While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 207 Killing the silver-haired demon emperor, the so-called law of the great road?

Chapter 207 Killing the silver-haired demon emperor, the so-called law of the great road? (5k)

[The Demon Saint with Double Eyes seems to be standing in the distance, looking at you with interest. 】

[He looked you over, and then glanced at the silver-haired demon emperor beside him teasingly. 】

[I saw him whispering a few words. The silver-haired demon emperor next to him suddenly looked a little ugly, but he still nodded with difficulty. 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor comes outside the city wall, and he loudly invites you to fight. 】

[And said that as long as you can defeat him, the Demon Saint is willing not to invade the Demon Suppression Pass for three years. 】

[The only remaining emperor of the human race wants to join the battle after hearing this, but the demon clan only asks you to fight by name. 】

[You look at the tall double-eyed demon saint in the distance and know that you will not be able to escape from this battle. 】

[And after you have perfected your Earth Sword, you still need an enemy to sharpen your sword and test your own strength. 】

[So you didn’t hesitate, flew up, and agreed to the battle. 】

[The war is about to break out...]

[The silver-haired Demon Emperor saw you decisively accepting the appointment, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. 】

[He glanced at the severed hand that had been connected, and it seemed that it was still aching. 】

[The heroic act of you cutting off his hand and slaughtering dozens of legendary monsters eight years ago is still lingering in his mind. 】

[He has fought with you several times and knows your terrifying strength and astonishing growth rate. 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor glanced at the double-eyed demon saint not far away, then gritted his teeth and rushed forward. 】

[He knows that if he retreats without a fight, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes will probably kill him personally. 】

[If he fights you, he believes that he is more than 50% sure that he can survive. 】

[Compared to the silver-haired Demon Emperor who is in a complex mood and is not even timid, you appear to be too decisive. 】

[In any case, you know in your heart that you will definitely die this time. If you can fight happily before dying, your death will not be in vain. 】

[With the clarity of your thoughts, the Mo Bingjian in your hand swings even faster, and the sound of thunderstorms is faintly heard. 】

[After only a few rounds of fighting, you and the silver-haired demon emperor were both injured. 】

[The terrifying speed of the power of speed is even difficult for the silver-haired demon emperor to withstand. You left indelible wounds on the demon emperor's body with just a few sword strikes. 】

[But at the same time, your protective energy was also broken, and you were seriously injured. 】

[After a fight, you each distanced yourself and looked for each other's weaknesses. 】

[Suddenly, the silver-haired demon emperor roared angrily, and you all fought together again. 】

[This battle lasted for a full day and night. 】

[In the end, with the slight advantage of a sword, you slashed across the neck of the silver-haired demon emperor, and a huge head rolled to the ground...]

[You won this battle, but you also paid a heavy price...you lost a thigh and an arm. 】

[Even if you can catch it later, your strength will be seriously affected. 】

[After killing the silver-haired demon emperor, a wave of cheers came from the Demon Suppression Pass behind you. 】

[But you did not relax at all, looking at the other two demon emperors not far away, as well as the double-eyed demon saint whose aura was as terrifying as the abyss...]

[The other two demon emperors suddenly showed horrified expressions after seeing the silver-haired demon emperor beheaded by you. 】

[But the Chongtong Demon Saint just chuckled twice, and then clapped to himself. 】

[The next second, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes traveled tens of thousands of meters and came to you...]

[The terrifying aura makes your whole body feel oppressive. 】

[As expected, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes praised your strength, but he has no intention of fulfilling his promise. 】

[You were not surprised by this. You took a deep breath and swung your strongest sword. 】

[A thunderous sound erupted, and with the blessing of the power of speed, this sword was extremely fast! 】

[The Double-Eyed Demon Saint suddenly showed a look of interest, but he stretched out two fingers to firmly block your sword. 】

[I saw him praising seriously: The speed is good, but the strength is a bit lacking...]

[Then, your eyes turned and the head fell...]

[Your soul was annihilated by the Demon Saint. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, is the Demon Saint's strength so terrifying?"

