The topic for the first round of competition was announced.

Struggle!!! When the audience saw these two words, they were immediately excited!

——”Struggle? Boy, this is such an easy question!”

——”Simple??? Are you okay, bro?”

——”That’s right, it’s not that simple! Such a broad and mainstream proposition is precisely the most difficult!”

——”That’s right, since you started writing essays in primary school, how many times have you written about struggle? You’ve written too many of them!”

——”The more mainstream it is, the harder it is to write a stunning work. The difficulty of this question is……very high!”

——”How high?”

——”It’s taller than four or five floors!”

——”Great! We Japanese are the most hardworking and willing to endure hardships. This kind of question is not difficult for us Japanese contestants!”

——”That is, didn’t they draw a topic called”Passion” in one of the previous competitions? Isn’t that mainstream enough? Didn’t our Japanese contestants still draw a masterpiece like”Slam Dunk” and win the championship in one fell swoop!”

——”Destiny lies with Japan!”

——”Humph! We Americans are the best at writing about struggle! The world’s number one overlord, no need to say more!”

——”Make America great! again!”

——”Shit! Isn’t this what our Great Cold Netherworld Nation is best at?”

——”Nonsense! It is obviously us Indians who are best at it!”

——”The Gallic rooster will never know what failure is, we are the best at fighting!”


Because it is a global event, there are not only Chinese people present, but also audiences from many other countries.

For a while, some are happy and some are sad.

Some feel it is difficult and worried about the players in their own country, while others are excited.

It just happens that this is popular in their country’s cultural soil!……


“Director Jiang Wen has given our contestants a difficult problem. Maimaiti was also a little surprised when he saw the note in Jiang Wen’s hand.


As we all know, this kind of competition is just like writing a topic essay in school.

The more precise the topic is and the more accurate the scope of the restriction is, the more conducive it is to the contestants’ creation.

However, a topic like”struggle” is too broad.

It gives contestants too much creative freedom.

If you are not careful, you will go astray.

Moreover, the topic of”struggle” is a bit old-fashioned.

There have been too many classic literary works.

If you want to write something new,……

Extremely difficult!……

Jiang Wen returned to his seat, picked up the microphone, nodded and commented

“It’s a bit difficult indeed”

“Struggle is a very popular creative field in the cultural field.”

“And popular means more classics”

“The contestants want to write eye-catching works in this field, which is a great test of their skills.”……

According to the usual procedure, after the topic is announced, the guests will give their brief comments…….

After Jiang Wen,

Miyazaki Hayao also started to speak

“I also agree with Director Jiang Wen’s opinion.”

“Putting aside other things, as far as I know, Longguo has produced quite a few TV dramas about the struggles of modern people in recent years, right?”

“But are there any particularly phenomenal works among them?”

“Not much actually”

“It can be seen that people nowadays are a little tired of the theme of struggle.”

“Our creators have also fallen into a creative bottleneck with regard to this subject, and it is difficult to come up with something new.”……

After Hayao Miyazaki,

Leo also nodded in agreement

“It’s not just Longguo, it’s also a similar situation in our country, the United States.”

“There are also few classics in movies about struggle.

“Mr. Leonardo is being modest. Your”The Wolf of Wall Street” is a classic among classics, and isn’t it also a movie about struggle?”

Leo shrugged.

“But it was written 10 years ago, wasn’t it, Ms. Rowling?”……

Rowling smiled and said nothing more.

It is indeed as Leo said.

In the field of struggle, the last popular literary work can be traced back to 10 years ago…….

While the host and guests were discussing the topic,

Fang Yuan and other contestants, led by the staff, went to their respective studios…….

Speaking of the studio, we have to mention the special structure of this studio…….

The studio is very large.

After entering from the audience passages on both sides, the first thing that comes into view is the thousands of seats arranged neatly.

In front of the audience seats are four spacious guest seats.

And directly opposite the guest seats is the stage…….

The focus is on the top of the stage.

The honeycomb-like structure is composed of 128 small rooms. There are

8 floors in total,

16 rooms on each floor.

The side of each small room facing the audience is a one-way transparent glass.

The contestants cannot see outside, but the audience below can see what is going on inside.

During the 10-day period, all contestants will create in it…….

“Contestant Fang Yuan, this is your creative room.”

“In the next 10 days, unless there are special circumstances, please do not leave this room at will.”

“If you need anything, you can always contact us.” The staff stopped in front of room number 111.

“Thank you.”

Seeing other contestants entering the room one after another,

Fang Yuan also walked in…….

The room is not big.

It is the size of an ordinary bedroom.

On the left side, there is a small bed.

There is a curtain next to the bed that can be lowered to cover the bed.

On the right is a small compartment separated from the other side – it should be the bathroom and toilet.

Further forward, there is a desk.

There is a computer, a desk lamp, an ashtray, a water cup and other sundries on it.

This is arranged according to Fang Yuan’s writing habits…….



“What kind of story should I write?”

10 days is neither long nor short.

Sitting in front of the computer,

Fang Yuan pulled out a word document and began to think about how to solve the problem…….

The room was well soundproofed.

Once the door was closed, all external sounds were completely cut off, giving Fang Yuan the most familiar tranquility…….

“Got it!”

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He typed a few words into the document.——《Chicken feathers flying to the sky》!……

Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky.

This is a TV series that Fang Yuan liked very much in his previous life.

It is an urban business drama.

It tells the entrepreneurial story of the protagonist Chen Jianghe (Chicken Feather).

At the same time, from his perspective, it depicts to the audience the 30-year reform and opening-up process of Yiwu, the world’s small commodity capital.

In a small sense, it tells the story of a small person’s struggle and growth.

In a big sense, it uses the city of Yiwu as a window to show the turbulent 30 years of reform and opening-up in Longguo.

It has risen to the story of a country becoming rich and strong through struggle!

Douban scored 8.1.

It is a rare masterpiece on the theme of struggle…….

“Should I write about it?”

I don’t remember anything about this TV series.

In other words, it doesn’t appear here. I can definitely write about it!


After a moment, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

“No, no”

“Although the quality of this drama is enough to be promoted, but if you want to be amazing……That’s not enough!”



This is Fang Yuan’s plan.

128 contestants.

64 advanced in the first round.

If it was just a mediocre promotion.

Fang Yuan would not be satisfied.

To put it in an unlucky way – what if he happened to encounter an unfamiliar proposition in the next round and was eliminated? 64 qualifiers, so many people, how could he be remembered by the audience?……


Fang Yuan’s goal was not to advance safely…….

It became an instant success!

In the first round of the competition, it stole the limelight!

Attracted the attention of the whole world!……

So, what works can make him stand out and attract all the attention?



Fang Yuan was mumbling.

Suddenly, a book title popped into his mind.

That was——

《My Struggle!

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