Chapter 224 Puppet? He's just the 007 Alchemy Tool Man! (5k)

Su Xing's heart was shocked, and he murmured in surprise:

"If it's the source of the triggering force... I should be able to kill Master Wanmu instantly with one punch, right?"

"After killing Master Wan Mu instantly, the Spiritual Vein Dragon may not be leaked... By then, the Dragon Protector may not know about the birth of the Spiritual Vein Dragon?"

Wake up thoughtfully. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

But this is just Su Xing's guess. Whatever the specific situation is, Su Xing still needs to try it in the next simulation.

"There is also the way of puppets... Now after two teachings from Granny Ghost, my learning of the way of puppets is only at the entry level, but it should be enough to control ordinary puppets, right?"

Su Xing looked at the eight puppets left by Zong Laogou.

If these eight puppets are slightly modified, maybe Su Xing can have an extra batch of free labor for refining alchemy and farming.

So, in the next week, Su Xing began to try to switch to living dead puppets.

"These puppets are all combat-type... they are not puppets specially used for alchemy. The abilities of the humanoid puppets are not much different from their abilities in life..."

Su Xing first checked Zong Laogou's diary and spent an hour to find out the identities of the eight puppets.

Among the eight puppets, three have wood and fire attributes, namely the Flower Fairy and the other two puppets.

Even one of the puppets was once an alchemist.

After knowing that these three puppets have the ability to make alchemy, the next thing will be much simpler.

Su Xing first erased the spiritual mark left by Zong Laogou on the puppet, and then left his own mark.

Immediately afterwards, Awakening opened the control core of the living dead puppet, which was usually located at the heart of the puppet.

A puppet's abilities mainly depend on three parts.

The first is the awakened soul mark. Awakening can activate the soul mark and issue orders to the puppet.

Secondly, there is the puppet imprint at the core of puppet manipulation.

There are many types of puppet marks, including combat type, auxiliary type, spiritual array type, alchemy type, and talisman making type.

With different puppet marks, the puppet can complete different tasks.

Third, the abilities that a person had before his death will be retained to a certain extent.

As for Su Xing, he is currently unable to independently make new puppet marks to put on the puppets, so the only ones who can make alchemy are these three puppets who once had the talent for alchemy.

Su Xing named them Ada, Aer and Xiaomei respectively!

Ada was at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage during his lifetime. After being made into a puppet, he still retained his strength close to the peak of the Yuanying stage. He was an alchemist during his lifetime.

So he woke up easily and taught him the method of refining Bigu Pill.

After all, this is only the lowest level elixir. Not to mention the Nascent Soul Puppet, even the Foundation Establishment Puppet can also be refined.

A'er, who is also at the peak level of Nascent Soul, still retains the aura of wood and fire attributes after being made into a human puppet.

Although it is just a combat puppet and does not have intelligence or independent consciousness, it also has the ability to imitate and learn.

So Su Xing asked him to follow Ada to learn the refining of Bigu Pill, and he would be able to learn it in a short time.

As for Xiaomei, she is Zong Laogou’s sweetheart, the Flower Fairy.

It only has the strength of the foundation-building stage, but its physical body remains intact, and there is even some residual consciousness. It should be the top-quality puppet that Zong Laogou has refined using secret methods before.

The strength is the lowest, but the potential is not small.

Su Xing temporarily asked Xiaomei to also learn how to make Bigu Pill.

As for the remaining five living dead puppets, Su Xing asked them to do some work such as farming and weeding.

It can also reduce the stress of waking up.

The living dead puppet has no independent consciousness and does not need rest.

You only need to inject energy regularly and install the spiritual stone into the core, and you can use it all the time.

After some calculations, Su Xing found that if he only needed to do chores like weeding, a puppet would only need one low-grade spiritual stone in a year.

Refining alchemy requires a lot of spiritual stones. A puppet needs ten low-grade spiritual stones in a month.

However, this is completely affordable for Su Xing, who has hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

"It's just...that the number of spiritual stones needed for the puppet battle is just a lot!"

