Bag 17, a lot of treasures! (Third update~)

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel happy on his face.

"Finally, the Bagua arithmetic is perfected!"

"Damn it, including the bonus of the Great Wisdom and Ruoyu talent, and the seven-day enlightenment time... it took me more than a hundred years to just practice this secret technique to the Dacheng level!"

"The most important thing is that this is only half of the Bagua fortune telling... the chapter on people's fortune, this is the second chapter which is slightly less difficult!"

Su Xing sighed in his heart, how much time would it take if he wanted to complete the two chapters at the same time to achieve greatness or even perfection?

Five hundred years? Eight hundred years?

Su Xing was already a bit unimaginable.

"If you calculate it this way, the Dacheng-level Bagua arithmetic technique may be enough to block the old dog Zong's reaction to me, right?"

Su Xing was looking forward to this. He estimated that Zong Laogou should still be in the copy of the Immortal Martial Era.

"But before killing the old dog of Zong, you still have to plan carefully..."

"Be sure to kill with one strike, and don't give him any time to react!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[You guess that Zong Laogou should be hiding in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon at the moment. 】

[But you didn't rush to take action. Instead, you first disguised yourself to collect your breath, and then used the Bagua arithmetic to block your own luck. 】

[Afterwards, you entered the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[You searched for a few days in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon and found that he was still hiding in the Changchun Sect this time, disguised as an outer disciple. 】

[You followed suit and spent some money to join the Changchun Sect and became an outer disciple. 】

[Sure enough, after blocking his own luck, Zong Laogou did not notice the danger at all. 】

[Above the Zongmen Square, you pretended to practice martial arts, but slowly approached the old dog of the Zongmen. 】

[When you were still three meters away from Zong Laogou, you suddenly burst into flames! 】

[Yuanli is wrapped around both fists, and the terrifying power of the Void-Breaking Realm expert is vividly displayed at this moment. 】

[A huge force of up to one million tons! 】

[As expected, Old Dog Zong didn’t have any chance to react, and was directly beaten into a bloody mist by you. 】

[His consciousness seemed to be trying to escape when he left his body, but you didn't do anything and just annihilated his soul. 】

[At the place where Zong Laogou died, you picked up his storage bag and left with a swagger amid the exclamations of the Changchun Sect disciples. 】

[You return to Lingtian Cave and begin to check Zong Laogou’s storage magic weapon. 】

[Because Zong Laogou’s soul has been destroyed, the mark of the soul on this storage bag is self-defeating. You can easily see the treasures in Zong Laogou’s storage bag. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for twenty-four hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spending 2.4 million simulation energy points, and the remaining energy is 248.06 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and the scenery in front of me suddenly changed as I woke up.

The next second, a gray storage bag appeared in Su Xing's hand.

"The unbroken storage bag... I finally got it!"

Su Xing was delighted and couldn't wait to open the storage bag and check it out.

His consciousness reached into the storage bag, and he was stunned the moment he woke up.

This is the largest storage prop Su Xing has ever seen.

Su Xing estimates that the space in the entire storage bag is at least three thousand cubic meters!

"My dear, three thousand cubic meters... This kind of storage magic weapon can be considered top-notch in the world of immortality, right?"

Su Xing sighed. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

You must know that the storage ring he is using now has only 100 cubic meters of storage space.

The storage props used by major top chambers of commerce to carry goods are generally around fifty cubic meters.

Because the larger the storage space, the more expensive the price!

Of course, Su Xing has a portable spiritual field, and its internal space can no longer be described in cubic meters.

Therefore, the storage of magic weapons is still secondary...

The most important thing is the treasure inside!

After some exploration with his spiritual sense, Su Xing found a large pile of paper books.

These are Zong Laogou's diaries. The diaries recorded over two thousand years have as much content as a novel with hundreds of millions of words.

The contents of these diaries are mostly what Zong Laogou himself has experienced over the past one or two thousand years, which is comparable to a hugely detailed autobiography.

For Su Xing, these diaries are definitely important treasures for understanding the world of immortality.

Of course, the awakening consciousness only swept through it, and he would not spend his precious time reading these diaries.

Next to the diary, there is a small pile of jade slips.

Su Xing investigated carefully and found that there were hundreds of jade slips!

Most of what is recorded in this jade slip is some low-level cultivation secrets, exercises, and some introductions to spells.

