When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 974: The den of the ancient beasts of the ancestral realm

The Qingzi ancient beast froze in place, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

It quickly got out of the state of cultivation, and then began to contact the spies that it sent out to monitor everything in the Hongmeng Realm.

It felt that this feeling must have a great relationship with the Great Emperor Ping An.

Maybe those people in the Hongmeng Realm are acting as demons again!

Moreover, this time it seems to be more powerful than the last time!

that's all.

Half an hour passed.

Through layers of messages, the spies from the Hongmeng Realm finally came back.

It's just that the Terran didn't do anything.

Business as usual!

Qingzi Ancient Beast pondered on the spot.

"Is this the so-called calm before the storm comes?"

It felt very wrong.

But I can't tell what that feeling is.

and where does this feeling come from.

"Why don't I have a meeting with them again?" Qingzi ancient beast had such an idea.

But when he thinks that he uses this kind of thing that can be said to have no evidence, just relying on feeling, or even some nonsense, to gather his nine-headed ancient beast companions, I am afraid that there is a risk of being beaten.

After all, the ancient giant beasts were warned before they left last time, and the next time must be a major event before they can be summoned...

After thinking about it for a long time, Qingzi Ancient Beast finally had no choice but to give up, and then continued to send letters to the spies he sent out, so that they could monitor everything in the Hongmeng Realm.

If something major happens in the Hongmeng Realm, you must report it to it as soon as possible!

After being instructed, the ancient Qingzi beast is ready to continue to cultivate. Now, after a period of cultivation, it has cultivated to the ancestor realm by virtue of its previous cultivation experience and some remaining resources.

But now its strength is only similar to that of ordinary ancestors, and its combat power is less than one-tenth of the peak period.

"You have to keep working hard! In one year, you should be able to bring your cultivation back to the peak period! By the way, the resources are not enough now, and the subordinate forces have to hand over some more!"

It is also the strongest and most powerful ancient beast in the Hongmeng forbidden area, and it controls a large area of ​​land in its hands.

Among them, there are ten ancient beast tribes, and it has not let these tribes hand in resources for a while.

It called one of its subordinates and said, "Go to other tribes and ask them to hand over resources!"

The man nodded and left.


Chen Ping'an put the kitchen knives into a space and flew towards the Hongmeng forbidden area at full speed.

His speed was extremely fast. It was obvious that he was in the center of the Hongmeng Realm when he appeared in the Hongmeng Realm, but in less than half an hour, he had already reached the barrier between the Hongmeng Realm and the Hongmeng Forbidden Realm.

He also said nothing, plunged into the purple enchantment, and then took out his clone to create a treasure that could track the trail. After determining the direction, he flew in one direction.


A place deeper in the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng.

At this moment, Duan Xinxin was still running for her life at full speed, and she could still feel that there were chasing soldiers behind her.

But at this moment, she suddenly stopped and found that there was a great crisis in front of her.

There was nothing in front of her naked eyes, and it was still the same as the environment she had just passed by. The reason why she felt that there was a crisis was entirely based on intuition.

Her intuition has always been accurate. If she flew forward, she would be in great danger!

She looked to the left, then to the right, and finally found that no matter which way she looked, the intuition was still there.

"No way, I'll see what's ahead!" Duan Xinxin didn't know why Zhao Buzhu, who was behind her, could keep following her. After all, the distance they kept was quite far, but this guy was pretending to be a dog's nose. It's the same, that you can always find her.

She suspected that there were ancient beasts with extremely strong tracking ability around Zhao Buzhu, who could keep track of them by smell.

She really guessed it, Zhao Buzhu did have nine dog-like shapes around him at this moment, but they were huge, ancient beasts like hills, pulling him to fly forward in front of him.

He also enjoys it, so he made a sedan and treated the Nine-Headed Ancient Beast as a horse, while lying in the car and enjoying himself.

Duan Xinxin continued to fly forward for a while, and at this time, she finally knew how that dangerous intuition had come.

In front of the feelings is a tribe of ancient beasts! !

In front of her is a desert.

This desert is different from other yellow sand deserts, but a red desert!

The sand on the ground seemed to flow, like blood, and the steaming heat also distorted the void in the sky.

In this desert, Duan Xinxin saw one giant pit after another.

She can feel a strong aura from these giant pits, and there is an ancient beast, or several ancient beasts in the sand pit!

"Damn, this is not going to be in the pile of ancient beasts!" Duan Xinxin's face darkened.

There was a desert in front of her, and she had nowhere to go.

There are chasing soldiers in the back and tigers in front, which is so uncomfortable!

Fortunately, at this time, she saw a strange building edge on the right edge.

"That's... a city?!"

Suddenly her eyes lit up.

I don't understand why there are cities in the Hongmeng forbidden area.

She also started flying over there without saying a word, and now she can only go to see what's going on there.

After flying for a while, she also got close to the city.

Only then did I find out, what kind of city is this? This **** is a huge sand pit, but there are rows of walls around this sand pit!

"Could it be that in this pile of ancient beasts, the more powerful beings inhabited?!"

After she entered the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng, she has always restrained her breath, so the cultivation of the ancestors realm has been restrained very well by her, and the powerful ancient beasts nearby cannot sense her, but she can feel the back of the city wall. The terrifying cultivation base in the giant pit.

There is definitely an ancient beast in the ancestral realm!

Moreover, the strength of this ancient beast in the ancestral realm is probably much stronger than her!

Looking behind her, she felt that the danger that Zhao Buzhu brought her was getting closer and closer. After gritting her teeth, she decided to enter and try to avoid it!

When she thought about it, Zhao Buzhu was also a human being. Even if he could strangely control hundreds of ancient beasts, he would not dare to offend an ancient beast in the ancestral realm.

After all, when she was fighting with Zhao Buzhu, Zhao Buzhu and the ancient beasts couldn't crush her, but the ancient beasts in the city wall gave her the feeling that they were stronger than her. Maybe Zhao Buzhu saw it after seeing it. , did not dare to approach.

But if she enters inside, she must be silent, and she must restrain all the breath!

"Fortunately, I have the convergence technique taught by Xianggong! And the concealment technique! As long as the nose of the ancient beast is not too flexible, it should not find me!"

After completely restraining her cultivation base, she now looks like a mortal. As long as she doesn't attack, it is generally difficult to see her situation.

She jumped up and entered the city wall directly.

Then run away in one direction.

Not long after, Zhao Buzhu and the nine ancient beasts who were extremely good at tracking scents came to the city wall.

"It's inside?" Zhao Buzhu looked at the ancient beasts who were pulling him in front of him, as if he could understand the thoughts of these ancient beasts.

Looking ahead, looking at the city wall, he frowned. The first thought was that there was a city wall here, and he also felt the power of the ancient beasts inside the city wall. He could not control the ancient beasts in the ancestral realm. The head ancient beast is also much stronger than other ancient beasts in the ancestor realm!

He hesitated, but he knew from the ancient beasts who were good at tracking that Duan Xinxin was not moving in the city wall now, so he decided to try to discuss with the ancient beasts inside!

As for the other side.

Chen Ping'an's clone has been on the way with the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

When he was on his way, he was still immersed in deductions.

If you can't play the position of your daughter-in-law once, you will play it twice.

He felt that he would always find something.

At a certain moment, he finally deduced some traces.

"That direction!"

Chen Ping'an deduced to one direction, then turned a small corner and rushed straight away.

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