Who is reborn? Who is in love?

131. 131 is a bit dazzling

Chapter 131 a bit dazzling

In the early morning of the next day, the autumn color was strong, and the maple forest was stained.

Jiang Qin’s entrepreneurial story was published in Linchuan Youth Daily, and he was sent to the sending room with the car early in the morning.

College students generally do not read newspapers. Even campus newspapers are rarely paid attention to, let alone school newspapers, but if there are people around the newspaper, it must be different.

For example, Jiang Tian returned to the bedroom with a newspaper early in the morning, and then distributed one by one.

“He, an ordinary college student, he, a not -in -school entrepreneur, he, with longing and ideal, has a enthusiasm, full of goodwill …”

Song Qingqing was the most excited when she saw the newspaper, and had a feeling of chasing stars in reality, so she picked up the newspaper and read two sentences. The expression looked beautiful.

Jian Chun didn’t want to watch it, but it was itchy in the heart of Song Qingqing’s mind. In the end, he couldn’t help but opened it. He carefully read Jiang Qin’s news three times, and then his expression was a little unhappy. His eyes couldn’t help but have a touch of sorrow.

In the eyes of college students, the two words of interests and honors are often separated.

Interests are interests, honor is honor, and cannot be confused.

Moreover, most students feel that honor is higher than interests, because the ideological education they have received in recent years belongs to dedication education to a large extent.

That is not to talk about benefits, pursue dedication, and yearn for honor.

Therefore, Jiang Qin is engaged in the wind and rain, and makes money to make money. Although the scenery is infinite, it is only a bit capable in the hearts of college students.

But you have to say that Jiang Qin has attended the newspaper and was officially certified and became a typical character. The effect is different.

The image is instantly tall, and the forced grid is raised instantly.

The character of Jian Chun and Song Qingqing is essentially different. Song Qingqing valued money more, so Jiang Qin’s sitting at the moment when Bentley appeared directly became Song Qingqing’s male god.

But Jian Chun’s family conditions are good, do not worship money, have no concept of money, and pursue higher pursuit of spiritual level.

At first she felt that Jiang Qin was a frivolous man. Later, because of the collision of people in Nanjie, she felt that he was a mature and stable reliable man. Finally, when she saw this newspaper, Jiang Qin was extremely dazzling in her heart.

Usually someone on the campus is already unlimited. However, Jiang Qin’s municipal newspaper is on the city -level newspaper. This is simply incomparable.

“What do you mean by the work of diligence?”

Jian Chun returned to God, and Chong Panxiu explained: “It is to provide part -time jobs for poor students in school.”

“Jiang Qin ran to the science and technology poverty alleviation to help sleep?” Pan Xiu was incredible.

Jiang Tian couldn’t help but speak: “He has been absent from time to time during this time. It is estimated that he is running to the University of Science and Technology. This belongs to the activity of school and school level. Generally, college students can’t participate in participation. Initiator. ”

“No wonder even the Linchuan Youth Daily came to interview him. Look at the pictures. He and the Director of the Youth League Committee of the University of Science and Technology also hooked their shoulders, really magical.”

“It feels like Jiang Qin has not lived in a world at all.”

“Looking back now, the fierce school flower competition turned out to be done by one hand. It is unrealistic to think about it.”

Jian Chun listened to their chat content, and his eyes couldn’t help but feel a little stunned, and recalled that the South Street had a sense of weight.

How did you think such a dazzling man as a frivolous man when he started school?

Blame the Cao Guangyu, and not signed the note!

Of course, maybe he signed, and he didn’t see it.

In fact, such misunderstandings are often available in student days, and they will not become a knot, but Jiang Qin is getting more and more dazzling, and even the light on his body is getting more and more prosperous. In this case, the simple heart knot is getting more and more. The more you can’t solve it.

At the same time, in the boys’ dormitory 302, Cao Guangyu also held a newspaper to make the 花 与 与 与.

There are three pictures in the newspaper, one is the entrepreneurial office, one is a photo of Jiang Qin and the head of technology, and the other is Jiang Qin’s separate photo.

As a pretending enthusiast, Lao Cao was jealous.

Why can Laojiang have such a good pretending platform?

“No wonder Lao Jiang’s presence in the class recently is so low. Dare to go to the newspaper to pretend, and don’t bring me!”

Zhou Chao also stared at a newspaper three times: “The photo of Brother Jiang, the posture and temperament are more mature than my father.”

“Originally playing games every day, falling in love, I think my college life is quite meaningful. I compare it with Jiang Ge!” Ren Ziqiang couldn’t help but feel somewhat.

Cao Guangyu raised his head incredibly after hearing: “Do you know every day playing games, but when is it about falling in love every day?”

Ren Ziqiang’s face changed: “…”

Zhou Chao also happy: “Isn’t it a sister?”


Originally, there were four singles in this dormitory. Ren Ziqiang had not been too strong, but since Cao Guangyu found an object, he has always ridiculed himself, and Zhou Chao was still helping him. personal.

Ren Ziqiang ignored them, lay on the bed and covered the quilt, just like ostriches buried himself in the pit.

Escape although shameful but useful!

However, some people are ostriches, and some people are being ostriches for others, such as Wang Huiru.

