When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 984: chased by mountains

Hearing this news, even if the ancient beast is still cultivating, he can't sit still at the moment.

Just now I heard the human race who suddenly appeared nearby scolding Chen Ping'an, and now the Qingzi ancient beast has sent this message, and no one can be stabilized, and they will be linked together.

But what made it unexpected is that the Great Emperor Ping An actually took the initiative to hit them in the forbidden area!

Because the forbidden area is different from the Hongmeng Realm, there are some restrictions for them to go to the Hongmeng Realm now, but before they attack, they can destroy those enchantments first.

But the human race attacked it was different.

The forbidden area of ​​Hongmeng Residence is full of dangers, especially the spatial turbulence.

Their human race's ability to perceive these spatial turbulence is not as powerful as their ancient beasts have lived here for so many years.

The human races come in groups, and I am afraid that the spatial turbulence can cause them to lose most of their combat power, or it is difficult to enter the depths of their forbidden area directly, and they are directly carried to other places by the spatial turbulence, thus getting lost.

In addition to the ancient beasts, other ancestral-level ancient beasts who are cultivating also received news from the Qingzi ancient beasts at this time.

For a time, the ancestral-level ancient beasts who lived and cultivated in many directions began to vibrate, and quickly flew to the place where they had gathered.

They are extremely fast and reach their destination in no time.

At this moment, the Qingzi ancient beast is already here.

Seeing the Qingzi ancient beast, the ancient beast looked very serious and asked: "The Great Emperor Ping An attacked?!"

The other ancient beasts were also staring at the Qingzi ancient beast at this time, waiting for his answer.

They have many ancient beast tribes in the forbidden area, but none of the tribes have sent them the information of a large-scale attack by the human race.

Is it the ancient beasts of Qingzi that were laid out in the Hongmeng Realm, and came the message that Emperor Ping An assembled the human race to attack?

But why did the Qingzi ancient beast say that Emperor Ping An had already been killed?

Qingzi Ancient Beast looked serious and said solemnly: "I saw Emperor Ping An just now! He is already in the forbidden area! And he also annihilated one of my tribes!!"

Hearing this, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The ancient giant beast said solemnly: "Tell me what's going on carefully!"

Qingzi Ancient Beast told what happened not long ago.

Including the news that his subordinates let him go there, and it was also this matter that he saw the Great Emperor Ping An.

"In just a few days, you said that his strength has more than doubled? Is he about to return to his peak?!" An ancient beast asked in a deep voice.

Qingzi Ancient Beast nodded.

"Do you think this is possible! He obviously hasn't lost his strength, and he just pretended to be in front of him! Just to give you an illusion, let us attack together, and then directly destroy us in the Hongmeng Forbidden Territory!" An ancient beast uttered a sound.

It said that it was possible at the beginning, but the Qingzi ancient beast didn't believe it.

Qingzi Ancient Beast did not speak this time, because it also doubted whether it was true.

Because in just a few days, he has improved so much, it is simply "impossible" and "siyi" to have a son, and then call him incredible!

"So he has now brought that group of lords to us to kill?!" The ancient giant beast asked with a frown.

Over the years, their strength has also improved.

Although there is still no ancient beast that can match the peak of the Ping An Emperor, but together, it will not only be crushed like before.

If Emperor Ping'an's strength has not improved too much, then if they join forces, and quickly gather the ancient beasts of the ancestors, there is still a chance to fight!

After all, the other party didn't kill with a group of humans!

Moreover, the human race is like that now. It seems that it is useless to kill, but it will drag its feet.

Qingzi Ancient Beast shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. I was afraid that he would find me, so he left in a hurry, and then told you about it."

Hearing this, the other ancient beasts didn't know what to say.

"It seems that we can only gather all the ancient beasts first! Plan for the worst!" The ancient beast said solemnly.

The other ancient beasts nodded, and then began to contact their subordinates, asking them to rush here with the strongest combat power of the tribe.

Get ready for an unprecedented battle between man and beast! !

that's all.

Under the words of Qingzi Ancient Beast, the entire Hongmeng Forbidden Territory shook, and the situation was very serious...

And Chen Ping'an didn't know that because he went to the Hongmeng forbidden area, he put the Hongmeng forbidden area into a state of super alert. At this time, he had already taken his daughter-in-law out of the Hongmeng barrier.

Then start flying in one direction.

At the same time, he has informed Lan Yuan Zunzu and the others to gather all the people in the Hongmeng Realm.

He wants to inspire the human race.

You can't go to the forbidden area and catch so many ancient beasts of the peak of the lord, and then it's wasted?

Of course you have to use it!

The three of them are still greeting the two men who led the way, thinking that they will have a very good future in the future, thinking that they should be like the dragon escape, and they will soon become the ancestors, because they are also prepared. Favored by the big man, Invincible Zunzu!

That's right, just now, Zun Zu Lan Yuan received a message from Long Yu.

Yesterday, the dragon escape, who was still the pinnacle of the lord, has actually broken through to the ancestor realm!

He said that when he was in that world, watching Chen Ping'an fight, and when he was side by side with Chen Ping'an, he had some insights. After returning to the Hongmeng Realm, he began to retreat to understand.

Unexpectedly, after just one night, he said that he had broken through to the ancestral realm!

Now these two men who lead the way are related to the invincible ancestors, and their strength is also the peak of the lords. The people who break through to the ancestors realm later, who else could they be?

Of course, when they heard the news from Chen Ping'an, they also immediately idled the two leading men, and began to do as Chen Ping'an ordered to notify all the forces in the Hongmeng world.

At the same time, they were also thinking about what the big guy, Invincible Zunzu, gathered them together this time.

They knew that Wudi Zunzu went to the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng to save his wife not long ago.

Could it be that they were not rescued, they were so embarrassed that they were going to take their human race directly into the forbidden area and end the so-called layout ahead of schedule? !

If so, it would be fun to watch.

After Chen Ping'an said a word, the entire Hongmeng world began to shake.

All the forces with some status in the Hongmeng Realm began to rush to the central area of ​​the Hongmeng Realm.

When these people gathered, Chen Pingan took some time and brought Duan Xinxin and the others back to the yard.

As soon as he returned to the yard, Chen Pingan saw Xiao Linger who was sitting on the threshold and waiting nervously.

After Xiaolinger felt Chen Ping'an's appearance, she looked quickly.

When she saw that Duan Xinxin standing beside Chen Ping'an was safe and sound, she didn't say anything, just trotted over and hugged her tightly. Even if she was crowded out by the mountain, she didn't resist this time.

Duan Xinxin looked at the little Linger whose head was almost gone.

"I'm fine." Duan Xinxin smiled bitterly.

Xiaolinger's eyes were a little rosy, and she said weakly: "Sister Xinxin, I... I'm really afraid that I will sleep in the future, and there will be no mountains to chase me..."

Duan Xinxin: "..."

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