First, a new round of simulation! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

At this time, Luo Shuying had completely trusted Su Xing, so she nodded quickly and said:

"Follow your orders, senior!"

"I wonder, senior, how can I help you?"

At this moment, in Luo Shuying's heart. §§

Su Xing is an absolute senior and decent person who has been fighting against alien races for thousands of years.

It is also the life-saving straw for Luo Shuying to redeem himself and save the spiritual world!

Su Xing still had a calm expression and sighed:

"Your current strength is still too weak... you haven't even reached the legendary realm yet..."

"Let's do this. You go and find a Concentrating Wood in the Advent Sect's treasury, and I will refine a Condensing Pill for you to help you break through the legend!"

After hearing this, Luo Shuying was immediately overjoyed and became even more convinced that Su Xing was a peerless master who had never been seen in the world.

"Thank you, senior!"

Luo Shuying saluted.

Su Xing nodded slightly and said:

"On this day every month from now on, you can come here to look for me. If I'm not here, you can leave..."

"On the 8th of next month, you will deliver the Condensing Tree, and then you can wait another month to receive the elixir..."

Luo Shuying nodded quickly when he heard this.

Su Xing used his spiritual power to draw the appearance of the Concentrating Tree in the air, and told Luo Shuying some things.

Afterwards, Luo Shuying resigned and prepared to return to the Advent Sect.

Su Xing, on the other hand, carefully erased all traces here and blocked the secrets before Yujian prepared to return to Kyoto.

To be on the safe side, Su Xing did not return directly to Kyoto City, but traveled by air, land, and water all the way.

After a long circuit, passing through seven or eight provinces, we finally returned to Kyoto City.

Returning to the familiar dormitory, Su Xing took a breath and entered the Lingtian Cave.

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing thought carefully for a long time, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that he had not missed anything during his trip.

"Huh~ Killing the old dog of Zong and getting to know Luo Shuying did take some risks, but the benefits are also tempting enough!"

Su Xing murmured.

In the real world, it would be better for him not to tell Luo Shuying his identity.

Especially after the more we know about the power of the Advent Cult and the alien race, the fewer people who know the identity of Awakening, the better.

It would be best for everyone to regard Su Xing as a low-achieving student who repeated a grade and was unable to graduate. This would be in line with Su Xing's wishes.

Thinking of this, Su Xing took out an item.

It is surprisingly Zong Laogou’s storage bag!

"I finally got it... In this storage bag is the wealth Zong Laogou has accumulated over thousands of years!"

Su Xing rubbed his hands with some excitement.

The first thing he took out was the pile of spirit stones.

At this time, Zong Laogou has not hidden the spirit stones in Five Elements Mountain, so there are nearly 80,000 spirit stones in the storage bag.

Su Xing carefully put these spiritual stones into his pile of spiritual stones.

In this way, the number of awakened low-grade spiritual stones directly exceeded 300,000!

After waking up, he continued to organize the things in the storage bag.

Collect the jade slips such as exercises and spells. These things may be of great use after they wake up.

There are also some magic weapons, and the awakenings are also classified.

Magic weapons such as Five Thunder Pills are very useful for waking up.

However, the magic weapons such as bone swords and soul-calling flags commonly used by Zong Laogou are not very attractive to Su Xing. ☜

Firstly, these magic weapons are too vicious, and secondly, the side effects are too great.

What's more, awakening itself is already nurturing elements, so there is no need to settle for second best and pursue these.

"Well, the quality of these elixirs is really good. They are at least hundreds of years old...and keep them well. You may need them when refining elixirs in the future..."

Su Xing took out several jade boxes and put the elixir inside to prevent the elixir from evaporating.

Afterwards, he carefully put away the bottles and jars of elixirs, waiting to see the effects of these elixirs when he wakes up and has time.

As for the puppets, Su Xing did not move for the time being.

After all, there are still restrictions on this thing, and it is easy for others to find out the clues.

Su Xing placed it in the Lingtian Cave, which was considered a safer approach.

After sorting the various treasures in the entire storage bag, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and began to read Zong Laogou's diary.