She is now a student union of the law school. She rushed to the event classroom to meet as soon as she got up in the morning. I accidentally saw a newspaper in the hands of a school sister.

The representative of youth college students Jiang Qin, founded the website, brought more than 30 college students to start a business, and promoted the work of work in technology.

After seeing these paragraphs, Wang Huiru was stunned, and her eyes were shocked, but after a while, she quickly accepted the fact.

Jiang Qin was very dazzling, and she knew this since the summer vacation.

At that time, everyone had just finished the college entrance examination, and they were drunk and dreamed of. Only Jiang Qin did business everywhere. At the beginning of school, it became a legendary existence.

Therefore, even if the newspapers are magical, Wang Huiru still feels that this is not outrageous, because she feels that in terms of the performance of Jiang Qin’s summer vacation, he is a more outrageous thing in his unknown college.


Wang Huiru suddenly remembered Chu Siqi, and his face changed instantly. He said that this would not be made.

The former high school classmates are extremely excellent. This incident makes Wang Huiru feel face, but for Chusqi, the person who once liked himself and was rejected suddenly became excellent. Strong.

Don’t you know anything again?

Wang Huiru was crying.

Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu had concealed for three months, and everyone was going crazy. I didn’t expect it to start again. It was really dead.

After the meeting, Wang Huiru returned to the dormitory without any matter, but as soon as he entered the door, he was scared by the scene in front of him.

At this time, Chu Siqi was sitting on the bed, holding a Linchuan Youth Daily in her hand. She was stunned, as if solidified on the newspaper, and there was no action for a long time.

Wang Huiru walked over and glanced at Chusqi, but found that there was no frustration and depression on her girlfriend’s face.

“Siqi, you … read the newspaper?”


“That, don’t watch it, let’s go to the cafeteria for dinner.”

Chu Siqi turned to look at her: “Huiru, your acting skills are a bit fake, I know there is Jiang Qin’s news on it.”

Wang Huiru stunned slightly, and then relieved: “You saw it a long time ago.”

“I am now a reporter in Guangjiao. When I interviewed that day, I was responsible for the reception of the reporter of the Linchuan Youth Daily. I also followed the interview with Jiang Qin and even went to Jiang Qin’s office.”


Listening to the sound of her girlfriend calmly, Wang Huiru’s scalp was numb. How much such a picture was burst, she couldn’t imagine it at all.

Chu Siqi couldn’t help looking out the window: “Jiang Qin is too good now, I feel more and more likely, if he is not so excellent, how good it is. If he is just an ordinary college student It’s so good, I don’t need to regret it now. ”

“It’s wrong to think so, Jiang Qin’s excellence is because of your own efforts.”

“I understand the truth, but the more dazzling his existence, the worse my vision and taste.”

Wang Huiru didn’t know how she answered. She could only sit on the bed and stay with her girlfriend.

In this silence time, she couldn’t help thinking of the dialogue that she and Yu Sasha whispered at the dinner table.

Yu Shasha said that they and Jiang Qin were really unfortunate in the same school, because with such dazzling boys, other boys would become foil, and when they wanted to talk about love, they could not find a good intention.

Wang Huiru did not take this sentence at first, but now it seems that her words are becoming a reality.



“I also saw Feng Nanshu.”


Chu Siqi squeezed his hands subconsciously: “I couldn’t accept it at first, but after thinking about it, Jiang Qin was so dazzling that it was really worthy of her.”

Wang Huiru raised his head: “Siqi, I think you are wrong.”

“Where is wrong?”

“Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu were not dazzling when they were together. She accompanied him from that period, instead of being dazzling before it attracted Feng Nanshu. You have to figure out this order.”

Chu Siqi’s face was white for an instant, then pouting his mouth silent for a while, his mood was extremely complicated.

“Don’t think about it, go for dinner.”


At the same time, some people in the forum were also posting to discuss this.

Most of the people who know Jiang Qin have been nourished, and their bodies are already resistant, so there is not much shock.

But when people who did not know Jiang Qin saw the news, the response was even more restless.

In recent years, Linchuan University has been encouraging college students to start a business, but the results have been very small, and they have not made any projects. By this outlet, Lingda hopes to inspire college students’ enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. The electronic version was uploaded to the official website and course selection system.

Because of this, Jiang Qin’s unfamiliar name was first exposed to everyone’s vision.

“What background of Jiang Qin?”

“The second generation, otherwise who dares to burn money to engage in a website.”

“It’s outrageous, this less than November, did you make so much money?”

“Some may be fictional, but the style of Linchuan Youth Daily has always been very serious, and even if there is water, it should be almost small.”

“Can you make so much money for a website? I knew that I had done it, and it was not difficult to look at it.”

“It’s really not difficult, it can be done in a week after learning a computer. Our school is estimated to be a typical exaggeration for the tree typical.”

New students, two and a half months of entrepreneurship, planning school flower competitions, and promoting work to help school.

These keywords make people feel a little bursting, so it has attracted countless comments with sour taste.

This is actually a normal phenomenon.

Whose freshman is so outrageous?

Everyone is clearly described by Ren Ziqiang. Except for class, playing games and falling in love, now suddenly a freshman entrepreneurship created a newspaper, and it also linked to the university next door to promote the work of work. Daily life, the sense of difference is really too strong.

(This chapter is finished)

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