While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 192 A new round of simulation, introduction to Spirit Gathering Flower and Formation Dao

No. 1, Introduction to Spirit Gathering Flower and Formation Dao! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

Exchange all the exotic metals and goods of the new week into simulated energy.

In this way, the awakened simulated energy once again skyrocketed by more than 700 million!

Counting the remaining energy from previous awakenings, the total energy reached an astonishing 1.2 billion!

On the afternoon of October 7, 2024 in the new era, Su Xing started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start simulation!"

【Ding! This simulation consumes 5 energy and 1.2 billion 135 units. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 100,000 energy points to extract purple talents, and 1 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract golden quality talents!"

Su Xing said decisively.

Even if Su Xing knew that it was impossible to directly draw the golden talent.

But what he wanted was to increase the 10% guaranteed probability.

After all, you can draw a golden quality talent with up to 10 million energy, so there is no reason why Su Xing shouldn’t draw it.

[Ding, congratulations on drawing the purple talent. You are very happy to draw the purple talent. The probability of you drawing the gold quality talent next time is 25%...]

[Happy to miss Shu]: No matter what environment you are in, you can always get fun from it, indulge in it, and enjoy the slightest happiness in the difficult situation. (Mainly focused on a fun person!)

Su Xing frowned slightly after seeing the new talent.

Talent for fun people? What the hell is this?

"Sigh, it seems like it's another useless talent, whatever... the chance of getting golden quality next time is one-quarter..."

Su Xing comforted him.

"Finally, simulate the scene of killing the old dog of Zong again, and then try to plant more Spirit-Gathering Flowers in this simulation..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You disguised yourself, took a breath, and headed to Shuangqing City in Southwest Province under the cover of night. 】

[You emit spiritual consciousness and block your own heavenly secrets in an attempt to lure out Zong Laogou. 】

[The next day, Zong Laogou was indeed attracted. 】

[Zong Laogou’s attitude towards you is very respectful. 】

When Su Xing saw this slight nod, his heart moved and he muttered silently:

“Using immersive simulation…”


Soon the one-hour immersive simulation time ended, and I woke up and returned to the real world again.

"Yes, after repeated simulations, it is already a sure thing to kill Zong Laogou and gain Luo Shuying's trust without revealing his identity!"

Su Xing actually has always been worried in his heart.

That is the unknown danger from the alien race... When he woke up in the simulation, except for the legendary shadow beast, he had not encountered any high-intensity assassination from the alien race.

At most, the Adventist Cult would come to assassinate someone who wakes up.

Is it because the foreign race is not strong enough?

Su Xing doesn’t think so.

After all, the sky-covering giant beast that will come to Blue Star many years later may be far more powerful than an emperor... or even reach a level above that of an immortal!

But with such strength, the aliens have never assassinated Su Xing with high intensity in the simulator.

From Su Xing's point of view, there is probably only one reason...

That's all Su Xing did in the simulation, it was just a little fuss.

Fifteen years or twenty-five years to destroy Blue Star, there is no difference to the entire alien race...

But if Su Xing is so powerful that he can really fight against hundreds of legendary monsters and demon emperors, will there be a bigger crisis befalling Su Xing?

Awakening is not yet known.

Not knowing this has always made Su Xing afraid to expose himself in the real world.

"Legendary, even emperor level... to the entire foreign race, they are still just ants..."

"Then, reach a high enough level! Reach the strength that can attract the attention of foreign races, and even compete with foreign races... What will happen then?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with some expectation in his eyes.