It covers everything from introduction to alchemy, introduction to formations, introduction to talismans, introduction to weapon refining, etc...

In addition, there are several jade slips that record relatively precious magical powers.

"Blood Soul Technique, Black Evil Palm... Soul Searching Technique, Blood Burning Secret Technique... Divine Soul Technique, Complete Blood Sacrifice..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and murmured:

"Unfortunately, most of the exercises in these jade slips are extremely evil. Although the practice has quick results... they are too vicious and have serious side effects, so they are not suitable for me..."

Su Xing sighed, but there were some good things in these jade slips that Su Xing could use.

The art of puppet formation!

The little god shrinks to an inch!

The complete version of Bagua fortune telling!

"Tsk, tsk, just these few techniques are enough for me to practice for a long time, right?"

"Especially this little god shrinking into an inch will be of great use to me!"

"Although the sword control technique is an escape technique, it has both martial arts and long-distance flight... but it does not allow for short-distance movement... and shrinking the ground into an inch can just make up for this!"

Su Xing was delighted. Many of these jade slips could make up for Su Xing's lack of practice in magic.

In addition to the jade slips, Su Xing also saw eight puppets.

Seven of the puppets are at the Nascent Soul Dzogchen level!

"Good boy, these seven puppets are close to the seven heavenly king-level experts!"

"Zong Laogou has used this puppet attack technique before. If these seven puppets cooperate properly, they can be compared to the monks in the transformation stage!"

Su Xing tried to control the puppet, but failed.

There are restrictions on this puppet, and I'm afraid it will take some effort to break them.

Especially since Su Xing has not mastered the art of puppets at this time, it may be difficult to control these puppets for a while.

"It's just that I haven't seen this eighth puppet before..."

Su Xing was a little confused. This was a female puppet with a very beautiful face. It seemed to be made directly from a living person.

Moreover, this female puppet is wearing a nice dress and looks very beautiful.

The most important thing is that this puppet is only at the foundation-building stage, so it should not appear in Zong Laogou's collection.

"Strange, what is the use of a foundation-building puppet? Apart from looking better..."

Speaking of the strangeness of this awakening face, he recalled what he had seen in Zong Laogou's diary.

"This female puppet...couldn't she be the flower fairy who cuckolded Zong's old dog?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a chill in his heart.

He didn't expect that Old Dog Zong actually had such a hobby. This puppet might not be used for fighting, but for other purposes...

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes skipped the puppet and looked at the other treasures.

More than a dozen huge jade boxes half as tall as a man were piled in the corner.

Su Xing opened the box and took a look, then his face showed ecstasy.

These boxes contain all precious elixirs!

The years can range from decades to years, and the years can even last for thousands of years!

Taking a closer look, there are many kinds of these elixirs, and the number is no less than three thousand!

"My dear... With this batch of elixirs, I can try to refine new elixirs!"

Su Xing was pleasantly surprised. Many of these elixirs were medicines that had never been found in the Advent Sect's treasure house.

In addition, there are some bottles and jars placed in the jade box, which seem to be some elixirs.

But Su Xing didn't know what these elixirs did and didn't dare to try them without permission.

Later, if there is time, Su Xing may be able to use his alchemy vision to identify them one by one.

Su Xing continued to search among the storage instruments.

Soon I found the bone sword used by Zong Laogou. It was a middle-grade treasure, indeed extraordinary.

But just by looking at it, Su Xing felt the deep resentment and karma wrapped around the bone sword...

It can be seen that many innocent lives were sacrificed when this treasure was first refined.

In addition, there are soul-calling flags and more than a dozen other magical weapons that cannot be named after awakening.

Among them are the five thunder pills, the monk's hidden weapon that Zong Laogou once used, and there are hundreds of them.

These five thunder pills are extremely precious and can even hurt monks in the transformation stage.

Each Five Thunder Pill is as precious as a high-grade magical weapon!

"Tsk tsk... This old dog's thousand-year collection is really as rich as any country!"

New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Su Xing sighed in admiration and looked at the last corner.

In the last corner, a small pile of spiritual stones was piled there quietly.

The awakening consciousness swept over, and then frowned slightly.

"Zong Laogou, as a god-forming come he only has more than 8,000 spiritual stones?"

Su Xing was a little surprised. There were more than 8,000 spirit stones, although they were much more than Su Xing.

