While others are practicing leveling, I am cultivating immortality, and I will survive until I reach

Chapter 138: Break through five levels and achieve the stage of becoming a god! (5000

Chapter 138: Break through five levels and achieve the stage of becoming a god! (5000 words)

[At an accidental banquet, you discovered that the apples in this country are sour and sweet, which suits your taste very well. ♦♤♗】

[So you ordered that all the citizens of this country, from sixty-year-old men to ten-year-old boys, do only one thing, and that is to produce apples specifically for you! 】

[Obviously, this is an unreasonable order. 】

[But as the king of the most powerful empire in the world, no one dares to disobey you! 】

[That small country with a population of less than 500,000 naturally can only execute it! 】

[However, this order was only issued for three years, and the country's economy began to collapse and order began to become chaotic. It was impossible for a country of 500,000 people to live just by growing apples. 】

[So, the war broke out... The new regime overthrew the old emperor, and they refused to provide you with apples anymore. 】

[You are angry about this, no one dares to disobey you! 】

[So you ordered to send an army of 500,000 people, and you personally conquered this country! 】

[Obviously, a small country with a population of only 500,000 cannot resist your 500,000-strong army! 】

[Wherever the war horses and fierce generals passed... not even a blade of grass grew! 】

[You stand on the land of this country, looking at the scenes of war around you, looking at the woman who lost her husband, looking at the old man who lost his son, looking at the baby who lost his father...]

[You suddenly feel a hint of sadness...]

[You begin to wonder, just because of your personal likes and dislikes, a single order can destroy the lives of a country. Is it worth it? 】

[You start to regret, start to regret your orders, start to doubt your own arrogance...]

[When you realize all this, you realize that this is an illusion. 】

[Everything around you disappears, and you return to the blessed land of the spiritual field]

[Congratulations on breaking through Aonian Pass! 】

"Finally, I have passed the fifth level of transformation into gods and the fourth level of Ao Nian level... Now I am only left with the last level, the level of Nuan Nian level!"

Su Xing felt slightly excited in his heart.

It is a miraculous existence that can break through the five levels of transformation.

In the past and this year, among the countless powerful monks, only the top few were able to do it, and those people were all monks who focused on the Tao.

According to the information Su Xing got from the copy of the Luotian Conference, exploring the five levels of divine transformation is equivalent to preparing sufficient soil conditions in advance for the birth of immortal seeds, and opening a heavenly door for immortals to become immortals.

Su Xing was originally curious about what this so-called opportunity to become an immortal was.

But now, after Su Xing broke through four levels in a row, he had a vague guess in his mind.

"The so-called opportunity to become an immortal is probably to break through the five emotions of lust, fear, greed, pride, and anger in life... This is not simply about preserving immortality and destroying human desires, but a kind of understanding of the Tao... "

"The road to cultivating immortality is originally long, and the world of mortals is rolling. I am afraid that I will encounter countless people and things, and whether I can persist in the original intention of seeking Tao in this long world of mortals is the internal reason for whether I can pursue immortality!"

Su Xing sighed slightly in his heart, and his mood improved slightly.

He could feel that it was indeed not necessary to pass through the five levels of spiritual transformation.

Strictly speaking, these five levels should be collectively referred to as the "Heart-Refining Level", which tempers the true heart of a person who practices Taoism.

Perhaps many monks in the Mahayana period who are about to discover the secret of immortality will experience this calamity.

And Su Xing is only in the Nascent Soul stage now, and having experienced all this in advance is naturally very beneficial to Su Xing. At least he will be more prepared when he goes through the Immortal Tribulation in the future.

"Forget it, now there is only this last level of anger left. Let me see how terrifying this level of anger is?"

Su Xing felt a little excited, becoming an immortal was still a little far away from him.

But as long as we break through the barrier of anger and become a god, we are very close!