"With my current situation, if I want to face the Demon Saint, the gap is still too big..."

"Perhaps, only by breaking through to the integration stage or even higher realm can we fight with him, right?"

After a pause, Su Xing also had a smile on his face.

"However, now the Demon Emperor is no longer an insurmountable mountain to me, but someone who can be killed with my own hands!"

"Of course, the silver-haired demon emperor is probably one of the weaker ones among the demon emperors... If he were to face the existence of the demon emperor in the middle and late stages, I'm afraid he would still have a narrow escape..."

Su Xing was not in a hurry.

From not being a match for the Demon Emperor at all to now being able to fight against the Demon Emperor, this is already a great improvement.

Su Xing recalled the gains from this simulation and murmured:

"After the Earth Sword is perfected, there are many things I can do..."

"First of all, I should try to kill the puppet in the Five Elements Mountain ruins. Those two jade slips and some formation materials are beneficial to me!"

"However, if you want to face Master Wanmu... I'm afraid you need to break into the integration stage and crush him with an absolute level to be safer!"

Su Xing thought so.

After all, Master Wan Mu is not a minion that can be seen everywhere, even though he is only in the half-step integration stage.

But as a rare genius monk in thousands of years, I am afraid that he will have many trump cards, and his strength may be three points stronger than that of ordinary demon emperors...

"Besides that, the Dragon Protector... and the killing apostles on the killing battlefield... one by one, take your time!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

These strong men he once looked up to will one day be stepped on by Su Xing.

"First choose the reward for this simulation..."

Wake up and look at the simulated reward.

[Versailles Syndrome]: Purple talent, priced at 1 million energy points.

[Twenty years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 2 million energy.

[Eighth Level of Breaking the Void Realm]: Cultivation in the Breaking the Void Realm, using one's own power to destroy illusions, selling for 300 million energy.

[Earth Sword (Perfection)]: The Three Talents Sword Techniques Earth Sword chapter can use the power of heaven and earth to bless oneself, greatly improving the power of swordsmanship. By observing the power of thunder, one can understand a trace of the avenue of thunder, and understand the speed of The strength and sword speed are unparalleled. The price is 300 million energy.

As a reward for this simulation, Su Xing did not hesitate at all and said silently:

"I choose the eighth level cultivation of Breaking the Void Realm, and the perfection of the Earth Sword!"

As he finished speaking, Su Xing heard the sound of the simulator in his ears. ░▒▓█►─══─◄█▓▒░

[You successfully brought out the eighth-level cultivation of the Shattering Void Realm, spending 300 million energy, and the remaining energy is 1.25033 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Earth Sword (Perfect Level), spending 300 million energy, remaining energy]

The beep fell, and two mysterious energies fell into Su Xing's body.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's aura began to surge.

Su Xing quickly sat down cross-legged, trying hard to adjust the huge power integrated into his body.

The fifth level of the Broken Void Realm... the sixth level of the Broken Void Realm... the seventh level of the Broken Void Realm!

Finally, the eighth level of the Shattering Void Realm!

In just a few breaths, Su Xing's cultivation level climbed several steps.

After reaching the eighth level of Breaking the Void Realm, Su Xing did not get up immediately, but continued to adjust his breath for a while.

A moment later, Su Xing slowly stood up, feeling the abundant power in his body, his eyes twinkling.

"When I was at the fifth level of the Void-Breaking Realm before... my pure physical strength was about 2 million tons..."

"Now, at the eighth level of the Broken Void Realm, the power in my body is close to 3.5 million tons... If I am promoted to the Great Perfection of the Broken Void Realm, I am afraid that the physical strength can reach 5 million tons!"

Su Xing was very satisfied.

Previously in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, he had fought against the Five Elements Master at the Five Elements Sect ruins.

The Five Elements Master has reached the Great Perfection of Breaking the Void Realm, but his power is only about 2.5 million tons. Now the awakening power has surpassed the Five Elements Master.

"Five Elements Master, as a genius from thousands of years ago, must be of a good body-refining lineage, and has a solid foundation in the realm of divine power... but he is still far behind compared to me!"