But this spiritual stone, let alone cultivation, can only be used for a few years even to replenish Zong Laogou's daily loss of spiritual energy.

It took at least a hundred years for Old Dog Zong to wake up from his slumber.

How come you have this little spiritual stone?

Although it is the end of the Dharma era and the spiritual energy is exhausted, the god-transformation monks are basically the first-class powerhouses in the world of immortality.

Except for the top immortal cultivation sects such as Wanmu Sect, the sect leaders and supreme elders of ordinary sects are also god-transformation monks.

For such a powerful person, in an era when spiritual energy was abundant, it was normal for him to have two to three hundred thousand spiritual stones.

Even in the Age of Ending Dharma, the cultivator of the God Transformation should have accumulated a lot and accumulated a lot of wealth.

In particular, Zong Laogou, an evil cultivator who likes to kill people and swindle goods, is probably richer than ordinary cultivators who have perfected their spiritual transformation.

"Something's wrong...the number of spiritual stones is too small!"

"With Old Dog Zong's stable character, he has survived for thousands of years. It is impossible that he only has this few spiritual stones..."

"Could it be that... Old Dog Zong hid the spirit stone somewhere else?"

Su Xing was a little confused, and then started to search, but could not find the whereabouts of the spirit stone.

Suddenly Su Xing had an idea and murmured:

"Zong Laogou likes to write diaries so much...could he be hiding in a diary and write it down in his diary?"

Su Xing looked through Zong Laogou's diary and started looking forward from the most recent diary.

Sure enough, after flipping through a few books, Su Xing found out that Zong Laogou had hidden most of the spiritual stones in a mountain called Five Elements Mountain ten years ago.

"Where is this Five Elements Mountain...?"

Su Xing was confused and continued to look through Zong Laogou's diary.

In the next few hours, Su Xing rummaged through the books one by one.

Finally, Su Xing found relevant records about the Five Elements Mountains, and there was even a map included in the page of the diary.

"In the year 2817 of the Xianwu Calendar, while escaping, I accidentally got a treasure map and explored it..."

"In the year 2818 of the Xianwu calendar, we found the Five Elements Mountain. This mountain was the place where the leader of the Five Elements Sect slept hundreds of years ago. He took Huangquan Pill, or there were endless treasures hidden in the tomb..."

"In the year 2818 of the Xianwu Calendar, I wanted to enter the Five Elements Mountain, but I was constantly vigilant. Danger! Danger! Big danger! So I refused to enter. I will explore it again after I improve my cultivation in the future..."

Su Xing glanced at it for a few times. This Five Elements Mountain seemed to be the place where masters and elders of powerful sects in the world of immortal martial arts slept thousands of years ago.

"Could it be that...thousands of years ago, it was not just Wan Mu who fell into a deep sleep? There were also people from other sects who fell into a deep sleep?"

Su Xing touched his chin.

He has not completely explored the copy of the Immortal Martial Era, and there are still secrets hidden in it that Su Xing does not know.

"Thousands of years ago, there might have been more than one powerful sect... There should be other sects? For example, the Five Elements Sect..."

Su Xing decided to search for more historical information in the Xianwu Era dungeon when he has time later.

After all, those sleeping monks thousands of years ago must have left behind many treasures...

Su Xing looked at the map in his hand and murmured.

"However, you can go to the Five Elements Mountain. Even if you don't explore, you can still get the spiritual stone left by Zong Laogou first!"

After waking up, he rummaged through Zong Laogou's diary and the treasures in his storage bag, but found no more valuable information.

Soon, the immersive simulation time ended, and he woke up and returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing sighed in his heart.

"This old dog has so many treasures!"

"It's a pity that if you kill it in the simulation, even if you get the storage magic weapon, you still need to spend energy to bring it out..."

"However, if you can kill Zong Laogong in the real world... you will make a lot of money!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing wished he could get in front of Zong Laogou right now and kill him instantly!

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly and he touched his chin.

"But there is only one chance in the real world... so before killing him, it is prudent to simulate it a few times... This is the safest way!"

After Su Xing thought for a while, he looked at the simulation panel.

[After reading Zong Laogou’s diary, you quickly found the Five Elements Mountain...]