[You killed Zong Laogou and made an agreement with Luo Shuying. 】

[You return to Kyoto and start planting Soul-Gathering Flowers every day. 】

[You planted 1,500 seeds of the Spirit-Gathering Flowers, and there is sufficient spiritual energy in the Lingtian Cave. Coupled with your talent as a descendant of Shennong, you use your spiritual power to ripen the Spirit-Gathering Flowers every day. The Spirit-Gathering Flowers mature very quickly. . 】

[But you need to take good care of the Soul-Gathering Flower every day, which also takes most of your day. 】

[You water and fertilize the flowers every day, but this boring life makes you happy. You happily become a farmer. 】

[One month later, you met Luo Shuying as agreed. Under Luo Shuying's recommendation, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, you quickly gained a group of crazy followers. 】

[But you still stay in Lingtian Cave every day refining elixirs, and spend most of your time planting spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[Two years have passed slowly like this... You have accumulated sixty days of "Great Wisdom State" bonus. 】

[In the third year, you successfully cultivated 1,500 mature Julinghua plants and harvested 2,000 Julinghua seeds. 】

[During this period, you also took part of your time to refine 50,000 pills. 】

[Although you didn’t refine much of the elixir, you had already emptied the Advent Sect’s treasure house, so you took Luo Shuying and rebelled against the Advent Sect. 】

[After arriving in Kyoto, the followers of the Advent Sect came to look for you as expected. You tricked them into joining the Demon Suppression Pass to fight for the human race. 】

[After doing these things, you are not in a hurry to continue planting the spirit-gathering flowers, but spend all your energy to start refining the elixir. 】

[Planting the Soul-Gathering Flower does not require much brainpower. You can continue to accumulate the wisdom state...]

[In the fifth year, you finally used up all the elixirs in the treasury of Adventism. 】

[You hand over all these elixirs to the Daxia military, and the human race will gain many strong men. 】

[Make sure you can maintain the simulation time at 25 years, and then you start planting Soul-Gathering Flowers with all your strength. 】

[In the seventh year, the second wave of Soul-Gathering Flowers finally matures, and you once again harvest 2,000 mature Soul-Gathering Flowers and 2,500 seeds. 】

[In the past two years, you have spent all your energy on cultivating the Spirit-Gathering Flower. You have not even had time to practice or do other things. 】

[In the same year, you sow two thousand Soul-Gathering Flower seeds again and take care of two thousand Soul-Gathering Flowers at the same time, which is already your upper limit. 】

[You work from morning to night every day, 12 hours a day, but you enjoy it and don't feel tired at all. 】

[So, another two years have passed...]

[In the ninth year, you once again harvested 2,000 mature Spirit-Gathering Flowers and 2,500 Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds. 】

[In the same year, you choose to sow 1,500 Julinghua seeds, so you can bring out exactly 7,000 mature Julingflowers. 】

[Including the Soul-Gathering Flowers you had before, there are just over 10,000 Soul-Gathering Flowers in mature stage in Lingtian Cave! 】

[You have a little more time this year, so you went to the Demon Suppression Pass, hoping to kill the legendary monsters and refine the legendary rebirth elixir. |!¤*'~``~'*¤!||!¤*'~``~'*¤!|】

[You are lucky. You successfully hunted a monster in the early stage of the legend and obtained three hundred kilograms of legendary flesh and blood essence. 】

[So, another two years have passed...]

[In the eleventh year, the 1,500 Spirit-Gathering Flowers you planted finally matured, and you obtained 2,000 Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds. 】

[You carefully store a total of 3,000 Soul-Gathering Flower seeds that you have accumulated over the years. 】

[At the same time, as the number of Spirit-Gathering Flowers in your Lingtian Cave exceeds 10,000, Lingtian Cave begins to undergo tremendous changes! 】

[In just one week, the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave was more than twice as rich as before! 】

[Your Lingtian Cave has been promoted from a low-grade cave to a mid-grade cave! 】

[You are very satisfied with the changes in Lingtian Cave Heaven. Your production of spiritual liquid has doubled than before! 】

[You can collect a full two thousand drops of high-grade spiritual liquid every week! 】

[One year is enough to collect 110,000 drops of spiritual fluid! 】

[But you are still not satisfied with this, because you found that although the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave is rich enough, it has not been utilized to the maximum extent. 】

[You understand, if you want to produce more spiritual fluid, you can only arrange a more sophisticated spirit gathering array! 】

[But your understanding of the Spirit Gathering Array is not enough to arrange a Spirit Gathering Array of this level. 】

[So, you are ready to start learning formation knowledge and setting up the spirit gathering formation. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

The planting speed of Julinghua was exactly as he expected. More than 7,000 plants could be planted in more than ten years.

