Who is reborn? Who is in love?

164. 164 Contract your milk tea

Chapter 164 Contract your milk tea

The purpose of Jiang Qin to Wanzhong Mall is definitely not for the electric cooker. This is just a coincidence. He needed an electric cooker and saw another electric cooker. Yue Zhu was willing to send him an electric cooker.

The real purpose of his trip is actually to want a sales data for the Mall this quarter.

“What do you want to do this?”

“Bring goods.”


Jiang Qin was sitting in Yuezhu’s office, and took a tea cup and took a sip: “There are many categories of things sold in all people, and the types are very mixed.

After listening to Yue Zhu, a smile: “This is the mall, which is why we value offline drainage more. Many people do not know what they want to buy before entering the mall, but they usually know it. To put it plainly, this marketing manager’s job is to attract more people to enter the gate of the mall. ”

“Yes, but complex and diverse are not conducive to online sales.”

“What is the website you newly developed?”

Jiang Qin nodded very frankly: “Our supermarket channels and commercial street channels can already meet the needs of 80 % of college students, so the viewing volume of the mall plate is very low.”

Yuezhu can understand this phenomenon: “Buying things on the website will definitely not have the experience of visiting the mall. The low view volume is normal.”

“So I hope that a group of most popular products are suitable for college students. They have high quality, good quality, and strong sense of fashion. Be a good thing to recommend a special zone, to put it plainly, they are unwilling to visit, then I will help them pick them. ”

“It’s a bit unimaginable.”

Jiang Qin replaced another saying: “In simple terms, I hope online shopping is not only a kind of life need, but also a kind of entertainment. I get living costs, but I want to spend money but do n’t know what to buy Then look at the good things sharing zone. Maybe I bought one, two, three, four, and five, as if it was a shopping mall.

Yue Zhu thought about it: “If you recommend someone, someone will buy it? Isn’t it possible?”

“For example, if someone says that this lipstick is super white, it is a popular color number this year. Bai Fumei is necessary. He also lists the advantages and disadvantages, and wrote a detailed trial experience. She also told you to dear dear Sisters, let you buy it soon, and there is just a coupon under the area, and you will give you the delivery of the goods? How about it? ”

“Then I … should buy.”

Yue Zhu thought about it. If there were really sisters who said to her, and there was a discount, she would be sent to the door of the house, then even if she didn’t buy lipstick at first, she might buy one.

No way, she told my dear sister!

After hearing it, Jiang Qin nodded: “So I want to use this method to tap the consumption potential of our forum users.”

“But I ca n’t give the sales data casually.

“He here?”

“Here, so, I will take you up, you tell him in person, so as not to read it wrong.”

Jiang Qin nodded and followed Yuezhu to President He’s office. He Yijun thought for a long time after hearing his intention, and finally nodded and agreed.

Although the sales data cannot be publicly disclosed, the important thing is actually the number above. As long as the number is blurred, it is not tight to a copy.

To a certain extent, he was willing to accept a new channel. Since Jiang Qin is willing to toss, he still wants to see where to toss.

Don’t spend money anyway, right?

Merchants are profitable, and there is no cost more fragrant.

Now that it was promised to settle in the group, it was also good for the convenience of all malls.

“Thank you for your support.” Jiang Qin, who got the data sincerely, thanked him sincerely.

He Yijun waved his hand: “Everyone is an old friend, so I don’t have to be so polite. When President Jiang, when did your rebellious period end?”

“I have been rebellious until now,” Jiang Qin’s mouth was crooked and puzzled again. “What should He asks what this do?”

“Have you ever seen my girlfriend last time? She recently fights in school and was suspended for a week. You said that if she is like you, how good it would be a study star.”

Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched, and he said that this stalk couldn’t pass, right?

This thing, I don’t feel embarrassed when I say it, but others say it is really embarrassing.

He was afraid that He Yijun sighed a few more words, and he might use his finger to cut the floor. It may not be necessarily falling from the fifth floor to the fourth floor directly, so he got up and farewell and hurriedly rolled out.

After Jiang Qin left, He Yijun turned out the letter of intent from the cabinet again.

To be honest, he is still not optimistic about Jiang Qin, and it is not optimistic about this online sales method, but since the young people dare to think about fighting, they will not be tightened.

People at the security office said that when he came last time, he was sitting on Bentley, and there was a driver who followed the car.

It doesn’t matter if you lose such a background.


In a blink of an eye, the time came to the end of December.

After the full efforts of 208, the dormitory stocking festival kicked off in a small snowy day.