"In the year 2377 of the Xianwu Calendar, I entered the sect and met the Flower Fairy by chance... She is as beautiful as a fairy, but I really feel inferior..."

"In the year 2378 of the Xianwu Calendar, the Flower Fairy showed me the way. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep the next night..."

"Room 237 of Xianwu Calendar, muster up the courage to come forward and ask for advice..."

"In the year 2380 of the Xianwu Calendar, I chatted with the Flower Fairy for a long time. She said that I was a good person... strange, was she praising me?"

"In the year 2382 of the Xianwu Calendar, I bought Hua Xianzi a century-old wine from Zongmen Mountain. Hua Xianzi and the senior brother drank together... I also wanted to join, but Hua Xianzi said that I had just entered the path of cultivating immortals and should not drink alcohol... Strange , Master, why didn’t you tell me? Fortunately, the flower fairy reminded me..."

Su Xing flipped through a few pages of the diary at random, and then couldn't help but close it.

"Damn it, this old dog in the sect turned out to be a bastard in the early days!"

"In the diary of the past few years, almost every sentence is inseparable from Hua Xianzi..."

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid he has entered the path of evil cultivation... I'm afraid he was hurt too deeply by this flower fairy..."

When I woke up, I felt a little speechless. What happened to Zong Laogou was really abstract!

Recalling the flower fairy who was turned into a puppet in the storage magic weapon, Su Xing sighed that feelings were indeed a stumbling block on the road to immortality!

"Forget it, I'll read through Zong Laogou's diary when I'm bored in the future. I'm sure I'll be able to get a lot of useful information from it!"

Su Xing put the diary away. After all, he had already obtained it, and Su Xing was not in a hurry to read it.

The main reason is that there is too much content... Who can read through thousands of years of diaries?

After putting away the items, Su Xing was ready to start setting up the spirit gathering array.

First remove the holes of the previous spirit gathering array, and then rearrange the basic spirit gathering array.

Then combine the two basic spirit gathering arrays to form a primary spirit gathering array...

Finally arrange the intermediate spirit gathering array!

Just the arrangement of an intermediate spirit gathering array took three full days to wake up.

This is after Su Xing has an extremely good grasp of the Spirit Gathering Array, otherwise it will take more time.

"Let's set up one first and then talk about it... After that, we will spend a few days a week to set up the spirit gathering array. It's not in a hurry..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing began to refine the elixir on a daily basis.

Due to limited time, Awakening only had time to refine three thousand pills.

On October 14th, after waking up and taking a breath, he went to look for Jin Congxue.

In the private room of the villa, Su Xing and Jin Congxue sat opposite each other.

After a meal, Su Xing handed over the elixirs refined this week to Jin Congxue and also obtained this week's goods.

After the transaction was completed, Su Xing secretly returned to the Lingtian Cave.

The new week's cargo provided nearly 100 million energy for Awakening.

In this way, the awakened simulated energy reaches 590 million again!

Su Xing nodded secretly and murmured:

"Although there are no purified high-level exotic metals... but as the business of the Tarot Club is getting bigger and bigger... 100 million energy per week is not bad!"

100 million per week, which is a full 400 million energy per month!

Although for Su Xing, one month's energy is barely enough to break through several realms of the virtual realm.

But this is a steady stream of energy income after all, and if Su Xing occasionally makes some extra money, it is barely enough.

In the new era, October 14, 2024, Su Xing will start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start simulation!"

【Ding! This simulation consumes 5700 points of energy, and there are no remaining simulation times with remaining energy. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 100,000 energy points to extract purple talents, and 1 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the golden talent!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on your drawing of the purple talent that turns stones into gold. Your probability of drawing a gold quality talent next time is 35%...]

Sure enough, as expected, it was the purple talent.

Su Xing was not disappointed. After all, with the impressive lottery probability of the simulator, if you can draw the golden talent before the 70% probability, you are already considered the European Emperor, right?

"Midas turning stone into gold...what kind of talent is this?"

Su Xing looked at the talent introduction.

[Midas into gold]: Purple talent, as the name suggests, you have the talent to turn stones into gold. By consuming a certain amount of spiritual power, you can turn ordinary stones into gold.

