While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 197 Nine million drops of spiritual liquid, fierce liver cultivation! (5k

The first liquid, fierce liver cultivation! (5k, please subscribe~)

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:

"In this simulation, all your energy should be focused on making breakthroughs in Qi refining!"

"Twenty-five years...nine million drops of spiritual fluid, let's try to see if we can reach the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel. (audience)

[With Luo Shuying’s recommendation, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You stayed in the Advent Cult for two years. During this period, in addition to practicing, you also made alchemy on a daily basis. By the way, you also fooled more than 20,000 fanatical fans. 】

[In two years, you took two million drops of spiritual liquid. 】

[With the addition of daily spiritual liquid, your cultivation speed is very fast, and you have reached the seventh level of the Void Return Stage in just two years! 】

[You have successfully entered the late stage of returning to void, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy has further increased. 】

[You have accumulated more than 100,000 pills by the way to prepare for leaving the Advent Cult later. 】

[When you collected all the elixirs in the Advent Sect’s treasure house, you took Luo Shuying and defected from Kyoto. 】

[You killed three of the protectors who came to hunt you down, and you successfully joined the Daxia military. 】

[More than 20,000 fanatical disciples who came to look for you were tricked by you into joining the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[In the third year, you continue to refine elixirs and practice hard every day. 】

[In the fourth year, you exhausted all the medicinal materials, and the refined elixirs added many strong men to Daxia. 】

[In this way, you will focus all your energy on improving your Qi refining cultivation! 】

[In two years, you have taken 2.5 million drops of spiritual liquid, and your cultivation level is not far from the eighth level of the Void Return Stage. 】

[But you have consumed more than four million drops of spiritual liquid over the years. Counting what you have accumulated over the past four years, your remaining amount of spiritual liquid is only less than 1.2 million drops...]

[In the fifth year, on a sunny morning, you drank half a bottle of spiritual liquid, and the spiritual energy in your body began to roll over. 】

[After three days and three nights of seclusion, your cultivation finally broke through again, and you became an eighth-level monk of the Void-Breaking Realm! 】

[After the breakthrough, there are less than 500,000 drops of spiritual liquid left in your hand. 】

[You know that this spiritual liquid is far from enough for you to break through to the ninth level of the Void Return Stage, so you start to use spiritual stones to practice. 】

[You went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon and obtained more than 200,000 spirit stones from the ruins of the Ten Thousand Wood Sect. 】

[Before leaving, you glanced at Spirit Dragon with some reluctance. 】

[You know that your current strength is not enough to defeat Master Wanmu, so you grit your teeth and leave...]

[In the sixth year, you use high-grade spiritual stones to practice, and prepare to accumulate spiritual liquid for use when you break through. 】

[In one year, you have used up all 600 high-grade spiritual stones and used 2,000 medium-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Although the speed of spiritual stone cultivation is far less than that of spiritual liquid, your cultivation has still improved. 】

[In the seventh year, you used middle-grade spiritual stones to practice, and your cultivation level improved slightly. 】

[In the eighth year, your middle-grade spiritual stones are used up and you start to practice with low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[In the ninth year, I used low-grade spiritual stones to practice, and my cultivation improved slightly. 】

[In your ten years, although your cultivation speed with spirit stones has been slower over the years, your cultivation has still reached the second half of the eighth level of the return to the void stage, and is not far from the ninth level of the return to the void stage. 】

[So you take out a total of 1.2 million drops of spiritual liquid accumulated over the years, and prepare to break through to the ninth level of the Void Return Stage in one go! 】

[In the eleventh year, after half a year of retreat, you finally succeeded in breaking through to the ninth level of the Void Return Stage! 】

[There are less than 200,000 drops of spiritual liquid left in your hand at this moment. new】

[But you are excited. You are at the ninth level of the Return to Void Stage, and you are only one step away from the Great Consummation! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this with a smile in his eyes.

"In just over ten years, from the sixth level to the ninth level of the Return to Void Stage... across three small realms, this speed is absolutely shocking!"