"Also, the puppet in the early stage of returning to the void that was obtained from the ruins of Ten Thousand Trees Sect has been basically scrapped... Maybe we can try to repair it if we have time in the future?"

Soon, a week passed.

In the awakened Lingtian Cave, there are eight more free puppet laborers.

Among them, Ah Da performed well. In one week, he was able to provide Su Xing with an additional thousand Bigu Pills, and there was a chance that the best Bigu Pills would be born.

Ah'er is a little worse. In one week, he can provide about 500 Bigu Pills.

As for Xiaomei, the number of refining Bigu Pills in a week is only about a hundred, and the failure rate is extremely high.

However, Su Xing’s patience is very good, and it is all accumulated in the future.

As long as the number of puppets is large enough, tens of thousands of more Bigu Pills can be produced when they wake up or even within the next week!

This week, Su Xing was busy transforming the puppets and teaching them how to make pills, so he only refined less than two thousand Bigu Pills.

It wasn't until the day he met Jin Congxue that Su Xing calmed down and went to the villa area.

In the villa, Jin Congxue has been waiting for a long time.

The two sat across from each other and chatted while eating.

Jin Congxue took out the storage ring that she had prepared and said:

"The new week's goods, the output of the second-order exotic metal mine is also here... From now on, we can steadily provide second-order exotic metals every week!"

"The Daxia military has also said hello. From now on, as long as our Tarot Club provides Bigu pills specifically to the Daxia military, for every 50,000 Bigu pills, we can obtain the mining rights of a second-level exotic metal mining area. !”

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, thought for a moment and then said:

"Almost... I will temporarily stop refining the beauty pill and turn all my efforts to refining the Bigu Pill!"

"Exotic metal mining will become the main business direction of our Tarot Chamber of Commerce in the future!"

Jin Congxue did not refuse after hearing this, but just said:

"Of course, the Tarot Society was founded by you and me. I have always been indifferent to these big decisions..."

"Furthermore, the Tarot Club's current business operations have been basically stable, and there is no need to inject a large amount of capital... As for the beauty elixir, you only need to refine some occasionally to meet the requirements of certain customers!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. Jin Congxue's thoughts coincided with his.

The two chatted for a while, and Jin Congxue seemed to suddenly think of something funny and said:

"By the way, have you heard about it recently... Including the Pearl Chamber of Commerce, the Beiyuan Chamber of Commerce... and even my second uncle, they all seem to be looking for a powerful person who is rumored to be hidden from the world recently!"

"As for why we are looking for that strong man, I still don't know the reason. I heard it seems to be related to immortality?"

Speaking of this, Jin Congxue laughed loudly and said:

"You don't know what my second uncle is like. He is over 500 years old. He is a mighty king... but he was so anxious that he fell several times while walking in one day..."

After hearing this, Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth and asked tentatively:

"Oh? Have they found any information about that powerful man?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue shook his head and said:

"No... that senior came and went without a trace, leaving no trace... Several chambers of commerce even invited a legendary strongman from the Demon Suppressing Pass to conduct divination, but they didn't even find any of that senior's message!"

Su Xing felt a lot more relaxed after hearing this.

After that incident, Su Xing was investigated, which was completely expected by Su Xing.

But this investigation is destined to yield no results. Awakening shields the secrets, works covertly, and simulates beforehand, which almost eliminates 100% of risks. How can this be found?

And among the billions of people in Daxia, no one would associate their target with a small college student like Su Xing.

Soon, the conversation between the two ended.

Su Xing secretly returned to Lingtian Cave with the new week's goods.

The new week's shipment provides 150 million simulated energy for awakening.

Just like what Su Xing had imagined before, a second-level exotic metal mining area dungeon could bring a net profit of nearly 50 million simulated energy to Su Xing every week!

In this way, the awakened simulated energy reached 2.96823 million points

A new round of simulation on December 1, 2024 in the new era.

