Who is reborn? Who is in love?

127. 127 Youth Daily Interview

Chapter 127 Annual Interview

The full name of Guangjiao is called the Broadcasting Education Center. It belongs to the school’s propaganda department and is also known as the news center. The entire building is in the East Campus.

At noon the next day, the autumn wind.

Jiang Qin drove to the East School after lunch, and then found a parking space to stop.

He and Dong School’s security guards are not familiar with, nor can he throw the car the roadside as he randomly in the school, so try to act as low as possible.

After stopping the car, Jiang Qin looked at the time and found that it had just reached 12 o’clock, and there was still an hour from the beginning of the interview.

In this case, it is estimated that the A302 has not opened.

Jiang Qin simply unbuttoned the seat belt, sitting in the car while playing with a snake, etc., and his eyes rolled, he found a very interesting problem.

I have always claimed to be single.

However, his car is not like a single man.

In the storage box in front of the armrest box, Feng Nanshu’s little elk head rope used to tie ponytails, and a pair of sunglasses. The front of the co -pilot was also the black bow that she took off last time.

In addition, there was a hand -made woolen bag for her last time.

Jiang Qin opened the storage box and glanced at it, and found that there were Lipsticks, small mirrors, folding comb, and … a packet of aunt towel.

“Feng Nanshu, this little devil, is constantly invading my life.”


Jiang Qin whispered secretly, closed the storage box, leaned gently on the back of the chair, and his expression gradually thought.

By the time of 12.40, Jiang Qin got out of the car, locked the door, entered the Guangjiao Building, climbed along the stairs to the third floor and came to A302.

This is an empty classroom similar to the studio with a few flashing lights inside, as well as a Sony camera, and a TV that is together.

There are two black sofas in the center of the classroom, and one of them is sitting with a short hair woman, looking very temperament.

She was hanging on the working sign of Linchuan Youth Daily, and she was holding a piece of paper in her hand.

Next to the sofa, there was a man wearing dark green vests, with a baseball cap, and a Nikon SLR hanging on his chest.

Needless to ask, this should be a reporter from Linchuan Youth Daily. Almost all reporters on TV are like this.


When Jiang Qin turned his eyes back, he unexpectedly looked at an acquaintance.

She wore a very literary and artistic white skirt, her soft long hair drooping her shoulders, and she looked at herself with a clear look, and subconsciously bite her lips.

It is strange that she did not yell this time, nor the world owes her expression, but stands quietly, and she hasn’t said for a long time.

“Jiang Qin?”

The short -haired female reporter sitting on the sofa suddenly saw him, and then walked on the face, smiled and handed his right hand: “Hello, my name is Dong Min, the reporter of Linchuan Youth Daily, thank you for accepting the interview of this newspaper. ”

Jiang Qin took his gaze and shook hands with the female reporter: “I should thank the Linchuan Youth Daily to come to interview me with a fairly university student.”

“Two months in school, these achievements you made are not unhealthy at all.”

Dong Min smiled, but a little surprised in his heart.

Because when the eighteen -year -old guy in front of him shook hands, he knew how to grip, which was different from those college students who had been holding their hands before she interviewed.

The next interview was smooth and smooth. It was similar to Jiang Qin’s research last night. He responded to every question.

Although Jiang Qin’s previous life has not been interviewed by the Eight Classics, he will not make a cricket with a 38 -year -old soul. Regarding entrepreneurship, about diligent workers, and about dreams, even if he is completely out of manuscript You can also hang the river, otherwise the wine farm for more than ten years will be mixed.

After a few questions asked, Dong Min’s evaluation of him was getting higher and higher.

The freshman at school was difficult to be nervous when interviews with regular media, but Jiang Qin was really not nervous.

“My entrepreneurial results are not just my own grades, because if there is no school help, no teacher’s help, no everyone’s support, knowing that it will not be today’s knowledge, Jiang Qin is not eligible to become today’s. Jiang Qin. ”

“Finally, let me summarize it.”

“How can there be a real time quiet, but the party and the country, schools and teachers are moving forward for us.”

In the last sentence, Jiang Qin deliberately lowered his throat and made the sound more textured. The online chicken soup, which was popular in the world, blurted out, and achieved accurate dimension reduction strikes to a certain extent.

This sentence heard Dong Min on the opposite side, but felt deafening, and immediately wrote it on the book with a pen.

Even if she used the recording pen, it seemed to be afraid that this sentence would be forgotten by herself.

In this era of non -mainstream quotations, who has heard this powerful golden sentence.

“Can the sentence just now be used as the title of this news?”


Jiang Qin agreed indifferently, and said that I hadn’t sang the lonely man, loved to walk alone, and loved you without kneeling. You can’t find the north.