And Lingtian Cave Heaven has also been successfully promoted from a low-grade cave to a middle-grade cave!

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This means that if you wake up once and simulate it for 25 years, you can collect about 2.7 million drops of spiritual fluid!

The quantity is much greater than before!

"But this Spirit Gathering Array...can a more sophisticated Spirit Gathering Array greatly speed up the birth of spiritual liquid?"

He didn't know this before he woke up, so he must have discovered it in the future in the simulator.

"Then let's give it a try... the more spiritual liquid you can collect, the better..."

"It's a pity. If I had known this earlier, I would have chosen the array wizard talent..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but decided to give it a try first.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the twelfth year, you began to try to learn the knowledge of formations. 】

[Although Shen Nong’s Spirit-nurturing Technique contains a detailed explanation of the spirit-gathering array, your understanding of the basic array knowledge is not comprehensive. 】

[So you took out the array jade slips you got from Zong Laogou’s storage instrument and started to study. 】

[The formations recorded in this jade slip are not profound, but they are very suitable for beginners to learn. 】

[In the past ten years or so of planting Soul-Gathering Flowers, you have accumulated a full year’s worth of great wisdom bonuses! 】

[With the addition of the great wisdom state, your understanding has been greatly improved, and you can learn such low-level formation knowledge like a fish in water. 】

[In the daily study of low-level knowledge of formations, two years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the fourteenth year, you have mastered all the basic knowledge of formations in the jade slips. Your overall mastery of formations is finally barely an introduction. 】

[At the same time, you also learned dozens of basic formations such as the confusion formation, the illusion formation, the concealment formation, the fire gathering formation...]

[You find that the formation is far more interesting and more useful than you thought. 】

[For example, you can arrange the Mysterious Array in the real world. Mortals passing by, even master-level professionals, may not be able to detect the clues. 】

[As for the concealment array, you can arrange it around yourself to achieve an effect similar to invisibility. 】

[The fire gathering array can increase the proportion of fire elements in the array, which is of great benefit to your practice of releasing fire-based skills and spells...]

[In two years of studying basic formations, you have a deeper understanding of the principles and internal composition of the Spirit Gathering Formation. 】

[You know, the spirit gathering array is a composite array, and it can actually be composed of a variety of small spirit gathering arrays inside. 】

[Two small spirit gathering formations can form a primary composite formation. The speed and efficiency of your spiritual energy will be greatly improved! 】

[And two primary compound spirit gathering arrays can form an intermediate compound spirit gathering array...]

[By analogy, the highest level can even form a Tianyan compound formation! 】

[The Tianyan compound formation can even increase the intensity of the overall aura of a small world! 】

[The formation together has more than ten functions such as attack, defense, practice, control, reconnaissance, recording, and movement. 】

[If you can use the formation to reach the realm of transformation, you can still become the most powerful person in the world...]

[However, every time a higher-level formation is deployed, the difficulty increases geometrically. 】

[After you learn the basic formations, you will start to try to study the spirit gathering formation more deeply...]

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Sure enough, the journey to becoming an immortal is vast and endless..."

"Just one formation is probably enough for countless monks to study for a lifetime..."

"However, I have such heaven-defying functions as a simulator. My time is hundreds or tens of thousands of times that of ordinary monks!"

"This means that if I cultivate these avenues to the end, I will definitely become the most powerful person..."

Su Xing's eyes suddenly revealed an incomparable confidence.

Some of the strongest people in the world have built one avenue or even several avenues to the end.

But with the power of awakening, the three thousand avenues all come to an end, so what's the difficulty?

