When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 990: The only survivor?

He had finished reading the extra memories of his daughter-in-law and withdrew.

He stood motionless, like a dead tree trunk.

Duan Xinxin looked at him and didn't speak for a while, waiting for him to speak.

When she saw this memory, she also had the same expression as Chen Ping'an, and even thought about whether to tell Chen Ping'an.

Because she was afraid that her husband would wonder if she was his wife after knowing these memories...

Chen Pingan stood there, lost in thought.

It was really hard for him to digest this sudden discovery.

The yard in the picture is almost the same as his current yard.

But this yard was obviously built by him.

In other words, when the yard was being built, what was actually in his mind was already controlled?

So they built the yard that was almost exactly the same as in memory?

And that picture, isn't it what he looked like when he hadn't gone to the backer sect.

"Family! Five billion years!"

He also found two very important pieces of information in that memory.

If that person is him, then he has lived for at least 50 billion years!

Yes, at least!

Moreover, he should be from a powerful family, otherwise he wouldn't say what happened in the family to the light of his daughter-in-law.

"It seems that I am indeed a member of a big family above the Hongmeng Realm! Moreover, the strength should not be too bad!"

At this time, Chen Pingan also thought of the black ball in his mind.

Could this black ball be the sealed memory?

The man in his memory looked exactly like him, and that was 100% him. Now that he has no memory of that time, this black ball should be.

However, why did he slowly discover doubts in such a way?

What was your past self planning?

Moreover, judging from the situation of the old man in the cave, it should have suffered a devastating blow in the end.

Could it be that that family was destroyed by some powerful existence?

And he, the only survivor of the entire family, wants revenge or something?

Chen Ping'an's mind was like a storm, spinning rapidly there.

Everything was a fog for him.

Everything is conjecture now, and no one knows whether it is the case or not.

Maybe there will be a particularly big reversal later, in fact, the blow that destroyed the old man, even if he hit it, it is also possible...

Of course, this guess is a bit outrageous, and it doesn't seem to match the memory of the kitchen knives.

Chen Ping'an still didn't find the most crucial information from these memories, so he knew that his identity was not simple.

He looked at his daughter-in-law and said, "I already understand the general situation, so let's do it first."

Duan Xinxin said, "Xianggong, have you discovered anything?"

Chen Ping'an smiled bitterly: "No, I only know that my identity is not simple, and so are you."

Duan Xinxin frowned: "Then what should we do next?"

Chen Pingan said: "Everything goes with the flow. The matter of the ancient beasts is in front of us. Let's solve it first. Also, after I finish creating the treasure realm, I have to start working hard to find the origin of the Chaos Pearl spirit body."

After Duan Xinxin heard this, her face became resentful: "You can't wait to help her..."

Chen Pingan stepped forward and pinched her nose, and said, "What do you think, the main reason is that after she finds the origin, my strength will also increase, and I may know more answers."

Every time the black ball finds its origin in the Chaos Orb spiritual body, there will be some changes.

Perhaps after the Chaos Pearl spirit body has found all its origins, the moment when all the mysteries can be solved.

Duan Xinxin took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "Then I have nothing to say, but you promise me, no matter what you know in the end, I...don't want to leave you..."

After seeing the memory that suddenly appeared, Duan Xinxin was really afraid for a moment that she would never be Chen Ping'an's wife again.

Chen Ping'an looked at his daughter-in-law, and couldn't help but pick up her princess directly and put it on the bed.

"You'll be cranky all day long. I said, you are my woman, forever." Chen Pingan lightly pecked Duan Xinxin's red lips.

Duan Xinxin asked: "For a lifetime?"

"Well, if you can add a deadline, I hope..." Chen Pingan wanted to continue, but Duan Xinxin pinched his mouth decisively.

"Only ten thousand years!" Duan Xinxin pretended to be cute and pouted.

Chen Ping'an shook his head and smiled: "I hope it is billions of years."

Hearing this, Duan Xinxin was satisfied, holding Chen Pingan's head and snickering.

But at this time, Chen Ping'an said, "Is this all right? Are you sure you won't have something to do tonight?"

After Duan Xinxin heard this, Zhu Hong's mouth suddenly turned up and she asked, "Is that kind of crazy?"

"You guy, when did you have such a hobby..." Chen Pingan was speechless.

Silent all night.

the next day.

Chen Pingan walked out of the yard and stretched out in the warm sunshine.

He moved towards the utensils in the yard and said, "Everything is ready, and we will start the journey later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the artifacts appeared, standing like a military posture, and said: "Master, we are ready!"

Chen Pingan looked at their refreshed appearance and nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Fan Yixuan also came out of the room and said, "I'm going too!"

Duan Xinxin and Su Ling also came out, but they didn't speak.

Duan Xinxin has already made a breakthrough, so she won't go, she should take Xiaolinger at home, and what she needs to do now is to consolidate.

Xiaolinger couldn't bear the watermelon in the yard, and she practiced like that, so she might as well stay here. Besides, she followed, who would cook for Duan Xinxin.

Chen Ping'an nodded, and at this time, the Chaos Pearl spirit body also appeared, and said, "Let me go too."

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Let's all go together."

In this way, he put the kitchen knives and them into a space again, and then started to leave the yard and fly to somewhere in the Hongmeng Realm.

He also flew for a while before arriving at the cliff where he and the dragon escaped last time.

Everything seemed very familiar.

In a short while, he entered that world.

He appeared on the square.

Looking at the familiar environment, Chen Pingan directly released the kitchen knives.

And their arrival instantly shook the world that had been quiet for a while.

A group of ancestors flew towards the square at a very fast speed.

Before long, the square began to fill with people.

Among them, there are twenty ancestral realms standing above the sky and looking down.

And Li Mei was right in front of these people.

He held his breath and looked down.

Now he is very nervous, because he has never felt such a terrifying cultivation aura!

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