Who is reborn? Who is in love?

116. 116 is also fragrant without washing

Chapter 116 It is fragrant without washing

Will a good friend really have a lifetime, Jiang Qin can’t find the answer.

But if the rich woman asked Jiang Qin, would you have a good life to Feng Nanshu? He felt that there was no doubt, and he would definitely do it.

Just kidding, this is my little rich mother -in -law, stealing his father’s money to spend me, and sticking to me all day.

No one can carry it, and Tang Seng can’t.

But when I thought of this, Jiang Qin would inevitably think about a question subconsciously. Will Feng Nanshu stick to me like now?

have no idea.

In the past, the old side of the marketing department said that he and his wife met in college. At that time, his wife was still a cute elementary school girl, and he would like to say that he likes the smoke smell of the old side most, and smells particularly Man.

After getting married, the most often hearing sentence was: rolling, going to the balcony, do you don’t know that I hate the smell of smoke the most?

Damn, who is looking for.

Later, Lao Fang directly took the ashtray to the balcony. His dogs for eating with dogs on the balcony, and he smoked on the balcony ashtray.

So I don’t know.

People will change, at least in Jiang Qin’s worldview.

Jiang Qin rubbed slowly, rubbing and pinching. He didn’t know where the wound was, but his expression was still the gentleman: “Feng Nanshu, will you change your heart?”

Hearing this sentence, Feng Nanshu was a little dazed.

“I don’t know if I will change my heart.


“Boss, the boss, the meal is opened!” Dong Wenhao’s voice came from outside the door.


Jiang Qin returned to God, sticking to Feng Nanshu’s ankle, holding a band -aid, and holding her beautiful and soft feet, putting her shoes and socks for her.

“I didn’t wash it.” Feng Nanshu’s eyes were a little resentful.

“It’s okay, incense.”

Under the night, the star fighting.

The farmhouse opened the lights, and a warm orange light was scattered in the courtyard.

At this time, Luffy and Yang Shuai carried a long table from the house, put it into the yard, put all the dishes made by Dong Wenhao, and moved two boxes of beer.

Jiang Qin took the lead and sat down, glanced at the desktop, and couldn’t help but whisper.

Stir -fried dishes, spicy chicken, goose egg powder skin, steamed bass, hot and sour potato shreds, river shrimp fried eggs. If you don’t look at it with your own eyes, he can’t think of Dong Wenhao’s skills.

Sure enough, a chef who didn’t want to be Wenhao was not a good supervisor.

Jiang Qin crushed a peanut rice into his mouth, and Feng Nanshu, who was sitting behind him, was shocked, and he shrank back involuntarily.

Subsequently, others also took place one after another, sitting around the table, and began to eat while chatting.

What is the cohesion of the team?

To put it plainly, cohesion is actually a sense of belonging.

Among the employees of 208, only Luffy is a local native of the Eight Classics. Others come from all over the country to Sichuan University. They are in the strange city. The group building activities are easy to let everyone hold a group.

Especially for the meals, the feelings of the family have come up for a moment.

Lao Dong’s craftsmanship is good, and the dishes they make are tastey.

Like him, he will write things and cook, and it can be regarded as the existence of the kitchen in the hall. It is estimated that after getting married, he has to cook after going home and go home.

“When I was a freshman, I never participated in such collective activities except for going out with my roommate. Sophomores went directly to the dormitory, and there were very few outs.”

“I also, although I was often shouted for my classmates, but I just ate my head.”

“I am very grateful to the boss. I am fortunate to be able to join the group 208. I am very happy to know everyone.”

“I want to thank the boss too, my literary dream is actually … almost broken.”

“Actually this is the life I want, there is a goal, a momentum, and can be with everyone. This kind of life is the happiest.”

“I want to thank the boss, the boss is the first person in the university to buy fruits for me.”

“I hope that 208 can exist forever, I hope everyone can make a lot of money.”

“My college life seems to have really lived from the moment I joined the 208.”

Jiang Qin was holding a wine glass next to him, squinting his eyes, and listening to the signs of the people in front of him quietly, and did not speak.

There is no need to guide such things at the atmosphere. As soon as the small wine is drinking, the side dishes are eaten. Some people start, basically the water is complete, and this naturally revealing thing is more true and more honest than deliberately guided, and can infect the people next to them.

Of course, Jiang Qin himself was a little emotional.

I am not only changing my life, but also affecting the life of others.

You cannot conclude that this impact is good or bad for later, but in the future, this impact is definitely good.

This is his grass team.

