"Is he going to write that?"

On the judges' bench,

Miyazaki Hayao widened his eyes!

Obviously, he also thought of that possibility!...

On the side,

Jiang Wen simply didn't know what to say.

I thought Fang Yuan was going to write about the Franco-German War.

But the French coward didn't fire a single shot.

I thought he was going to write about Hitler arming the Rhineland.

Unexpectedly, the writing style suddenly changed.

He started to introduce black people.

The plot changed under his hands.......

Totally unpredictable~~~

"If this wasn't the"Wen Si Quan Yong Creative Competition", I would have thought that some experienced screenwriter was writing a story for me."

Jiang Wen smiled bitterly.

This was the first time he had received so many surprises from a young contestant.......

Ms. Rowling also looked surprised.

"Is he going to write about Hitler's terrible racism again?"

Just as Fang Yuan expected.

As he tirelessly promoted the plot of German rearmament, many people had long forgotten that Hitler's butt was crooked.

At this time, when they saw these words, they finally remembered this point that they were about to ignore.......

Compared to the other three judges,

Leo's reaction was the most different.

He leaned forward slightly, put his hands on the armrests of the chair, and there seemed to be something in his eyes.......surprise?

"I know, I know it!"

"He will definitely continue to write about racism!"


"This would make the story even more exciting!"......

Unlike Rowling,

Leo never forgot the basic character of Hitler.

In his opinion, this is also the most important part of the story!

It is the most rewarding part!

It is not uncommon for a powerful person to fall from the sky.

It is not uncommon for a powerful person to lead a country to become strong.

It is even more uncommon for an ordinary person to become a leader of a country through struggle, grow into a powerful person, and lead a country to become strong!

The most surprising thing is!

It is a crazy demon like Hitler!

He wants to change the world with his terrible"ideal"!

And this is the unique part of this story!......

"Director, look at him, he's starting over again."


When the director saw Fang Yuan's description, he also vaguely realized what Fang Yuan was going to write.

He looked at the director.

His face was speechless.......

The director smiled helplessly.

"No way, he can write if he wants to."


At this point, he looked at the monitoring screen beside him.

It showed various information such as the number of people online and the number of bullet comments.

It was visible to the naked eye.

When the content reached this part, all the data in various aspects had improved.

"The audience loves watching this too."......

In the room.

Fang Yuan continued writing

【After the First World War, the Alsace region was handed over to France, and many black immigrants to France and blacks who joined the French army were settled here.】

【As a result, some Germans living here intermarried with these French blacks and gave birth to mixed-race children.】

【Soon, a large number of blacks and mixed-race blacks appeared in the neighboring Rhineland region.】......

The so-called Alsace region is a region in northeastern France that faces the Rhineland region of Germany across the river.

Many people may not remember this name. But in fact , we have already come into contact with it in textbooks. That's right. It is the place where the story in the text"The Last Lesson" takes place.


Alsace was originally a territory of the Holy Roman Empire.

Later, it was ceded to France.

However, after the Franco-Prussian War, it was ceded to Germany.

After that, it changed hands several times and its ownership changed again and again.

It jumped back and forth between Germany and France.......

In the article"The Last Lesson"

, it is easy to misunderstand that this is the inherent territory of France and French is the mother tongue here.

But in fact, the situation is completely the opposite.

Less than 5% of the population in the region speaks French.

The local mother tongue is Alsatian, a dialect of German.

Since Alsatian is a dialect of German, then naturally,

Alsatians are Germans.......

【In 1920, Germany used France to settle black people in Alsace. They claimed that young German women were disappearing from the Rhine and that the barbaric French blacks were marching into the heart of Germany (Rhineland).】

【Germany criticized France's immigration policy, accusing them of exterminating the Germans and German culture in Alsace and eroding the Rhineland with blacks.】

【Hitler was deeply affected by these reports.】

【"Germany is in a desperate situation under the rule of 7 million foreigners. The blood of the Germanic nation will be polluted. It was the Jews who brought those foreigners, those blacks, to Germany! To the Rhineland!"Hitler said so】

【Hitler even openly claimed in his speech:"The people of the Rhineland are threatened by blackening! Our language is threatened!"】......

【So, after stationing troops in the Rhineland, Hitler turned his attention to all the mixed-race people living there.】

【Including a large number of black mixed】

【Under his instructions, the Nazis planned to launch a"Rhineland Elimination Plan" in the local area to eradicate the local black community! Eliminate black music! Completely eliminate the local black culture! Ultimately, eliminate all black people!】......

Destroy all black people!

When seeing this, the barrage of comments surged wildly!

Countless people were shocked!

Although they had vaguely guessed what Hitler was going to do, but at this moment, when seeing Fang Yuan really write this scene, the audience still felt a wave of disbelief!......

——"I almost forgot that Hitler was a pure racist! He advocated ethnic cleansing and purification of the national bloodline!"

——"Rhineland Elimination Plan......Hiss! It turns out that the pollution he talked about, the elimination of pollution, was actually ethnic cleansing!"

——"madman......No! Devil!"


——"......Yuanshen is really brave to write!!!"......

Countless people were surprised.

The surprise was, did Hitler really dare to do this? Well

, he should have dared.......Did Fang Yuan really dare to write like this? In such a public place, under the eyes of the world, openly letting the protagonist of his novel start a massacre? Some people found it hard to believe that Fang Yuan really dared to write it. And then, on the big screen, Fang Yuan started writing.


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