Chapter 160 Come to pretend to be

From the bathhouse, Jiang Qin received a call from Cao Guangyu.

“Laojiang, the rice is ready, come and pretend!”

Jiang Qin still felt a little uneasy. He repeatedly confirmed whether he was sure if he was with Ding Xue. If he was still called his brother, he still said that he said nothing with his rich woman.

Learn a lifetime and learn badly, not to mention the academic girl like Feng Nanshu.

And her tricks can be used on herself.


Feng Nanshu seemed to have captured the keywords, looking up slightly, and seemed to be overwhelming.

On the phone, the old Cao Yan said that there was absolutely no problem!

“I don’t have to do anything, Ding Xue will never shout half a brother today.”

“Okay, let’s order first, let’s get later.”

With the fall of the sun, Linchuan, who had been warming back, suddenly returned again, coupled with the west wind raging, the chill was even stronger.

The night quickly shrouded up, so that people from inside and outside the school couldn’t help wrap their clothes tightly.

At the same time, in the box on the second floor of Tian Tian, Ding Xue dropped Cao Guangyu to order downstairs, while Lao Cao was sitting opposite Ding Xue’s two roommates, Qu Yating and Cui Min.

These two are the kinds of girls with a heavy sense of makeup. They are more fashionable. After seeing Ding Xue out, the two people’s seemingly yin and yang strangeness began to attack again.

“Ding Xue is a bit soil today.”

“Cao Guangyu, you advise her to change style, it is an ordinary girl in itself. If you don’t have some effort on clothing and makeup, there is really no bright spot.”

It is normal to have a conflict between girls’ dormitory. It is also common for the different plastic sisters in the tables like this.

For them, this subtle superiority is still addictive.

These words did not dare to say about Ding Xue. Ding Xue was really daring to hit people, but there was no problem to say to Cao Guangyu.

If Cao Guangyu was annoyed, they could still say, ah, a big man, how can he generally know with our girl.

However, Cao Guangyu was not annoyed today, but he said easily, right, right, which made Qu Yating and Cui Min feel a little bit confusing.

I felt the fist hit the cotton and had nowhere to focus.

“Actually, you are also ordinary girls? Anyway, I didn’t see any highlights.”

Qu Yating and Cui Min froze for a moment, and then a sneer expression came out. As soon as she wanted to vomit Cao Guangyu’s eyes, the door of the box opened.

In the next second, Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu and walked in.

The face value of Xiao Fu’s wife is really 360 degrees without dead ends. With the expressionless high coldness, it is full of compression.

She didn’t know that she was a weapon today. She sat obediently, swept across her eyebrows, and she was still unwilling to take it out in Jiang Qin’s pocket.

“Introduce, my roommate, and his girlfriend.”

Cao Guangyu smiled crookedly, and domineering: “Where are we talking about it just now? You are an ordinary girl, right?”


Qu Yating and Cui Min’s expressions changed. Facing the face of Feng Nanshu, the confidence of the confidence suddenly broke up.

When they returned to God, they suddenly understood that Cao Guangyu’s “ordinary girl” just now is a delayed trick, just to wait for this moment, “slap” hit his face all at once.

The girl’s makeup is for beauty, but if the makeup is not as good as others, it will be psychologically short.

This person’s heart is so good!

“Let me see Ding Xue ordered, Cui Min, you talk to them first.”

“Hey, I think of me also I want to eat, wait for me.”

Seeing the pretext of the two left, Cao Guangyu suddenly laughed to the pig, and felt endless pleasure in his heart.

It’s energy, it’s really energy.

It is said that people are struggling, and the Buddha burns fragrance. Lao Cao felt really cool, and it was so refreshing in the heart nest.

Jiang Qin looked at him like the two fools, and said that Cao Guangyu’s happiness was really inexplicable.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Before you came, the two women were strange about the yin and yang. They said that Ding Xue was an ordinary girl. The style of dressing was soil. I said that they were also ordinary girls. I dare not speak anymore. ”

After hearing the listening, Jiang Qin pumped his mouth: “That’s it? So happy?”

“I guess from today, the two of them are not so confident. I hate them the most high to Ding Xue’s toe, and will I make makeup? My family Ding Xuechun is also very resistant? Girls can definitely think of today, and then shut up. ”

Cao Guangyu laughed for a long time, and suddenly a little sad: “Laojiang, you can pretend every day, I really envy.”

Jiang Qin took a sip: “Are you annoying them so much, what else do you invite them to eat? There is no place to spend money?”

“They have been in love before, and they have been invited. If they and Ding Xue and I do n’t even ask for a meal, it is estimated that they will be more yin and yang.”

“Niuba, Lao Cao, you live on your face in your life.”

Jiang Qin admired and turned to look at Feng Nanshu: “You are too, seeing your beautiful face, you scare away people away.”


