
When they saw what Fang Yuan wrote.

When they saw the overwhelming offensive launched by Germany after invading Poland.

The whole audience was boiling!

The development of the story was completely opposite to their guess!

Such a powerful Poland.

It did not cause trouble for Hitler as they imagined.

On the contrary.

After only 36 days of persistence.

It ruined the entire country!

——”36 days!!!”

——”Destroy a country in 36 days? And a military power ranked sixth in the world?”

——”My eyes are blurry. It must be my eyes…….How is this possible!”

——”This is outrageous! This is too much!”

——”Poland was described as so powerful before, with a million-strong army and airplanes and artillery, but now you tell me that they were destroyed in 36 days? What is the source god trying to do? Are you trying to let Hitler go to heaven?”

——”This is too outrageous!”

Online and offline, countless viewers were shocked!

Everyone was shocked by this content!

Under Hitler, Germany has become so powerful?

How is this possible!!!

After these shocks, many people questioned it.

After all, these were all created by Fang Yuan.

He gave the time of 36 days.

It is conceivable that if a reasonable explanation cannot be given, this will be a plot that the audience cannot accept and will also make this story lose a lot of color.

In the studio, after experiencing the initial shock, several judges also thought of this question.

Why was Hitler able to take over Poland so quickly?

This needs an explanation.

Jiang Wen came back to his senses and spoke first.

“This is incredible”

“To be honest, although Fang Yuan has spent a lot of time and effort on the war, introducing how Hitler won the war and how he quickly destroyed Poland,”

“but……I still think this result is somewhat surprising.” Jiang Wen still has some protection for the contestants from his own country, so he spoke in a more tactful way. He did not directly say that your plot design is too outrageous, the loopholes are too obvious, and it is impossible to convince the audience. However, the other judges were more straightforward. On the side, Miyazaki Hayao immediately nodded and agreed.

“That’s right”

“Poland was destroyed in 36 days. This was the first time Hitler showed his strength after preparing for war.”

“I can understand that Fang Yuan wants to write a beautiful opening game and design a stunning plot for the story to enter the next stage.”


“36 days, it’s too long”

“If there is no good explanation, I think it is difficult to show its rationality.”

“After all, reality doesn’t need logic, but the created fictional stories are indispensable.”

Miyazaki said.

Leo also agreed

“The two teachers are right.”

“I think there must be many viewers who are like us at this moment”

“I am confused about this plot.” He smiled and looked at Fang Yuan on the big screen.

“But I believe that contestant Fang Yuan will definitely give a reasonable explanation.”

“He believes in his strength.”

“Moreover, he has proved his ability more than once in his previous creations, proving that he is an excellent creator, isn’t he?”

Little Leo is very optimistic about Fang Yuan.

So this is equivalent to supporting Fang Yuan.

After hearing his words, the audience also looked at the screen curiously.

——”Yes, so far,”My Struggle” is the best story I have ever seen, and Yuan Shen’s strength is currently the strongest! I believe he would not write a plot with such obvious loopholes, there must be an explanation!”

——”Yes! I believe in the Source God!”

——”Although 36 days seems outrageous,……Are there not many such things in history? What’s so strange about this? A bunch of illiterate people are making a fuss about it.”

——”Wait, there will be an explanation.”

——”I believe in Yuanshen!”

In addition to doubts, more viewers have confidence in Fang Yuan.

Since he can write about Hitler’s 36 days to destroy Germany, he will definitely give an explanation.

An explanation that can convince all the audience!

In the room,

Fang Yuan also knew that 36 days to destroy a country was too horrifying.

So he did not intend to just brush it off.

Instead, he spent a lot of words here to explain to the audience why Hitler could achieve such an achievement.

