Chapter 145 The Boss is a master

“Is it okay to play money?”

“Don’t play money, Lao Tzu’s poor batch, and don’t wear the sky with gambling!”

Dong Wenhao coughed: “We usually don’t play money, so don’t look at the boss coming, so we have to play money.”

After hearing the question, Jiang Qin had a question number: “Oh, it’s unjust in your eyes?”

“No, no, because the boss and you are distinguished, so we want to play some gold content.”

Jiang Qin’s mouth was crooked: “Oh, Wenhao, do you want to learn Lao Tzuke, right?

Lu Feiyu couldn’t help but speak: “Boss, we usually play stickers are very happy, but if you think about it, a bunch of note on your face is too bad. arrive.”

“The word majesty is really a bit hanging.”

After listening to Dong Wenhao after listening to it: “Listen, the old road is faster than Xuexue, and I will be excited soon.”

Dong Wenhao coughed: “It’s great, the boss promised to play money, one five!”

“Damn, when did I promise? One five pieces are too expensive, I eat five hair when I eat ice cream!”

“Boss? Are you so dead by the boss?”

“Polying, five pieces of five pieces!”

Jiang Qin scolded, reaching out to touch the card.

The poker game played in 208 is taught by Dong Wenhao and belongs to his hometown gameplay. A total of five people participated.

The emperor was in the Ming, the eunuchs were dark, and they joined forces to deal with the three civilians. All the cards in their hands were regarded as victory. The fun lies in the hidden of the eunuch’s identity. Even the emperor did not know who his eunuch was.

A game requires four cards, with a total of more than 200.

Jiang Qin listened to Dong Wenhao’s rules and felt that he knew it. He was very confident.

“Boss, you lost, give money!” Dong Wenhao reached out.

Jiang Qin frowned and looked at him: “Book the book first, what are you panic, maybe you can win it later.”

Luffy raised his head: “Boss, don’t forget, you can, and my five pieces.”

“I fucking a game, why did I owe the money of the two of you?”

“Brother Dong is the emperor, I am an eunuch, you are the first, you must pay doubles, this is the rules.”

“What kind of silly rule is, darker than me.”

Dong Wenhao and Luffy looked at each other, and their faces were full of excitement of big dog slaughter households. This kind of chess and card game was difficult to occupy an advantage for the first time. Money is doomed.

There is no eight or nine innings, no matter how smart you are in your mind, don’t want to find out the doorway inside.

Therefore, they felt that the boss promised to play cards today to give employees for benefits.

“Boss, don’t you lose money when you lose, right?”

Jiang Qin sneered: “That’s too bad, there is no size at the table, I understand, shuffle, I have touched the trick.”

Ma Yubao coughed: “The shuffling of losing is also the rules.”


Jiang Qin scolded all the scattered poker cards in front of himself, and then opened a game, and lost again without surprise, and it was the first.

The four people on the opposite side were full of smiles, especially Yang Shuai, and his mouth was about to crack behind his ears.

With a smile, the door of 208 was suddenly pushed away. Jiang Qinwen watched it and found that a small face of a pretty little face was found out of the door. The cherry lips look soft and moist under the light, as if they can get out of water in a bite.

At the same time, all the employees of 208 also looked out, and the eyes shouted instantly, and they shouted a boss mother, how sweet and sweet the voice was.

Feng Nanshu nodded a little bit, then pushed in the door, sitting next to Jiang Qin, and his face was well -behaved.

It seemed that she had just taken a shower. As soon as Xiao Fu’s picked up, the soft floral fragrance drilled into Jiang Qin’s nose. It smelled a little elegant and made people feel itchy.

“Do you want to play?” Jiang Qin passed the license.

Feng Nanshu glanced at it: “I won’t, just look at you to play.”

“Touch the card and touch the card.” Jiang Qin washed the card and put it on the mat.

“Boss, you have n’t given it in both two. We can say it.

Jiang Qin’s eyebrows stood up: “I can run a monk and still run the temple? To rely on the account, you take away the notebooks in the office, I don’t say a word.”

Dong Wenhao stunned: “Those notebooks seem to be us.”

“What two words do the family say, hurry up, I want to be ashamed before the snow.”

As a result, a few people played a card again. This one of them was more severe. In addition to Luffy, which was a civilian, others were still anxious.

Seeing that it was Jiang Qin’s turn, he was a little hesitant, because according to his opinion, his card was not very good, and the second difficulty in running was very difficult. The most secure is running third or fourth.

“Next time.”

Feng Nanshu stretched out her white little hand and pointed to Jiang Qin’s card. He breathed all his breath on Jiang Qin’s face, with a warm girly fragrance.

“This is the biggest, in case I was stopped, I stunned.”

