Su Xing saw a look of surprise on his face.

This is the weird thing about simulators.

Even though Su Xing got erysipelas in the simulation because he took too many pills.

But after the simulation ended, the cultivation brought out by Su Xing was that the erysipelas had been eliminated, so there was no need to worry about anything.

"If I continue to grow at this rate...perhaps in conjunction with the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram, my consciousness can reach a vastness of ten thousand feet!"

A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and his divine consciousness was even beyond the ordinary monks in the Void Return Stage.

But when he is in the stage of becoming a god, he will soon be able to have...

"In addition, Yuanli's improvement speed is also extremely fast..."

"By practicing body-protecting Gang Qi and constantly tempering your own Yuan Power, you can make rapid progress in your Yuan Power!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. Niu Rulie once mentioned this point of Yuanli cultivation experience to him.

This is also the reason why Su Xing chose to bring out Xiaocheng-level body-protecting Qi in the last simulation.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the eleventh year, this year you have made a small breakthrough in your understanding of the idea of ​​wishful thinking. The scope of your spiritual consciousness has expanded a lot, reaching eight thousand eight hundred feet! 】

[At the same time, you keenly discovered that after observing the thoughts of wishful thinking, in addition to the expansion of the sensing range, your spiritual consciousness seemed to have undergone some subtle changes. 】

[Within the scope of your spiritual consciousness, you seem to be more clear and understanding of the changes in things. You can even clearly see the movements of a fly tens of thousands of meters away. 】

[This is an ability you have never had before. Your previous practice of spiritual consciousness mainly focused on expanding the scope. 】

[But now, you have discovered that in addition to being able to travel farther, the induction of spiritual consciousness can also be finer...]

[You are confused for a moment, but this kind of induction does not exist all the time. You can only use it occasionally when your blessing comes. 】

[Even so, you also feel that your spiritual consciousness has become much stronger. 】

[In the twelfth year, on a sunny afternoon, you were practicing your energy in the Lingtian Cave as usual. 】

[After two hours of hard training, the energy in your body has been drained. 】

[You rubbed your sore body and began to prepare to sit cross-legged and meditate. 】

[At this moment, you suddenly felt some mysterious changes taking place in your body. 】

[It's like an old well that has been dry for decades, but now it keeps trickling out. 】

[It’s just that what emerges from your body is not well water, but Yuanli! 】

[The originally depleted Yuan Power seemed to be re-injected with vitality and began to recover quickly...]

[You were surprised and quickly sensed the changes on your body. 】

[But at this moment, your five senses become extremely sharp, your mind becomes extremely flexible, and your understanding instantly increases hundreds of times. 】

[You triggered the accidental epiphany state! 】

[In the state of enlightenment, you have a new understanding of the mastery of Yuanli. 】

[Yuanli is not only the sharpest spear and the strongest shield, but at the same time, Yuanli is also a river that stretches endlessly to the sea! 】

【Eternal life is the source of vitality! 】

[In this state of enlightenment, you can feel a seed being quietly planted in your Dantian! 】

[This is a seed of Yuanli. 】

[At this moment, the seeds of Yuanli are continuously outputting Yuanli to the outside world, nourishing your body that has been drained of Yuanli. 】

[You observe this seed carefully and find that the trickle of energy it outputs is not very fast, but it is replenishing it every minute and second. 】

[You work hard to control the seed of Yuanli, wanting it to flow out Yuanli faster. 】

[You use your mind to stir up the seed of Yuanli little by little, and you use the Yuanli in your body to gently stroke it. 】

[You tried for a long time, and finally felt that the speed at which the seeds of Yuanli replenished Yuanli was insignificantly faster. 】

[You are happy in your heart, and you try tirelessly, stimulating the seeds of Yuanli over and over again. 】

[You are just intoxicated in this mysterious state of enlightenment, and three days slowly pass by...]