【It took 36 days to conquer Poland. Countries around the world were shocked by the military strength demonstrated by Germany.】

(bhac) [For this reason, no military experts have analyzed it】

【Now let’s take a look at the comparison of the forces of both sides.】

【In order to attack Poland, the German army formed two army groups, one in the south and one in the north, with a total of 44 divisions.】

【Among them, there are 7 armored divisions, 4 light armored divisions, 4 motorized infantry divisions, 2,626 tanks and 2,300 aircraft, with a total force of about 1.5 million people.】

【Poland has 7 army groups, 4 battle groups, 800 tanks and armored vehicles, more than 4,300 artillery pieces and mortars, 392 aircraft, and a total force of about 1 million people.】

【From this point of view, the Polish army is completely no match for the German army.】

【Secondly, the German army not only had a large number of troops, advanced equipment, and tacit cooperation, but also had military ideas and concepts that were far ahead of Poland.】

【The Polish army’s equipment was also completely incomparable to the German army. Only half of the Polish Air Force’s aircraft could participate in the war. Most of the tanks were antiques from the First World War. Many tanks were directly purchased from Britain and France. Their firepower and mobility were not as good as those of German tanks.】

【In addition, the military quality of Polish soldiers was not as good as that of German soldiers.】

【In terms of command system, the Polish army still stuck in the trench warfare mentality of World War I and had insufficient understanding of mobile warfare.】

【The Polish army hoped to withstand the German attack, then wait for Britain and France to attack Germany on the Western Front, and then defeat Germany with Britain and France. This naive idea of pinning the hope of victory on other countries is itself unreliable.】

【Before the battle began, the German high-ranking officials generally believed that attacking Poland was a huge military adventure. Once Britain and France took action on the Western Front, the German army would be in a passive situation.】

【But Hitler didn’t think so.】

【He believed that Britain and France had always avoided conflict with Germany, so Hitler was betting that Britain and France would not send troops to the Western Front. The German army could take Poland in a short time and then transfer its main force to the Western Front.】

【Moreover, Germany had signed the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union. It was not Germany but Poland that was caught in a two-front war.】

【At first, Hitler was still concerned about Britain and France. Although he was bold in his overall strategy, he was very cautious in tactics.】

【A few days before the attack, he ordered the German Wehrmacht not to penetrate deep into the Polish border, and all attacks should be carried out along railways and transportation lines. Especially after Britain and France declared war on Germany, Hitler’s concerns deepened.】

【The German offensive in Poland was very restrained and cautious so that they could withdraw quickly after the British and French actions.】

【However, this idea was opposed by the commanders-in-chief of the two army groups in the north and south.】

【Von Bock and Rundstedt believed that it was better to not fight at all or to fight with all their might and take Poland first.】

【The German army should advance with all its might, break the Polish defense line, and then penetrate deep into Polish territory to encircle and annihilate the Polish army! 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【With the advice of two commanders, the German army was able to launch a full-scale attack on Poland】

【The German army quickly broke through the Polish defense line and then advanced into the Polish hinterland at a speed of 50 to 60 kilometers per day.】

【The Polish army was completely unprepared for the German army’s massive use of tanks and aviation blitzkrieg, and was completely in a passive position.】

【Hitler abandoned his concerns about Britain and France and focused on attacking Poland】

【What about Poland?】

【They still have unrealistic fantasies about the war situation.】

【The threat of Germany deployed in the north and south of Poland is like two rows of teeth, which can bite Poland to pieces at any time.】

【To the west is Germany’s homeland, and the threat has long been apparent.】

【Like a tongue, if Hitler needed to, he could just roll Poland’s military forces in the west into his mouth like swallowing a sausage and then crush them with his teeth.】

【In addition, the Polish Plain itself is a deadly place. Its terrain is very flat, which is simply a paradise for mechanized troops.】

【In fact, the best solution for Poland would be to give up defending in the west and instead gather its troops and deploy them behind wide rivers such as the Vistula and San.】

【However, the Polish army did not do so in the end, because this smart approach was unbearable in terms of cost – Poland’s most valuable industrial areas and coal mining industries are in the west. If they give up here, they will undoubtedly give up Poland’s most valuable land.】

【In addition, this was also out of consideration for national self-esteem and military honor – they would not allow Germany to return to its old territory before 1918】

【Therefore, for these reasons, they placed almost 1/3 of their troops in or near the Danzig Corridor, which completely trapped the troops in the German pincer attack. The attack launched from East Prussia and eastern Germany could swallow the opponent in one bite.】

【The Polish army in the south was too weak to stop the German attack from the south.】