The discount of 20 % does not sound great, but it is still very attractive when it is reflected in the price of goods, so the registered volume of the group really began to rise as scheduled.

Some people even post on the forum, specialize in the number of people, and get discounts.

It is not uncommon for the university dormitory to hoarding goods. For example, to toilet paper, the phenomenon of buying a person to buy by the whole dormitory is too common. When a roll of paper is taken into the toilet There is only one paper tube left.

In addition, there are any shampoo, washing powder, and snacks and beverages and mineral water, which can be shared items to a certain extent, which cannot be distinguished so clearly.

You can’t squat every day in the dormitory to keep your things, no one can let it touch, unless you are locked in the cabinet, you are now unlocked every time you use it.

Therefore, through the name of the stocking festival, many dormitories have begun to raise funds.

In addition, there are those who buy themselves after making up for themselves, even more crazy than the day of Shouhui.

The goods in the college supermarket were first empty, and Jiang Zhihua was a little numb.

She received a notice from Jiang Qin earlier. She stocked the goods before the stocking festival was launched, but she still did not stand up.

“Boss Jiang, stocking more for life next time, I will not be able to put it for you, don’t be so stingy.”

Jiang Qin came to the college supermarket, and his mouth opened his mouth.

“President Jiang, in order to stock up the goods, I removed two rows of snacks. You said that I opened a supermarket, and now it will be turned to you to see the warehouse!”

Jiang Zhihua complained, but in fact he was happy.

Regardless of whether it is a supermarket or a warehouse, who is unhappy as long as it can sell the goods.

Jiang Qin did not poke, but he said seriously: “Stop stressing the pressure. Boss Jiang, where will you go? If I put on activities at the beginning of the month, all the shelves in your supermarket have to be removed.”

Jiang Zhihua stunned: “Why?”

“The living expenses at the beginning of the month have arrived, and the sales volume must be more.”

“I don’t understand, how do they buy so many toilet paper? I can understand girls, how do boys use paper like food?”

Jiang Qin pouted: “Then I don’t know, I am a serious person, different from those stinky boys.”

Jiang Zhihua moved a Ma Zha and sat at the door: “I heard that Xi Tian’s sales this month have exceeded 20, it is true?”

“Fake, how much milk tea does it have to sell? Twenty is there, but not all the sales of milk tea.”

“Isn’t it only milk tea in the milk tea shop? What are you selling?”

“We have added a new product called the milk tea card.”


Jiang Qin reached out and pulled out the wallet, took out a pink small thin piece, just like the size of the bank card, a dense tree on it, and the tree with a stick figure under the tree nestled together. In addition to this, Instead, three LOGOs are printed in the upper right corner of the card, which are joy, Zhihu, and group groups.

“That’s this. The denomination of each card is a hundred dollars. It is only sold through the group. If you want to buy it, you must participate in the stocking festival.”

“Are you buying this thing? What does your milk tea do, so addicted?” Jiang Zhihua felt that he had seen a ghost.

Jiang Qin laughed: “The advertisement of this card in the group is called contracting all your milk tea in the future. There are many boys who buy them. In addition to toilet paper, this thing is the hottest sales group. Product. ”

Jiang Zhihua took a look at: “Why did you hit a small hole on this?”

“A metal chain comes with the milk tea card, which can be passed through the small holes, hung on the bag, and on the keychain. Some goddesses like to show their popularity. You will also buy one by yourself. It is also possible to be an jewelry. The main thing is a popular. ”

“Both the money of boys and girls has been made by you. Who came up with this ghost idea?”

“I, don’t be convinced?” Jiang Qin smiled with a grin.

When the words fell, Jiang Zhihua’s mouth couldn’t help but began to twitch.

Although when the cottage school flower competition, Boss Jiang knew Jiang Qin’s means, but she could not help but make milk tea like this.

But looking at it, she suddenly narrowed her eyes closer and closer, as if she had found some Chinese points, and her expression gradually surprised after careful recognition.

“President Jiang, the boy on this card was drawn by you, right?”

“You can see this too?” Jiang Qin was a little shocked.

Jiang Zhihua nodded: “You can see it carefully, but who is this girl’s prototype?”

“No, no one is.”

“No, this seems to be the beautiful girl who came to my supermarket last time to ask the milk cup, right?”

Jiang Qinren was numb, from the top of his head to his legs: “Have you ever seen it once?”

Jiang Zhihua was happy: “The details are very good, and they can be recognized from movement and expression.”


“This tree seems to be a bit particular. Why do you still have a lot of cards?”

“That’s a good friend tree.”


(This chapter is finished)

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