Look at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through the Ao Nian Pass, you feel your body undergo subtle changes again. 】

[In addition to deepening the understanding of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the most important thing is the improvement of the state of mind. 】

[You did not choose to conquer the last level immediately, but took a few months to rest and adjust your condition. 】

[In the seventeenth year, Luo Shuying’s hometown was invaded by aliens. 】

[Thousands of spirit tribes were homeless and fled to Blue Star, where they fought against the monster beasts at the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[From Luo Shuying, from the thousands of people of the spirit clan, you feel a trace of confusion, helplessness, and a deeper anger. 】

[When you feel something in your heart, you immediately enter the blessed land of Lingtian and prepare for a breakthrough in retreat! 】

[You adjust your mind, sink into the Nascent Soul, and your consciousness floats into the distance...]

[When you wake up again, you appear in a strange environment, and you forget everything before. 】

[The five levels of transformation into gods, the further you go, the heavier the seal on memory becomes, and the harder it is to break through. 】

[In this environment, you are a young and famous e-sports player. At only sixteen years old, you have reached the finals of the global finals. 】

[You have become the hope of countless national e-sports fans, and people have high expectations for you. However, in the finals, you were defeated by your opponents due to the huge gap in strength. 】

[After returning to China, you faced countless abuses and ridicules. Overnight, you changed from the talented e-sports boy you were to an e-sports weakling that everyone yelled at. 】

[You are a player who is easily swayed by emotions. Amidst the countless abuses, you became angry and became more easily swayed by emotions. 】

[And this also caused your operation and mood to plummet, and gradually you became depressed. 】

[You spend the whole day between two o'clock and one line, except for training, you spend time in bars. 】

[Long-term alcohol stimulation will make your reaction decline, even worse than that of ordinary people. 】

[Your strength has declined rapidly, and the coaches and teammates who were once optimistic about you have looked at you with cold eyes. You have no choice but to retire. 】

[You always have a trace of anger in your heart, thinking that your strength should not be like this, but you have no choice and will never return to that battlefield. 】

[You dropped out of school early and couldn't find a job. In the end, you could only stay on a small platform and be a small game anchor. 】

[It is normal for you to troll your teammates in the game and scold the audience in the live broadcast room. As time goes by, you will be blacklisted by the platform. 】

[So many years have passed, and you have watched your former teammates and new talents continue to win the coveted championship trophy. 】

[You are envious, you are jealous, and at the same time, your heart is filled with a trace of regret. 】

[You tried to come back, but only the lowest team was willing to accept you, and you, who are getting older, did not create miracles on a battlefield without smoke. 】

[You have retired again. At nearly thirty years old, you are full of confusion and anger. You begin to hate everything around you and become angry at everything that does not suit your liking. (っ◔◡◔)っ】

[You have long been accustomed to countless abuses. With some of the savings you saved as an anchor over the years, you reluctantly got married and had children. 】

[And for the sake of milk powder money for your children, even if you are scolded every day, you still broadcast it. Gradually, you get used to wearing that hypocritical mask on your face. 】

【This is how my life ended...】

[Congratulations, you have broken through the Nuan Nian Pass! 】

The sound of the simulator came in Su Xing's mind.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes:

"It's strange. In this illusion, I didn't seem to realize that it was an illusion. How come it was still revealed?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, recalling the conditions triggered every time he explored the illusion before.

After a long time, I seemed to have a clear understanding.

"So, it's not about breaking through the illusion...but to stay in the illusion and not be influenced by your own emotions? Or...understand the nature of these delusions?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, seeming even more confused about the nature of the five levels of transformation.

"Perhaps we should go to the Luotian Conference and ask, what does the five levels of divine transformation mean?"

"If you don't know it yet, I'm afraid you won't know the secret until you go through the Immortal Tribulation..."