"Now my strength has completely crushed the Five Elements Master!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then digested the cultivation of the Earth Sword that came to his mind.

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, thinking deeply in his heart.

"It turns out that the power of heaven and earth is actually part of the power of the great road and laws...or, it's just the superficial part!"

"No wonder the power of the Sancai Sword Technique is so amazing. Is it possible to touch the surface of the power of the Great Dao just in the Earth Sword stage? This will be of great benefit to future practice..."

Su Xing recalled the information he got from the copy of the Luotian Conference in his mind.

The so-called Great Law is something that can only be accessed when the integration stage is complete, or even the Mahayana stage!

In other words, only during the Mahayana stage can we easily use some treasures and magic weapons that contain the power of the great road.

And only by surviving the thunder tribulation and becoming an immortal can one truly come into contact with the laws of the great avenue...

For example, the law of fire, the law of thunder, etc...

There are three thousand avenues, which are divided into many levels, and each avenue has different potential.

Just like cause and effect, time, space, etc., they must be extremely powerful avenues.

And the Avenue of Thunder that Su Xing is currently involved in is considered to be excellent...

The power of speed that Su Xing currently comprehends is actually only a part of the Law of Thunder.

According to Su Xing's speculation, the Law of Thunder may contain parts such as speed, strength, destructive power, and exorcism.

If Su Xing can master all these powers, he may really be able to formally understand the Law of Thunder!

"It is indeed a swordsmanship that leads directly to the path of immortality... These three swordsmanships are really amazing!"

"At present, I only master the power of speed, and I can already fight across levels. It's amazing... If I master one or two more extreme powers, wouldn't my strength skyrocket again?"

But then he woke up and sighed.

With his current level of cultivation, it is extremely difficult to master the power of speed, which symbolizes extreme speed.

"According to the world of immortality, the power of speed I have comprehended is actually an ultimate source... and when there are enough sources, it can be upgraded to the power of the great avenue!"

"It's just that with my current cultivation and realm, I still can't obtain more sources... Being able to comprehend the power of speed naturally relies on the advantages brought by the natural sword body and the natural thunder body..."

After thinking about this, Su Xing already had goals for the next simulation.

"First, break through the cultivation to the Great Perfection of Breaking the Void Realm, and at the same time enter the Void Realm, increase your spiritual consciousness, and look for opportunities to break through to the Fusion Stage..."

"After that, you can go to the ruins of the Five Elements Sect and get rid of the Five Elements Master..."

Su Xing thought so.

After having a plan, Su Xing became more motivated for the next week.

In one week, a total of 7,000 elixirs were refined, and the spiritual plants and spiritual pets in the Lingtian Cave were further strengthened. Everything was developing in a good direction...

A week later, Su Xingyi calmed down and went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue.

The two chatted as usual. Jin Congxue occasionally complained to Su Xing about trivial matters in life, and reported to Su Xing the recent situation of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce.

Su Xing also handed over the Bigu Pill that had been refined for two weeks to Jin Congxue and asked Jin Congxue to ask a specialized appraiser to identify it.

After a month and a half, Su Xing will be able to accumulate enough Bigu Pills and find a way to get a copy of the second-level exotic metal mining area.

Soon the meeting between the two ended, and Su Xing secretly left the villa with the new week's goods and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

In Lingtian Cave, Su Xing exchanged the new week's goods into simulated energy, thus adding another 100 million energy.

The awakening energy reached one billion and fifty million.

Su Xing looked at the balance on his simulation panel with satisfaction and murmured:

"This time, let's try to explore the void world...Dragon Protector, I want to see what you are like!"

On November 18, 2024 in the new era, Su Xing will start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start simulation!"

【Ding! This simulation consumes 1,051.33 million remaining energy points and has no remaining simulation times. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 100,000 energy points to extract purple talents, and 1 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate when he heard this and said:

"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on breaking your defense by drawing a purple talent. Your probability of drawing a gold-quality talent next time is 30%...]