For the first time, Jiang Qin looked at Feng Nanshu so close, and felt that her face could touch her cute nose, and even the warmth of her skin could be felt, and she didn’t know if it was the illusion.

“They are not bigger than this.”

“I do not believe.”

“Brother, the next time you go out, Sister believes it.” Feng Nanshu turned his head and looked at him, and he had to post it when he was near his mouth.

Jiang Qin took a stagnation, accidentally throwing out the largest five J, only to see a few people on the opposite side suddenly changed, and then shook his head and said no.

The next situation is almost the same. Xiao Fu’s wife said this, Jiang Qin came out. Xiao Fu’s wife said that, Jiang Qin came out, and it was fast and accurate and fierce.

Ma Yubao said without saying a word. In fact, the worst was to hold the card to hold the boss. As a result, Jiang Qin threw the card.

After a few games, Dong Wenhao and Luffy lost more than ten dollars, and their faces changed greatly.

“How about, continue?” Jiang Qin’s mouth was crooked.

Dong Wenhao shook his head for a while: “Don’t play, the boss is a master, and the wallet will lose.”

Feng Nanshu said seriously: “I won’t play.”

“It’s not that the family does not enter a door, and the truth is not to be honest.” Dong Wenhao whispered.

Feng Nanshu’s eyelashes trembled slightly: “I really can’t play, but I will count, I will take the college entrance examination 671, and the composition is only 12.”


After a long while, Dong Wenhao took out his wallet with tears and found a few small change to Jiang Qin. He said nothing.

Good guys, if you continue to play, the situation will become the salary sent by the boss by the boss and the mother -in -law. Infinite cycle, the enterprise continues to develop benign, and it is flourishing.

Damn, you are laundering money, right?

Watching Dong Wenhao insisted on evacuating, Luffy Yu and Ma Yubao also paid money, patted his ass to pack things, and planned to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

Jiang Qin raised his head and found that the window was dark. The night after the winter appeared to be very heavy. The wind through the window was a little cold. There was a humid smell in the air, as if it was going to rain.

Turning his head again, Feng Nanshu sat obediently, staring at him with beautiful eyes, and his eyes were not eye -catching.

“It feels like it is going to rain, let me take you back to the dormitory first.”


Jiang Qin stood up and picked up the jacket on the chair and walked out, but found that Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law was still standing in place and watching him quietly, as if waiting for something.


Feng Nanshu looked down at his feet: “Jiang Qin, I can’t move anymore.”

Jiang Qin frowned: “Did you get numb? Isn’t it good just now?”

“The feet are sealed, and you must feel the power you passed from your palm.”


Jiang Qin understands, do you want to hold hands? The abominable little devil, when I just played cards, I have been drilling into my arms, and now there are various tricks.

“Then you stay here, I’ll go first, but I will wake you up. As soon as I leave, Su Nai’s computer will make a terrible voice.”

Su Nai’s eyes were revealed. He said that the dog boss, you have the courage to try here. If I were not afraid of the boss’s mother, I would be your taboo day today!

Seeing Jiang Qin’s departure, Feng Nanshu’s eyes were slightly lowered, but he pushed the door and followed, and the small leather shoes made a sound in the empty corridor.

“Is the wind so strong, is it the pig Bajie?”

Jiang Qin came outside the entrepreneurial base and found that the school was shaving the wind. It sounded like a fairy. The sound of wow kept surrounding all directions. The leaves that had not had time to fall were messy.

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law was a little panicked, and her eyes were always sticking to Jiang Qin, taking steps and step by step.

Jiang Qin slowed down a little, waiting for her to follow up, then pulled her arm and held her slightly cool hand in her hand.

“Is the seal lifted?”


Feng Nanshu was just nonsense, and the only trace of fear in his heart disappeared.

Jiang Qin led her to the direction of the girl’s dormitory. As a result, she just walked halfway, and she hit Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue, who was holding hands. The four looked at the atmosphere, and the atmosphere became very subtle.


“Well fart, roll!”

Cao Guangyu just sent a single -syllable vocabulary, and was immediately interrupted by Jiang Qin.

He knew what Lao Cao wanted to say, nothing more than ah, why did he hold it again? Who said that love dogs didn’t talk, and then smiled with a look, as if he had discovered the secret of the sky.

Jiang Qin felt that he was frank, and naturally he had nothing to see, but Lao Cao’s cheapness made him unbearable.

Roll up!

Cao Guangyu scolded and took Ding Xue away.

“Jiang Qin.”


“If the last ending of the lover is the old death, why do there be so many people who want to be lovers?”

Feng Nanshu looked at the direction of Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue, and asked in a soft tone. The expression was full of doubts and puzzles.

“Probably … it’s for the sake of greed.”

(This chapter is finished)

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