Before the simulation, Su Xing set goals for the simulation.

"Understand the origin of power and reach the Xiaocheng level as soon as possible... Only in this way can we break through to the integration stage as soon as possible!"

"In addition, the puppetry technique still needs to be improved. If more puppets can be created, more simulated energy can be obtained in the future. The simulated energy in the integration period should be enough by then..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

"Start simulation!"

【Ding! This simulation consumes energy 2 and has no remaining simulation times. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 100,000 energy points to extract purple talents, and 1 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract golden quality talents!"

Su Xing said without hesitation.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent of excellent marksmanship. The probability of receiving the golden talent next time is 50%...]

[Excellent Spear Skills]: Your understanding of spear skills is beyond ordinary people, and your talent in spear skills is several times that of ordinary people.

Looking at the newly drawn talent in front of him, Su Xing shook his head as expected.

Sure enough, it's not a golden talent.

"The spear skills... are not bad, but there are all kinds of weapons, how can you be proficient in them all? Even I... can't do everything."

Now that he has painstakingly studied swordsmanship, Su Xing has no plans to practice spearmanship for the time being.

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[In the next half month, you will refine the elixir while accumulating the blessing of great wisdom. 】

[Half a month later, you are leaving to prepare for the Luotian Conference instance. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this. In this simulation, he was going to continue to accept the guidance of Granny Ghost and learn the art of puppetry.

"Use the immersive simulation feature... for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive...remaining energy 2

Soon, the immersive simulation ended. After waking up from this simulation, I once again gained a lot of knowledge about the way of puppets from Granny Ghost.

"Although I have not yet reached the level of mastery... it can be said that my understanding of the way of puppets has taken a big step forward!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[A month later, you met Luo Shuying as promised and joined the Advent Cult. 】

[Luo Shuying is already a legendary powerhouse at this time, and you soon gained a large number of fans in Advent Sect. 】

[For the next year, you will stay in Advent Cult every day to refine elixirs and study the way of puppets. 】

[In the second year, you once again took time to prepare for the Luotian Conference copy. 】

"Use the immersive simulation capabilities..."

[You successfully used immersive simulation...remaining energy 2

The day's immersive simulation time is over, and he wakes up quickly and returns to the real world, mastering the way of puppets to a higher level.

"Yes, in this simulation... maybe the mastery of puppetry can really reach the level of success!"

"By then, I should be able to independently refine a puppet that can refine elixirs..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You stayed in the Advent Cult for another year and successfully refined enough elixirs. 】

[Because the purpose of your simulation this time is to accumulate the original power as quickly as possible, it does not matter whether you betray the Advent Cult or not. In order to obtain more information, you decided to stay in the Advent Cult. 】

[In the third year, you handed over the more than 200,000 pills you accumulated to the Daxia military. 】

[In just one year, the Daxia military has gained many strong men. 】

[Although the Adventists are troubled by this identity, they have never doubted you because you have not revealed your ability to make alchemy. 】

[So next, you continue to practice the art of puppetry, and on the day of Waking of Insect every year, you will understand the origin of power. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In the sixth year, your mastery of the original power has improved, and the time you can continue to use the original power has increased from three breaths to five breaths. 】

[This almost allows you to throw two punches with all your strength during a fight. 】

[You are not satisfied with this, continue to study the way of puppets, and understand the original power. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In the eighth year, you have initially mastered the production of puppet imprints. According to the memory in your mind, you have been able to transform ordinary combat puppets into medicine puppets specialized in refining elixirs. 】

[So, you try to transform the remaining five puppets you own. 】

[Another three years have passed for this research. 】

[In the eleventh year, after your continuous research, you finally transformed the remaining five puppets into medicine puppets. 】

[In this way, you will have eight puppets refining elixirs for you 24 hours a day every day. 】

[You try to let them refine Bigu Pill...]

