Who is reborn? Who is in love?

121. 121 Who is the boss?

Chapter 121 Who is the boss?

Autumn is a season suitable for love, because the autumn leaves of the school are already golden, and it looks different.

In this season, Lingda can see the small couples walking on the pedaling road with fallen leaves. The taste of love looks a little bit of idol drama in this autumn wind.

But Gao Wenhui was not happy.

She didn’t want to fall in love, she just wanted to knock CP.

However, according to her observation of this week, Jiang Qin’s number of times has become less and less, and Feng Nanshu becomes more and more silent.

Daily class, eating, sleeping, no matter what you do, there are rarely the previous little swing and lively.

There are rumors of the fourth class of finance, saying that Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin broke up, otherwise they would not get more and more.

But they don’t know, this is actually the most original appearance of Feng Nanshu.

The moonlight with a cold expression is as cold as the cold night, and the eyes are frost and snow, which seems to be like the Shidi, and turns his own heart into a small world.

The world guards the strict guard, pretending to be the strongest anti -theft lock, and even she has no keys herself.

At the end of the day, the last lesson of the fourth class of the finance ended.

Feng Nanshu hugged the book, walked out of the teaching building silently, returned to the dormitory, took off the small leather shoes, climbed to the bed silently, and then sat on the edge of the bed. The head is no longer shaking as before, but hangs down.

The night of the autumn is getting earlier and earlier, and the dusk becomes more magnificent.

Xiao Fu’s eyes reflected the fiery red sky, and the slender curly eyelashes were gradually dyed into moving rose gold.

“Nan Shu, are you unhappy?” Gao Wenhui couldn’t help asking.

“Jiang Qin doesn’t take me to play.”

Feng Nanshu’s tone was soft and quiet, and her eyes went to the distance with a bird outside the window, making her eyes look a little bit embarrassed.

Gao Wenhui narrowed his eyes: “This dog Jiang Qin, otherwise I will find someone to kill him!”


“I just say you can’t bear it?”

Feng Nanshu still looked out the window, but nodded with certainty.

Gao Wenhui has never been knowing why Jiang Qin has not appeared recently. She knows what the guy is busy promoting off -campus, and the back and forth between Linta University and Technology. What to say.

It is said that he has to touch the red line at a high absence rate of high numbers, which is directly rotten.

But she couldn’t think of the impact of Jiang Qin’s disappearance on Feng Nanshu, as if they were just beginning to become a girlfriend.

Every time I mentioned watching movies and singing, Feng Nanshu always shook her head. She also said that Jiang Qin would definitely take her. It seems that only Jiang Qin can protect her in the world.

In fact, Gao Wenhui also took a few times, and asked Feng Nanshu to call Jiang Qin, saying that everything made the dog coin back, whether he was sick, and coquettishly, and he felt distressed.

But Feng Nanshu disagreed, because Jiang Qin said that he was very busy recently and asked her to obediently, and felt bored and barely walked Gao Wenhui.

Gao Wenhui can’t do it. Is this a human being?

In addition, can the dependence on her boyfriend be replaced by the company of girlfriends?

Fan Shuling came back from the cafeteria and couldn’t help looking at Gao Wenhui: “What’s wrong with Nan Shu?”

“I want Jiang Qin, during the day, thinking at night, I can’t think of it when washing my feet.”


Feng Nanshu said expressionlessly: “Wen Hui is particularly beautiful today’s sunset and worthy of appreciation.”

Gao Wenhui couldn’t stand it: “Pull down, you admit that he will not disturb him!”

“Jiang Qin hasn’t come here recently?” Fan Shuling couldn’t help asking.

“I have been here twice, but every time I hurried away, I didn’t even have time to say a lot. Last time, I still snatched my chicken leg. The only meat dish in my package was the chicken leg. Ferny! ”

“So cheap, it sounds like what he will do.”

Feng Nanshu turned his head a little dissatisfied: “I have given it up later, and I bought two of them.”

Gao Wenhui was stunned: “Okay, I know, can’t you say that your man is bad in the future?”

“You can’t cut him to death.”


The kung fu of being talking, suddenly a few shouts from the window, and the voice was very clear, the word “boss lady” was called.

To be honest, this title is very rare in school, so countless girls have pushed the window from the dormitory to check, and want to know who this is called.

Gao Wenhui usually looked very clever, but suddenly he heard the word and couldn’t respond. She had to go to the window sill to see, but found that Feng Nanshu had put on shoes and ran out of the dormitory.

At the same time, 505 dormitories of the School of Finance.

Jiang Tian, Jian Chun and Song Qingqing also pushed the windows. Looking at the voice just now, his eyes couldn’t help but be slightly froze when he locked Feng Nanshu.

Since the last collision of the South Street, they have known that Jiang Qin knows the boss.