"The Spirit Gathering Array can really be studied further... After all, this thing can be directly related to the improvement of my Qi refining cultivation!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fifteenth year, you devoted yourself to studying the spirit gathering array. 】

[During the research process of the Spirit Gathering Array, you discovered that the Spirit Gathering Array you had previously arranged was only a plurality of them to absorb a larger range of spiritual energy, but the efficiency of condensing spiritual energy was not improved. 】

[Although this kind of spirit gathering array is stronger than the basic spirit gathering array, it still cannot reach the level of the composite spirit gathering array. 】

[So you use your knowledge of formations, compare them with Shen Nong’s spirit-nurturing techniques, and then improve the spirit-gathering formation. 】

【In this way, one year passes quickly. 】

[In the sixteenth year, you successfully comprehended the primary compound spirit gathering array, and the speed of condensing spiritual liquid was greatly increased. 】

[You are extremely precise about this, but you are still not satisfied with it, so you start researching the intermediate compound spirit gathering array. 】

[In the seventeenth year, the research difficulty of the intermediate compound spirit gathering array is more difficult than you imagined, but you have a good basic understanding of the principles of the spirit gathering array, so your understanding is deepening day by day. 】

[In this way, two years passed quickly while studying the Spirit Gathering Array day after day. 】

[In the nineteenth year, after your unremitting efforts in research, you finally mastered the layout of the intermediate compound spirit gathering array. 】

[Under the action of the intermediate compound spirit gathering array, the intensity of spiritual energy in the entire Cave Heaven Paradise has more than doubled than before! 】

[And you consciously gathered the spiritual energy through the formation, and set up a water gathering formation in the spirit gathering formation. 】

[In this way, the water gathering array can automatically accumulate the spiritual liquid produced in the cave every day, and you save the time of collecting spiritual liquid every day! 】

[With the blessing of the intermediate compound spirit gathering array, Dongtian's weekly production of spiritual liquid has reached nearly three thousand drops. 】

[In one year, you have collected no less than 150,000 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing was very pleased.

One hundred and fifty thousand drops of spiritual liquid in one year, this speed is three times that of before!

"One hundred and fifty thousand drops of high-grade spirit liquid a year. The time accumulated in one simulation is enough for me to use in the future..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the twentieth year, you know in your heart that the mission of this simulation has been completed, but you still have not wasted your time. 】

[You realize how powerful the formation is to help you, so you still spend time studying the formation every day. 】

[You are arranging formations faster and faster, the steps are becoming more and more proficient, and the number of formations you have learned is also increasing. 】

[In the twenty-first year, in addition to understanding the formation, you began to spend time looking for possible copies of foreign metal ores. 】

[Although you know that the chance of finding it is very slim, if you find it, the benefits to you will undoubtedly be huge. 】

[In the twenty-second year, study formations every day and look for copies of different metals. 】

[In the twenty-third year, you received news that you went to a special "forbidden level" copy outside Daxia. 】

[According to intelligence, there is a powerful dragon that reaches the legendary level in this copy! 】

[According to your common sense, creatures like the Western Dragon seem to be very interested in metal gems. 】

[Perhaps, within this copy, you can find the exotic metal you want. 】

[You successfully entered this dungeon and saw this legendary red dragon. 】

[However, the situation you encountered seems to be different from the dungeon information obtained before. 】

[Because you master level 10 beast language, you can even communicate with this red dragon. 】

[You defeated the giant dragon easily, and then learned from him that this place was actually just the dragon's nest. 】

[And outside the Dragon's Nest, there is actually a complete world called the Beast Control World! 】

When Su Xing saw this, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

It should be noted that copies are also divided into many types.

For example, the copy of the Red Lotus Demon Cave where I woke up before can only be regarded as a half-plane at best. Its internal area is limited and it is not a complete world.

The copy of the Xianwu Era, with its complete history, many indigenous residents, and its own power system, can indeed be regarded as a small world.

Or perhaps, Luo Shuying's hometown world of the Spirit Clan is also a small world.

And the entire Blue Star is also a small world for the indigenous people in other worlds.

In layman's terms, "Little Thousand Worlds" is a copy with a complete world view.

The biggest difference between this kind of copy and ordinary copies is that...

Extremely powerful!

For example, in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, although there are currently only king-level experts in charge.

But this was also a world where incarnations, fusions... and even immortals were born!

"The world of beast control...a small, undiscovered world?"

Su Xing's face showed strong interest.

Every small world is a huge treasure for Su Xing!

"Perhaps, we can first explore this world called the Beast Controlling World..."

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