[Three days later, when you exit the state of enlightenment, you will feel as if you are lost. 】

[But then you hold on to your mind and feel the breath of the Yuanli seed in your body, and your heart suddenly bursts with ecstasy. 】

[The seed of Yuanli, this is the symbol of the third stage of Yuanli! 】

[With the seed of Yuanli, the ability to use Yuanli to fight continuously will undergo a qualitative change! 】

[Because the seeds of Yuan Power in the body will continuously replenish the loss of body repair Yuan Power. 】

[And your Yuanli seeds clearly don’t look like they have just been sown. Instead, they look like they have been polished for a long time. Yuanli nourishes extremely quickly! 】

[Congratulations on your successful entry into the external level Yuanli Dacheng! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing's eyes showed joy.

"I didn't expect... that a sudden enlightenment would actually plant the seeds of Yuan Power!?"

"Hiss~ With this Yuanli seed, my ability to use Yuanli to continue combat may be doubled or even tripled!"

In the Yuanli cultivation experience imparted to Su Xing by Niu Rulie, the seed of Yuanli was once mentioned.

Yuanli is an extremely heavy burden for a body to cultivate.

Just like before waking up, although using Yuanli, he can compete with legendary powerhouses in a short time.

But this state can only last for an hour.

In the final analysis, Yuanli is still unable to succeed.

Once the energy in the body is exhausted, it will take a day or even two days to recover!

But if you awaken the seed of Yuanli, it will be completely different!

The energy that originally took one or two days to recover was shortened several times!

Even if the energy is exhausted, it can be restored in less than half a day.

More importantly, during the battle, the seeds of Yuanli will continue to replenish the monks' Yuanli, and their continuous combat ability will soar.

"The Great Elder once said... After awakening the seed of Yuanli, ordinary monks may need to spend decades or even hundreds of years polishing it to make it perfect..."

"And for me, because of my sudden enlightenment, three days is equivalent to thirty years of polishing my Yuan Power!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt even more surprised.

It should be noted that after the seed of Yuan Power is awakened, the monk will slowly evolve and grow through continuous use and stimulation of Yuan Power.

But Su Xing’s talent of accidental enlightenment is really crucial!

How can ordinary monks directly stimulate the seeds of Yuanli with their souls and Yuanli?

I'm afraid he will lose control of his energy and die on the spot!

But when you wake up in the state of enlightenment, your understanding will rise infinitely!

Being able to do this directly saves decades of time.

This also makes the awakened seeds of Yuan Power much stronger than when they were first sown.

It would take an ordinary monk six hours to replenish the exhausted energy.

It only takes four hours, or even less, to wake up!

"Accidental enlightenment... If the triggering of this talent is not too uncertain... I am afraid it will be a legendary level talent, right?"

Su Xing once again felt the power of accidental talent.

After calming down, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[After obtaining the Seed of Yuanli, your daily Yuanli recovery rate will be faster. 】

[This means that you have more time to practice magical powers and body-protecting Qi! 】

[So, you maintain the practice of body-protecting Gangqi for four hours every day. If the energy in your body is exhausted, start to observe the wishful thinking diagram. 】

[In the thirteenth year, as the scope of your spiritual consciousness continues to grow, perhaps because of the insufficient properties of the concentration pill, it becomes more difficult to improve in the later stages. 】

[This year, your spiritual consciousness has grown by one hundred feet, reaching eighty-nine hundred feet! 】

[In the fourteenth year, after the third stage of Yuanli was completed, you still did not give up on practicing Yuanli. 】

[Although you have planted the seeds of Yuanli and accelerated the growth of the seeds of Yuanli in the state of enlightenment, you can feel that you still have a long way to go before reaching the third stage of perfection. 】

[So you practice harder and put almost all your energy on the cultivation of Yuanli. 】

[In the fifteenth year, the range of your consciousness reached nine thousand one hundred feet. 】

[In addition to the much expanded scope of consciousness, your previous sense of observation has become clearer. 】

[Tens of thousands of meters away, you can clearly see the way a fly vibrates its wings, and you can even see the fine lines on the fly's wings. 】

[But what makes you a little distressed is that you still cannot control the timing of this subtle state, and can only use it by chance. 】

Su Xing was thoughtful when he saw this.