"Using spiritual liquid to practice every day...I am afraid that in the world of cultivating immortals, only those at the level of the Holy Son in the Holy Land of Immortal Cultivation can have such heaven-defying resource treatment, right?"

Su Xing is very satisfied with the speed of his cultivation.

Sure enough, everything was as he expected. With the blessing of spiritual liquid, the speed of cultivation is simply amazing!

Afterwards, Su Xing calculated a little and murmured:

"There are still about fourteen years left...to accumulate 2.1 million drops of spiritual liquid. Counting the remaining 200,000 drops, the total is 2.3 million drops of spiritual liquid!"

"2.3 million drops of spiritual liquid, plus the use of spiritual stones to practice during the period... it should be enough to break through to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage..."

Su Xing nodded slightly. Since it was enough to break through to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage, Su Xing should consider other things.

"The talent in this simulation is just average. I scored twice and I'm not in a hurry to take it out..."

"However, one simulation can bring out two rewards. In addition to cultivation, the other choice cannot be wasted!"

After Su Xing thought about it for a while, he suddenly remembered that his body-protecting Qi was still at the Dacheng level!

In the previous simulation, although Su Xing had perfected the body-protecting Qi, he did not take it out.

Now it is just right to bring out the body-protecting Qi!

"Although it is not difficult to advance to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage...but it will definitely take a lot of time!"

"The time left is limited, and it may not be enough to learn new techniques..."

"But my body-protecting Qi is not far away from reaching perfection. I can make perfect use of it during this period of time and reach the level of perfection in one go!"

Su Xing has a plan in mind.

If the body-protecting Gangqi reaches the Great Perfection level, the awakening defense methods will surely be improved to another level.

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the twelfth year, in addition to daily practice, you spend two hours every day practicing body-protecting Qi. 】

[After reaching the ninth level of the Void Return Stage, your cultivation level will increase more slowly. 】

[But the energy in your body is strong, and your mastery of the body-protecting Gang Qi is progressing rapidly. You can feel some progress every time you practice. 】

[In the thirteenth year, your Qi refining cultivation has improved a little again, steadily improving every day. 】

[In the fourteenth year, your understanding of body-protecting Gangqi has become increasingly sophisticated, and you have once again taken a solid step towards the perfection level. 】

[In the fifteenth year, on a sunny morning, you practiced body-protecting Qi as usual. 】

[Suddenly, you feel that you can sense the flow of Yuanli in detail and the changes in every inch of the body-protecting gas. 】

[There is only body-protecting Qi in your eyes, and you have fallen into some mysterious realization...]

[You successfully triggered the accidental epiphany state! 】

[One day later, the epiphany is over, and you feel a little disappointed, returning to your mortal understanding. 】

[As expected, you find that your mastery of body-protecting gas has reached the level of Dzogchen. 】

[But what surprises you is that you feel that your current body-protecting energy is still not perfect...]

[In the state of enlightenment, you feel that the protective aura can be further improved, making the defense even more outstanding! 】

[But what makes you confused is that the person who created this Yuanli magical power has the highest level of body-protecting aura, which is the perfection level, and you have now reached the pinnacle of this realm. ♞♢】

[If the protective aura can continue to be improved and strengthened, it will exceed the strength of the magical power itself and reach an unprecedented level! 】

[Unfortunately, the accidental enlightenment has left you. With today's mortal understanding, you can't see through the clues at all. 】

[Only by triggering the accidental epiphany again, may we be able to further improve this magical power...]

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and murmured:

"The state of perfection is the pinnacle of any skill or magical power. Logically speaking, there is no room for progress..."

"If we go one step further, it will be equivalent to surpassing the magical power itself... You can imagine how difficult it is!"

For example, on a test paper with a perfect score of 100 points, no matter how hard you work and how perfect your answers are, you will never get 101 points.

Because its upper limit is one hundred points!

But if you want to break through this upper limit, you may need to find an error in a certain question in this paper.

Because only by transcending the test paper itself can we break this limit...

"For a magical power... If you want to make further progress on the basis of perfection and reach a state that surpasses the person who created the magical power... you not only need to master this magical power perfectly, but also need a strong understanding of yourself. And cultivation level... of course, maybe it also needs a little bit of luck?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

Body-protecting Gangqi is undoubtedly his most powerful defensive technique at present.