Feng Nanshu was stupid for a while, thinking that he didn’t understand the reason for a long time, so he hummed and punch it in his pocket.

After ordering the dishes, Qu Yating and Cui Min really became honest. They bowed their heads to eat. Occasionally, they would talk to Ding Xue two sentences.

This is the fast tongue. Once it is hit, the previous pride will turn into embarrassment.

Lao Cao deeply learned this truth, so he used it more mature than anyone.

Just like when he was at the beginning of school, he said that Jiang Qin was unpredictable and could not get Song Qingqing. As a result, there were school flowers one after another, all of which were blood and tears.

But what the old Cao did not expect was that the door of the box was pushed away again.

A boy with an oily head came in, with a silver chain in his neck. At first glance, he was at the tide man who was at the forefront of fashion. After entering the door, he greeted him.

“Brother, are you here!”

Feng Nanshu’s eyes lighted up and turned to look at Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin’s old face was dark, and he calmly bowed his head to drink water.

How can the whole world call my boyfriend brother? How kind!

“Introduce this, this is my boyfriend, Liu Tiane, the University of Science and Technology, this year’s junior.”

Qu Yatting surrounded the people’s arm, swept Cao Guangyu coldly, and rose sharply.

Girls’ comparison heart is actually very direct. You invite a fairy and ridicule that we are ordinary girls, so we can’t compare it.

But it is not comparable to it, it is more than the object. This is must be found in this style, or how uncomfortable it is in my heart.

“I just went to wash the car, I’m sorry, it’s late.”

Liu Tiange took off his jacket, his eyes glanced at will, and when he saw Feng Nanshu, he suddenly stunned, and he never returned to his mind for a long time.


At this moment, Jiang Qin threw his hand and threw a pair of chopsticks and smashed Liu Tiane’s body: “The buddy has worked hard, and the car washing part -time was so tired.

Liu Tiaoge returned to God, his eyes were a little angry: “I went to the car wash shop to wash my own car!”

“Oh, then you tell you clearly, I thought you washed a car for others.” Jiang Qin fed Feng Nanshu a grain of peanut rice.

“Why, haven’t seen driving and going to school?”

“I haven’t seen it, I have seen a lot of part -time jobs.” Jiang Qin shook his head modesty.

Cui Min couldn’t help but speak: “Ya Ting, your boyfriend bought a car before graduating?”

Qu Yating smiled Yan Yan Yan: “The car is a birthday gift he gave him. Yesterday we went up together.”

“There are nothing to mention of 100,000 cars.”

Liu Tiange reached out and touched the key to the public, throwing it on the table, and the performance of the wind was light and light: “There is a bad car, I often get a car by a friend, I am good at talking, basically do not refuse, I do n’t refuse, I do n’t refuse. Wash the car. ”

Cui Min patted Qu Yating: “That’s right, take us to go up!”

“There are too many people, you can’t install it, otherwise you can buy one. It is good to go out to the outing. I know a place, which is especially suitable for self -driving.”

“Hey, Ding Xue, let your family Cao Guangyu buy a car, let’s take a self -driving tour together!”

Ding Xue heard that the taste was wrong, and his eyebrows suddenly stood up: “You give money? Buy and buy it, don’t eat it, so much nonsense.”

Cui Min was so scared: “The second generation of rich is not what I said.”

After hearing it, Jiang Qin raised his head: “Is it even a rich second generation to buy 100,000 cars now? Why is the threshold so low?”

“Puff …”

“why are you laughing?”

Qu Yating shrugged: “It’s not a laugh, just flying in front of a small flying worm.”

As soon as the words fell, the last dish of their box was brought up, but this time the dishes were not the waiter, but the boss who was eaten as the sky, and the old BMW five old men.

When he hit Jiang Qin upstairs, he noticed that he came to deliver the vegetables, but his expression was a little proud and seemed to have no fart.

“Jiang Qin, have you changed the car? Hey!”

The words fell, and the box was quietly calm.

Jiang Qin turned his head and glanced at him: “What kind of car? No.”

“I watched you come over, what about Bentley last time? How can I change A6!”

“Oh, do you still remember hatred? I have a lot of cars in my house, can’t you drive away?

“Bentley changed Audi, you are a bit big, tell your uncle, did Bentley borrowed last time?”

“I drove Audi to the same grade with your BMW. What are you happy to do?”


Jiang Qin grinned: “The one I opened is A6, it is already very arrogant, okay, and when I will open the public next time, it’s not too late to laugh at me to laugh at me.”

The owner of the food changed his face, and he said that he said that it was reasonable. He changed the last and A6. My best is the five series. What do I run over?

Damn, I can’t be so impulsive next time, wait for him to change more.

Jiang Qin turned back: “What did you just say? Pocket, say more, haven’t experienced it, love to listen.”


Liu Tiange stretched his hand silently, put the car key into his pocket, and broke the words of the public in his mind.

(This chapter is finished)

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