But no matter what, after breaking through the five stages of transforming into gods, Su Xing has officially taken a big step towards the stage of transforming into gods. Next, all he needs to do is break through to transform into gods!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After exploring the five stages of transforming into gods, you exit the illusion and sit cross-legged on the grass, feeling the flow of spiritual energy around you. Your mind has never been as peaceful as before. 】

[Your eyes seem to have undergone some mysterious changes. You can see the flow of spiritual energy with your naked eyes. 】


[With a thought, you can feel these auras cheering for you, and the auras in your body become more stable, as if there is a single-plank bridge vaguely connected to the surrounding auras of heaven and earth. 】

[With a movement in your heart, Li Huo appears in your palm. You try to use the full power of Li Huo, but the spiritual energy in your body is consumed rapidly. 】

[But the surrounding spiritual energy is also flowing crazily into your body, quickly replenishing your spiritual energy consumption. 】

[You have tried for a long time and found that the speed at which you absorb spiritual energy has more than doubled. You can even communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to increase the power of your magical powers! 】

[After breaking through the fifth stage of becoming a god, you feel a little tired. At this moment, you can break through to the stage of becoming a god at any time. 】

[But to be on the safe side, you decided to play it safe. 】

[You have been practicing and adjusting for several months, and have adjusted your physical condition to its peak. 】

[Then, enter the blessed land of Lingtian and prepare to break through to the stage of becoming a god! 】

[You take out the remaining spiritual stones and place them around your body to prevent breakthrough failure due to insufficient spiritual energy. 】

[Your heart is like a mirror now, and you have officially begun to break through. 】

[The spiritual energy escaping in the air around your body is like small luminous dots in your soul perception. Under your guidance, it gradually enters the Nascent Soul in your Dantian. 】

[The originally silent golden villain began to gradually revive after being stimulated by spiritual energy. 】

[Gradually, more and more spiritual energy flows into the Nascent Soul in your Dantian. 】

[The golden little man, bathed in spiritual energy, began to gradually change in appearance. 】

[From a baby to a child, then to a teenager... In the end, the appearance of this little golden man seems to be carved out of the same mold as you, but the size is reduced countless times. 】

[With the changes in the golden figure in your Dantian, you feel that your consciousness has also sublimated at this moment! 】

[Thousands of feet...Fifteen hundred feet...Two thousand feet! 】

[The scope and intensity of spiritual consciousness have undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment. 】

[But because you are currently in the blessed land of Lingtian, you don’t know to what level your spiritual consciousness has risen to. 】

[But soon, the changes in your Dantian caught your attention. 】

[With the continuous influx of spiritual energy, the little person in your Dantian begins to become more alive, and his five levels begin to become clear, but his eyes are still tightly closed, and he seems to have no self-awareness. 】

[With a move in your heart, you incorporate a touch of your own soul into the golden villain. 】

[At this moment, the eyes of the golden villain slowly opened, revealing light golden eyes. This villain still has no self-awareness, but he is connected with your mind. 】

[After repeated attempts, you quickly discovered the difference between the golden villain and the Nascent Soul. 】

[You can include your soul into it. When you encounter danger, even if your physical body dies, as long as your spiritual consciousness persists, you will still live in this world. If you find a suitable body, you may be able to be reborn. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and muttered:

"So that's it. When Zong Laogou's physical body was destroyed, his soul still existed. It should be that his soul was stored in the little man who transformed himself into a god in his dantian!"

"From this point of view, this villain is equivalent to the monk's second life! As long as his soul is immortal and his lifespan is endless, he will not perish easily!"

Although Yuanying monks have cultivated spiritual consciousness and possess the soul, this soul is only in its rudimentary form.

Only by completely breaking into the stage of transformation into gods, will the consciousness and soul undergo a qualitative transformation!

Look at the simulation panel.

[The wonderful function of Yuan Shen is not only that the Yuan Shen is immortal, but also the life is immortal. 】

[After the formation of the soul, your understanding of the world has also risen to a higher level. The faster mobilization of spiritual energy has even increased your cultivation speed a little. 】

[When the golden villain opens his eyes, you feel the spiritual energy around you pouring into your body crazily like a torrent of suction. 】

[Such a terrifying speed, almost all the spiritual energy in the Lingtian Blessed Land has been drained away by you. 】

[Fortunately, you took out many spiritual stones in advance and arranged the spirit gathering formation, so the spiritual energy in the spiritual land was barely enough. 】

[Even so, your body is still like a black hole, absorbing it crazily. 】

[With the influx of spiritual energy, you feel that your spiritual power becomes stronger. 】

[The spiritual energy that was originally like a small river turned into a turbulent river at this moment. Your total amount of spiritual energy nearly doubled in an instant! 】

[There is a faint aroma coming from your body. This is a sign of overflowing spiritual power and a breakthrough in realm! 】

[At this moment, hurry up and compress the spiritual energy in your body with all your strength! 】

[The spiritual energy in your body is boiling like boiling water, and there are roars in your mind! 】

[With a burst of fragrance, you have a breakthrough! 】

[Congratulations, you have become a monk in the transformation stage! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing clenched his fists excitedly.