If it reaches the limit, it means that it may be difficult for the defense to soar again for some time after awakening.

The only way to break this dilemma is to transcend the magical power itself!

"But this is too difficult... As I don't have a clue at the moment, maybe I can go to the Luotian Conference dungeon?"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

It has been a long time since he went to the Luotian Conference dungeon to gather wool.

Because during this period of time, Su Xing has been in a period of explosive growth in cultivation and resources.

What the Luotian Conference can bring to Su Xing is some training guidance and techniques.

Now that Su Xing is in trouble again, it’s really time to go explore it...

"And, if I remember correctly... among the Luo Tian Sect, if you reach the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage before you turn a hundred years old, you can become a person at the level of a Holy Son!"

"The Holy Son... is also called the Immortal Seed! It means the seed that becomes an Immortal... Maybe after I become an Immortal Seed, I can further explore the secrets of Luo Tian Sect?"

"And by the end of this simulation, I will be able to break through to the Great Perfection level..."

Su Xing thought like this, and he planned to immerse himself into a Luotian Conference again in the next simulation.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You realize that the body-protecting Gangqi can go further, but you have no idea for a while. 】

[So you put aside the cultivation of body-protecting Gangqi magical powers for the time being, and instead try your best to improve your Qi-refining cultivation. 】

[In the sixteenth year, you use low-grade spiritual stones to practice. 】

[As you enter the ninth level of the Void Return Stage, the faster you absorb spiritual energy, you can consume close to 80,000 low-grade spiritual stones in a year. 】

[In practicing day after day, two years have passed...]

[In the eighteenth year, your last low-grade spiritual stone is exhausted. 】

[Fortunately, you have accumulated 1.4 million drops of spiritual liquid again! 】

[You start to retreat and practice using spiritual liquid every day. 】

[In the nineteenth year, the spiritual fluid you accumulated is exhausted. 】

[At the same time, your cultivation has also reached the second half of the ninth level of the Return to Void Stage, and you are only one step away from the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage. 】

[Without spiritual liquid and spiritual stones, you can only rely on spiritual energy to practice. 】

[Fortunately, after Lingtian Cave Heaven broke through to the middle grade Cave Heaven, the content of spiritual energy was much higher than before. 】

[In this way, although the speed of your practice is slow, the victory is that you will gain something every time you retreat. 】

[In the twentieth year, you learned that Luo Shuying’s hometown was invaded by aliens. 】

[Fortunately, with the help of Daxia’s military, tens of thousands of people from the spirit race managed to escape and came to the Demon-Suppressing Pass to fight against the aliens together. 】

[After you heard the news, you comforted Luo Shuying, and then continued to practice in seclusion. 】

[In the boring retreat practice, three years have passed slowly, and your cultivation has become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[In the twenty-third year, until one day, you feel that your cultivation has reached a bottleneck...]

[You know in your heart that if you overcome this bottleneck, you can become a Dzogchen monk in the Void Return Stage! 】

[You decisively take out the 800,000 drops of spiritual liquid collected over the years, prepare to retreat again, and reach the Great Consummation of the Return to Void Stage in one go! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing felt a little hopeful in his heart.

Whether we can break through to the Dzogchen stage of returning to virtual reality depends on this time!

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the twenty-fourth year, you used Bagua arithmetic to choose a good and auspicious day. 】

[You start to retreat and break through! 】

[First, you start taking spiritual liquid continuously. As the spiritual liquid enters the body and travels among the meridians, the spiritual energy in your body becomes more and more. 】

[Like hundreds of trickles that continue to gather and eventually fill a lake, the spiritual energy in your body finally reaches a critical value. 】

[Subsequently, you started to run your skills crazily, and the three-series mutated heavenly spiritual roots frantically digested these spiritual powers and transformed them into pure spiritual energy in your body...]

