Who is reborn? Who is in love?

171. 171 handsome Wu Yanzu

Chapter 171 Handsome Wu Yanzu

Regardless of the winter solstice, New Year’s Day or New Year, the holiday is actually a sense of atmosphere. When there are more people, and the steam of hot pot and dumplings, even if it is not a festival, it can be used as a festival. Essence

“Boss, the whole bar, I didn’t drink it last time.” Luffy suddenly spoke.

Jiang Qin turned to look at Professor Yan and found that his face was a bit serious, so he coughed: “Ask me what to do? Let’s pour Professor Yan first.”

“Yes, the professor please.” Luffy’s picked up a bottle of Wuliangye would fall.


Professor Yan stretched out his hand and put it twice, stopped his movements, and motioned for himself not to drink.

As the director of the entrepreneurial base, the private use of the public instrument is already very wrong. He opened his eyes and closed his eyes. It was already a gratitude, but it was a bit too much to drink here.

Luffy’s half of his body was hung on the right side of the professor, his arm was a bit stiff, and his eyes looked at Jiang Qin. I don’t know if it or not.

“I didn’t see it, Professor Yan reached out, and could only drink five glasses.”

“My grass, the original professor meant, I just realized!”

“Wait for a while, where did I say this?!”

The lively 207, coupled with the serving of the drink, the scene was not active in an instant. Everyone smiled, and then began to pull.

Professor Yan was silent for a long time, pursing his lips, and based on the principle of being unbelievable, he drank the wine in the cup in a righteous face, and then found that everyone else was drinking beer, and there was no one who drank white wine.

Good guy, emotional bottle of Wuliangye was prepared for yourself.

“Professor, this is not persuasion, mainly to cooperate with the atmosphere, drinking a touch.” Jiang Qin suddenly said.

Professor Yan coughed: “This time, it is not allowed next time. After a few days, my bottom line is fell to the ground.”

“It’s okay, I can’t run on the ground. I will find it when I clean it later.


Jiang Qin gave a glass of Professor Yan, then looked at the time, and picked up his mobile phone out of 207.

When he came to the corner of the stairs and couldn’t pass the laughter, he called Hu Maolin and Zhang Mingan, the University of Technology, and brought the greetings of the winter solstice.

By the way, he also revealed that he was about to promote the group.

When Tan Qing was preparing for Lingda’s work, Wei Lanlan was also discussing science and technology merchants simultaneously.

Although the progress on both sides is different, it is almost the same.

If it wasn’t for Hu Maolin’s prejudice against group purchases, Jiang Qin would not first get a trial operation on Lingda. In fact, the purpose was to use the fact that he would make him.

Now that the trial operation is made, his grades are obvious to all. His waist rod is hard, so he decided not to be afraid of the first.

It will be New Year’s Eve in a few months, and the market with a large technology is ready. There is no reason not to eat it quickly. Otherwise, when the winter vacation is put, it will be cold.

“When do you plan to come over to promote?”

“Before and after New Year’s Day, carry out the promotional activities.” Jiang Qin answered truthfully.

Hu Maolin said after a moment of silence: “Well, then you can try it, but remember, don’t go in, you must fight steadily and arrange for those who are hard -working students.”

“Good Director Hu, I can rest assured that you have the words of you. If you eat dumplings with peace of mind, I will not disturb!”

Jiang Qin hung up the phone and looked at the snow outside the window with deep eyes, feeling that he was super god at this moment.

He deliberately chose to call at dinner time in the winter solstice.

On the one hand, you can express kindness and closer the relationship. On the one hand, you can talk less nonsense.

Director Hu is good, but it is a bit embarrassing, but in the winter solstice dinner, he must be sitting next to him. Jiang Qin just heard a little girl calling his father, indicating that he must be in his family now. Happy, there must be no time to talk nonsense with yourself.

If it wasn’t for this time and place, Hu Maolin would definitely have to put out Ye Ziqing’s example again, and asked him if he was ready.

The so -called time and place, the time and the peaceful people, once again used invisible, handsome to burst.

Jiang Qinyang raised a faint smile and fiddled with his hair at the window glass. If he felt that if there was a girl outside, he would definitely wonder why he saw Wu Yanzu in Lin Da.

“I have to play one for my parents.”

Jiang Qin opened the address book and called Ms. Yuan Youqin, asking how the body was, and asked if the weather was cold or cold, and asked if the two sons had dumplings.

“The dumplings are eaten, but this son is like he has never been born. He didn’t call two times a month. Do you tell me the truth, is you falling in love?”

“Not yet, the iron bone is so embarrassed that he can hold the anger?” Jiang Qin couldn’t say hard.

