Chapter 142: 170 million energy, murder and arson gold belt! (5k)

Su Xing's heart moved when she saw this.

"Blessed Land... Cave Heaven?!"

Su Xing recalled the memory fragments in his mind.

During the Luotian Conference copy, Su Xing once understood the difference between the cave heaven and the blessed land through immersive simulation.

Luotian Sect is the number one sect in Luotian Realm!

There are seventy-two blessed places and thirty-six caves in the sect.

The total number is one hundred and eight.

The blessed land is for people above the level of inner sect elders. The spiritual energy in the blessed land is rich, making cultivation more effective with half the effort.

As for the Cave Heaven Land, the spiritual energy concentration is nearly twice as high as that of the Blessed Land!

This means that the cultivation speed may be more than doubled!

For example, Su Xing's master, Luo Tianzong's great elder Niu Rulie, and Uncle Shen Nong from the back mountain were in caves of cave heaven level.

Su Xing recalled all the wonders of the cave in his mind and murmured:

"Tsk, tsk, if this spiritual field blessed land can be upgraded to the cave-heaven level, I'm afraid not only will my cultivation speed be doubled!"

"Even the maturity speed of the elixirs in the spiritual field and the growth rate of the spiritual beasts will be greatly improved!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing had a trace of longing in his eyes.

But then Su Xing shook his head slightly, feeling helpless:

"It's a pity. This cave-heaven level requires three thousand spirit-gathering flowers. I'm afraid we have to cooperate with the operation of a large-scale spirit-gathering array to barely reach it..."

"Not to mention that I don't know how to set up a large spirit gathering array. Even three thousand spirit gathering flowers require 300 million simulated energy! With my current energy, it's far from enough!"

"It's better not to aim too high. Let's get a thousand Soul-Gathering Flowers first!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the eighteenth year, the number of spirit-gathering flowers in Lingtian Blessed Land has exceeded a thousand. Such many spirit-gathering flowers are enough for your cultivation. 】

[Besides, there are too many Juling Flowers, and you will not have time to take care of them, nor will you have enough simulation energy to bring out, so you seal the Juling Flower seeds and no longer plant Juling Flowers. 】

[In the 19th year, the abundance of spiritual energy allows you to practice faster, but the improvement of your cultivation level is still slow. 】

[In the 20th year, your body training has taken a further step forward, reaching the sixth level of divine power! 】

[In the twenty-first year, the Kyoto Spiritual Rice Experimental Field continuously transported spiritual rice outwards, adding many powerful professionals to Daxia Kingdom. 】

[According to expert statistics, in the past ten years, the number of silver-level professionals in Daxia has increased by nearly 30 million, and the number of gold-level professionals has increased by 5 million. 】

[And the rapid increase in the number of low-level professionals also makes the probability of the birth of masters and grandmaster-level professionals higher. 】

[In the twenty-second year, this year, as expected, you were assassinated again. 】

[Over the years, you have been assassinated no less than a thousand times, but with your current strength, even if a legendary powerhouse takes action, you will have enough time to escape to the blessed land of Lingtian, so it will not be a serious problem. 】

[In the twenty-fourth year, the situation in Zhenyao Pass became increasingly worse, and the situation of the human race took a turn for the worse, but they were able to persevere in the end. 】

[In the twenty-fifth year, hundreds of legendary monsters invaded the Demon Suppression Pass, and the Demon Suppression Pass was finally broken. 】

[In the same year, the giant beast came to the real world and swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[Even if you have the powerful physical body of a monk in the realm of divine power, you will still be swallowed by the giant beast and your physical body will collapse. 】

[But your soul is still alive, wandering in the belly of the giant beast. 】

"Huh? What the hell?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment. Just when he thought the simulation was about to end, he didn't expect there would be a follow-up. ☞♦

"Senior Transformation Monk, if the soul is immortal, will there be no end to life?"