"Consume spiritual energy and turn it into gold!?"

"Hiss~ This seems to be a top-notch talent for making money!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. On Blue Star, gold was a precious metal, and the price of one gram was around 400 Daxia coins.


If he could get enough gold, Su Xing could get a lot of money in a short time.

"Let's try the effect of this talent first!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You went to a big mountain outside Kyoto and moved a stone. 】

[You are trying to stimulate your spiritual energy talent and turn stones into gold. 】

【you made it! 】

[You spent a day converting this stone into a ton of gold. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this. He got a ton of gold in one day. This talent seemed very strong!

But after Su Xing calculated a little, he found that this talent was a bit useless for him.

Blue Star Price: One gram of gold is worth 400 Daxia coins.

One kilogram is four hundred thousand...

One ton of gold is 400 million!

Four hundred million may seem like a lot, but the net profit generated by Su Xing alone from refining the elixir every day is more than this amount.

After some calculations, Su Xing shook his head and said:

"It's a pity that this talent is useless for the time being... I wonder if the speed of converting gold will be faster when the level is higher in the future?"

Su Xing sighed.

But if Su Xing is really that strong, money may really be just a number to him.

"Forget it, my goal this time is to obtain the spiritual liquid and improve my body training... It doesn't matter if my talent is good or bad."

After all, since you need to accumulate spiritual liquid, you naturally cannot spend spiritual liquid to improve your Qi refining skills.

In this way, improving body training at the same time seems to be the most cost-effective way.

Su Xing comforted himself and looked at the simulation panel.

[You realize that the talent of turning stone into gold is of little use to you. 】

[So you started to arrange the compound spirit gathering array in the Lingtian Cave, and also arranged the water gathering array. 】

[You spent three weeks setting up these formations. 】

[At this moment, Lingtian Cave Heaven has already been promoted to a middle-grade Cave Heaven. 】

[In this way, Lingtian Cave Heaven will provide you with three thousand drops of spiritual liquid every week, and you will have time left to collect the spiritual liquid. 】

[After setting up the spirit gathering array, you went to find Luo Shuying as agreed. 】

[Under the recommendation of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[With your talent as a successful master, you quickly attracted a large number of die-hard fans. 】

[You stayed in the Advent Cult for two years, during which you spent all your time refining elixirs and accumulated a "state of great wisdom" for sixty days. 】

[In the third year, you refined a total of 200,000 pieces, and the Advent Sect’s treasure house was almost drained by you. 】

[You thought the time was right, so you rebelled against Adventism. 】

[You joined the Daxia military. You used your own refined elixirs to give birth to a large number of strong men for Daxia. 】

[The followers of the Advent Sect were also deceived by you and went to the Demon Suppressing Pass to defend themselves against the enemy. 】

[In three years, Lingtian Cave Heaven gave birth to 470,000 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid for you. 】

[You seal the spiritual liquid and put it in the jade bottle, feeling very satisfied. 】

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this. Everything was as he expected.

"Three years, 470,000 drops of spiritual liquid, an average of more than 150,000 drops a year..."

"If you calculate it this way, a simulation of twenty-five years can provide at least 380 to 900,000 drops of spiritual liquid!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, if so much spiritual liquid had been accumulated.

In the next simulation, maybe I can break through to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage in one breath!

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[In the fourth year, you went to the Demon Suppression Pass, preparing to find a way to kill the legendary monster. 】

[The number of legendary monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass is very small. You and Luo Shuying were on the front line of the battlefield. It took you two years to kill a legendary monster. 】

[You took out the flesh and blood essence of the legendary monster and refined a hundred legendary level rebirth pills. 】

[You start to practice using the Rebirth Pill every day, and your energy, blood, and cultivation level are increasing day by day. 】

[In the fifth year, your rebirth elixir is exhausted, and it is difficult to find legendary monsters on the battlefield. Your cultivation speed begins to decline. 】

[It took you two years to encounter the legendary monster again. You killed it and used its flesh and blood essence to make a rebirth elixir. 】

[In the seventh year, you took the Rebirth Pill and your cultivation improved day by day. 】

[You think that the number of legendary monsters left in the Demon Suppression Pass is too small for you to refine the elixir, so you start to look for another way out. 】

[You think of the beast-controlling world you encountered before. There are a lot of legendary monsters in that world, enough for you to hunt. 】

[You are going to the world of beast control. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"The reason why the human race has been able to persist in the Demon Suppression Pass for so long is because, although there are many demon clans in the Demon Suppression Pass, there are very few monsters above legendary level."

