time in my own team, Jiang Qin was still surprised.

That’s right!

Not all good -looking people are willing to be vases. People who look good and work hard also exist.

For example, it is also not necessary to put the top -level face value. You have to rely on talent to show a day. See who can say that I should not work too hard in the future!

“My stomach is a bit hungry. Go to the pedestrian street to eat something, is there any recommendation?”

Jiang Qin rubbed his belly and felt that it was empty.

After listening, Ding Qiaona thought about it: “I ate a pig’s feet on the pedestrian street yesterday. It was particularly delicious. Do you want to try the boss?”

“Pig feet?”

Jiang Qin squinted and thought about it, and then smiled and shook his head: “I don’t eat pig’s feet, and I have eaten the best pig’s feet in the world on Christmas Eve.”

“Impossible, the pig’s feet on the science and technology pedestrian street are very famous.” Ding Qiaona didn’t believe it.

“Change something else.”

“What do the boss want to eat?”

“I heard that there is a fat man in Pedestrian Street. It is cruel, specializing in killing cute rabbits, and baked Bei Erxiang, walk, and you go to save one!”

Jiang Qin made a finger, took the two to the pedestrian street, and then ordered a whole spicy rabbit. The epidermis was golden and crispy, but the meat was not good. After a bite, the meat was full of oil and water.

It seems that Su Nai’s taste is really good. No wonder he said a rabbit that day, that is, his own bodhisattva’s heart, who had given up, and finally returned to rescue the next one.

“By the way, how is Guo Zihang doing under your hands? Which one is he responsible for now?”

Jiang Qin drank a glass of water and asked casually about the situation of the dead party.

“According to your previous arrangements, he is now responsible for the docking of the dormitory aunt, and the progress is like fish. Thanks to him, it reduces me a lot of work.”

Ding Qiaona used a four -character idiom, such as the fish, which was not expected by Jiang Qin.

Good guy, Lao Guo can even mix this evaluation, and he will not worry about it.

“In the next period of time, you may be harder, but I believe you can definitely do it. The market on the technology of technology will ask you.”

“We will do my best, but the boss, don’t you come to stare for these days?”

“It’s almost the exam week, I have to review it well, I, anyway, it is also a star of learning.”

Jiang Qinniu pushed the rest of the rabbit, wiped his mouth and said goodbye to the two.

The star of learning is fake, but don’t hang too much eggs to go back. Otherwise, with the temper of my mother, this year is definitely unstoppable.

Before he came, he had already made an appointment with the three goods in the dormitory. From tomorrow, the four people joined forces to fight the self -study room. Whoever goes first is a dog.

But before going back to review, Jiang Qin went to the city center of the city center.

The group of goods is now in full swing. After all kinds of products have been planted in a full range of grass marketing, the sales volume has risen, which shows that there is no shortage of money among college students.

With this base, Jiang Qin’s waist pole was also hardened, so he planned to show his presence in this bone eye.

He parked the car in the underground parking lot, took the elevator to the fourth floor, and came to Yuezhu’s office.

“President Jiang, please drink tea.”

Yue Zhu came to a cup of tea: “Is the business in the university busy?”

“Okay, it is mainly the promotion of the big side of technology, which is more laborious.” Jiang Qin said with tea.

“Speaking of technology, I have asked Director Zhang to arrange the truck, and I will never be mistaken. You can rest assured.”

“I’m not chasing Manager Yue to ask for a car, but I just passed by nearby, so I came around. By the way, was the last time the insole was easy to use?”

Yue Zhu smiled slightly: “It’s easy to use, at least the feet will not hurt so much.”

“That’s good.”

Talking and chatting, neither of them talked about online sales, even if Jiang Qin got up, Yue Zhu did not continue to talk about it.

He was embarrassed to say, “Manager Yue, do you see our online sales this month?”

That looks too deliberate, unnatural, and does not conform to his usual style.

“Manager Yue’s face looks tired, isn’t it better to rest?”

Yue Zhu sighed: “Since the winter solstice, the mall has been engaged in activities. As a marketing manager, of course, I have to take the lead, so I have less rest and wait for New Year’s Day.”

Jiang Qin understood that Yuezhu did not want to sell online, but in recent times, offline marketing of all malls has been too frequent.

From the seasonal discounts, winter solstice days, Christmas activities, to New Year’s Day promotions, people from all commercial buildings have focused their attention offline.

Therefore, Yuezhu is likely to have no time to ask about online sales, or online sales of offline sales seem to be weak.

This is also normal.

No matter how many students are, it is not as good as offline purchasing power during the event.

Jiang Qin was helpless, and felt that this forced today was not pretending, so he got up and left, but was attracted by a dark blue invitation letter on the table.

“What is the Linchuan Chamber of Commerce?” Jiang Qin suddenly said.

Yue Zhu was slightly stunned, “Oh, that invitation is not mine, He’s, Linchuan Chamber of Commerce said that it is a club, and the members are some of the more famous bosses in Linchuan. one of them.”

Jiang Qin reached out and picked up the invitation: “Just, I have something to find a trip, do you need to help you bring it?”

“Yes, I have been busy turning in the past two days. This invitation letter has been put on the table for two days, so please help me take a trip.”

“It’s not troublesome, it’s easy.”

Jiang Qin took the door with an invitation letter and glanced quietly, and found that there was no valuable information in it, that is, ordinary sincere invitations, time and date.

He went to He Yijun’s office and chatted for a long time before taking the invitation letter.

“President He, Mr. Yue asked me to transfer, the invitation letter of the Linchuan Chamber of Commerce.”

He Yijun reached out: “Trouble Jiang, you sit first, I’ll make tea for you.”

Jiang Qin coughed calmly: “There is a chamber of commerce in Linchuan. I still heard about it for the first time?”

“It is all the bosses in Linchuan, the hotel, the foot washing the city, the resort, the shopping mall, and the KTV, bar, gym, swimming pool, there are many, there are many anyway.”

“It sounds very hanging, I smell the taste of money.”

He Yijun made tea and brought it out: “This chamber of commerce is actually not interesting. Except for a chance of bragging every year, it is basically a decoration.”

Jiang Qin took the tea cup and put it on the table: “Is there a threshold for participating in the party?”

“There is indeed some requirements for assets.”

“Mr. He, do you think of my face value, can you ignore the threshold, go in and walk around?”

He Yijun suddenly realized: “It turns out that Jiang is always interested in this party?”

“Indeed, there is such a little bit of interest.” Jiang Qin didn’t hide.

“I am afraid it won’t work, because the position of the members is booked, and those people are relatively different, but President Jiang doesn’t have to worry, you will receive an invitation sooner or later.”

He Yijun’s words are very vague, but the meaning is clearly expressed. He is far from being qualified as Jiang Qin’s current name.

“How about your daughter, it’s still so rebellious recently?”

Jiang Qin suddenly changed the topic.

“I was angry when I mentioned her. I was late and prematurely all day long, and my sorrowful hair was white.”

He Yijun’s face collapsed after his daughter raised his daughter.

“Actually, she doesn’t like learning, it is likely because she has not been influenced by a good learning atmosphere.”

“How to say?”

Jiang Qin put down the tea cup, and the wind and clouds opened: “If you find a famous star learning star, take her to 985 colleges and universities, and feel the rich learning atmosphere. Can you study hard? ”

He Yijun looked up at him: “I think President Jiang must be the star who likes to help others.”

“Don’t slander me, I have never been willing to help others, and it is no good to get up early.


“Okay, President Jiang, I can help you inquire about the party”

“make a deal.”

(This chapter is finished)

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