"So, when the giant beast comes, won't I be able to live in the belly of the giant beast?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up slightly. This was an unprecedented situation, and Su Xing couldn't help but want to explore.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the physical body, your soul still retains basic consciousness, but you know that if you don't take a physical body as soon as possible, your soul will soon die. 】

[You decide to seize this good opportunity and explore the belly of the giant beast. 】

[Ever since the giant beast swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one gulp, the whole sky has turned dark. 】

[The earth began to collapse, tall buildings began to collapse, and everything in sight was swallowed up. 】

[Countless space turbulence is like a black hole, swallowing up all life around it. Whether it is humans or animals, they are all strangled and crushed by this space turbulence. 】

[Your soul is wandering in this dark space, and you can feel that this should be the stomach of the giant beast. 】

[The entire Daxia Kingdom, an entire continent was swallowed in and quickly digested. 】

[At the beginning, you also met a few "lucky ones" who did not die immediately, but were soon strangled by the turbulent flow of space. 】

[Your soul has been floating in the stomach of the giant beast for seven days and seven nights. The space in the stomach of this giant beast is so large that it may be almost as big as the entire Blue Star. 】

[You try to find possible survivors in this space, but unfortunately, in this case, it is impossible for any professional to survive. 】

[Your soul is getting weaker and weaker, and you can feel that you may die soon. 】

[Just when you were desperate, you suddenly felt a familiar aura, which was Zong Laogou’s soul! 】

[When you found him, Zong Laogou also found you. 】

[None of you acted rashly. After a confrontation for a while, Zong Laogou was the first to speak. 】

[He told you that he was looking for the spatial turbulence leading to the Demon Suppression Pass. You were confused and asked him why he was looking for it. 】

[Zong Laogou tells you that the entire world where Blue Star is located has been captured by aliens. Now you can only go to the Demon Realm by going to the Demon Suppression Pass, and the Demon Realm is the only way to other major realms! 】

[Zong Laogou invites you to escape to other worlds together. If you succeed, you may be able to take over and be reborn. 】

[You know in your heart that Old Dog Zong has no good intentions, but you have no choice at this moment. 】

[You have been searching for a long time in the space turbulence, but in the end you still failed to find the coordinates of the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[And your soul is getting weaker and weaker, almost losing consciousness. 】

[The old dog Zong finally showed his fangs at this moment, and he swallowed your soul in one bite. 】

[Before his consciousness dissipated, Zong Laogou said with a ferocious smile that with the nourishment of your soul, he should be able to persist until he finds the turbulent flow where the Demon Suppression Pass is located. 】

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, frowning in thought.

After a long time, Su Xing murmured:

“This time, I didn’t expect to learn such incredible information!”

In the previous simulation, Su Xing died after being swallowed by a giant beast, with only one eyeball left at most.

But now, after waking up and becoming a god-transforming monk, the soul has been able to move away from the body.

This also means that after waking up and losing his physical body, he can still survive for a period of time with his spiritual consciousness.

And what Su Xing saw were all scenes inside the stomach of the giant beast. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

"It's hard to imagine... how big is this giant beast? Can its stomach alone hold the entire country of Daxia?"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

But what surprised him even more was the information he got from Zong Laogou.

"Although the old dog Zong annexed my soul, the old dog probably didn't lie. What he said about going to find the Demon Suppressing Pass must be true!"

"The Demon Suppression Pass is the passage to the Demon Realm. I already know this...but the Demon Realm is the only way to go to other great realms?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, although the information he received was only a few words.

But from what Zong Laogou said, it is not difficult to imagine that Blue Star may have been blocked by the demon clan and reduced to a slaughterhouse-like existence.

The entire human race is the prey in this slaughterhouse.

If you want to escape from this slaughterhouse, you must fight your way out of the Demon Suppression Pass to have a chance of survival!

"I see... No wonder the human race has been sticking to the Demon Suppression Pass for thousands of years, because this is the only chance of survival!"

"And after the Demon Clan is fully occupied by the Demon Clan, the human race will no longer be able to escape from this slaughterhouse. All that awaits is death!"

Su Xing rubbed his temples, the information he got from Yuanshen was too fragmented.

Su Xing cannot deduce more, but the Demon Suppression Pass must be the key.

"It seems that the secret of this world is greater than I imagined!"

Su Xing pursed his lips, but these are things to consider later. For now, he still focuses on his own development.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulated reward.

[Descendants of Shennong]: Purple talent, priced at 1 million points of energy.