"From tens of thousands of meters away, you can clearly see the lines on the wings of a fly... This seems to be a more nuanced use of spiritual consciousness."

"If this state can be stably stimulated... it seems that we can capture the first ray of rootless water under the Jingzhe sunset?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up slightly.

The problem that had troubled him for a long time was finally solved.

"Sure enough, if you want to obtain spring dew and purified water, you still need stronger spiritual consciousness!"

"I couldn't capture the first wisp of rootless water before. It's just that I didn't use my spiritual consciousness carefully enough!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing was pleasantly surprised.

Regardless of the Void-Breaking Realm or the Void-Returning Realm, Su Xing has taken a big step forward.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the sixteenth year, because the time spent practicing the body-protecting Qi every day has increased, you can feel that the body-protecting Qi is progressing faster than before. 】

[Although it has not yet reached the Dacheng level, you can already feel that the protective energy is stronger and tougher than before. 】

[This change makes you feel happy, so you practice harder, hoping to cultivate the body-protecting Qi to a great level as soon as possible. 】

[In practicing day after day, two years passed slowly. 】

[In the eighteenth year, the range of your consciousness has further increased to nine thousand five hundred feet! 】

[The more you practice, the more you feel the unfathomable depth of the wishful thinking picture in your mind. 】

[Within the scope of your spiritual consciousness, your observations of tiny substances become more detailed and precise. 】

[You are going to try to collect spring dew and pure water on the day of the Waking of Insects. 】

[The nineteenth year, the day of the Awakening of Insects. 】

[You arrived early in a deserted mountain. The air here is purer and the ecology is more native. 】

[When the first spring thunder of the Day of Waking of Insects rang out, your consciousness enveloped the entire stretching mountain in an instant. 】

[One drop, two drops, three drops...]

[You can feel the drops of rainwater under the entire sky and earth. 】

[The first ray of rain was divided into ten drops, but you only sensed seven drops. 】

[You understand, this is because your spiritual sense is not subtle enough to fully capture the traces of the first (first ten) water droplets from the hundreds of thousands of raindrops falling simultaneously. 】

[And you discovered another difficulty at the same time. 】

[That is ten drops of rootless water, each of which may be thousands of meters apart. You must catch the rootless water before it hits other raindrops. 】

[And the time left for you is less than half a second. 】

[Catching ten drops of pure water in half a second is far from meeting this requirement for your escape speed and body skills. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

Within half a second, he collected the first ten drops of rootless water. This speed was indeed beyond what he could achieve now.

Perhaps, it will be possible to collect them only after entering the Void-Breaking Realm and mastering an escape technique.

"Damn, no wonder this spring dew and purified water is so rare... I'm afraid only high-level monks can be sure to get it, right?"

"It seems that the only way is to enter the Broken Void Realm first, and then consider the refining of the Void Refining Pill..."

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[After your attempt to collect spring dew and purify water failed, you continued to return to Lingtian Cave to practice your energy. 】

[In the twentieth year, with your diligent practice day and night, your understanding of Yuanli's magical power and body-protecting Gangqi has finally taken a step further. 】

[Your magical power and body-protecting energy have successfully reached the Dacheng level! 】

[The Dacheng-level body-protecting Qi has nearly doubled its strength compared to before! 】

[Higher intensity of defense, coupled with your own elemental armor, can almost allow you to resist the attacks of legendary powerhouses! 】

[After your magical breakthrough, your confidence in your own strength has reached an unprecedented height. 】

[You even think that you can go to the ruins of the ancient tomb of the Immortal Martial Era dungeon again and have an arm-wrestle with the living dead puppet. 】

[After some thought, you temporarily gave up on this plan. 】

[Because there are still a few years left before the twenty-five-year period, you plan to continue to improve your strength during this period. 】

[In the twenty-first year, you are still addicted to cultivation all day long. 】

[Every day I will drain my own energy and feel the pleasure of the energy seeds slowly flowing out. 】

[At the same time, you are also keenly aware that as you continue to use Yuan Power, your Yuan Power seeds are also growing. 】