[After two months of testing, you found that the eight puppets can refine a total of 50,000 Bigu Pills in one month. 】

[This is equivalent to, just these eight puppets can allow you to create an additional second-level exotic metal mining area copy every month! 】

【You are very happy about this. 】

[But at the same time, as you continue to study, you also discovered something unusual about the puppet codenamed Xiaomei. 】

[Although the other seven puppets are all at the peak of Nascent Soul, their potential is limited and it is difficult to break through. 】

[But Xiaomei, this puppet, is actually able to improve herself and constantly break through herself... From refining a hundred elixirs a week to now, she can actually refine thousands of elixirs. 】

[You find that maybe it’s because the soul mark from before is still left in Xiaomei’s body, so you try to implant a more advanced puppet mark. 】

[After your continuous attempts, Xiaomei does have the potential for further development, and even the puppet's cultivation level can be improved! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was surprised to see this.

"Puppets... can also improve their cultivation?"

According to the information obtained by Su Xing, if he wants to enhance the puppet's strength, he must either use more precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures to refine the puppet, or equip him with more powerful magic weapons.

But if the puppet can cultivate itself, this is something Su Xing has never known.

"Could this... be the rumored puppet cultivator?"

Su Xing's eyes widened.

It should be noted that ordinary cultivators cultivate for human beings... However, after a monk dies, he may turn into a ghost and continue to practice. This is ghost cultivation!

And if a monk refines himself into a puppet, there is a very low probability of becoming a puppet!

And now, the little beautiful puppet who has awakened seems to have turned into a puppet cultivator?

"Hiss...this is an incredible discovery!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You soon realize that Xiaomei may be the one-of-a-kind puppet cultivator, or she may have been born by chance...]

[But you don’t know how to help Xiaomei regain her remaining self-awareness, so you can only put it aside. 】

[In this way, for the next three years, you will still study the art of puppetry every day and understand the origin of power. 】

[In the fourteenth year, it can be said that you have mastered the art of puppetry to a certain extent. 】

[You decide to try to refine a weapon puppet yourself. 】

[The weapon puppets are different from the human puppets. They are made from metal ores... more like machine beasts, robots and the like...]

[Before refining the artifact puppet, you must first learn to refine the artifact. 】

[So, you start studying the art of weapon refining...]

[You don’t have any talent for understanding the art of weapon refining, but fortunately, what you need to refine is only the lowest level weapon puppet, and you don’t need too advanced weapon refining skills. 】

[You refer to the jade slips left by Zong Laogou and start learning how to refine weapons. 】

[You have the Lihuo Technique. In addition to being an excellent fire for refining elixirs, it can also be used for refining weapons... This saves you a lot of effort. 】

[As for the material for refining the puppet, you quickly selected the fourth-level exotic metal! 】

[You control the Lihuo to burn on the foreign metal, and forge it into a human shape... This process requires very high requirements for spiritual consciousness, spiritual energy, and flame control. 】

[You tried for several months, and finally managed to make a puppet that was as tall as a person and was just beginning to take on a human form. 】

[Although from the outside, this puppet has nothing to do with humans. 】

[But you don’t care about that, because it’s fine for you. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you began to refine the puppet core and puppet mark for this puppet, and left your own puppet mark. 】

[You have arranged a spiritual array of wood and fire attributes in the puppet's body to facilitate its transformation of wood and fire attributes...]

[Then the mark of the flame talisman is engraved on the core of the puppet. In this way, the puppet can release flames independently. 】

[You put a few spirit stones into the puppet's body to supply its energy needs. 】

[Next, we come to the most difficult part of the entire puppetry, letting the puppet learn to do a certain thing. 】

[The puppet lacks the ability to learn independently. You must implant the process of refining the Bigu Pill into the core of the puppet, and then modify it in actual combat, so that it can gradually master the art of alchemy. 】

[This process... lasted for a whole month. 】

[A month later, you finally made this puppet successfully learn the art of alchemy. This puppet can refine two thousand Bigu Pills every month! 】

[The efficiency is not high, but you are very satisfied...]

[Because next, you will try the mass production of alchemy puppets...]

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