Yuan Youqin did not know what a ghost he had pounded, and ordered a few words to pay attention to his body, and walked back the topic again: “Don’t hide it with a girlfriend, take it home for a look.”

“Let me talk about it someday, but now, it is difficult to carry it, so my focus is still on my career.”

“Is it? I read the newspaper you sent back. I read it. Extra -class activities are secondary, but they still have to study hard.”

Yuan Youqin classified Jiang Qin’s entrepreneurial business as an extra -curricular activity: “Yes, what is the girl’s surname?”

Jiang Qin couldn’t help laughing: “Mom, you are not working, and you still have to play with me when you are scamming my money?”

“Don’t say, I guess that my mother, is it the king of the king?”

“Hey? Mom, my signal here is not good, feed? Hey …”

Jiang Qin hung up the phone and said that he was really hanging. When his mother guessed that the surname was Wang, he almost wanted to say something wrong, wouldn’t he just prove that there was the right one? Ginger is still old, you can’t accept it.

At this moment, 207 suddenly came with a cheer, which sounded very warmly.

Jiang Qin pushed the door and walked in, and found that Feng Nanshu’s little mouth was dark, but added a touch of glamorous taste, just like the sudden dark fairy in the TV series, with the cold eyes, it was cool.

“What’s wrong with your mouth?”

“Jiang Qin, poison in dumplings.”

Feng Nanshu’s expression is very serious: “It’s still chocolate!”

“Boss, the boss has eaten the color head, and it is time to reward.” Wei Lanlan couldn’t help but urged.

“Then, according to what I said before, reward Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law five hundred dollars!”

Jiang Qin took out his wallet and pulled out five banknotes. Who knew that the audience did not agree: “Boss, I remember that the color head is obviously a kiss, right?”

“Have it?”

“Of course, can we all hear it?”

“Okay, okay, you really can’t help, then kiss one.”

Jiang Qin took a kiss on the banknote, handed it to Feng Nanshu, then picked up chopsticks, waved his hands and invited everyone to continue to eat.

Seeing this scene, the audience couldn’t help but make a “cut” sound. He said that the boss was really not something. He said that he was a loved one.

Can this be called incense kiss?

Alas, shameless!

Feng Nanshu does not know what the colorful head in the dumplings is. She has no experience in eating dumplings with a group of people, so I am free from the situation, but there are some regrets. , Put in his hand.

On the opposite side of the table, Tang Lin couldn’t help but glance at Feng Nanshu and glanced at Jiang Qin again. Suddenly, she understood what Hong Yan meant.

What does Dashan do not reject Jiang Qin?

Girls like Feng Nanshu can let the dear still die hard?

Oh my god, what a boneless person can do.

You know, she couldn’t help but set a look at Jiang Qin’s role just now, and felt that she had to be coaxed by the people around her. Even if she was stopped, she had to rush up and had to have a drool.

No wonder Hong Yan was unwilling to step into the abyss even if he suppressed his inner feelings.

This man is a bit terrible!

Tang Lin felt unable to understand, full of doubts, but soon, the question was unlocked by herself.

In that corridor war, it was not just Feng Nanshu that impressed Tang Lin, but also the so -called first school Hua Siqi.

Lenovo the waywardness, arrogance and gorgeousness of Chu Siqi. She felt that the scalp was numb, and she felt that she could understand Jiang Qin’s feelings.

For three years with that girl, what did you like to have been like?

“Jiang Qin, I respect you a drink!”


Jiang Qin raised the wine glass inexplicably, touched Tang Lin, and glanced at her again, and found that the other party’s eyes flashed a faint sympathy.

My fucking has been collected throughout the day, why would anyone sympathize with myself and make a joke?

After a while, 207 scattered seats.

Jiang Qin asked everyone to cook the remaining dumplings together. Take it back to the dormitory to try it for the roommates.

He also raised two bags, and one bag was for Feng Nanshu’s dormitory, and a bag was going to bring back to his dormitory.

“Jiang Qin, lead.”

After leaving the entrepreneurial base, Feng Nanshu handed over the light handle of the street lights.

“I have a bag of dumplings in one hand, I can’t hold it.”

Jiang Qin looked like a rogue face, shaking the dumplings in his hand.

“Then I can help you get a bag of dumplings, you use that hand to hold me.”

“Why do you love hands so much?”

“have no idea.”

Feng Nanshu’s eyes were bright, the pace was cheerful, and he would be pulled back again. Slowly would be pulled over. He was also happy to play alone.

She seemed to like this sense.

However, there are always when there are getting off on the way. Sometimes it ’s the rich woman walking too fast, and sometimes Jiang Qin made bad intentions, and she immediately turned back.

When Jiang Qin remembered to see her at first glance, she seemed far less than this smart girl.

After that, this proud bone will eventually can’t stand.

(This chapter is finished)

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