[It’s just that this growth rate is too slow, far less than the growth rate when you had your enlightenment. 】

[While your energy is recovering, you will observe the wishful thinking diagram to further improve your spiritual awareness. 】

[This year, the scope of your consciousness has increased to nine thousand seven hundred feet! 】

[In the twenty-third year, the range of your spiritual consciousness has further increased this year, reaching nine thousand eight hundred feet, which is not far from the previously expected ten thousand feet of spiritual consciousness. 】

[At the same time, you can feel that your spiritual consciousness has reached a bottleneck. Perhaps after Wan Zhang Divine Consciousness, your spiritual consciousness will enter a new realm. 】

[This year, you have also made some progress in your cultivation of Yuanli and body-protecting Qi. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and murmured:

"I see... The realm of spiritual consciousness I am currently in is called the Five Senses Realm!"

"As the name suggests, the five senses state uses the five senses of eyes, mouth, nose, tongue, and ears to perceive things around you..."

"But a person's five senses are ultimately limited, and they cannot sense things that are too detailed."

"And the next level of spiritual consciousness may be to improve one's ability to sense subtle things?"

Wake up and think deeply, after the five senses realm, maybe there is the microscopic realm, or a similar realm?

Look at the simulation panel.

[The beginning of the twenty-fifth year. 】

[This year, the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass has become increasingly severe. You know that the demon army may break through the Demon Suppression Pass at any time and invade the real world. 】

[So you no longer hesitate and enter the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[You spent half a month collecting the techniques of the three major sects and three pieces of jade. 】

[It then took me a few more days to find the huge boulder in the mountain. 】

[Blow the boulder into pieces with one punch, and you step into the ruins of this ancient tomb again. 】

[Only a quarter of an hour after entering the ruins, you encounter the living dead puppet that gives you a headache. 】

[The living dead puppet will attack you as soon as it sees you. 】

[And you did not hesitate, instantly activating the Yuanli Armor and using magical power to protect the body. 】

[You fought against the living dead puppets for dozens of rounds. 】

[In a pure competition of strength, you are indeed slightly inferior to it. 】

[But because of the dual protection of Yuanli Armor and Body-Protective Qi, your defensive capabilities are no longer inferior to those of the Void-Breaking Realm monks, so you did not suffer any injuries. 】

[You are holding the Mo Bing Sword, your Yuan Power is wrapped around the Mo Bing Sword, and you have fought with it for hundreds of rounds. 】

[In this battle, the formations on the stone wall of the ancient tomb were constantly shaking. 】

[After fighting fiercely with the living dead puppets for an hour, you helplessly discovered...]

[Although most of the Living Dead Puppet's attacks were blocked by the protective aura, your strength and attack methods are still not enough to destroy this Living Dead Puppet. 】

[In layman’s terms, your defense is up to standard, but your offense is not enough. 】

[Every time you leave a few wounds on the living dead puppet, a jet-black liquid will repair the wounds of the living dead puppet. 】

[After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, you start to change your mind. 】

[Since you can't destroy this puppet, and this puppet can't do anything to you, then why don't you force your way through this puppet. 】

[So you activate your body-protecting energy with all your strength, preparing to ignore this living dead puppet and go straight through the narrow tunnel of the ancient tomb. 】

[You first fought against the living dead puppet for more than ten rounds, and then you found an opportunity to drive away the living dead puppet with one move. 】

[The whole body turned into a stream of light and ran decisively towards the depths of the ancient tomb. 】

[However, the speed of the living dead puppet is three points faster than yours. You can only fight and run while constantly exploring the depths of the ancient tomb. 】

[The tunnel of this ancient tomb is extremely long, after advancing for about ten miles. 】

[Your expression changes, because at this time the spiritual energy in the ancient tomb ruins is becoming more and more intense, and it has almost caught up with the spiritual energy content of a blessed place. 】

[You are shocked. Isn’t the Immortal Martial Era dungeon depleted of spiritual energy? How could such a blessed place be born? 】

[At this time, you no longer care about the living dead puppets chasing after you, and rush straight towards the interior of the ancient tomb ruins...]

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