[Twenty-six years of alchemy experience]: Insights into alchemy, including some of the Infant Training Pills (Dacheng level) priced at 1 million energy.


[Three levels of cultivation in the God Transformation Stage]: Pass the five levels and step into the God Transformation stage. The price is 20 million energy.

[Sixth Level of Divine Power Realm Cultivation]: Body training cultivation, priced at 20 million energy.

[One thousand Julinghua flowers (mature stage), 500 Julinghua seeds]: Priced at 105 million energy.

Su Xing had already planned the rewards for this simulation.

"There is no rush to improve your cultivation. The talent of the descendants of Shen Nong can be called a god-level farming talent. It is a must-have!"

"There are also these thousand Soul-Gathering Flowers... In this simulation, almost all the time was spent on planting Soul-Gathering Flowers, so naturally I have to choose."

"But the price..."

Seeing the exaggerated energy requirements behind the Soul-Gathering Flower, Su Xing had a headache for a while.

After spending more than 100 million energy, Su Xing now only has tens of millions of energy in his hands.

If you have to wait, it may take a month.

But Su Xing didn't want to wait so long.

"It seems that we can only go to the Black Dragon Guild!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes.

According to the information he obtained in the simulation, the powerful Martial Emperor was not in the guild these two days.

And as long as you wake up and sneak into the basement, you can get more than 100 million energy.

The only danger is not being able to meet the Dragon Protector in the future.

This was no problem for Su, who barely left Kyoto.

"It's equivalent to zero price, more than 100 million energy for nothing, who wouldn't be tempted by this?"

Su Xing muttered, then took out a medicine box and took out several round pills.

They are a top-grade breath-condensing pill and a top-grade disguise pill!

Su Xing believed that even a Martial Emperor-level professional might not be able to see the clues.

After exiting the Lingtian Paradise, Su Xing took a look at the sky.

It was still afternoon and the sky was bright. It was impossible for Su Xing to go to the Black Dragon Guild at this time.

First send a text message to Jin Congxue, telling her that she has something to do next week and will not be able to conduct transactions, so the meeting will be moved to a week later.

Then he woke up and started daily refining elixirs.

When the sky turned completely dark, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief, left Lingtian Paradise, swallowed two pills, and rushed towards the location of the Black Dragon Guild.

The Black Dragon Guild was dozens of kilometers away from Kyoto University. Su Xing did not choose to fly in the air, but relied on his physical strength to rush toward the Black Dragon Guild at an alarming speed.

It was already late at night when we arrived at the Black Dragon Guild.

Su Xing wore a black night suit and hid in the dark night.

With his outstanding skills, he easily bypassed the cadres in the guild and lurked into the deepest courtyard.

His consciousness spread like a tide, feeling the guild officers patrolling within the area. Su Xing did not act rashly, but waited patiently.

Until it was slightly light, the patrolling guild officers were preparing to change shifts, and Su Xing took action at this time!

Like a vigorous black cat, he reached the point of triggering the secret room in an instant.

Triggering the mechanism, the figure flashed into a cellar.

Following the stairs, Su Xing quickly headed to the basement that was 150 feet deep.

"About a hundred auras... they are not very strong, they should be puppets in simulations!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and arrived in the secret room in an instant.

This is an extremely spacious secret room, probably a hundred feet wide.

In the corner, there are many humanoid puppets with closed eyes.

His consciousness came out, Su Xing sighed and said:

"It's a pity that these people's souls have been destroyed. Although they seem to be alive, they are already dead..."

In this way, Su Xing no longer hesitates.

The next second, the Lihuo Technique broke out!


The extremely high temperature flame looks like a jumping fire spirit in Su Xing's hands.

With every breath, more than a dozen puppets were burned to death.

The whole process took no more than three minutes, and more than a hundred golden and master-level puppets died under the awakening Lihuo technique.


After using Lihuo Technique continuously, Su Xing adjusted his breath.

First, each corpse was carefully burned, making sure not to leave any traces.

Later, Su Xing began to search this secret room.

Opening several huge two-meter-high boxes, they were filled with all kinds of colorful equipment.

Blue, purple, gold!

It looks like it exudes the luster that symbolizes high-end equipment.