Therefore, some people named Feng Nanshu, and there was no problem.

This title is a neutral word. Unlike the words such as Xueba, Goddess, and School Flowers, they have certain praise attributes, but I do n’t know why, they are full of envy and jealousy at this time.

What if this title is for yourself?

Jiang Tian thought so. Song Qingqing thought so. Although Jian Chun didn’t want to admit it, she had thought so after that second.

Five minutes later, Feng Nanshu returned to the dormitory, holding the group in his arms, his eyes were clear.

“What’s this?”

“Xuemei came over, she was a good person.” Feng Nanshu put the album in her arms on the table.

Gao Wenhui and Fan Shuling were curiously, and found that there were a lot of people who did not know. They thought it was a brochure. As a result, she realized that she saw the group photo of Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

They did not have much contact with 208 people, of course, they would not be curious about who it was, so they turned quickly, only to see photos of Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

But when they opened the penultimate page and had to turn it quickly, a slender and white hand suddenly stopped them.

At this time, Feng Nanshu leaned down, closer, and looked closely, and his mouth gradually opened.

“Who is this bear who climbed the honey?” Gao Wenhui was curious.

Hearing this sentence, Feng Nanshu bluffed his face and raised his head.

Gao Wenhui understood instantly: “Okay, I know, looking at your dissatisfaction, this bear must be Jiang Qin.”

Fan Shuling also closer a little curious: “What is Jiang Qin doing?”

“Climbing the tree.”

“It seems not an ordinary tree, the leaves are red?”

Gao Wenhui talked about closer, and then looked slightly: “I rely on, isn’t this a tree hanging in the scenic area for marriage?”

“It must be, Jiang Qin is not listed up.” Fan Shuling pointed out the details.

Gao Wenhui came in an instant: “This is the dog food I like to eat!”

“What is dog food?”

“Jiang Qin said that single people were called single dogs, and those who were showed by couples were called dog food, oh, Nan Shu, why are you not in the photo?”

Gao Wenhui looked up while asking, but found that Feng Nanshu was pressed against his chest with one hand and dazed at the window. The soul didn’t know where to fly.

However, Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law can have time to be in a daze, and Jiang Qinke is not so idle. He did not expect that the University of Science and Technology was so important to the work of helping work. In order to issue another formal document, and finally Jiang Qin will make a school aid plan.

Jiang Qin ran back and forth three times, and finally took the information about the information. He said that his grandma was too tiring. Do I want to take advantage of it?

“Sister, give saliva to drink.”

Cao Xinyue poured him a glass of water: “Jiang Qin, not the matter was done in a day, it was going to be dark, and I went back to rest for a while.

After hearing it, Jiang Qin felt that it made sense: “It’s right, it’s too uncomfortable if people die without spending money.”

“Hurry up and sleep.”

“Then I’m gone first. Sister, you remember to find someone to repair the window of 207.”

Jiang Qin missed the winding windows, and asked for another sentence to return to 207, and then covered the blanket to sleep.

Tang Lin saw Jiang Qin away, and couldn’t help but want to laugh in her heart. She said that this person’s mind was too obvious. She had never been to the General Office before, but recently ran here every day.

He can’t always come for himself, that is, for the sake of school girlfriends?

She did not know that Jiang Qin took the channel of Qin Labor. After all, Jiang Qin’s project was in charge of Cao Xinyue, so in her opinion, those documents could have been done in one time. Essence

But don’t say that he is indeed on the right path.


Because you want to chase a girl, then you have to brush the presence at all times. If you do n’t even have a sense of existence, how do you get good feelings in the future? These are routines.

“Tang Lin, you can directly press the booking machine in my hands.” Cao Xinyue glanced at her.

Tang Lin immediately returned to God, and quickly removed the booking machine: “I’m sorry to think about my sister, I was a little dazzling just now.”

“It is a good thing to be active in mind, but it is not a good thing to love away God. You are easy to have a problem like this.”

“I just saw a boy’s clumsy brushing in front of Hong Yan, and I felt very interesting and couldn’t help but want to laugh.”


“The Jiang Qin who just came.”


Cao Xinyue looked at her like a fool. It was good to say that Hong Yan looked beautiful. After all, it was the fourth school flower. , But a name is Feng Nanshu, have you heard of it?

That is Feng Nanshu!

At this moment, Hong Yan returned from the bathroom and saw that Jiang Qin was no longer at the General Affairs Office.

“Hong Yan, Xue Gang invite you to dinner.”

“Help me refuse, I won’t go.”

Tang Lin couldn’t help but sigh, and rejected the invitation of Xue Gang, vice chairman of the International Trade Department for Hong Yan, but couldn’t help but sigh. Senior, senior, is really not that I don’t help you from eating you. It’s really my girlfriend. It’s too difficult to be moved.

(This chapter is finished)

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