At the same time, Chu Siqi stood beside him, looking at Jiang Qin complicatedly, and a very light but painful sadness flashed in her heart.

She was just absorbed by the news center because of the name of the first school flower last month. Director Gu planned to cultivate her deputy webmaster at the reporter’s station. Later, on behalf of Linchuan University, I went out to interview. Come a little face.

Linta has the news department. The position of the webmaster must be left to the news department, but why is there a beautiful deputy director?

But Chusqi did not expect that her first person to contact was a reporter from the Linchuan Youth Daily, and she did not expect that the reporter from the Linchuan Youth Daily interviewed Jiang Qin.

This encounter is different from her encounter on the train. She is the first time she has not brought any waywardness and tricks to see this person again. It is also the first time that she has seen Jiang Qin’s talk.

In front of him, he is completely different from high school.

Regardless of talks, vomiting, factions, or posture, they far exceed their peers.

He is mature and confident, but Zhang Yang is not mad.

Chu Siqi knew that he had only one step away from him, but at this moment he was out of reach.

Because he was surprised when he entered the door, he never glanced at himself again, but he did not have the kind of dodge that deliberately avoided, but more indifferent.

He really didn’t care, and even hated was too lazy. Chu Siqi felt that this was the place where she was stinged most.

“Jiang Qin, please sit up a little bit, I take a photo of you, as a news picture.”

Jiang Qin moved his ass: “Is this okay?”

“Well, yes.”

The photographer pressed the shutter and set the picture after setting the picture. After looking at Dong Min, Dong Min nodded with satisfaction: “That’s OK. Thank you again. Classmate Jiang, I have to say that you have seen the most mature college students I have ever seen.”

“Teacher Dong is the most beautiful reporter I have ever seen.”

Jiang Qin didn’t know what to boast, but the other party was a woman, and it was a bit beautiful.

Dong Min pouted and smiled, and then said that he was going to our school and asked for another interview. The interview was a junior student who was not obscure. He had not had enough hands in the society before, and he could not come. This time, he was collected.

“How do you go?”

Jiang Qin asked.

“We came over by taxi, we can only walk over.”

Dong Min answered his back on his back.

“I just want to go back to this school, or you will take my car?”

Jiang Qin feels that it is a pity not to release it like this. It is a pity not to release it. Regardless of whether it is behind it, let’s send it out first.

“Really? That’s so thankful.”

Dong Min is more surprised that he has a car, but think about the information of the tone, and think about his advertising revenue, but feel that he is a bit stupid. The monthly income is more than 500,000. Buying a trolley is too normal for him to buy a car. It’s right.

The eighteen -year -old boy in front of him is really not as fair as he said.

Chu Siqi behind Dong Min’s face was slightly white, and he couldn’t help sighing in his heart. He said that the original posts were written in the real, and he really bought a car.

“Xiaochu, go with us too.”

“Ah? Am I okay?”

“Director Gu and our director are old friends. She has asked him to let you go with the whole process of interviewing different interviews.”

After listening to hearing, Chu Siqi nodded immediately. She was hidden in her heart, not looking forward to seeing the work attitude of professional journalists, but to want to take Jiang Qin’s car once.

She didn’t know what she thought, but … just looking forward to it.

Jiang Qin sighed secretly in his heart, saying that the female reporter of this surname Dong didn’t say it earlier, you said that I would not carry you in the rotten car.

But when it comes to this, you can’t refuse.

After all, he sent a journey by himself, and it was not required by others. Do you want to let Chu Siqi sit together?

It seemed that his small belly chicken intestine was a trivial matter. In case Chusqi suddenly became ill and shouted, it really couldn’t end.

Jiang Qin walked out of A302 without saying a word. Dong Min and the photographer walked behind, and Chusqi followed low -key.

Her former qi was completely because she felt high on the psychological level.

But at this moment, when facing Jiang Qin, she really lost her confidence.

After a long while, Jiang Qin drove the Audi from the parking space, then parked the car, invited a few people to get in the car.

Chu Siqi hesitated for a long while, did not dare to go to the co -driving, but turned to get into the back seat, and the photographer also sat in the rear seat, and Dong Min, like them, was also the rear seat.

“Don’t squeeze?”

“Squeeze it, lest your little girlfriend jealous, then you can be uncomfortable.”

Dong Min is worthy of being a reporter. As soon as he got in the car, he found the jewelry of those little girls. At this time, he was pointing at the black bow.

When Jiang Qin saw Dong Min’s seemingly smiling smile, he couldn’t help but enjoy it after thinking about it.

Feng Nanshu doesn’t understand what is jealous?


Wait for a while, is my head broken?

At this time, Chu Siqi was observing Jiang Qin’s expression changes through the internal rear -view mirror. After a while, she couldn’t help but flashed loneliness.

(This chapter is finished)

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