Xing Xing's breathing became heavy, and he had no time to count the equipment.

Su Xing loaded several large boxes into the Lingtian Blessed Land in one breath.

Later, Su Xing went to a corner and picked up a piece of black metal that was half a person tall.

Fourth level exotic metal!

"Sure enough, the energy value of this piece of fourth-order exotic metal is probably no less than 50 million!"

Su Xing also put the foreign metal into the Lingtian Blessed Land.

In the cabinet next to the foreign metal, there are several bills and a secret letter.

Su Xing hesitated for a while and did not choose to touch the bill or secret message.

After all, if some treasures were lost, the Black Dragon Guild might just be treated as thieves.

But if these key information were left passive, they would probably investigate more intensively, right?

What's more, Su Xing already knows the contents of the secret message and bill, so there is no need for further trouble now.

With quick hands and feet, he swept away all the valuable equipment and props, and Su Xing ran towards the ground without looking back.

Running wildly all the way, Su Xing pushed the physical fitness of a monk in the divine power realm to the limit, hiding his figure in the dark night.

When the sky dawned, Su Xing had already arrived at the Kyoto Professional Market.

At this time, the place was crowded with people, and countless professionals were conducting transactions.

Su Xing walked into a deserted alley, his consciousness spread out, and after making sure no one noticed him, he turned around and entered the blessed land of the spiritual field.

"Phew...finally, it's done!"

After entering the Lingtian Blessed Land, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

The whole person couldn't help but become excited.

This is the first time he has taken action in more than half a year!

Moreover, they are faced with behemoths such as the Black Dragon Guild and the Advent Sect.

Although Su Xing had taught them many times in the simulator, this was his first time in the real world.

This makes it difficult for Su Xing not to be excited.

After carefully recalling the details of his actions and making sure that there were no mistakes, Su Xing began to examine the huge wealth gained this time.

First, he took out the large boxes of equipment. Su Xing did not hesitate and immediately prepared to exchange them for energy.

The sweet sound of the simulator rang in Su Xing's ears.

[Ding, equipment containing huge energy has been detected, worth a total of 83.24 million points of simulated energy. Do you want to redeem it? 】


Su Xing said without hesitation, and then took out the exotic metal.

[Ding, it has been detected that it contains huge energy ore, with a total value of 57. Do you want to redeem it? 】


The awakened little heart was beating fast and he said excitedly:

"Oh my god, I bought 140 million energy in one go! A huge sum of money that has never been seen before!"

"Sure enough, the golden belt that kills people and sets fire... No one can be rich without windfall! The ancients never deceived me!"

Su Xing could not bear the excitement in his heart.

Counting this large amount of energy, plus the remaining energy from before, the energy in Su Xing's hand directly increased to 170 million points!

"Could this Black Dragon Guild be my lucky place?"

Su Xing is worried about how to bring out those thousand spirit-gathering flowers!

It's good now, it can be brought out directly, and there are still tens of millions of remaining energy.

This is so cool!

After calming down, Su Xing muttered silently:

"Exchange for the Soul-Gathering Flower and the talents of Shennong's descendants!"

【Ding! You successfully brought out the descendants of Shennong with the purple talent. You spent 1 million energy points and have 170.05 million remaining energy points. 】

[It is detected that you have the blue talent Plant Affinity, the same type of talent, automatic replacement...]

[You successfully brought out one thousand Soul-Gathering Flowers (mature stage) and 500 Soul-Gathering Flower seeds, which cost 105 million energy points and left 65.05 million energy points. 】

Simulating the rushing flow of energy, more than 100 million energy was spent in the blink of an eye.

But Su Xing didn't feel bad, after all, this simulated energy was a windfall, and Su Xing earned it in one night.

Thinking of this, Su Xing sighed: "It's faster to make money by robbing houses! You have to save it by yourself. How long do you have to save it?"

Purple talent energy poured into Su Xing, and Su Xing looked at the spiritual field not far away.

Before I knew it, the cute little white flowers had spread all over a large spiritual field.

There are thousands of spirit-gathering flowers!

Rich spiritual energy rushed towards my face, and the content of spiritual energy in the entire Lingtian Blessed Land was rising rapidly!

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