【Another one-third of the troops were deployed between Lodz and Warsaw. They were used as a counterattack corps, but they were too far away and had poor mobility to be of any use.】

【So when the Polish campaign took place, we can see that Poland deployed five armies on the border – the Pomeranian Army, the Poznan Army, the Lodz Army, the Krakow Army and the Carpathian Army.】

【These troops were deployed along the border with the goal of delaying the Germans near the border. Once Germany was forced to retreat due to attacks from the Western Front, these five armies would launch a counterattack and enter Germany to fight.】

【But unfortunately, Germany did not suffer from the attack pressure from the Western Front.】

【Poland’s decision to abandon its strategic depth and concentrate most of its forces in the west was exactly what Hitler wanted.】

【So after only 36 days, they destroyed their country.】

【The famous military theorist BH Liddell Hart once commented:”The Polish army’s tactical thinking was at least 80 years behind the times. They thought that they could win by sending all their troops to the border and counterattacking. This layout without any strategic depth caused the Polish army to be divided, surrounded and destroyed by the German army, and the resistance quickly collapsed.”】

Fang Yuan wrote this part very slowly.

Although he had a strong memory, the details of all aspects of the Polish campaign were like an undefended vegetable garden in his mind for him to pick.

Therefore, he eliminated the dross and kept the essence, picked out the key points and made a simple explanation of the formation of this result.

In general, the rapid fall of Poland was a combination of several factors.

Germany found a new era of war, this is the first.

Britain and France’s untimely actions made Poland misjudge the situation, the third and most important point.

Poland misjudged the first two points, so that most of its troops were concentrated on the long defense line on the Western Front.

So when Hitler’s fast mobile forces penetrated it, the army on the Western Front became the rice in Hitler’s pot.

It was divided and eaten one by one.

This style of play that left no strategic depth at all destroyed Poland’s main strength.

Therefore, failure was doomed from the first moment the battle started.

And when seeing Fang Yuan’s review analysis, the audience also accepted it.

——”So that’s how it is?”

——”Poland is so amazing!”

——”They thought this was World War I, didn’t they? Trench warfare? All the troops were deployed on the border, and Hitler pushed forward bit by bit?”


——”Also, England and France are such bad teammates! Didn’t they react in 36 days?”


The audience exclaimed outrageous.

After learning this information, they looked back.

36 days……Poland actually managed to hold out for 36 days under this miraculous operation?

Too tenacious!

In the studio, several judges were also dumbfounded.

Although they were not military experts,

Fang Yuan wrote it in a very easy-to-understand way, so they all understood it.

“have to say……Although outrageous”

“but……”It’s reasonable!”

Jiang Wen was stunned and choked out a word.

He was also confused by Poland’s magical operation.

A country that is the sixth most powerful military country in the world could actually fight a war like this.

36 days to die?

It’s not unfair!

On the side,

Miyazaki Hayao also sighed


“Fang Yuan’s analysis is very detailed.”

“From this point of view, it is indeed logical that Hitler could quickly destroy Poland.”

“I think this part of the plot is very reasonable.”

Compared to the two judges’ discussion on the plot,

Leo was more concerned about Fang Yuan’s professionalism in this part.

“Fang Yuan’s portrayal of the war plot is excellent”

“It can be seen that he has studied military affairs.”

As he said this, his interest in the eyes became stronger.

“Now that Hitler has started a war, there will surely be more military games.”

“I am increasingly looking forward to him bringing me more surprises.”


Of course there will be.

After all, in the creation of literary works, when it comes to the war part, most of them come from the creator’s fabrication.

And fabrication, even if you consult military experts, still has the empty feeling of talking about war on paper.

How can this be more interesting than Fang Yuan directly bringing up the battles that existed in history?

The current Battle of Poland is just an appetizer.

In World War II, there are so many wonderful battles!

The Battle of Normandy, the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Berlin……

In the future, when Fang Yuan brings out all these battles,

I believe that when these battles are revealed, it will give the whole world a big shock!

“I believe he will bring us more surprises.”

Rowling simply agreed.

Then, she looked at the screen.

Now, she had a more concerned question.

Waiting for Fang Yuan to reveal it!

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