[Breaking Great Defense]: With purple talent, you can always defeat the enemy's psychological defense in a miraculous way. After defeating the enemy's psychological defense, the target will be easily swayed by emotions, and the level of defense will be reduced depending on the strength. (Start in red temperature state~)

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw the newly drawn talent.

"Good guy, the purpose of this thing seems to be somewhat similar to the cute one I drew before..."

"It's just that one is to attract hatred, and the other is to weaken the opponent's strength?"

“I just don’t know how this will work specifically?”

Su Xing decided to try out the simulation effect.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You refine the elixir as always, and half a month later, you meet Luo Shuying as promised. 】

[You followed Luo Shuying and joined the Advent Cult and obtained the position of Protector. 】

[As always, you skillfully captured a large number of fans. 】

[However, you have plans for the future and decided to concentrate on refining the elixir for now. 】

[Two years have passed in the blink of an eye. You have refined all the elixirs in the Advent Sect's treasure house and refined a batch of concentration elixirs for future use. 】

[Seeing that the time is right, you are ready to take Luo Shuying to betray the Advent Sect. 】

[You will kill all the several guardians who came to hunt. 】

[After killing seven guardians at the peak of the Martial Emperor level, you still felt that it was not enough, so you returned to the headquarters of the Advent Sect again. 】

[You meet the leaders of the Nature Faction and the Fanatic Faction. 】

[These two faction leaders do not seem to be from Blue Star, but from other small worlds. 】

[There is no doubt that these two faction leaders are strong men at the peak of the legend, among which the fanatic leader is stronger. 】

[But the legendary peak is no different from a weak chicken in front of you... You kill the two faction leaders like chopping melons and vegetables. 】

[Before dying, the leader of the fanatic faction looked at you bitterly. He said that the leader will definitely avenge him! 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this. Sure enough, as he had expected before, the faction leader was far from the highest combat power of the Advent Sect?

"Master leader? This shows that... there is indeed a powerful person in the Advent Sect who is beyond legend. Could it be a dragon protector?"

Su Xing was a little confused, but quickly shook his head in denial.

"Probably not. If it were the Dragon Guardian... maybe the leader would say that the Dragon Guardian would avenge him..."

"But if it's not the Dragon Guardian, who is it?"

Su Xing was thoughtful and recalled all the information about Adventism.

In his opinion, Adventism did not seem to be a very strict internal barrier.

In other words, low-level Adventists are not very strict.

Because university student professionals like Wang Qingxuan were even selected by them to join the Adventist Cult.

But at the same time, Adventism has very high requirements for cadre-level believers.

The three levels of elder, protector, and leader are almost absolute suppression of the superiors and the subordinates.

And it seems that up to the level of protector, people don’t know much about leaders and above.

This was the first time Su Xing learned about the existence of the "leader" from a faction leader.

"However, the leaders of the three major factions and the conservative faction... seem to have never appeared?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, who is this conservative leader?

"Could it be... that it's the Dragon Protector?"

Su Xing had a guess in his mind, but immediately felt a little unbelievable.

"Dragon Guardian, will he be a conservative?"

"A faction that hopes to pursue the coexistence of alien races and human races?"

"Is this still the dragon guardian who made the blood sacrifice to the human race...wait a minute, blood sacrifice!"

Su Xing suddenly realized that the Dragon Protector might really be the leader of the conservative faction!

Because the Dragon Guardian requires human souls to perform blood sacrifices, and blood sacrifices can extend the life of the Dragon Guardian.

But if the human race is dead, how can the Dragon Guardian perform blood sacrifices?

"If you look at it this way... the dragon protector hopes that human races and alien races can coexist, but he is actually raising his own sacrifices!"

"He wants to turn all Blue Star professionals into his sacrifices!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and seemed to be vaguely aware of the Dragon Protector's purpose.

"Whether this is the case, it's not clear yet...but looking at it this way, the faction leader should have been in contact with the leader!"

"If you want to find out the identity of the leader of the Advent Cult, you still need to start with the Dragon Protector!"

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