Feng Nanshu was sitting next to Jiang Qin, listening to the feelings of everyone, looking at Jiang Qin clearly, and seemed to be feeling a little bit with the waves, but he was fed with a lot of money before he spoke.

She chewed twice, looked at Jiang Qin and turned back, picked up the glass and touched the glass with others.

After dinner, everyone moved the position, went to the guest room, played cards, and chatted.

Jiang Qin did not participate in the activities of playing cards. Instead, he raised his ears in the corridor. He heard that Wei Lanlan called the boss Gao at the milk tea shop.

Boss Gao still bite the price very dead, and he didn’t relax, and easily talked about the topic to death.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he immediately complained that his ex -wife’s PUA to himself.

Wei Lanlan wanted to hang up, but was stopped by Jiang Qin and asked him to open up. In this way, the two listened to him for a long time, and his brain began to buzz.

“Boss, this person is too nonsense. I think he didn’t mean to change hands at all, just want to find someone to chat.”

“You can find that this is growing.” Jiang Qin affirmed her.

“Ah?” Wei Lanlan was a little blank.

Jiang Qin leaned on the wall: “Why do you think he wants to chat?”

“Isn’t it because of just divorce, there is no place for a bit of bitter water, and you want to say how bitter you are.”

“This is the breakthrough, we just listen to it.”

At eleven o’clock in the evening, I was tired of playing cards, and the mouth of the chat began. Everyone sat on the carpet of the guest room and started watching TV.

The best point for collective activities is not to be afraid of boring. Even if shopping advertisements can be seen, do not want to be nine or ninety -eight. Later, I felt that the host would be fooled than the boss.

After the advertisement is over, it is a positive film, and the two switch quickly and caught off guard.

Jiang Qin just called outside Wei Lanlan outside. He didn’t know what it was on the TV. As a result, this second was finally seen.

A man was wearing a suit, kneeling with one knee, and a bunch of bright roses.

Looking at the background should be in the company’s lobby, or the front hall of the hotel.

A professional dress girl was carrying a briefcase, which was moved. She couldn’t help covering her mouth, and tears couldn’t help but overflow their eyes.

“I don’t want to be friends with you, let’s get married.”

Jiang Qin touched the remote control and changed the stage calmly. He was siege by Shi Miaomiao, Su Nai, and several other girls: “Boss, what do you want to do, the plot is wonderful!”

“Don’t look at it. The ending is very miserable. The two of them divorced, the gift was not returned, and the house was returned to the woman. The woman turned her head to marry others with her child. Five maintenance costs, women’s new husbands eat his live, and even sleeping mattresses are him. ”

“Paled, this is the new TV series, where did you watch it?”

“All the love in the world is the same goal. Look at it less. Let’s take a look at the water Margin, which is sweeter than that.”

Jiang Qin was transferred to a stage, which was playing the outline of the birthday.

How could the girls like to watch the Water Margin, so she gave up TV and started chatting with her mouths, saying that there were all kinds of topics.

Talking and chatting, Su Nai suddenly remembered something: “Hey, do you know there is a marriage tree in the town?”

“I also saw it. It is said that it is very spiritual. Those who have objects can find their feelings for a long time. Those who have no objects can get out of orders as soon as possible. You can try it all.”

Feng Nanshu: “?”

Jiang Qin coughed, and calmly adjusted the volume of the TV: “Look at it, Yang Zhi found a group of people, a good guy, who is this actor, the chest muscles are so big!”

Girls’ eyes became weird instantly: “Boss, why do you like to watch men’s pectoral muscles?”

“The macho just wants to look at such things, right?” Wenhao? ”

“Ah? Yes … maybe.” Dong Wenhao was a little sleepy, his eyes were very blurred.

Jiang Qin didn’t force everyone to see this. He reached out and turned off the TV: “It’s too late, Wenhao is already trapped, everyone will go back to sleep.”

“What time is this, talk about it again!” Su Nai disagreed.

“I have to get up early to climb the mountain tomorrow, and I have to take a car back to school. I will take a break early. By the way, there seems to be a temple on the mountain. You have to pray for me tomorrow.


Jiang Qin took the crowd away, and he went out of the yard, looking at the sky and the moon for a long time, enjoying the fresh air in the mountains.

When Dong Wenhao got up to the toilet, it was half an hour later. As a result, when he went out, he saw the boss stepped in.

“Boss, you went to the village to steal chickens? How can you make it like this?”

“It’s okay, I accidentally fell down. You can help me go to the boss of the farmhouse, I use his iodine.”

(This chapter is finished)

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