"Finally a breakthrough!"

"Monk of Transformation God! What is a card face?"

"Haha... The mere ancestor of Nascent Soul is vulnerable to a single blow!"

For a moment, Su Xing had his hands on his hips and his expression was beaming.

Breaking into the Divine Transformation Stage is undoubtedly a huge improvement in strength!

"I have finally broken through to the form of a god, so this simulation mission has been successfully completed. Next, I still have to seize the time and work hard to improve my cultivation!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[After breaking into the spirit form, your Qi refining strength doubled in an instant! 】

[Even if you originally had the strength of the divine power realm, after refining your energy and becoming a god, your overall strength has increased by more than 50%. 】

[You slowly stood up and frowned slightly after feeling the aura around you. 】

[Because the spiritual energy in the Lingtian Blessed Land has become extremely thin at this moment, and all the spiritual energy in the eight hundred spiritual stones you arranged before has been sucked out. 】

[Even with the Spirit Gathering Flower, it will take at least a year for the spiritual energy to return to its concentration before the breakthrough. 】

[You sigh slightly and return to the real world. 】

[Qi refining cultivation level cannot be improved for the time being, so you decide to join the Demon Suppression Pass again and rely on hunting the Demon King to obtain flesh and blood essence and improve your body refining strength! 】

[Although the Daxia military disagrees with this decision, they believe that in your capacity, it is obviously more appropriate to refine elixirs in the real world. 】

[But you know your own strength. As someone who is in the state of refining energy to become a god and refining the body to become a god, your role on the battlefield can even be equal to that of a veteran Martial Emperor. 】

[As long as the Demon King is not at his peak, or the legendary demon beast takes action, your life will not be in danger. 】

[So, you enter the Demon Suppression Pass without any hesitation. 】

[At this time, the situation in the Demon Suppressing Pass has gradually deteriorated. Heavenly king-level professionals are killed every day, and martial emperor-level experts are also killed from time to time. 】

[You knew that you could not change this outcome with your strength, so you began to hunt down the monsters with all your strength. 】

[In just one week, no less than ten demon kings died in your hands, and there was even a demon beast in the early stage of the demon king that was killed by you yourself. 】

[You take the essence of the Demon King's flesh and blood, cook it and enjoy it. The energy of the essence enters your stomach and blends into your limbs, further increasing your physical strength. 】

[The Demon Suppression Pass is definitely a treasure place for you to improve your strength. The countless demon kings and demon emperors here can continuously provide you with flesh and blood essence. 】

[And high-intensity fighting can enable you to better digest these essence energies and turn them into your own use. 】

[You heroically killed demons in the Demon Suppression Pass, and two years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the 19th year, in the past two years, no fewer than fifty demon kings have died in your hands, and countless demon beasts at the level of demon kings have died. 】

[Your body-refining strength has also improved in the past two years, reaching the fourth level of divine power! 】

[After breaking through to the fourth level of the divine power realm, the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence that you can digest every day has reached five kilograms. The high-quality essence intake has steadily improved your strength. 】

[In the past two years, Lingtian Blessed Land has also returned to its original state of abundant spiritual energy. 】

[Unfortunately, you cannot practice with high intensity and can only replenish the consumed spiritual energy in the spiritual field blessed land. 】

[Because just over a hundred spirit-gathering flowers are no longer able to sustain your long-term cultivation. You once tried to practice for half a month, and the spiritual energy in the blessed land of the spirit field was reduced by half in half a month. 】

[And the spiritual stones you accumulated previously have been exhausted, and it will be difficult to improve your Qi refining cultivation in a short period of time! 】

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