[After searching for a month, you finally found the place where Zong Laogou hid the spirit stone. 】

[After breaking the virginity formation, you took out more than 70,000 spiritual stones hidden by Zong Laogou. 】

[At the same time, you also discovered the place where the powerful monks slept in the Five Elements Mountain. 】

[As you get closer to the sleeping formation, there is a faint tingling sensation between your eyebrows. 】

[You know in your heart that there may be dangers in this. To be cautious, you did not go to explore. 】

[Leave the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, return to the real world, and continue to practice hard on swordsmanship, hoping to reach the Xiaocheng level as soon as possible! 】

[In the 19th year, you have been practicing swordsmanship for a year. You can feel that you are getting closer and closer to mastering swordsmanship. Maybe you will be able to break through one day. 】

[In the twentieth year, one day when you were practicing the art of sword control, something suddenly happened in your heart, and you gained a new understanding of the art of sword control. 】

[Congratulations on your understanding of swordsmanship and your smooth progress in reaching the realm of success! 】

[After you have mastered the art of sword control, your escape speed will be greatly improved. You can travel 30,000 miles a day, and you will not feel tired even if you run for several days in a row. 】

[And your flying sword technique has also been practiced to the point where you can instantly decapitate an enemy within the range of your spiritual consciousness, thousands of feet away! 】

[In the twenty-first year, on the day of the Waking of Insects, you try to collect spring dew and pure water. 】

[Sure enough, with the help of the subtle consciousness and the Xiaocheng-level sword control skills, you can easily collect the complete ten drops of spring dew and purified water. 】

[You are satisfied with this. 】

[But at this time, there are still several years before the end of the simulation. You know that time cannot be wasted, so fortunately, you continue to practice hard on the sword. 】

[In the boring practice life, two years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the twenty-third year, you decided to go to the Xianwu Era dungeon again to explore the sleeping ruins of Zhenren Wanmu. 】

[You are not going to die, because according to your expectations. 】

[If you can directly kill the living dead puppet, you can directly break into the core of the ancient tomb ruins. If you don't touch the bronze sarcophagus, perhaps Wanmu Zhenren will not be able to easily revive. 】

[After some hesitation, you set off for the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[You first spent half a month collecting three pieces of jade, and then found the coordinates of the mountain. 】

[Breaking through the formation boulder, you enter the ancient tomb of the ruins where Master Wan Mu is sleeping. 】

[Then, you walked through the long and narrow tunnel and soon encountered the living dead puppet. 】

[The living dead puppets couldn’t help but launch an attack on you. 】

[The living dead puppets are coming fiercely, but you have entered the realm of breaking the void, how can you be afraid of a mere puppet. 】

[You hold up the body-protecting energy and fight with the puppets of the living dead. 】

[Although your body-protecting Qi has not been cultivated to perfection, under the blessing of the Void-Breaking Realm, the energy in your body is thicker than before, and your body-protecting Qi is also stronger and stronger. 】

[Although the living dead puppets continue to bombard your body-protecting Qi, the Qi is only trembling and shows no sign of cracking. 】

[So when you see this, you gather your energy, wrap it around your fists, and punch out! 】

[This punch, with a force of one million tons, directly dented the chest of the living dead puppet. 】

[Black liquid flows out of the seven orifices of the living dead puppet, which seems to be seriously injured. 】

[But the living dead puppet has no consciousness after all, and is just a puppet. 】

[A large amount of black liquid gushes out, constantly repairing the wounds of the living dead puppet. 】

[You are surprised when you see this, this living dead puppet is actually still capable of fighting at this moment. 】

【The war is about to break out! 】

[You have fought for hundreds of rounds, and the formations in the ancient tomb are constantly shaking, but you finally seize the opportunity and smash the chest of the living dead puppet with one punch. 】

[This living dead puppet obviously has a limit to its recovery. He struggled for a while, but ultimately failed to stand up. 】

[You put the living dead puppet into the storage ring, and then explore the core area of ​​the ruins tomb. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing was a little surprised and sighed:

"The strength of this living dead puppet is probably more than the early stage of Breaking the Void Realm... it should be close to the strength of the middle stage of the Breaking the Void Realm, right?"

After some surprise, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[You walked in the long and narrow passage of the ancient tomb, and after walking for more than ten miles, you felt that the spiritual energy around you gradually became abundant. 】

[After passing a corner, you finally see an invisible formation that isolates the area inside and outside the ruins tomb...]

(Third update~Brothers, save your monthly tickets for sprinting at the end of the month~)

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