"And the killing battlefields in the beast-controlling world are even more intense... Legendary monsters are not uncommon."

"In this case, it is suitable for me to obtain the legendary flesh and blood essence."

With Su Xing's current strength, the Demon King's flesh and blood essence has brought little effect.

Only by obtaining a large amount of legendary flesh and blood essence can you quickly improve your strength!

"By the way...if I kill enough legendary monsters, will the crisis in the Demon Suppression Pass twenty-five years later be solved?"

Su Xing has some expectations. If he really does this, can the twenty-five-year simulation period be extended again?

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[You found the dungeon coordinates in your memory and came to the red dragon's lair. 】

[You relied on your abundant martial virtue and convinced others with your virtue, and successfully defeated the red dragon. 】

[You learned that this red dragon is named Barret. 】

[You rode the red dragon Barrett to the Beast Control City. 】

[Soon, the strong men in the Beast Control City were attracted by the powerful power of the red dragon and came out of the city to meet you. 】

[With your talent as a successful master, you easily gained the trust of the strong men in the Beast Control City. 】

[You show that you are a beast master with a righteous heart, and you are willing to lead the red dragon to the killing battlefield to fight against the aliens. 】

[The Lord of the Beast Control City was very moved after hearing this, and personally traveled thousands of miles from the city to see you off. 】

[You followed other legendary beast masters to the killing battlefield of the beast master world. 】

[As expected, the scale of the killing battlefield in this world is much larger than that of the Demon Suppression Pass. There are countless demon beast armies, including demon emperors and legendary demon beasts. 】

[Correspondingly, the number of powerful people in this world is much greater than that of Blue Star. 】

[With the introduction of other comrades, you know that this protracted battle has lasted for nearly a thousand years. 】

[At first, these invading alien races were not strong, but they have become stronger and stronger over hundreds of years. 】

[Until now, those in the beast-controlling world have to use all the strength of the world to fight against the aliens together! 】

[You keep these words in your heart silently and start fighting on the battlefield. 】

[With your powerful physical body and Yuanli, the monsters that have just entered the legend are almost no match for you. 】

[The only troublesome thing is that these legendary monsters often do not act alone. With the cooperation of multiple legendary monsters, you can only escape. 】

[Even so, with the help of these powerful beast masters, it only took you three months to hunt down a legendary monster. 】

[The flesh and blood essence of monsters has no effect on these beast masters, so all these flesh and blood essences have been refined into elixirs by you to improve your body refining skills. 】

[In the eighth year, within one year, you killed several legendary monsters. 】

[All the flesh and blood essence of those legendary monsters have been refined by you into rebirth elixirs. 】

[With the help of the Rebirth Pill, your Qi and blood will become stronger and stronger, and your cultivation will become more refined. 】

[You can feel that you are not far from the second level of the Shattering Void Realm...]

[So, another two years have passed...]

[In the tenth year, you have killed more than a dozen legendary monsters over the years and refined a total of more than a thousand rebirth pills. 】

[And this year, your cultivation level has also been upgraded to the second level of Shattering Void Realm! 】

[After reaching the second level of the Shattering Void Realm, your strength has increased by a full 50%. When using Yuan Power, the maximum usable force is 1.5 million tons! 】

[There are still hundreds of rebirth pills you refined that have not been consumed. 】

[At the same time, you haven’t returned to the real world for a long time, and you were worried about something unexpected happening, so you took the time to go back to Blue Star. 】

[Fortunately, everything is as usual in Blue Star, and the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass is relatively stable. With the strong barriers, the human race keeps the alien races out. 】

[In the same year, your amount of spiritual liquid accumulated to 1.55 million drops! 】

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