【Stars change, day and night change...】

[Your retreat this time lasted for more than half a year. 】

[Finally, on the eve of your spiritual liquid being exhausted, your cultivation has finally taken a step forward. 】

[Congratulations on becoming a Dzogchen monk in the Void Return Stage! 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Although it was a sure thing to break through to the Great Consummation of the Return to Void Stage, it was inevitable that he would be a little nervous when he woke up.

"Finally...the Return to Void Stage is complete!"

"The Great Perfection of the Void Returning Stage, coupled with the cultivation of the fifth level of the Void-Breaking Realm... with my current strength, I should not be inferior to any strong person at the legendary peak, right?"

Su Xing felt a little moved in his heart.

"As for the emperor-level powerhouse..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

There is a world of difference between an emperor-level powerhouse and a legend.

If Su Xing wants to achieve cross-level combat, he must at least reach the Great Perfection in breaking and returning voids, and must master one or two powerful offensive spells to have a chance...

"The Great Perfection of the Human Sword...is already a bit behind my current strength..."

"In the future practice, I can try to practice the Earth Sword... If the Earth Sword can be perfected, it will definitely not be a dream to fight the Demon Emperor beyond the ranks!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued.

"After breaking through the Great Consummation of Void Return, entering the integration stage must also be included in the plan..."

"But now I am completely confused about how to break through to the integration stage..."

"It seems like Luo Tianzong really has to go there!"

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[After breaking through the Void Return Stage, you go to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You know that the Demon Suppression Pass will encounter a great disaster next, and you also want to test the specific level of your current strength. 】

[In the twenty-fifth year, three demon emperors led hundreds of legendary demon beasts to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[For a moment, the entire demon town was in panic, and even the legendary strong men felt a little desperate. 】

[But you have already foreseen this, so you just face the difficulties without any fear in your heart. 】

[You fought against a monster from the early stage of the legend. After dozens of rounds of fighting, you cut off his head with the Mo Bing Sword in your hand. 】

[After killing a legendary beast, you once again set your sights on a mid-legendary monster. 】

[This time you did not choose to use a sword, but used pure physical strength to fight against Yuanli! 】

[Fifth level of Shattering Void Realm plus Yuan Li, a total of four million tons of power. Even a legendary monster will be seriously injured after being hit by you. 】

[You fight this mid-legendary monster for dozens of rounds and successfully kill it. 】

[When this legendary monster died, its round head as big as a mountain peak had been smashed by you, and there wasn't even a good piece of meat on its body. 】

[After killing this mid-legendary monster, you just adjusted your breathing, and then set your sights on a late-legendary monster. 】

[You fought this legendary late-stage monster for hundreds of rounds, and finally killed it by relying on various methods such as Lihuo Technique and Yuanli! 】

[On the battlefield, you killed three legendary monsters in a row. This performance quickly attracted the attention of these legendary monsters on the battlefield. 】

[Soon, a peak-legendary monster and a mid-legendary monster attacked you at the same time. 】

[Fighting two legendary monsters at the same time, one of which is the pinnacle of legend, even you... feel extremely troublesome. 】

[Under the continuous attacks of the two legendary monsters, it is difficult for you to stop an effective attack. 】

[But fortunately, the perfect level of body-protecting Qi will also protect you firmly within it. Coupled with the continuous principle in the body, these two legendary monsters will not be able to seriously injure you for a while. 】

[The situation was at a stalemate for a while, and you fought two legendary monsters for hundreds of rounds...]

[Until on the battlefield, the powerful emperor on the human side died under the siege of the three-headed demon emperor. 】

[And you were later killed by the demon emperor who had his hands free...]

[It’s just that compared to the previous instant kill, now you can survive more than ten rounds in the hands of the Demon Emperor...]

[Your body is broken and your soul is out of body...]

[A black shadow suddenly appears in front of you and swallows your soul! 】

【you are dead! 】

[Activate your talent without closing your eyes...]

[You opened your eyes wide and saw the appearance of the monster that swallowed your soul. 】

[That is a demonic beast that is only half a man tall and looks like a monkey, but the aura coming from the demonic beast is at least a peak legendary existence...]

[In your guess, this may be a demon clan that specializes in devouring divine souls...]

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

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